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Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included)

04-16-2011 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
This is actually starting to be funny. A law was created by the people we all voted in and now that it's being enforced everyone is mad? I think I'm going to pick out a different law to be pissed next time it's enforced.
The Law was brought in through a different bill altogether. Of course people have the right to be pissed when the shady Government does this **** with THE PEOPLES money.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:50 AM
So any guesses when this will all be resolved by?

I really want to play
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
Pokerstars are required to hold all players funds in segregated accounts specifically for this reason. These accounts aren't used for operational expenses, they just hold the money. They have your money.
This is what they tell us. They also told US banks that they were things they were not. I hope you are right but I have my doubts.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by ripped
The Law was brought in through a different bill altogether. Of course people have the right to be pissed when the shady Government does this **** with THE PEOPLES money.
not only that, but this is a online poker forum...did you expect us to be happy about this?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
This is actually starting to be funny. A law was created by the people we all voted in and now that it's being enforced everyone is mad? I think I'm going to pick out a different law to be pissed next time it's enforced.
cmon now.

You mean the piggy backed UIGEA that no one was voting on that was attached at the last minute to a completely non related must-pass bill?

Don't act so naive like people actually voted the UIGEA in.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:52 AM
My last withdrawal was last week and I got it back in like 2 days..... Is there no chance of me getting it now?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by rainbow57
did you know wynn ended their relationship with pokerstars today? just curious because people keep posting this article and i wonder why?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by ripped
Getting it out today or 5 months from now would be the same IMO. They will either be able to pay you or not. It wont matter when since the funds are all seized.
Are you saying that we can't withdraw from FT or Stars?

Or only americans?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by ChawkDee
Are you saying that we can't withdraw from FT or Stars?

Or only americans?
Not saying that at all Im just worried that even if we do withdraw that the money will never come is my concern.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by ChawkDee
Are you saying that we can't withdraw from FT or Stars?
You can try.

But think about it. There have been withdrawal problems (for a lot of people) before any of this, and that was just a normal amount of withdrawals.

Now multiply that on steroids where everyone thinks the sky is falling, cashing out entire rolls added with the fact that the US is finally on to the tricks theyve been using for cashouts and seized money from many bank accounts is all equals to (at the least) cashouts will take some time.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
Whether you or someone you asked to break a law was breaking a law makes no difference. I don't like this either but we all knew that it wasn't legal to facilitate transactions from bank accounts to or from gambling sites.
I think he's just taking offense to this part

"A law was created by the people we all voted in".

this is not true. that's all he's saying.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
I'm naive and you believe this magically appeared without anyone knowing about it. LOL. Good one.
You clearly know dick about politics if you think that midnight rules and 11th hour shady additions to legislation don't happen.

Hell Harry Reid was trying to do it for our side but the repubs were actually anticipating it.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
This is actually starting to be funny. A law was created by the people we all voted in and now that it's being enforced everyone is mad? I think I'm going to pick out a different law to be pissed next time it's enforced.
WTF are u talking about?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:00 AM
Played on FTP earlier tonight. JUst checked and all US players are now blocked from real money.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
I'm naive and you believe this magically appeared without anyone knowing about it. LOL. Good one.
yes it did. it was last minute piggy backed on a big bill
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
I'm naive and you believe this magically appeared without anyone knowing about it. LOL. Good one.
It was hidden in a huge must pass bill and never voted on. You are obviously either trolling or were not around in 06 to even know wtf happened.

SOOO many new trolls ITT tonight. Guess the losing players need some entertainment tonight since they cant spend their paychecks on a Friday night.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:01 AM
dunno if it's been posted itt but there's a live discussion here:
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:02 AM
Without messing around, the money is gone, its not coming back. The US government is going to go hard after these people, and there is no reason to give the funds back. They are going to keep it or the gov is gonna keep it. They will never operate in the US again. This is not like b4, its over, they will legalize it and the us casinos will have control. This will have a huge ripple effect on Pokerstars the big game, espn advertising. These sites cant promote the tv shows anymore and they wont advertise. Sorry but its the truth and the reason u are panicking is bc deep down u all know it.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by HarryBalzak
It's very true that people that US voters voted in are responsible for the creation of laws.

sure, but that is not what you said the first time.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by FuzzyDunflop
You can try.

But think about it. There have been withdrawal problems (for a lot of people) before any of this, and that was just a normal amount of withdrawals.

Now multiply that on steroids where everyone thinks the sky is falling, cashing out entire rolls added with the fact that the US is finally on to the tricks theyve been using for cashouts and seized money from many bank accounts is all equals to (at the least) cashouts will take some time.

The indictment lists hundreds of bank accounts spread across the world. None of those accounts, as far as i know, can be touched. No if, ands, or buts about it.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:05 AM
Before I tried to cash out and it worked, well went into "processing" on FTP but got an email an hour later saying it was declined. Now (trying Bank Transfer) when you click it a box pops up and says:

"Due to legal enforcement actions which have been undertaken in the US today regarding Full Tilt Poker, Deposits and Withdrawals are temporarily suspended. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We will update you as soon as possible" Or we might not, we'll see what we want to do, Later sucker!

--Really sucks that I'm up big tonight at CAP on tilt, of course this would happen, why am i even playing still?
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:05 AM
This isn't a bad thing for the future for online poker, rather a much needed move to clean house of the corrupt poker sites that were blatantly disregarding U.S. law.

The Feds don't just unseal an indictment hoping their case is going to stick, they got a pretty good case here. These sites were committing FRAUD. The fact (allegedly, lol) they were committing fraud points to what other activities they might have been doing behind the scenes. I don't doubt for a second there were other activities they were doing to favor one player over another. Once again, they were committing FRAUD here people, it destroys any trust they may have, at least in my mind.

These sites were siphoning money off of US soil. And for all you that are saying "write your congressman!" are in the minority. Go get a job and do something constructive with your life. So cry to each other and tell everyone how this is so unfair, but at the end of the day you were partaking in an illegal activity and breaking the law.

I hope the Feds seize records and go after all the tax cheats. Remember...even if you derive your income from an illegal activity, you still have to report it. Statute of limitations on tax fraud is indefinite in the event the IRS thinks you were deliberately evading income tax. I hope a few examples are made of the bigger players.

My view is the majority view point on this, if it wasn't, then it would already be legalized. The US has bigger problems than to waste their time setting up a new regulatory agency in the US Treasury Department to regulate this activity. The Feds aimed to stop the outflow of US dollars and they just did. It's about freaking time.

And yes, I'm writing my Congressman too...asking them the exact opposite of what all you are doing. Shut them down.

OK, let me have it all you 20 something’s!
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by TotallyTilted
Played on FTP earlier tonight. JUst checked and all US players are now blocked from real money.
I'm in US playing real money right now. 50nl rush. Working fine for the moment.
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
04-16-2011 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by fun160
By taking over one-sixth of the American economy and pushing the budget deficit to levels not seen since the end of World War II???

Obama is a socialist who is committed to destroying America.

p.s. When is Obama's birthday? How do you know, since he's never produced a birth certificate?

glenn beck for president
Trouble: Online poker web sites seized by the FBI (Stars + Tilt included) Quote
