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10-28-2010 , 09:15 PM
Anyone know anything about them? seems to be the only place to accept my united states visa. Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:22 PM
If you do deposit there, try and transfer it to FT or PS.

Plenty of info on them that would make you not want to play there. Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:28 PM
Steer clear my friend. Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mscimitar
If you do deposit there, try and transfer it to FT or PS.

Plenty of info on them that would make you not want to play there.
Any suggestions on where I can easily change it over? Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by LCSelfMade
Any suggestions on where I can easily change it over? Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 09:48 PM
Don't do it bro Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 10:43 PM should be the last site to check even for american!

P.S use the search engine. Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Dlogic should be the last site to check even for american!

P.S use the search engine.
I did use the search engine but the thing is I cant find a site that accepts my visa other than them. Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 10:54 PM
yeah i admit even with the search engine, sometime you end up searching alot!

Can't help you, i live in a free country so no restriction for deposit .

C'mon american 2+2ers help him. Comments On Them? Quote
10-28-2010 , 11:13 PM
I'm guessing that you haven't tried to deposit yet? It will most likely be declined.

Deposit with bank transfer/echeck on FTP or Stars. Comments On Them? Quote
10-29-2010 , 01:15 AM
Felt stars takes credit cards. Comments On Them? Quote
10-29-2010 , 05:07 AM
What's so wrong with UB? Comments On Them? Quote
10-29-2010 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Milnzor
What's so wrong with UB?
Start here: Comments On Them? Quote
10-29-2010 , 06:21 AM
Originally Posted by Milnzor
What's so wrong with UB?
Well, here's what I posted about them back in January:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I stopped playing on Cereus before the whole cheating scandal. They had terrible CS, and had made a habit of changing their bonus terms retroactively, which, BTW, is much worse than your description of "cancelling a bonus gift". People make deposits there on the understanding that, in return, they receive a bonus with certain terms and conditions. For a site to turn around afterwards and change those terms and conditions and apply them to a bonus they already gave, is extremely scummy IMO. They did this a couple of times pre-scandal, changing the clearance rates.

Then there was the cheating scandal. The one where they actually left a vulnerability in their software so that certain logins could see hole cards during play, something that is not needed and never should have been possible. Then they did everything they could to sweep it under the rug. Then when the evidence had finally piled up so high that they couldn't deny it any longer, they finally started sending out refunds. My understanding is that to this day, there are still people who claim they are owed money and that Cereus has never come clean with all the superuser account names.

But what really irks me about it all is how they've handled themselves since the scandal. If it were my company, and I was caught up in a nightmare scenario like that, I'd be bending over backwards to show how I was going to change things. Cereus never has IMO. Some people say their CS is good now; I'm not sure if that's just sample size or if it's really true. Some of their actions make me wonder.

So, what did they get up to last year?
  • Changing their bonus deductions from rake (for those who have rakeback) to 50%, but taking it from the affiliates' commissions rather than from the rake like every other site does, resulting in an effective rake deduction of more than 100%. Of course none of the players or affiliates knew anything about this, and when confronted, Cereus changed things so they would instead deduct 100% from the MGR. When players ask about the change, all Cereus' CS tells them is that it was made at the affiliates' request, with no further explanation. This leaves players wondering why their affiliates would request greater deductions.
  • Changing their system so antes no longer count as contributions for the purposes of point accumulation. Of course they don't give any advance warning of this change, and it applies to outstanding bonuses.
  • Retroactively changing everyone's bonuses from non-expiring to 90 days. And not 90 days from the change, but 90 days from whenever they deposited for the bonus under the condition that it wouldn't have an expiry date. And, not that it would make a difference, but once again, no one is told. So players log on one day to find that hundreds or even thousands of dollars in bonuses they had pending are suddenly gone.
  • A month later, they changed the bonus terms again, retroactively, to 60 days.
The good? Excellent cashouts. Apparently they have soft players. That's about it IMO. Now I can can see how that might be enough for some American players. They don't have a lot of choices, so while I wouldn't recommend it, I can understand to a certain extent why they might hold their nose and give it a go. But if you're like OP, and you're going to be looking over your shoulder all the time wondering if you're getting cheated, don't play there.

And if you're not American, there is no excuse to be playing there. Cereusly.
And since then...
  • Despite the fact that they should have the most vigilant security of any site after the superuser scandal, they had a major security problem uncovered by PTR.
  • Shills discovered posting here on 2+2.
  • Another ownership change, once again lacking in transparency.
When will it end? Who knows! Likely never, as I last posted this a couple of weeks ago, and of course there's a new one to add:
You couldn't make this stuff up. But with Cereus, you don't need to! Comments On Them? Quote
10-29-2010 , 06:27 AM
Damn shame about the Keno. Wanted to go crush a few 7-spotters Comments On Them? Quote
10-30-2010 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by txpstwx
I'm guessing that you haven't tried to deposit yet? It will most likely be declined.

Deposit with bank transfer/echeck on FTP or Stars.
I did deposit, its the only site that takes my visa Comments On Them? Quote
10-30-2010 , 01:59 AM
OP is correct. UB/Absolute is the only site that accepts my Visa, which btw is the card that my state uses for child support payouts and unemployment.

OP, if you wanna deposit 20 or 40 dollars to play around with, that might and I stress might be ok. I deposited 20 when I first started and before I found 2+2 and read the scandal threads and have been able to donk around at the micros there just for fun. Do NOT put anything serious on your account there. My guess is the site won't be around much longer and even if it is, your money is NOT safe there. Games are very soft though. Comments On Them? Quote
10-30-2010 , 06:47 AM
There are some blogs out and about concerning UB and the cheating scandal, which I keep up with. There are some concerns regarding UB's liquidity and financial stability mostly stemming from their default on a promissory note to the former ownership. When poker sites fold, there is a decent chance that player accounts are not honored -- and UB is exactly the sort of site which would pack it up and run with your money imo.

In light of this and the (probably) off chance that you might get cheated, etc., I would avoid playing there, or at least try to maintain a low balance.

P.S. Yeah the games are soft duper soft, so to some extent it's a calculated risk you might be willing to take. Comments On Them? Quote
10-30-2010 , 06:57 AM
Site has to be legit.....Hellmuth does their ads. Comments On Them? Quote
10-30-2010 , 09:18 PM
This is what I did, I deposited $20, Min. cash out is $100 so everytime I get to atleast $120 I will take $100 out. =] Also seeing that the competition is soft, I look at it as easy come up until I get my bank account straight for pokerstars or full tilt. Comments On Them? Quote
10-30-2010 , 10:09 PM
One of the best thread about them(nice research) after reading this, someone with common sense will not support them! Comments On Them? Quote
10-31-2010 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
Felt stars takes credit cards.
Before anyone believes this shilly crap Felt Stars is a shady site that is a Futurebet. Comments On Them? Quote
