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Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action?

04-15-2015 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by PWallis
Ignoring the fact that this is one of the worst posts I've ever read, let me ask you a question; How would you feel if you were colluded against online, you saw evidence on social media (please don't reply with social media is not evidence as it clearly is) and the poker site refused to do anything about it?

Would you feel aggrieved or would you accept it because there is no solid proof? It's a pretty simple question but I feel you won't be able to answer it without going off on a tangent, much like a labour politician.
If I was the victim of collusion I would be very angry and would demand not only my money back but also that the people involved be banned as long as there is proof that they actually done it.

How many times have we heard about people going to the electric chair, being hung or serving many years in jail only for years later evidence coming to light that exonerates them. Hullplayer admitted it, so he was banned. David Harvey never (ignore the admission that was retracted) so he isn't.

It's Skys decision and they decided that the only collusion evidence that is there is against HullPlayer. If I was a victim of collusion at the hands of Hullplayer I would request a buy in refund and be happy that he is no longer playing on Sky.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by bluestreak
Think Paracetamol must be, Harvey's wife, work for sky, or could be reverse posting.
As, keep posting apparently defending D H so keep thread alive so more people post with even more evidence.

PS there is no prize for guessing right.
I am none of the above and I am not trying to keep anything open.

Given you feel that way I will make this my last post as it seems that we got the result that we all wanted on this so it's over now.

Sky Poker is an honest and legitimate poker site that deals with issues of collusion in a prompt and unbiased manner. Rather than criticise them, maybe you should sign up and play on there.

To paraphrase the "Collusion" post from A Sky Employer on Sky's forum....

"Nothing to see here now move along"
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 08:06 AM
Thought I'd join the debate, seeing as it was one of my team mates who "they" were "coaching" against.

One of the biggest mistakes here has been the actions of DH, both were well out of order... one has admitted it, the other is making a mockery of his team by posting liable comments re the person they colluded against which in itself is redic (saying he set set him up).

Had he just held his hands up (yes we all saw it) and said yes, I not only went along with it I kinda instigated it (the screen shots show no hesitation or bullying from DD), the case would have been put to bed.

He is now saying no colluding happened, yet this is on a thread in team talk on sky*.

He admits there was collusion here, altho he didn't want to go along with it... as we can ALL see from the other shots on this thread

I cannot understand why none of his team have come forward and say what he did was wrong. They seem to be condoning it, and actually believing that he was tricked.

I play DTD every week, and it used to be fun and competitive, now I will always wonder what's going on at my table if DH is there.

*Re: Poaching
posted at 7/4/2015 1:12 AM BST on

Posts: 8851
First: 30/6/2009
Last: 13/4/2015
In Response to Re: Poaching:
Dave sorry it had to come to this pal how can you talk about respect !!!!! cheating inboxing hands on facebook during DTD you slate everyone and then expect respect remember i have proof of your cheating on facebook so i thought id let you know i left the hitsquad due to your pathetic ways and your total ignorance you talk about Sam and jon but hang on lets look at you for a second eh did you not inbox me your hands during DTD !!!! I have proof mate and ive quit my team the OUTLAWS so i have no affliation with anyteam as the OUTLAWS do not cheat... so from now on i am not affiliated to any team so my opinions are my own you need to respect others and take a look in the mirror pal the OUTLAWS may be boystrous and fun but at least your free to play i have left the OUTLAWS for 1 reason and that is i respect them enough not to dececrate on there door however you MR HARVEY i will ensure sky knows your ways and your sad pathetic cheating ways GOODLUCK DUDE
Posted by Hullplayer

Hull Player, David Dearlove joined Hitsquad back in Jan...

One Monday 6/7 weeks ago, he was on mi table, and started messaging me for advice on players, he had hardly ever messaged me before, but had proved high maintenance & I was unsure of him!!

This coaching soon deteriated to outrite collusion, which is against DTD & THS ethic, he instigated all, and I was uncomfortable ending up ignoring messages.

I reported this at time & next day to TWO respected Sky People & to DTD admins, & some trusted team capos, who may confirm if they wish!

There are Wrong 'uns amongst us, be careful.

Apparently sky cannot do much about FB messages they say..
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 08:12 AM
The Irony that I can call him DH

*sorry, I'm a child
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 08:46 AM
There can be little doubt that collusion took place between the two players. The chat logs and screen shots seem to be conclusive evidence. Add to that two admissions and it seems to be an open and shut case.

What is now of major concern is the way this has been handled by Sky Poker.

David Harvey reported the matter to Sky Forum moderators, according to him, 6 weeks ago. The Sky Forum is run by Tony Kendall who is the Relations Manager for Sky Poker. He monitors and posts on the forum on a daily basis and is in regular contact with the moderators.

This brings up the following points:

1. If DH reported this to Sky Forum moderators 6 weeks ago why has Tony Kendall not acted upon it. No enquiry into collusion can take 6 weeks before the suspects are suspended.

2. A high profile Sky Forum moderator has gone on record saying that he was not aware of any report of collusion from DH. That can only mean that either the matter was suppressed and kept from the moderators, or, it was never reported by DH and he is lying.

3. If he did report it, did the moderators keep it from Tony Kendall or any other Sky Poker person in a supervisory capacity?

4. If he didn't report it then Sky know that and that will form part of their investigation.

5. If he is lying about reporting it it begs the question, why is he being treated favourably compared to the other party in collusion, who DID report it and admit his guilt. Collusion cannot be performed by one person. It's a two way process and therefore no one party can be more or less guilty than the other. Why has DD been suspended and all his posts and profile removed from Sky, whilst DH remains in high visibility?

The integrity of Sky Poker is on the line when a relatively obscure player is suspended yet a high profile friend of the management is allowed to continue posting and making his case. A case that is frankly ludicrous.

*At the time of writing David Dearlove remains suspended and his profile removed. David Harvey's Sky profile is still live on Sky Poker.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 09:08 AM
I'm a Sky Poker reg posting here because talk of this isn't allowed on the Sky community forum.

This whole team against team in open MTTs concept was accident waiting to happen from the start. Collusion is almost inevitable. I'm only surprised there hasn't been a scandal like this before. When there are two or three guys from the same team at my 6-max tables I can't help wondering if they are soft-playing each other at least.

David Harvey is a Marmite kinda guy. His team are like his disciples, he can do no wrong in their eyes. I've heard others describe him as an obnoxious ego-maniac. Persoanlly I've never had a problem with the guy, nor considered him shady. Thought his Squaddies (lol) always swept team prizes due to weight of numbers.

Those social media chat-logs, if real, are pretty damning though. Has something more sinister has been going on in team Hit Squad all a long? I find it hard to believe this was the first and only time Harvey shared hole-cards during an MTT. So far I've seen nothing to back-up the blackmail, bullying and conspiracy he claims. Harvey is a losing player. Are Sky examining his big upswing in HR online tournies at the end of last year? They should be.

This is a big mess now, an embarrasment to the site. If the other guy really has been booted from the site and Harvey is allowed to stay I'll be flabergasted. Sort it out Sky!
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by MrBlueSky
I'm a Sky Poker reg posting here because talk of this isn't allowed on the Sky community forum.

This whole team against team in open MTTs concept was accident waiting to happen from the start. Collusion is almost inevitable. I'm only surprised there hasn't been a scandal like this before. When there are two or three guys from the same team at my 6-max tables I can't help wondering if they are soft-playing each other at least.

David Harvey is a Marmite kinda guy. His team are like his disciples, he can do no wrong in their eyes. I've heard others describe him as an obnoxious ego-maniac. Persoanlly I've never had a problem with the guy, nor considered him shady. Thought his Squaddies (lol) always swept team prizes due to weight of numbers.

Those social media chat-logs, if real, are pretty damning though. Has something more sinister has been going on in team Hit Squad all a long? I find it hard to believe this was the first and only time Harvey shared hole-cards during an MTT. So far I've seen nothing to back-up the blackmail, bullying and conspiracy he claims. Harvey is a losing player. Are Sky examining his big upswing in HR online tournies at the end of last year? They should be.

This is a big mess now, an embarrasment to the site. If the other guy really has been booted from the site and Harvey is allowed to stay I'll be flabergasted. Sort it out Sky!
Well said. I certainly will never use sky now despite it being fairly soft.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Adversity
I call troll. No can be so stupid as to actually hold the views you hold.
i think you mean No ONE can be as stupid and not read the posts before posting.

this is sky poker we are talking about..... i have also seen another very dodgy remark on the thread about the collusion relating to an instantly obvious offence,that sky havent actioned either...i will add,at this stage its just a remark,if i can find any evidence i shall shed light on it here for u...... take a look for yourselves if it is still there,a lot of posts have mysteriously disappeared .....

also INNOCENT RV... 'not collusion,just training' at the same table,in the same tournament in real time.... TRAINING......... because thats allowed...

its called CHEATING

or did u 'misinterpret the rules'

Last edited by Dickie Poo; 04-15-2015 at 10:23 AM.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 10:54 AM
i think must be checking more tournaments that DH has played in, therefore taking longer to decide if collusion actually took place.

i have seen that it takes 2 to collude and the evidence and admission myself and made my mind up within 5 mins.

But i am not a trained security expert, i must be harder to accept when you get a confession straight away to find ways to disprove the confession and that no collusion took place.

But if no collusion took place why has DD been suspended?

there was someone posting on the forums loudly on sky about this matter and collusion, they have since been banned for even mentioning these people and that word (CHEATING), this amazes me more as they have done nothing wrong, but a known CHEAT(DAVID HARVEY) is still allowed to use the full facilities of the site.

i play on sky poker, not as much as i used to, but i have now withdrawn my balance and shall not be going back.

Sky poker is not complying with their own terms and conditions, they seem to pick and choose when and where they apply. This is not good for a poker site which has ambitions.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:04 AM
Problem is it won't be long until the outrage over this dies down and people just get on with their poker as normal, Sky will feel like they've won because people aren't kicking up a fuss anymore and DH and his crew can go back to being discreet cheaters.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
They used to, when they advertised with us for a short time in 2011.

But they're certainly welcome to set up a non-advertising rep account if they'd like, so they can respond to questions here. They just need to contact me (email in my profile) first so I can confirm that they are legit.

I've not been 100% following all the back and forth here, but I can say with a high level of confidence that you're in the running for the all-time worst first 4 posts by a new account. And that's saying a lot.
I'm sure there must be a bit of tongue in cheek/reverse psychology in those posts?
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by InnocentRV
"Hi all

We just wanted to repeat previous messages about cases of collusion, especially in light of some questions we have been asked recently.

First of all, we want to reiterate that we take cases of collusion very seriously and investigate anything reported to us to the fullest extent we can. We also take action against players where collusion is proven, to protect the integrity of the games on Sky Poker.

Without giving too much away, we actively monitor for collusion and have people and systems to do this. Obviously we cannot share too much on this in the interest of ensuring that the above runs smoothly. However, we would say that from time to time, we also rely on information from people who report things to us to either suggest something potentially suspicious (that might merit further investigations) or to give us proof that they might have.

Of course, the best form of proof is the data and information we have accessible ourselves so we rely on that the most. Unfortunately, not all external information, such as that on social media can be verified as being 100% legitimate and undoctored. A simple accusation on social media for example, is not enough to act upon.

So what should you do if you suspect collusion? - simple really, please contact our customer care team in the first instance and they will pass the information on to the relevant team to investigate further.

So you know, we do not normally instantly ban or suspend people who have been accused of cheating and very much work on an 'innocent until proven guilty' basis. Also, we do not disclose these accusations or resulting actions in public. Why? - well because that is fairest course of action.

Imagine a situation where someone had a grudge against a player and wanted to make unfounded accusations. Would it be fair to instantly ban that person? Mostly not. We also wouln't say, "We are investigating 'Joe Bloggs' for collusion", that would generally be unfair too.

It is not uncommon for people to say ‘why haven’t Sky done anything about x?’. Well most of the time we have but cannot discuss individual cases publically.

We treat each case on its merits and not all are black & white. However, to reiterate the point above all are taken seriously and any cases that are proven, we take action on.

We hope you've found this useful. We can answer questions, without going into specific cases as mentioned above.

Sky Poker"


He Never admitted Collusion, merely being the victim of an attempt to trap him into Collusion! I believe Joe!


TY Sky

I've seen all the screenshots...I've seen where you admitted it and apologised...
You cheated and will now always be know as such.
Just because you have got away with it at sky does not mean it will go away.
Nice to know you find cheating fellow players out of their money funny though...Wp gg
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:32 AM
Btw..I've seen these guys all in the same tshirts at live event other than sky and would be very wary of having two of them on my table at the same time as I have not seen 1 post from the 200 strong team denouncing his cheating.
If I was a member of this team I would publicly resign and save my reputation.
Things like this don't tend to get forgotten in the poker world!
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:41 AM
The Team & Me have tried to retain Our Dignity by not getting drawn into these foolish Trolling arguments, about a Total set up & Conspiracy.

They out to get me as they tried with TONY 3 years ago

This is Doing The Great Sky Community No Good whatsoever..

But that is the plan for 6/7 Sky Banned players & their little sheep followers!!

Good Day All.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:54 AM
Hows the legal team doing?
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:57 AM
Innocent RV (lol)

If this is the case, then why 8 days after the event was DD still in yr team (screen shots show dates of timescales) when you said in a public statement I dealt with it the day after, also as a little team spirit why not message myself/Tash over someone joining our team who you thought to be a cheat?

Because it never happened, what did happen is you asked DD to delete the convo when he pm'd you saying he was leaving.

Deny this.....
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 11:59 AM
*because it never happened.

The confession to SKY others, not the cheating... that much is proven in my eyes.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 12:08 PM
Sorry to gatecrash yr nice little forum people, but a lot of us from SKY are angry about this.
And seeing as any negativity towards what RV has done has been deleted/closed, this is one of the only places to have yr own opinion/viewpoint.

I FWIW am one of the trolls RV mentions, do I believe I am one... sometimes, I play and contribute on the site and play the live tours and in general get on with all. Sometimes tho if I believe in something, I can say my piece regardless of what anyone thinks and this is one of them moments.

So again sorry, for having the balls to speak up and not be taken a fool of.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 12:09 PM
Last night, on a Facebook forum, the vice captain of Hitsquad (David ''InnocentRV'' Harvey's team) stated he was sure collusion occurred.

Quote: Simon Allen Do I think collusion occurred? Yes. (C&P from FB)

Care to comment on that statement from your vice, InnocentRV?
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by InnocentRV
The Team & Me have tried to retain Our Dignity by not getting drawn into these foolish Trolling arguments, about a Total set up & Conspiracy.

They out to get me as they tried with TONY 3 years ago

This is Doing The Great Sky Community No Good whatsoever..

But that is the plan for 6/7 Sky Banned players & their little sheep followers!!

Good Day All.


no1. You have no dignity left, you are a KNOWN CHEAT/COLLUDER

no2. no one is out to get you. you are a self confessed CHEATER

no3. the fact that sky allows a KNOWN CHEATER play on their site does nothing for them whatsoever

no4. i think being a KNOWN CHEATER, you have pissed off more than 6 or 7 people on the site due to your brash attitude to it, after all, YOU CONFESSED TO CHEATING.


no6. if you did not notice or read correctly, go back and read 1-5 again and see why people hate you.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by InnocentRV
The Team & Me have tried to retain Our Dignity by not getting drawn into these foolish Trolling arguments, about a Total set up & Conspiracy.

They out to get me as they tried with TONY 3 years ago

This is Doing The Great Sky Community No Good whatsoever..

But that is the plan for 6/7 Sky Banned players & their little sheep followers!!

Good Day All.
You can keep banging this ''they stitched me up, it was entrapment'' drum all you like, but sooner or later you're gonna have to put up or shut up. So lets see it David, lets see your evidence that you were the victim in all of this? Don't be shy....

And whilst we're here, lets imagine for just a second, that you are being truthful (lol), and DD was a 'plant' in THS to cause still colluded. Not at any point do you say, 'this is against the rules, if you're gonna talk about hands then I'm turning chat off'....nope, absolutely nothing in the messages that tell him to clear off. You were quite happy to collude, seemingly very happy that one of your enemies was a target.

The lies you have spewed in this fiasco are outrageous. No-one can verify that you spoke up the next day about the collusion. Why would you speak up? Why would you bust yourself for collusion? Why was DD free to leave THS of his own accord more than a week later? Surely a man of such integrity as yourself would have removed him at the first opportunity. And why, upon DD informing you he was to leave your team, did you want him to delete the messages? An innocent man wouldn't need anything deleted. An innocent man, who claims entrapment, would surely want the messages saved as a cornerstone of his defence?

David, why did you post the following on the Sky forum on 7th April...

''This coaching soon deteriated to outrite collusion, which is against DTD & THS ethic, he instigated all, and I was uncomfortable ending up ignoring messages''.... Please explain that to us all, as clearly you don't ignore the messages, and admit to being involved in collusion.

So many questions, so few answers. Had you held your hands up instantly and admitted it was an error of judgement one night and you are prepared to take whatever punishment, this could've been resolved so much quicker and all involved moved on.

Instead, you are trying to lie your way out of it like a coward.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by InnocentRV View Post
The Team & Me have tried to retain Our Dignity by not getting drawn into these foolish Trolling arguments, about a Total set up & Conspiracy.

They out to get me as they tried with TONY 3 years ago

This is Doing The Great Sky Community No Good whatsoever..

But that is the plan for 6/7 Sky Banned players & their little sheep followers!!

Good Day All.

Looks like you have about 200 little sheep followers, or ostrich's all burying there heads in the sand.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by InnocentRV
The Team & Me have tried to retain Our Dignity by not getting drawn into these foolish Trolling arguments, about a Total set up & Conspiracy.

They out to get me as they tried with TONY 3 years ago

This is Doing The Great Sky Community No Good whatsoever..

But that is the plan for 6/7 Sky Banned players & their little sheep followers!!

Good Day All.
You still don't seem to grasp the seriousness of what you have done.
You seem to have previous and made some "enemies" along the way.
But from what I have seen you cheated then tried to get your fellow colluded to delete incriminating evidence...far from being a set up it looks to me as if your "enemies" we're just waiting for an opportunity to jump on you and seized it with Botha hands! still cheated!.
And sky are no better for allowing this to be swept under the Carpet.
And I for one shall be asking the gaming commission to question the integrity of a site that sees evidence of cheating and only bans one party.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 01:03 PM
paracetemol is giving me a headache
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-15-2015 , 01:41 PM
InnocentRV As you're an honest person Dave, hope you don't mind me calling you Dave, what conversations have you had with sky since all this collusion nonsense came out.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
