I tried stacking, and just couldnt get the hang of it. I was prolly using too many scripts that were giving me problems though.
This is what I had set up in Stars Planner for a layout.
Here is a post from the software quick questions thread by TooHigh. He has a pretty unique cascade/stack layout also.
Originally Posted by toohigh
tx dave ill give it a try a lil later tonight probably, i was toying around with stars assistant earlier, and enabled the detect-all in option with a bunch of tables open (some i was sitting out some were tables i wasnt sitting at at all) and it put a red border over a random table that i wasn't staying at, and forcing that table to the front.
here's a screencap of my layout with all stars tables, when i multi-site, i try to keep tables from each site grouped together in each block, each window is 640x464...