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Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll"

10-13-2008 , 01:12 AM
T$25 would be preferable to that thing.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 03:20 AM
I had not thought of the quarterly idea, that sounds great!

Even a monthly $200-$250k would be better imo.

FWIW I emailed Stars about this recently, they responded that there is no perfect time for everyone in the world and Saturday was the day that people have the most free time. They also advised that if they just divided all the $ between all the Supernovas it would be less than $12 and that at this time, they have no changes planned for it for this year.

In my initial email I proposed a rescheduling or credit of tourney dollars/tickets on a weekly basis, I didn't mention anything about the idea of switching it to a quarterly/monthly FR (which I think is a nice idea).
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 03:31 AM
i vote for who cares. its just some goofy token prize that they throw in. its not like its going to be something awesome without drastically changing the value.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 03:33 AM
Huge waste of time and Ill never play. They should make it like 3-5 minute blind levels or something, so we can have some fun.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 03:50 AM
i play them when i feel beautiful and don't when i need my beauty sleep
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:44 AM
id like to get rid of plat/gold qualifiers
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:14 AM
You guys understand that this tournament is designed to start at a very inconvenient time so that the grinders and other supernovas will pay more in rake every saturday afternoon that they normally wouldn't be during typically very slow business hours. It's a very smart marketing ploy and i think they're doing a great job running the site for sure
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:48 AM
When players connect from around the world with huge time zone differences, its hard to find an ideal time for everyone.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:16 AM
Nobody else just gets up on Saturday morning and donks around in this thing? I kinda like having a little change of pace and something else to do rather than grind out cash games. I agree it's not the best of rewards but it can be some fun screw around time on a lazy Saturday morning if I have nothing else going on.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by BT2
these freerolls suck my fat dick
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Lord_Strife
You guys understand that this tournament is designed to start at a very inconvenient time so that the grinders and other supernovas will pay more in rake every saturday afternoon that they normally wouldn't be during typically very slow business hours. It's a very smart marketing ploy and i think they're doing a great job running the site for sure
Good pick up, didnt even notice.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by 1p0kerboy
I would definitely support a change in day/time by the way.

Same for me. I have only played in a few over the past year. Sat. afternoon is pretty much the worst time for me during the entire week. I would love any sort of change in the current system.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Lord_Strife
You guys understand that this tournament is designed to start at a very inconvenient time so that the grinders and other supernovas will pay more in rake every saturday afternoon that they normally wouldn't be during typically very slow business hours. It's a very smart marketing ploy and i think they're doing a great job running the site for sure

you aren't the first to have expressed that theory but I still think this idea is wrong.

If they wanted to juice up their games at a dead time via this freeroll then they could hold it at 7am on a Tuesday or something.

They have it on the weekend because most Supernovas are NOT full-time players and for the vast majority of people Saturday is a day off. Do you want them to hold it on Wednesday afternoon or something? Most people are working (or at school).

Also - A lot of people just play the tournament and get enough distracted by it that they are NOT able to multi-table the cash-games and so forth. So, in fact, it could be argued that they are pulling people OUT of their cash games on Saturday.

The Sunday Million is at 4:30 I think. Is that a super-inconvenient time too?
Doesn't seem that different than Saturday at 2:00 to me.

And earlier on Sunday they have the Sunday warm-up which is pretty popular.
Are they doing this because they so desperately need extra action on Sundays? Or maybe they think most players will actually be available for their biggest tournaments on a Saturday or Sunday as opposed to a Monday and Tuesday.
Kind of makes some amount of sense that they just want to try to find the time that is the most convenient for the most players (even though it's still going to be inconvenient for many...including well as many Europeans and especially Australians).
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 01:44 PM
There's a difference between getting numbers for a freeroll and getting numbers for a guaranteed. I believe majority of the supernovas are full time or at the very least, not casual players. There is a bit of volume involved.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 01:58 PM
The majority of the Supernovas are most likely NOT full-time.

100k VPP's is not a lot.
And there's not much difference between being a platinum and being a Supernova.
If you are a platinum for 10 months in a row then Ta-Da!! You're a Supernova.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob

Also - A lot of people just play the tournament and get enough distracted by it that they are NOT able to multi-table the cash-games and so forth. So, in fact, it could be argued that they are pulling people OUT of their cash games on Saturday.).
All of the cash game grinders I see playing the 50k are playing cash games as well while playing the 50k

Originally Posted by MicroBob

And earlier on Sunday they have the Sunday warm-up which is pretty popular.
Are they doing this because they so desperately need extra action on Sundays? Or maybe they think most players will actually be available for their biggest tournaments on a Saturday or Sunday as opposed to a Monday and Tuesday.
I always thought the sunday warm up was another tourney added because there are many players wanting to play a bunch of majors on sunday's
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 02:14 PM
Exactly. These players are available to play these tourneys on Sundays because IT'S THE WEEKEND!!!!

Which is why I can't understand how people think having the VIP freeroll on Saturday is somehow designed to 'draw in' more players that wouldn't otherwise normally play.
I still think it would be better if they had several different freerolls at different times and you could sign up for whichever one you wanted. But it seems to me that IF they have to do it at one time then doing it on the weekend is the most fair since that gives the most people the ability to make it.

Obviously if you hold it ANYTIME during the week then it's catching most people during their work week or even during their work-shift.
Hold it at 8pm eastern every Tuesday and that's unfair to the pacific time-zone people who have it at 5pm and can't get home in time for the start much less the Europeans for whom it would be at 2am or something.

Time zones are an issue with this thing now too of course. So they put it on one of the days when the most people are available for it and should be able to make it if they really want to.

Trying to find deviousness in their choice of tourney times to 'juice up' their games is pretty silly when you stop to think about it and how they most likely just have it on a weekend to try to make it at a time that the most players would be available for it.

Look, I hate them too and would really love an alternate way of doing it or just giving me T$ or whatever.
Only occasionally do I actually feel like, "'s tourney day and I am kind of in the mood for one of those things."
But I really don't think they are sitting there going, "If we have it on Saturday afternoon then it will be hugely profitable for our site by getting all these players to kill time on the cash-games at the same time!!"

Even with all the complaining, I think if Stars did a poll on what day is best for these things (if it HAD to be one day)I think most would say either Saturday or Sunday.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-13-2008 , 11:31 PM
I am not a big fan of these freerolls but if it is free than why not. I think a better option would be since the sunday million and a half is getting an overlay sometimes how about a tournament ticket once a month.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:58 AM
First of all I personally hate the freerolls and play less than 5 in a year.

Secondly all this talk of it being rewards for the fish to play more is not very effective way to reward the fish. Besides do we really want fish participating in a free roll tournaments all day long rather than playing in SNG's or other cash games or MTT's. Most fish dont multitable so if they are stuck playing the 20k then the 50k then all the other qualifiers the lower levels need to play to make these things is a lot of waste of very precious "online time" the fish have to play. Most of them have regular jobs during the week and can only play either on nights or the wekends, and we are taking away a lot of play from them and losing it to these freerolls.

These free-rolls are bad for every reason. It only gets the super low limit grinders excited because they know most other Supernovas hourly rates are so high they dont wast their times in these 30 dollar value tournaments.

Send me a 25 Dollar bonus once a month and Im much happier. For that matter name a star after me and Im much happier because at least the games will the more healthy on every single day.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:21 AM
honestly i like them a lot. i usually play in the mornings/afternoon pacific time so it fits right into my schedule and it enforces me to play a somewhat longer session of cash games since I am playing in a tournament. Plus it is like the only tourney I ever play online so it gives me some practice when I do venture outside the house and go play in a big tourney live.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:51 AM
despite me always hating when i oversleep this tourney or miss it overall its made me about 30k combined with a fpp point wsop qualifier so on alot of saturdays ill hate them ill never complain about extra value "freerolls" give also the fields are sooo bad in these compared to a regular tourney of a 20-55buy in which is basically the comparison in terms of a buy in every year stars has exceeded the previous years value to the players so i cant wait to see what they do for next year i may just have to go for yearly tlb and nova elite next year(:
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-14-2008 , 11:09 AM
i dont play these either, i would like freeroll with the 1m turbo takedown for free rather cos i dont play any vip freerols anyway. important is that its TURBO for me atleast. but i f it was 0.5-1m gtd i'd take that and try to do longer cash session along cos i dont play tourneys normally...
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-14-2008 , 11:19 AM
they should make them like hyper turbos or just everyone start with one chip and all in every hand.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-14-2008 , 12:41 PM
nothing would make me happier than getting rid of those stupid freerolls.
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
10-14-2008 , 12:43 PM
i probably speak for all cash game novas when i say i have zero interest in this
Star's Supernova Weekly VIP "Freeroll" Quote
