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THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker

08-24-2011 , 02:24 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-24-2011 , 02:35 PM
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-24-2011 , 04:48 PM

If the form on PPA site doesn't work for your people, just google their name to get to their website and contact form.

Neither of my senators (Alabama) could be reached through the PPA pages -- no matter what I tried. But it's still not a lot of work to just go to their websites, click on "contact" and get it done.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-24-2011 , 07:29 PM
We're at 75 participants so far (I have ninja skills that allow me to look up the number ). Let's get 25 more for another triple-digit day.

Last edited by Rich Muny; 08-24-2011 at 09:43 PM.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-24-2011 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by otter
Sent it last time and I sent it again: -).

Would it be helpful to say where we are? I'm in Michigan
In my new role, I can actually check.

Distribution is pretty much in line with population, except for Minnesota. MN led the pack for this alert. Perhaps the MN posters here saw for themselves what grassroots action can accomplish in our fight against that state's proposal to ISP-block online poker, so they tend to participate more.

Total letters sent in 2011 is in the six figures, so well done all!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-25-2011 , 01:37 AM
We topped 100 participants again! Great job everyone.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-25-2011 , 03:11 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will you take a few moments to stand up for poker? It will take you just ten seconds. Thank you for participating!
  1. Click HERE and HERE to send debt super committee co-chair Sen. Patty Murray prefilled pro-poker Twitter messages (it's editable, of course).
  2. "Like" Sen. Murray's Facebook page HERE (you can unlike the page when you're done if you'd like) then
  3. Like the pro-poker posts HERE (the first poker comment is Aug. "View Previous Comments a few times to see them all)
  4. Please ask your spouse/S.O., friends, family, and others to participate as well.

If you wish to do more today:

Recurring action: Tell the Debt Super Committee to Include Online Poker Legislation

U.S. House and Senate leaders have appointed twelve members of Congress to serve on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. This “super committee" is charged with developing policies to reduce the U.S. deficit. This is a great opportunity for us to make our voices heard. Let's go to their Facebook pages and let them know that we want them to take action on the online poker issue!

The names with an “x” in front of them are those who do not allow direct posting on their Facebook wall. Simply post a comment in response to an appropriate post (i.e., one suitable for a pro-poker comment) already on the page. PLEASE remember to say please and thank you. Courtesy goes a long way.

Let's all also remember to revisit these walls to like the pro-poker posts and comments made since your last visit. Thanks!

We have seen triple-digit participation for the last SEVEN actions! Let's all to our part to bump this action to triple digits as well.

Here's the Super Committee:


Co-Chair -- x Jeb Hensarling: Facebook Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact
Dave Camp: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact
Fred Upton: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact

x Rob Portman: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact (site set to censor the word "poker")
x Jon Kyl: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment (actively deletes pro-poker posts) Contact
Patrick Toomey: Facebook Facebook (second site was actively deleting pro-poker posts, but now appears to be allowing them to stay) Twitter Contact


x James Clyburn: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment (first site set to censor the word "poker") Facebook (second site permits direct posting) Twitter Contact
x Xavier Becerra: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact
Chris Van Hollen: Facebook Twitter Contact

Co-Chair -- x Patty Murray: Facebook Twitter Facebook post on which we can comment Contact (the post for us to use to post comments is a few weeks old...might be better to use Twitter here)
x Max Baucus: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Contact (it's not Rep. Spencer Bachus, so please don't blast him! ) (site set to censor the word "poker")
John Kerry: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact

Last edited by Rich Muny; 08-25-2011 at 11:37 AM.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-25-2011 , 11:08 AM
I just updated today's action plan. I added a Facebook action. Please check it out. Thanks!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:11 PM
I added a new item to today's action. It will still take just seconds to complete:

3. Post a pro-poker comment HERE. Either cut-and-paste "Please support HR 2366 and the licensing of online poker. Thank you." or write your own.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:19 PM
Here's the updated plan:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Will you take a few moments to stand up for poker? It will take you just ten seconds. Thank you for participating!
  1. Click HERE and HERE to send debt super committee co-chair Sen. Patty Murray prefilled pro-poker Twitter messages (it's editable, of course).
  2. "Like" Sen. Murray's Facebook page HERE (you can unlike the page when you're done if you'd like) then
  3. Post a pro-poker comments under the post HERE. Either cut-and-paste "Please support HR 2366 and the licensing of online poker. Thank you." or write your own.
  4. Like the pro-poker comment HERE. (It's the same link as #3. The first poker comment is Aug. "View Previous Comments a few times to see them all.)
  5. Please ask your spouse/S.O., friends, family, and others to participate as well.

If you wish to do more today:

Recurring action: Tell the Debt Super Committee to Include Online Poker Legislation

U.S. House and Senate leaders have appointed twelve members of Congress to serve on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. This “super committee" is charged with developing policies to reduce the U.S. deficit. This is a great opportunity for us to make our voices heard. Let's go to their Facebook pages and let them know that we want them to take action on the online poker issue!

The names with an “x” in front of them are those who do not allow direct posting on their Facebook wall. Simply post a comment in response to an appropriate post (i.e., one suitable for a pro-poker comment) already on the page. PLEASE remember to say please and thank you. Courtesy goes a long way.

Let's all also remember to revisit these walls to like the pro-poker posts and comments made since your last visit. Thanks!

We have seen triple-digit participation for the last SEVEN actions! Let's all to our part to bump this action to triple digits as well.

Here's the Super Committee:


Co-Chair -- x Jeb Hensarling: Facebook Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact
Dave Camp: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact
Fred Upton: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact

x Rob Portman: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact (site set to censor the word "poker")
x Jon Kyl: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment (actively deletes pro-poker posts) Contact
Patrick Toomey: Facebook Facebook (second site was actively deleting pro-poker posts, but now appears to be allowing them to stay) Twitter Contact


x James Clyburn: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment (first site set to censor the word "poker") Facebook (second site permits direct posting) Twitter Contact
x Xavier Becerra: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Twitter Contact
Chris Van Hollen: Facebook Twitter Contact

Co-Chair -- x Patty Murray: Facebook Twitter Facebook post on which we can comment Contact (the post for us to use to post comments is a few weeks old...might be better to use Twitter here)
x Max Baucus: Facebook Facebook post on which we can comment Contact (it's not Rep. Spencer Bachus, so please don't blast him! ) (site set to censor the word "poker")
John Kerry: Facebook Facebook Twitter Contact
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 01:17 AM
Friday, August 26, 2011

Will you take a few moments to stand up for poker? These items take just ten seconds each. Thank you for participating!
  1. Let's keep the focus on debt super committee co-chair Sen. Patty Murray. Click HERE and HERE to send NEW prefilled pro-poker Twitter messages to both of her Twitter accounts (they're editable).
  2. "Like" Sen. Murray's Facebook page HERE (you can unlike the page when you're done if you'd like).
  3. Post a pro-poker comments under the post HERE. Either cut-and-paste "Please support HR 2366 and the licensing of online poker. Thank you." or write your own.
  4. Like the pro-poker comments posted to the post HERE. (It's the same link as #3. The first poker comment is Aug. "View Previous Comments a few times to see them all.) You can speed it up by searching [CTRL-F] for "poker" and "2366".
  5. After sending the letter, please reply in this thread with "sent", "done", etc. to encourage others to participate as well.

Last edited by Rich Muny; 08-26-2011 at 04:17 PM.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 02:27 AM
The Twitter message is new for today, so please tweet that one even if you sent one yesterday. Thanks!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 01:46 PM
Thanks everyone. We're well in the triple-digits in participation for this action -- eight in a row! I hope this helps more here decide to join in and participate.

EDIT: Post #14,000

Last edited by Rich Muny; 08-26-2011 at 03:39 PM.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:16 PM
Weekend of August 27th, 2011

Will you take a few moments to stand up for poker? These items take just ten seconds each. Thank you for participating!

Let's focus on deficit super committee member Sen. Rob Portman:
  1. Submit a pro-poker comment to Sen. Portman's new Reduce the Deficit site HERE.
    • Either cut-and-paste, "Please ask the deficit super committee to support HR 2366, Rep. Barton's (R-TX) Online Poker Act. This bill raises $$$ without raising taxes. Thank you." or write your own.
  2. Send a prefilled, editable pro-poker Twitter message HERE
  3. "Like" the main FB page HERE
    • You can unlike the page when you're done if you'd like
  4. Post a pro-poker comment under the post HERE and like the other poker comments
    • Either cut-and-paste, "Please ask the deficit super committee to support HR 2366, Rep. Barton's (R-TX) Online Poker Act. This bill raises $$$ without raising taxes. Thank you." or write your own.
  5. Please reply in this thread with "tweeted", "done", etc. to encourage others to participate as well.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:22 PM
Here's the comment I posted:

Please support HR 2366, raise revenue without raising taxes

As a voter and a resident of greater Cincinnati, I am writing to ask you to support legislation that licenses Internet poker in the U.S. This bill raises revenue without raising taxes.

In response to the demands of millions of Americans for licensed online poker, Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) and a bipartisan group of his House colleagues introduced H.R. 2366, the Online Poker Act of 2011. This bill does not authorize video poker or any other house-banked casino-style game. Rather, it provides for sensible regulation of the game of online poker -- the electronic version of the game families across America play at the kitchen table -- and is limited to this person-to-person game of skill.

I ask that you please bring this bill to the attention of the deficit reduction super committee. This legislation will provide much needed federal and state revenue without raising taxes. It will also bring American companies into the Internet poker market, bringing needed jobs to Ohio with them. It will provide strong consumer protections and age verification requirements as well. U.S.-based horse race wagering sites have proven that online betting sites can successfully implement these important protections. The game of poker deserves no less.

Former Homeland Security Advisor Tom Ridge supports federal licensing of online poker because it addresses control and accountability of cash flows. Additionally, WiredSafety, the world's largest Internet safety group, commissioned an in-depth study of this issue. The study, which was conducted by Harvard University, examined issues like blocking of underage participation, prevention of money laundering, and providing of consumer protections against fraud and abuse. The study concluded that "combining a thoughtful regulatory scheme with education, technology tools, and support appears to be the most effective means of handling the realities and risks" of online poker. This groundbreaking study can be found at

Many conservatives oppose efforts to prohibit online poker, including Grover Norquist, George Will, Rep. Joe Barton, Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. John Campbell, Rep. Peter King, and many others. In fact, I interviewed Mr. Norquist on this topic. That interview is on at

Every federal dollar wasted on efforts to stop American adults from playing online poker is another dollar added to the federal deficit. Licensing and regulating U.S.-based poker will work better than prohibition. Quite frankly, there's simply no reason not to pass HR 2366 into law.

Please support my freedoms by supporting this bill. Thank you for your consideration.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:23 PM
Check the poker tweets others sent to Sen. Portman:!/search/realtime/%40robportman%20poker

Last edited by Rich Muny; 08-26-2011 at 08:38 PM.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 08:53 PM
I don't have a twitter but I did everything else. I can't believe I didn't find this til today. Consider me part of your daily army.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by kowboys4
I don't have a twitter but I did everything else. I can't believe I didn't find this til today. Consider me part of your daily army.

I'm glad you're doing lots of the stuff. I encourage you to sign up for Twitter. It's a great way to reach lawmakers, and you can sign up pretty quickly. Once done, since I prefill the Tweets, you can send these out with a click of a mouse (click your mouse, defend your right to play poker in your own house ).
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-26-2011 , 09:08 PM
finished today's actions, always glad to do my part, and thanks PPA and everyone at 2plus2 for their contributions
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-27-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer

I'm glad you're doing lots of the stuff. I encourage you to sign up for Twitter. It's a great way to reach lawmakers, and you can sign up pretty quickly. Once done, since I prefill the Tweets, you can send these out with a click of a mouse (click your mouse, defend your right to play poker in your own house ).
will do.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-27-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by kowboys4
will do.
Thanks! It's definitely worth doing.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-27-2011 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Meet your Member of Congress in August

Congress will be breaking for its annual August recess soon, so let's start preparing now for our senators' and representatives' townhall meetings. Townhalls are a great opportunity for us to meet with our Members of Congress to tell them that we want pro-poker legislation, so let's all try to do this....
I met with a several lawmakers at a picnic today: Meetings with lawmakers during August recess. It was definitely worth attending.
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-28-2011 , 04:24 PM
We're closing in on triple-digit participation. Please check out post #1 and knock this out. Thanks!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
08-29-2011 , 12:10 AM
Let's own this page: some more and let's go to his website to suggest H.R.2366 as debt reduction. He's asking. Let's answer!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY POKER ACTION PLAN: Tell MI lawmakers to support online poker Quote
