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Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch

04-05-2011 , 10:39 PM
By the way: On more than one LAPT (one of STARS's live tourney series) , people that were on the same line for registering (even if they weren't late regging) were assigned to the same table as well. Are they trying to mimic'ing the glitches of their live tourneys? :P
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-06-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by JH1
I'd be in favor of randomly grabbing 9 players that are already playing and starting a new table with them while filling the seats they left with the sat players if what OP is describing is true.
It would be more like grabbing 81 players (or much more depending on sat winners). You can't just consider only hero's seating.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-07-2011 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by rockin
It would be more like grabbing 81 players (or much more depending on sat winners). You can't just consider only hero's seating.
I don't see the problem with scaling this up to however many late sat entries their are. I mean it would be relatively simple if you had 396 late sat entries in a 10k entry tournament, just go ahead and grab 396 currently playing and dump them into 44 new tables and fill the gaps left behind with the sat entries. You'd still only be moving 4% of the player pool. Or if you want to move less than that take 352 or 308 and put one or two sat entries on the new tables with them and again fill the gaps with the rest of the late sats.

idk, just seems so much better to get those players shuffled into the player pool rather than lumping them together.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-07-2011 , 10:00 PM
JH1 - Agree. I've played in enough tourneys that have started with 7 or 8 players per table to allow for late registrants to jump in to know that it isn't impossible.

You start with more 8-player tables and fill in those seats with late registrants as you go. As too many of the tables get filled up you take one from each of 9 tables to create more 8-player tables to allow the late satty and late registrants to jump into more truly "randomized" tables.

The OP is correct that it isn't really randomized to have 9 satty winners all get lumped together on the same table for the main tourney. To me, that would be a good thing to get to play on a table with all satellite winners. To him, he somehow thinks it's a disadvantage. Either way it probably should be corrected because it's not supposed to be "random" for everyone and not "random for most....except for players who won a satty at the same time after the tourney started who will all continue playing together in the main tourney."
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-08-2011 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
To me, that would be a good thing to get to play on a table with all satellite winners. To him, he somehow thinks it's a disadvantage.
it's advantage for better half player pool (as they take advantage of notes taken in previous play)
it's disadvantage for worse half player pool (as everyone knows their "stupid" plays and responds accordingly)

Originally Posted by Link2me
I can only hope that someone can step up to the plate in this thread and in detail explain it all to myself and others.
DECLARATION: I have NO information how stupidly did it this particular programmer. It's very possible he is NOT so stupid and did it in a better way that produces somewhat similar results. But Occam's Razors says this:

just for the simplicity: satellite has 2 tables (9 and 9 players and 1 got knocked out)
Target tourney has 8 free seats

sat table 1 finishes and a player is knocked out
sat table 2 finishes and no-one is knocked out
people from table 1 are registered (lets say from UTG to BTN) to target
player 1 fills empty seat at table 85
player 2 fills empty seat at table 97
player 8 fills last emtpy seat at table 157
new table is made for next late registrants
people from satellite table 2 are registered (lets say from UTG to BTN) to target tournament
player 1 is randomly seated at the new table (as all other seats are occupied)
player 2 is randomly seated at the new table (as all other seats are occupied)
player 9 is randomly seated at the last empty seat at the same table (as that's the last empty seat at the tourney)
new table is made for next late registrants
Result: first table got spread out to empty seats but second table got seated at the same table.

CONCLUSION: hosts care **** about fairness if a player cant use that in their advantage.
Everytime you bitch about anything they respond with **** like "HEY YEA ITS NOT FAIR but it will even out in long term".

**** will even out. If I get seated with top pros at WSOP (cause they were partying and came just before me) it will NOT even out in million years.
Well if there is no "donk party" ever it will not even out EVER. Cause donk dont party together and dont come in groups for me to enter their table.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-09-2011 , 06:50 PM
your exactaly right on, whos to say people are not waiting just till the ffptourney is just over and start to register and since both times when I sated into the millions both times the table consisted of 8 players then one late registry joins the table he knows he's going to hit a soft table and chances as people say and to be honest the table is only soft because we 8 just played a table together.

It just leaves to much room for error, and is super unfair IMHO that the fpp sat people have to suffer through sitting with eachother in a entirely different tourney the first table they sit on.

I can't speak for everyone though I'll admit that but I have fairly good idea that majority will agree with me.

And this needs to be changed.

Last edited by Link2me; 04-09-2011 at 06:55 PM.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-09-2011 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Link2me
To tell you the truth I would rather be sat at a completely different table even if that table were to consist of bfizz11 isildur nanonoko and and 5 other supernova elites, than to be sat with the same guys I just played with qualifieing into the tournament.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-09-2011 , 08:13 PM
why wouldn't I be more comfortable playing with the best in the game so to say, for one I watch a lot of high stakes games follow and note all the players I can, chances are if they are mtt pros I know about them and got notes on them, regardless if they donk me out or beat me with best hand at least I got randomly injected into the tournament and not sidelined on a table with people I just played with in the qualifier.

It would be a honor to stack off and win or lose agianst the best once in awhile I dont play the millions often only when I can satilite into it, I hate the fact that I know from now on as it stands, if I sat in I am satting in with the table the satilite qualfier finishes with.

I am sure agian many will agree with me that is is not fair to those late entry fpp satilite ticket winners.

Last edited by Link2me; 04-09-2011 at 08:29 PM.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-10-2011 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by Link2me
why wouldn't I be more comfortable playing with the best in the game so to say, for one I watch a lot of high stakes games follow and note all the players I can, chances are if they are mtt pros I know about them and got notes on them, regardless if they donk me out or beat me with best hand at least I got randomly injected into the tournament and not sidelined on a table with people I just played with in the qualifier.

It would be a honor to stack off and win or lose agianst the best once in awhile I dont play the millions often only when I can satilite into it, I hate the fact that I know from now on as it stands, if I sat in I am satting in with the table the satilite qualfier finishes with.

I am sure agian many will agree with me that is is not fair to those late entry fpp satilite ticket winners.
^ This I guess, if you're a railbird in it for the honor.

If you play poker to make money, then the opposite.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-10-2011 , 04:06 PM
JH1 I am playing poker to make money, I dont see sitting at a table with a bunch of guys when i first start a tournament that don't know me as a disadvantage, in fact it is quite the oppisit I see it as a advantage, but when you sat into a tourney like the millions through the fpp tournies it is not like the people at the table you first start with dont have any idea how you play.

bottom line is segragating the fpp sat winners to play agianst eachother is not fair at all when it comes to randomized seating allocation. in respect to the sunday millions tournament, stars could easily break down the sat winners to sit amongst the other tables early, I dont know how many times I been switched from tables early on in other tournaments only after a few hands, why should the sunday millions be any different for anyone else?

Why should I have to play agianst the same people the first table in the sunday millions that I just played with in the final fpp tournament?

I want a fair shake so to say when I start the sunday millions and want to be entered in just like any other entry and be randomly allocated a seat just like everyone else, that is all no more no less! is that asking to much?

Last edited by Link2me; 04-10-2011 at 04:11 PM.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-10-2011 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Link2me
bottom line is segragating the fpp sat winners to play agianst eachother is not fair at all when it comes to randomized seating allocation.
And it's not happening.
I want a fair shake so to say when I start the sunday millions and want to be entered in just like any other entry and be randomly allocated a seat just like everyone else, that is all no more no less!
You are.

Stars' late reg procedures could probably use a tweak though, but short of breaking table to create all new tables for each late registrant, you still have a good chance of ending up with somebody you satted in with, unless you want them to treat sat winners differently.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-11-2011 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Link2me
JH1 I am playing poker to make money, I dont see sitting at a table with a bunch of guys when i first start a tournament that don't know me as a disadvantage, in fact it is quite the oppisit I see it as a advantage, but when you sat into a tourney like the millions through the fpp tournies it is not like the people at the table you first start with dont have any idea how you play.

bottom line is segragating the fpp sat winners to play agianst eachother is not fair at all when it comes to randomized seating allocation. in respect to the sunday millions tournament, stars could easily break down the sat winners to sit amongst the other tables early, I dont know how many times I been switched from tables early on in other tournaments only after a few hands, why should the sunday millions be any different for anyone else?

Why should I have to play agianst the same people the first table in the sunday millions that I just played with in the final fpp tournament?

I want a fair shake so to say when I start the sunday millions and want to be entered in just like any other entry and be randomly allocated a seat just like everyone else, that is all no more no less! is that asking to much?
fwiw I agree with splitting up the sat winners if you go back to my post #28. I was just pointing out that it's kind of silly to choose to play with the best players rather than sat winners you just played with:

a) The best don't make nearly as many mistakes. And they do know you because they don't know you. You're a random unknown and that tells them all they need to know.
b) The sat players are as a whole, bad. That's why they're playing sats.
c) Since they are generally bad, they don't know how you play anyways, they're watching baseball.

/derailments on whether we want to play with mercier because we have notes on him (lol?) or some random sat fish.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:24 PM
noted JH1 but what I said was I would rather be randomly seated with these pros if it were so to be than to end up with the table I just sat with in the previous tournament.

Of course I would not want to be seated at a table with the best the world has to offer but if by random chance that were to happen I could deal with that just not splitting the fpp late reg sat winnes into the tournament don't make any sense to me pertaining to random seating allocation bottom line.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
And it's not happening.You are.

actually it is happening every week the fpp sat runs, as I am sure many watched this past sunday and noted what I have brought to light to be the truth.

Stars' late reg procedures could probably use a tweak though, but short of breaking table to create all new tables for each late registrant, you still have a good chance of ending up with somebody you satted in with, unless you want them to treat sat winners differently.
They obviously could use a tweak and instead of starting the fpp 200 sat to the millions a 1hour b4 the sunday millions starts they could also start it 3 hours b4 and have the 4500 fpp sat finish a hour b4 the sunday millions starts and this would ensure that all the fpp sat winners get randomly allocated seats like every one else they could also make it so that any fpp ticket holder to the sunday millions can not unregister for the tournament.

this would also ensure that the 83 or 84 people do not unregister to take the tourney bucks.

As well you say all sat players suck well FYI many of the top mtt pros win tickets into the millions maybe they don't play the fpp sats to get in but many play other sats to qualify, so your comment about all sat players being fish is well just wrong, that is a very narrow minded way to look at it imho but that is just my opion which I am sure any mtt pro that wins sat tickets steady will tell you not all sat players are fish.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:47 PM
They have different sats that start all the time....not just one. People get excited for their last second chance to try to qualify for he tournament. They are not about to end sats that continue into late registration of the target tourney and and this should be pretty obvious to most people here.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-13-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Link2me
actually it is happening every week the fpp sat runs, as I am sure many watched this past sunday and noted what I have brought to light to be the truth.
1. The action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.

If you have someone at your table who wasn't in the satellite tournament, you're not being segregated.
As well you say all sat players suck well FYI many of the top mtt pros win tickets into the millions maybe they don't play the fpp sats to get in but many play other sats to qualify, so your comment about all sat players being fish is well just wrong, that is a very narrow minded way to look at it imho but that is just my opion which I am sure any mtt pro that wins sat tickets steady will tell you not all sat players are fish.
I never said that.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-13-2011 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
They have different sats that start all the time....not just one. People get excited for their last second chance to try to qualify for he tournament. They are not about to end sats that continue into late registration of the target tourney and and this should be pretty obvious to most people here.
I never stated they had to end the sat that is late registry as of the moment , what my suggestion not to have the fpp sat run into the sunday millions as late registry they can simply start the fpp sats a few hours earlier and finish before the sunday millions starts this was everyone gets shuffled into the field and the fpp sat guys are not stuck with eachother from one tournament to the next.

I also assume otatop works for the NSA on account he is trying despartely to debunk the truth of it all and that is that those fpp sat ticket winners sit on the same table from one tourney to the next, even if a late registry hits one of the tables amongst the sat ticket winners, that is one person out of 9 that did not just play with eachother in the qualifier.

the fpp guys are still not mixed into the field when they first start the sunday millions tournament.

Otatop makes lil sense with anything he says. and I will fight to get this changed and I am positive others will agree it has to be changed to adhear to random seating allocation amongst each and every player in any field.

Just because it is one way right now otatop does not make it the right way as pokerstars confirmed with my report and said
"I can clearly see what you have experienced is not an ideal situation." and forwarded my report to the appropit persons for review.

With that said , you can be sure it will be changed and if it is not changed I will make sure people are aware of this particular point of interest and perhaps they can help change this by reporting the occurence over and over till they do change it.

Anyways when they do eventually change it, I will be happier knowing I helped to improve the random seating allocations for players all over the world. and it will bring a smile to my face which will be priceless.

Good day to you otatop looking forward to some more of your rambling in this thread, always makes me laugh just a tad.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-14-2011 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Link2me
I never stated they had to end the sat that is late registry as of the moment , what my suggestion not to have the fpp sat run into the sunday millions as late registry they can simply start the fpp sats a few hours earlier and finish before the sunday millions starts this was everyone gets shuffled into the field and the fpp sat guys are not stuck with eachother from one tournament to the next.
There are FPP sats running the entire week leading up to Sunday. Obviously people play in the ones that end well into late reg, so why should they get rid of those ones?
I also assume otatop works for the NSA on account he is trying despartely to debunk the truth of it all and that is that those fpp sat ticket winners sit on the same table from one tourney to the next, even if a late registry hits one of the tables amongst the sat ticket winners, that is one person out of 9 that did not just play with eachother in the qualifier.
Which means that sat qualifiers aren't treated differently from anybody else who late registers.

Does that mean the late registration is flawless? No, and I never said it was. I just said this is a pretty standard practice live and isn't an evil plot to target sat winners.
Otatop makes lil sense with anything he says.
I disagree.
Good day to you otatop looking forward to some more of your rambling in this thread, always makes me laugh just a tad.
Pretty lolworthy that you consider my posts rambling, when you can't seem to get a simple thought across in less than 4 sentences, all of which have some goofball misspellings.

Best of luck with your crusade.
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
04-18-2011 , 04:46 PM
otatop hope your from the states lol
Sunday millions fpp satellite allocated randomizing seating failure/glitch Quote
