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Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included)

04-17-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by BadBeatsComing
Look, I do not seek an argument with a 30 post troll. I was simply stating a fact to shine light on your (obvious) ignorance of the situation. Just because a law was created under a republican administration does not mean that it wont be enforced under a democratic one.
Google "Defense of Marriage Act," oh mighty 130 post veteran, and get back to me. On the topic of ignorance.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Handbaggio
I know I shouldn't feed the idiot but really. Get ur facts right Progretti. The entire world bar the US player base can still carry on as normal (CURRENTLY) , THIS INCLUDES CASHING OUT, PLAYER TRANSFERS AND DEPOSITING.

Stop assuming that just because the indictment names 72 accounts frzen around the world, this includes money belonging to European/Asian/Australasian clients. There might be 500 accounts in total but only 72 have been seized. You don't know so stop talking drivel.

Also ... someone mentioned they're just paying people out of a 'reserve', because there's no money left in the bank? lol. A reserve, is a bank account. So that's a little bit silly...
OK you don't understand. If you think that there are 500 financial institutions who use a total of 4-processing agents in the U.S to facilitate transactions, and that the US Department of Justice, with unlimited investigative resources worldwide, have actually missed the other 325 banks conducting fraud, then I think you need to get your head out of the sand.

I hope you CAN cash a check, I really do!
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by frobosh
It's just amazing to watch people trying to blame this action on Christians and conservatives, considering that those responsible -- the DOJ and the current Administration -- are the furthest left in American history.

That has to be one of the most ******ed things I've read in this entire thread.

Blaming conservatives and Christians for this mess might be an overshot, but calling the Obama administration the furthest left in American history is just WOW. Apparently you've never heard of FDR or Carter.

Do yourself a favor and STFU before you manage to make yourself look even more uneducated.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by frobosh
Google "Defense of Marriage Act," oh mighty 130 post veteran, and get back to me. On the topic of ignorance.
You're straying completely from the subject.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by frobosh
It's just amazing to watch people trying to blame this action on Christians and conservatives, considering that those responsible -- the DOJ and the current Administration -- are the furthest left in American history.
How is the current Administration responsible at all? I'm baffled as to what they have to do with this.

The UIGEA was put into place in that Ports and Harbor Act or whatever it was called by a Republican congress in 2006 as part of this big anti-terrorism home land security stuff.

The current administration has nothing to do with this, they took no stance on poker. Several Democrats like Harry Reid are trying to legalize and regulate poker. Several Republicans like Jon Kyl and Bob Goodlatte are trying to stop that from happening.

The DoJ is obviously a mix of political parties, but that doesn't even matter for them as they are just upholding the law, whether they agree with the law or not. Once they found this Australian guy defrauding banks the process started and it led to the government realizing they could seize $3b and now here we are. Of course they would follow up and try to seize $3b.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Reptar7
How is the current Administration responsible at all? I'm baffled as to what they have to do with this.

The UIGEA was put into place in that Ports and Harbor Act or whatever it was called by a Republican congress in 2006 as part of this big anti-terrorism home land security stuff.

The current administration has nothing to do with this, they took no stance on poker. Several Democrats like Harry Reid are trying to legalize and regulate poker. Several Republicans like Jon Kyl and Bob Goodlatte are trying to stop that from happening.

The DoJ is obviously a mix of political parties, but that doesn't even matter for them as they are just upholding the law, whether they agree with the law or not. Once they found this Australian guy defrauding banks the process started and it led to the government realizing they could seize $3b and now here we are. Of course they would follow up and try to seize $3b.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by frobosh
And the Bush Administration shut down all the poker sites and seized their funds... well, when, exactly?
I don't think you understand what the President does. It wasn't actually George W. Bush who told Party Poker to shut down in 06 just like it wasn't actually Obama who told Stars and Tilt to shut down Friday. The laws are congressional, enforcement is Department of Justice.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Progretti
OK you don't understand. If you think that there are 500 financial institutions who use a total of 4-processing agents in the U.S to facilitate transactions, and that the US Department of Justice, with unlimited investigative resources worldwide, have actually missed the other 325 banks conducting fraud, then I think you need to get your head out of the sand.

I hope you CAN cash a check, I really do!

Why am I still wasting my time talking to a numbskull?

I have already cashed out. TWICE since Friday AND I HAVE RECEIVED THE MONEY IN MY NETELLER ACCOUNT as per previous posts. This is same story for other players that I am friends with.

You've read that the DoJ document says they have applied for seizure of funds from 72 bank accounts worldwide. And you fail to comprehend that these sites still have other bank accounts used to hold European client's money that have not been frozen.

Please explain to me, and every other player in the entire world how Pokerstars is still magically cashing out within a few hours when you request it, if the money is not coming from a bank account?

Anyway thanks for the trolling, I'll stop replying now.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by BadBeatsComing
Look, I do not seek an argument with a 30 post troll. I was simply stating a fact to shine light on your (obvious) ignorance of the situation. Just because a law was created under a republican administration does not mean that it wont be enforced under a democratic one.
Especially considering when the law was passed, nearly every single democratic member of the House and Senate voted for the bill.

Those trying to make this a partisan issue = fail
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:06 PM
banhammers gonna be coming for all this political crap!
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by PLIKITYPLAK
Especially considering when the law was passed, nearly every single democratic member of the House and Senate voted for the bill.

Those trying to make this a partisan issue = fail
I agree. It's not fair to turn this into left vs. right.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Handbaggio
Why am I still wasting my time talking to a numbskull?

I have already cashed out. TWICE since Friday AND I HAVE RECEIVED THE MONEY IN MY NETELLER ACCOUNT as per previous posts. This is same story for other players that I am friends with.

You've read that the DoJ document says they have applied for seizure of funds from 72 bank accounts worldwide. And you fail to comprehend that these sites still have other bank accounts used to hold European client's money that have not been frozen.

Please explain to me, and every other player in the entire world how Pokerstars is still magically cashing out within a few hours when you request it, if the money is not coming from a bank account?

Anyway thanks for the trolling, I'll stop replying now.

The 3 poker sites have amassed a HUGE amount of trading credit with Ne-teller, first of all. These are called credit swaps. When these Ne- teller cash credit reserves RUN DRY, the show is over. Secondly... you DONK... I hope to see you get that cash from net teller into your bank ASAP. These are short term solutions to your getting you fifty-bucks back. What about the BILLIONS of dollars shown as account balances in players accounts worldwide?

I'm glad you got your money into net teller. Thats great for you!
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Progretti
The 3 poker sites have amassed a HUGE amount of trading credit with Ne-teller, first of all. These are called credit swaps. When these Ne- teller cash credit reserves RUN DRY, the show is over. Secondly... you DONK... I hope to see you get that cash from net teller into your bank ASAP. These are short term solutions to your getting you fifty-bucks back. What about the BILLIONS of dollars shown as account balances in players accounts worldwide?

I'm glad you got your money into net teller. Thats great for you!
Some of us have a little bit more than fifty-bucks that are kind of stuck right now.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:17 PM
LOL jesus christ! You're hilarious.

You stated, nobody can get any money out. No matter what country they are in. Remember? So I proved you wrong.

Do you think neteller & co are stupid enough to start offering extensions on huge credit agreements after hearing what's happened?

I also have a cashout on it's way to my bank to see if that works, as do several friends. These are expected to hit midweek.

Anyway, I'm posting with FACTS so people can see for themselves that (CURRENTLY) people are still being paid, as normal. Apart from smug misinformation, what have you given to this thread?

Good night
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:19 PM
Yeah, and if you read back through the thread I already posted my ideas of what will happen to US accounts.

Just because you're upset and angry, doesn't mean you can troll this thread with total nonsense.

Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Handbaggio
LOL jesus christ! You're hilarious.

You stated, nobody can get any money out. No matter what country they are in. Remember? So I proved you wrong.

Do you think neteller & co are stupid enough to start offering extensions on huge credit agreements after hearing what's happened?

I also have a cashout on it's way to my bank to see if that works, as do several friends. These are expected to hit midweek.

Anyway, I'm posting with FACTS so people can see for themselves that (CURRENTLY) people are still being paid, as normal. Apart from smug misinformation, what have you given to this thread?

Good night

This is what you said:

"Do you think neteller & co are stupid enough to start offering extensions on huge credit agreements after hearing what's happened?"

I sincerely hope you get your money mid-week next week.

Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Handbaggio
Do you think neteller & co are stupid enough to start offering extensions on huge credit agreements after hearing what's happened?
The major sites have reserves with the major processors. This is why you can recieve a cashout even during non-business hours. When you make a cashout to neteller, theres not some little guy that runs your money from the pokerstars offices to the neteller offices.

Im glad you got your cashout, but it proves nothing except that neteller's and MB's reserves havent been frozen/confiscated (which isnt surprising, these are neteller accounts, not PS/FT accounts). Those reserves have to be replenished for things to keep operating this way though. We don't know (though it seems likely) if the ps/ft accounts replenishing those reserves are frozen.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-17-2011 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by RockardGB
Jesus,this really brought all the inbreds out of the closet.
Pokerstars pays 10`s of millions in taxes to the British government,completely legally and regulated.All player funds are held in segregated accounts by law.The US can`t just come in and seize it all however powerful you may think they are.48 hours have passed and lo and behold the sites are still running.
There was still 240k players online earlier even without US players.Online poker will easily survive for the rest of the world.I feel sorry for the genuine players,pro and recreational alike who are affected by this.I hope one day a worldwide player base can be established again.
Weirdofish and all his cronies doing the scaremongering please GTFO.You are just losing players trolling.Very annoying trolls at that.
Yeah, just started scanning down pages, looks like this thread was turning into a rigtard fest. Thanks for something to read out of 3 + pages (I do more than 15 posts per page).
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-18-2011 , 12:49 AM
So instead of us acting like a bunch of axxholes to eachother, lets try to actually do something about this.

how would one actually get poker (with real money bets) legalized in the U.S.? What steps would one take.

And please dont just paste a link to something no one will read.

Lets get constructive here.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by inkexit
So instead of us acting like a bunch of axxholes to eachother, lets try to actually do something about this.

how would one actually get poker (with real money bets) legalized in the U.S.? What steps would one take.

And please dont just paste a link to something no one will read.

Lets get constructive here.
yea u sound real constructive. that link to the action plan sounds like a great place for american poker players to start. seems to be the thing that has taken off the most.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
yea u sound real constructive. that link to the action plan sounds like a great place for american poker players to start. seems to be the thing that has taken off the most.
Could you re-post that link?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:10 AM
Geez people, enough with the politarding already. We had finally gotten away from that, don't drag us down that road again.

Originally Posted by AEPpoker
I honestly dont understand this position.

You get that the DOJ either knows where all the money is and has frozen it (or soon will), right.

yes, transactions are going through on NT and MB etc, but those are probably only tansactions on the reserve. The bank accounts that feed the reserve presumably arent feeding it anymore.
First of all, there's no point in me panicking over the money I have on FT. Either I'll get it, or I won't. I only have about $1,000 there, which I'd be very frustrated about losing, but it wouldn't be life-changing, so I know that's easier for me to say than some others.

But right now, I still believe I'll get it. Maybe I'm naive; time will tell. I'm not as firm a believer as some of you that the long arm of the US law can reach out and grab everyone's money based on their interpretation of some pretty questionable laws.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Progretti
The 3 poker sites have amassed a HUGE amount of trading credit with Ne-teller, first of all. These are called credit swaps. When these Ne- teller cash credit reserves RUN DRY, the show is over. Secondly... you DONK... I hope to see you get that cash from net teller into your bank ASAP. These are short term solutions to your getting you fifty-bucks back. What about the BILLIONS of dollars shown as account balances in players accounts worldwide?

I'm glad you got your money into net teller. Thats great for you!
Netteller, moneybookers... and bank transfers... all have been passing with EU players, so stop doing assumptions just to put fear into people. People in the EU are still able to withdraw like before...
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-18-2011 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Geez people, enough with the politarding already. We had finally gotten away from that, don't drag us down that road again.
Yeah, I apologize for setting it off again. I actually didnt post that in this thread, it was merged from another, but I shouldve just kept it to myself and not posted it anywhere in Internet Poker. This isnt the place for that discussion even if its relevant.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
