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Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM

12-05-2007 , 08:31 PM
lawlz kid is in 8th grade

name : Jamie Dwyer

aliases : Kamek241, MindFlayer

MSN Messenger (email) : | AIM : kamek241 | Yahoo! IM : jdwyer242

interests : skateboarding, web design, graphic design

occupation : student, selling pirated games ( shhh... don't alert the authorities kthx )

why I made this site : mostly because I was bored, but also to show up Pat's crappy website (warning: contains partial nudity)

location : Ontario, Canada (The Great White North, eh?)

a little bit about me : well, I'm a grade 8 student, and a novice at web design. I spend most of my free time skateboarding (when it isn't snowing, friggin' Canadian winters). When I've got nothing else to do, I'm usually on the computer working on this site, designing graphics, chatting on IRC, etc. I'm not going to give you my whole life story (mainly because I can't be arsed to type it all out), so just message me on MSN, or AIM, or whatever if you want to know a little more about me.

shout out to all my best homies! : DAYLYN (yay for you, you get capital letters!), graedon, kyle, tay, jackson, meagan"
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-05-2007 , 08:34 PM
I think that was from like 3-4 years ago or so. Im trying to get a date on the webpage now, if anyone can help let me know
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-05-2007 , 09:05 PM
this whole thing is gold.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-05-2007 , 09:59 PM
I wonder if a group of friends is using the names interchangeably, because Jamie Dwyer's profile displays a basic command of punctuation and spelling that is simply not present in the IMs. He seems to know the language. It takes enough effort to pull off a scam as it is, so would someone posing as an "AbsolutePkrMngr" intentionally place an additional barrier between himself and easy cash by typing like a Nigerian emissary who just discovered Babelfish?
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-05-2007 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Clubs
I wonder if a group of friends is using the names interchangeably, because Jamie Dwyer's profile displays a basic command of punctuation and spelling that is simply not present in the IMs. He seems to know the language. It takes enough effort to pull off a scam as it is, so would someone posing as an "AbsolutePkrMngr" intentionally place an additional barrier between himself and easy cash by typing like a Nigerian emissary who just discovered Babelfish?
LOL, he talked perfectly fine at the start until he shat himself when I said that I wanted to do $2000 instead of $500
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-06-2007 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by pmarrsouth
thats why I asked for them so I could get them banned. PLease dont think I was actually going to send him $$
I think he meant that if you had got him to send the "upfront fee" to you, that still could have been trouble for you, as it might have gotten your account locked at some point for being associated with a fraudulent account.

BTW, VNH sir. Well done in getting 2 of his accounts closed, and providing seemingly endless amusement for everyone!
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-06-2007 , 04:18 AM
this thread is gold.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-06-2007 , 04:26 AM

Thanks for the entertainment that doesn't seem to ever end. Definitely a new Wiki entry for 'Tool'. Even funnier, this Tool isn't even very good at what he thinks is the Nutz.

Well done,

Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-08-2007 , 08:33 PM
xo Jessahh ox: Hi
AbsolutePkrMngr: sup

lol nice english
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-08-2007 , 09:23 PM
Good Job, this thread made me laugh non-stop, keep up the good work
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-08-2007 , 09:32 PM
AbsolutePkrMngr: now i wotn vie u bonus
xo Jessahh ox: lol wtfever
xo Jessahh ox: AP sucks
AbsolutePkrMngr: lol w.e i dotn work fro them
AbsolutePkrMngr: i was gonna scam u

lolololololol omg i've been aggravating this kid for like an hour now
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-17-2007 , 11:12 PM
hahaha honestly, are you kids silly? you're such huge losers. congratulations on getting pictures of me from when i was like 12-13 years old... does that make you feel real good? haha.
i'm not even involved in this at all. the guy who does all this is my buddy, he just uses my old aim account that i don't use anymore...
i think all of this **** is so hilarious. he's put next to no time at all into this **** to get money from a bunch of stupid chumps on the internet, and you people are all like obsessing over him and ****. it's kind of strange if you ask me.
you people all seem to think this is so hilarious and i can't seem to understand why. do you think you're all one step ahead of him or something? what are you trying to accomplish? he doesn't have any sort of plan for all this, he's just doing it all for ****s and giggles. you guys are all just wasting your time haha. peace <3
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
12-17-2007 , 11:13 PM
ps he thinks it's hilarious when you guys all add him and ask him for the bonus and **** haha. he would also like to add that pmarrsouth is the biggest *** of them all.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-26-2008 , 06:48 PM

This gets better and better.

These scammers are such lowlife idiots. It's always great to see them getting so badly owned.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-26-2008 , 07:01 PM

how funny is that
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-26-2008 , 08:38 PM
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-26-2008 , 08:44 PM
10000000000000000000000000000000000x better than that stupid Randy Jensen thread.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-26-2008 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by pmarrsouth
pmarrsouth: goon
AbsolutePkrMngr: Sorry sir?
pmarrsouth: go on
AbsolutePkrMngr: Oh sorry i thought you were calling me a goon.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-27-2008 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by jgunnip
LOL...I find this thread particularily amusing, kamek241 is not your culprit, and his picture has been posted in haste.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-27-2008 , 03:05 AM
I noticed a few people asked 'who would fall for that?' type questions earlier on in the thread...who would fall for it? Alot of people! And as for all you critics of his method, he's managed to collect well over $5000 doing that! I don't know how much he's ended up with over the past little while, but I'd imagine it's getting up toward $10,000.

Another thing I saw people mention is that he's been he hasn't, his accounts only takes a few minutes to make a new one. Kamek241 was being completely honest with you, he has nothing to do with these 'scams' he just knows of your 'culprit'
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-27-2008 , 03:07 AM
Its crazy
We dont think its possible, because it wont fool us. But it will fool some people
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-27-2008 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by k2o4

This gets better and better.

These scammers are such lowlife idiots. It's always great to see them getting so badly owned.
He never got 'owned'...unless you mean taking baths in other people's money is getting owned LOL He's still out there, someone else WILL send him money.

Ban me if you like...but I seem a valuable resource
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-27-2008 , 03:37 AM
I have lots of funny is this ****? It's all the same guy LOL
DavePlaysPoker: Hello sir, how are you today?
DavePlaysPoker: Hello sir, how are you today?
carl223: alright whos this?
DavePlaysPoker: My name is Dave I work for FullTilt Poker, I am offering bonus codes to anyone who's accumulated 50FTP this month.
carl223: whats the bonus?
DavePlaysPoker: It is a 200% deposit bonus up to $500, are you interested in taking advantage of this offer?
carl223: sure not today though
DavePlaysPoker: That's fine, I can remind you next time you log in if you would like.
carl223: ok thnks
DavePlaysPoker: Your very welcome, have a nice day.
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-27-2008 , 03:37 AM
here's the rest...carl223 ended up sending $300 LOL What a goof.

DavePlaysPoker: Hello carl223 would you like to take advantage of our 200% deposit bonus?
carl223: yes ill depopst 300
DavePlaysPoker: Okay, let's get started.
carl223: do i just deposit it now?
DavePlaysPoker: No, you will need to deposit to bigstreak13 with the bonus code DoubleMeUp (case sensitive)
DavePlaysPoker: That will give you $600 and enroll you in our "Rake-back" program
carl223: why not in y account?
DavePlaysPoker: In order to receive the bonus you need to "bump" another account, the money WILL be in your account, this is all part of the rake-back program
carl223: r u sure
DavePlaysPoker: I am positive, I have done this countless times
carl223: okay...i sent it
DavePlaysPoker: Excellent, in a few moments your account will be credited and you will start collecting 'rake-back'
carl223: thks
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
01-27-2008 , 04:45 AM
OMG I cant belivee how dum u pkr plyrs r.. lolz
Ginger, u da man! POTY!
Scammer Alert - 'rep' from AP on AIM Quote
