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Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action?

04-13-2015 , 01:29 PM
link to sky thread please
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 01:41 PM
lol @ my legal team.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by InnocentRV
Hi, I'm David Harvey.

My Legal People are looking presently at this thread & other Accusations on Social Media.

......My Poker Story, briefly

Poker is just a Hobby for me, Fun, Escape from Business Pressures, where luckily for me, I have had Much Success.

I also Run & Founded Sky Team HitSquad, as hobby, 5/6 Years ago.
..and been donking off money on Sky for 6 Years, just for fun like.

I Have stood up against Trolls & Haters who slagged TK, Sky Presenters, Me & others, earning me many enemies over Years, some of whom are Banned form Sky for varying misdemeanors.

This Controversial 'Story'

Once upon a time in Cyber Troll Land....
A Few Months ago....
A Guy Joined HitSquad, after approaching Us out of blue on Sky Forum.
He was welcomed in & took part, gaining our trust.

It seems now, he 'may' have been a plant all along.

About 6 weeks ago, in the Sky Forum DTD on Mondays, run by my friends, and with my help in past for years. He was on my table. [Fook, if only he was not eh?, as no other accusations have EVER been made against me]

Having never messaged me before during play, he did, and asTeam newbie I responded, I don't normally do any FB while playing, not good enough!

His convo, he instigated, began something like 'Tuff table' etc, 'whos good here?', any notes, standard i guess...
....he then went on later to discussing hands briefly we played, like a coaching, this however deteriorated.....I said so & became uncomfortable, probably was naive where this had been taken, so ended convo.

Next day being uncomfortable with situation, and fact that I had been victim of attempted stich-up & lies before, I messaged few folks I trusted to see how to proceed, I wont name any names, but these included 2 Sky forum Mods, a League admin & another official. To tell them about this attempted Collusion, as this was all it was i felt, importantly!! Unfortunatley stuff now being touted everywhere looks alot different

Message came back, that FB chats or pics cannot be verified but HH can be checked.

Was considering options for best & honesty, & with other stuff had decided with HitSquad admins this Guy was not for us at all.
Before we could eject from our Team, he left to join another..

All was quiet for 3/4 weks, had no further advice form anyone, so decided to leave it as a lesson learnt.

Then 2 weeks ago I was approached & threatened with blackmail over this.
I had to put him & a Colleague back into The FOSP, 'Friends of Sky Poker' group of which i was admin, & co-founder, or suffer the consequences.

Me Being Me, & Standing up to Bullies, Blackmail, Conspiracy, stood my Ground, refusing, [and probably swearing a Fooking bit, lol]

They then went public, with a 'version' of events, on FB, Sky Forum, Now here.
Also issuing personal threats!

Thoses who really know me, know my Ethic & Ethos.

I Now wear my Heart on My sleeve for Jackals & Jackdaws to peck at..
and this will be my only riposte here, as legally I been advised to stay out of any arguments.

But I am Stronger than Enemies could imagine & will get thru this...

I Hope that The Sky Poker Community, Sky & others allow this to be dealt with fairly, Please, and in private, as I had tried to sort.

My Reputation means alot to me, but I will not ignore this smear campaign by many haters, and their helping Sheep.

Many of You may know me or Know of me, I will never Hide.
Hope if any of you want, we can have a pint & chat sometime.
I always try to clear air politley if possible.

Thanks 2+2 for allowing me in to respond to these allegations.
There seem to have been many Kangeroo Courts about!!
In My Opinion, this is between Me, Sky and Folks involved.

I know this may be picked to pieces, so Haters do your worst, what will be will be, and what goes around, WILL come around!!

I am Not a Cheat.
This Last time I will say.


The Hitman

So that's the man himself explaining that this is just a big confusion and any other posts he made were taken out of context.

I think that it is only fair that now this has all been cleared up that the screen shots linked above showing the collusion and his original admittance on the Sky Thread be removed because the only explanation that matters is this one now.

That also will silence the idiots who said that I was Dave!
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by MMD
lol @ my legal team.


thats his legal team.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 02:19 PM
having read the sky thread lots of his hit squad jumped in and backed him before the evidence emerged.

For me it raises concerns that far from this being an isolated incident , it may be common practice amongst all teams .the screenshots show that there was no concern about sharing holecards and didn't happen inadvertently . If sky are going to have "teams" as part or their community , they really ought to stop team mates from playing on the same table.

I'm glad i left sky last month and started playing at unibet. looks like its time to cash out the sky roll if collusion is not taken seriously by the site management.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 03:17 PM
It has to be asked just what Sky Poker are playing at.

Both these players are playing at this moment in the very same tournament the collusion allegations resulted from.

No case to answer? Perhaps as Sky always take the line that they won't discuss individual cases, it means they have already made their decision in this and will not be commenting.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 03:56 PM
Both players are on the tables. The other player in this has openly admitted to collusion with DH. He hasn't attempted to retract it and he has said elsewhere that he fully expects to be banned.

How neither of them has been suspended after so long is a mystery. This thing just gets weirder and weirder.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 04:40 PM
the funny thing is, they are on the tables now.

If you check the forum, HITMANS admission is there and the other person has messaged customer services and fraud team himself yet can still play.

I dont understand this one bit, how can 2 people admit to CHEATING and not be investigated.

if they were investigated they would be suspended, under the t&c of sky poker.

unfortunately this only shows me 1 thing, they have chosen to ignore admissions by 2 people that they cheated.

Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 05:54 PM
I don't care who did what to who or who called someone nasty names.the fact of the matter is that sky have know about this for weeks and neither player has been suspended pending any investigation.
Looks to me like sky want it to quietly go away.
Not a good duty of care to their honest customers imo.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 06:01 PM
By all accounts you can't mention it on Sky forum as it get's deleted, so it looks like sky hope that given time it will all go away. I for one would not be happy if i reg'd for a game and they where in same tournament, or cash game, it's all a joke.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 06:07 PM
So, a friend of mine just posted a screenshot of a chat log with customer care on a Facebook page...

Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 06:14 PM
this isn't looking good for sky if what is been mentioned here is true as posted it really does put sky in the same position as ultimate bet.

I am curious what the legal ramifications are for falsely suing people for libel when it in fact turns out to be true.

I would assume that in itself would be an offense otherwise you can free roll on intimidating people, However I do not know that and am not legally qualified.

I have asked a friend who has legal training but he has not got back to me yet.

i suck at googling.

I am not quite sure if the community gets the severity of what is been stated here I would expect much more activity if they did.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 06:16 PM
Problem is that nobody really knows what sky poker is. If this was stars the page would be 10 long by now.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by EvilPengwinz
So, a friend of mine just posted a screenshot of a chat log with customer care on a Facebook page...

Its really not the worst response depending on the situation. If its just general support (that might not even work directly for Sky) and may not be part of the poker support. Rand CS guy could have asked for more details yes, but more than likely has 0 clue about the collusion accusations or what DTD is and was deferring to the normal response with cheating
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-13-2015 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Paracetamol
Well this didn't take long to get on here. How dare you post David Harveys name AND mention APAT and Team Hitsquad in the pictures. Before everyone starts jumping to conclusions and asking for his head you may want the facts:

1: David Harvey only admits colluding over the tournaments that there are screenshots of him colluding in so don't go saying he has been doing it all the time.

2: David Harvey says he told his friends at Sky weeks ago when he first found out about the screen shots so it's Sky problem now not Dave's.

3: David Harvey is a well respected member of the Sky community, he's a friend of various presenters and Sky Mods and runs his own team on Sky. He's even been on the Sky TV Channel as a guest.

4: David Harvey admitted it in a post on Sky Forum last week. Sky obviously don't feel that it warrants a ban and that it goes against their collusion rules because he is still playing there so let's just leave him alone to play in peace, he doesn't deserve this, hes a good man who in his own words is a good man who made a mistake.

5: Its Sky Pokers decision on any punishment so stay out of it please as they seem to have decided that all is ok.

6: The other person (David Dearlove) has admitted it and has said on another forum that he is expecting a ban as those are the rules so let's just ban him and leave Dave Harvey alone please.
You give me a headache sir
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 04:16 AM
Given that Sky Poker is no longer owned by bSkyb, this doesn't bode terribly well.

The whole selling point of Sky Poker was watching action close to live (few mins delay) and getting conversation flowing in their community.

Now they have no channel, it's just a small time gaming site benefitting from the Sky brand, that they'll eventually lose.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by LukeSilver
it really does put sky in the same position as ultimate bet.
Not that it really matters, but since you keep posting this - no, not even remotely close.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 06:06 AM
Sky's response when I contacted them last night about alleged cheats playing in the DTD game....

Jonathan Greetham: surely an alleged cheat should be banned until the investigation has been completed for safety?
Waseem S: The poker can not ban any customer until guilty. We have to wait for the outcome of the investigation first.

I do know of one player who as soon as he was moved to one of the alleged players tables announced that they would not play another hand, contacted Sky and were reimbursed for the game.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 06:15 AM
There were a couple of posts made elsewhere regarding refunds when players complained that the alleged colluders were playing the 3 series competition.

Still it's not all bad news for David Harvey's Hitsquad team. They managed to finish 1st and 2nd last night
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 06:50 AM
Sky happily refunding you is everything you need to know about this. They know exactly what is going on but they're desperate to cover the whole thing up by keeping everyone happy. I've always thought sky was shady and I read recently that they started closing winning accounts or were throwing collusion accusations around at will (don't hold me to that but that's what I think I remember).
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 07:01 AM
Lol, these clowns are taking things far too seriously if they're going to the trouble of sending a plant into a team (lol) with the plan to trick him into colluding to them blackmail him into letting them onto some Facebook page that (I think) is used to discuss the £2 games they were colluding in.

Also hilarious when you're hiring lawyers to save your reputation on the internet over cheating in a £2 game. Grow up
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by part-timer
There were a couple of posts made elsewhere regarding refunds when players complained that the alleged colluders were playing the 3 series competition.

Still it's not all bad news for David Harvey's Hitsquad team. They managed to finish 1st and 2nd last night
So to clarify for the record, as I won DTD last night, are you suggesting that I cheated?? Find that last comment slightly derogative!!
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 07:32 AM
There is more to it than a £2 game, it's 3 games adding up to £5.50 plus the player with best score out of two, wins a seat in a £33 game, with the chance to win hundreds. But as some have said, it ain't the money is the thought of people cheating that could be sat at your table.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
04-14-2015 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by THS Cracked
So to clarify for the record, as I won DTD last night, are you suggesting that I cheated?? Find that last comment slightly derogative!!
Where does he suggest you cheated? He merely states that on a positive note there was a 1st and 2nd.
Sky Poker Collusion - Why no action? Quote
