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US players, Which is easier to cashout: Bodog, Playersonly, or Carbon? US players, Which is easier to cashout: Bodog, Playersonly, or Carbon?

04-16-2011 , 10:38 AM

If you have had good or bad experiences on the following 3 sites
1. Bodog
2. Playersonly
3. Carbon

as far as cashing out, please post them here:

Thank you,
US players, Which is easier to cashout: Bodog, Playersonly, or Carbon? Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:39 PM
Nice timing.
US players, Which is easier to cashout: Bodog, Playersonly, or Carbon? Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:51 PM
I'm also curious about this (as well as for other sites), but I find it difficult to imagine any meaningful number of regulars of any of these sites are going to come out and endorse them, encouraging the numerous displaced regs from Stars/FTP to come on over. So we just end up with affiliates and others with a vested interest in the sites commenting instead. Its the reason I didn't make this thread!
US players, Which is easier to cashout: Bodog, Playersonly, or Carbon? Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:52 PM
US players, Which is easier to cashout: Bodog, Playersonly, or Carbon? Quote
04-16-2011 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by mighty maron
=bot infested
US players, Which is easier to cashout: Bodog, Playersonly, or Carbon? Quote
