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romanwarrior's debt thread. romanwarrior's debt thread.

02-21-2009 , 05:22 PM
The funniest thread ever,
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by nyrealtor
I would be up for unbanning Romanwarrior if he had his PM's disable and only could post on here...because I would like a chance at my $200 back after thinking about it and to actually see wtf is wrong with this guy
I am leaning strongly towards banning romanwarrior permanently after this latest escapade.

If he has any self-respect left and intends paying you and others back, it isn't because he might be unbanned here. He can contact you at any time by other means.

I am absolutely stunned that anyone could be scammed by him at this stage in his career, but I have to come to the conclusion that there is a vague possibility that there might be one or two more people as careless as you in the world, and I can see that the main reason you gave him your money was because he has been here a long time. Banning him obviously closes that apparent plus-point.

At this moment, I can't see reasons that are value-added for the forums to allow him back.

romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 06:47 PM
But Mike, if you do that, where will I get the updates of him paying everyone back? Like a bad movie that will.just.not.end I wanted some sort of resolution so I can feel better about wasting six months of my life.


That being said, I truly don't care what you do.

My only confusion lies with this: I just don't know why everyone trades with Internet people, moves $$$ on the basis of an AIM screen name, and finds ways to get scammed out of money.

Many do not fall to the Nigerian mail-fraud scam, but people will attempt to swap funds for the rush of playing online poker.

Darwin was right, I guess.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 07:13 PM
You could easily contain this the right way mike...

1)Take away private messaging feature for him
2) Have him only post on this thread
3) Post under his name ATTN:ALERT SCAMMER

Not everyone has means of contacting him outside of this thread.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by nyrealtor
You could easily contain this the right way mike...

1)Take away private messaging feature for him
2) Have him only post on this thread
3) Post under his name ATTN:ALERT SCAMMER

Not everyone has means of contacting him outside of this thread.
1. Can't be done, afaik.

2. Who is going to check on his posts every day?

3. Twoplustwo will not do this.

What on Earth makes you think romanwarrior would agree to being humiliated like that? If he's going to pay you back, he'll pay you back, and he will contact you to do it. Humiliating the guy isn't going to make him pay you back.

Personally, I think you should try to learn from what has been said to and about you in this thread.

You've lost your money. Don't throw more away in similar ridiculous ways in the future.

romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 07:34 PM
ok cheers...this thread should be locked and put to peace then...

romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 08:30 PM
There is one other possibility for un-banning Romanwarrior's account so he can post here again. Keep his account banned but un-ban his IP so he can create a new account, which would have a low-post count and very recent registered date, thus minimizing his credibility should he attempt to pull the same scam again (and of course re-ban the IP if he does attempt a new scam)

If I am mistaken and he has not been IP-banned, then there is nothing preventing Romanwarrior from doing this already.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 08:59 PM
letting roman freely run around under a new name where it's harder to tie him to other scams for transfers seems even worse for traders imo.

He's going to 1) pay people back or 2) not pay people back.

letting him have another account is just asking for problems that are hard to track for people who don't have access to IP info and aren't careful in trades.

he's going to A) create another account or B) not create another account already.

I understand the sentiment a bit- I just think it actually solves very little.

can you imagine the next guy coming in and saying "wait you KNEW he was a scammer but you allowed him to operate under a new name instead?$#(^&@(*$(@@@*$!"
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by nyrealtor
ok cheers...this thread should be locked and put to peace then...

Thanks for your wise words. I'll take them under advisement.

romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-21-2009 , 11:01 PM

My hats off to you sir. You deal with all the BS stuff on the site and deal with it well.



Edit/MH: Thank you for saying that. Not sure someone else might agree with you!

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-21-2009 at 11:12 PM.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 12:34 AM

romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 01:01 AM
Mike Haven for mod!
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 04:55 PM
here is a email from our friend ROMANWARRIOR:

Number 1. I dont have access to 2+2 as they banned me, and Pokerstars has blocked my account because of someone sending me fraudulent funds, I can provide all emails to you to prove that,
Number 2 it wasnt me who was using my 2+2 account and the money was NOT SENT TO MY ABSOLUTE ACCOUNT.

Here was my email to RomanWarrior:
I sent it to scare him into sending the funds back however I did not threaten his life whatsoever:
If you do not refund my $200 to absolute you will be getting charged/sued( I am in contact with all of the people you scammed)...I got a court order for your IP address on the site and personal information. Gotta love having the poker sites and 2+2 will have to provide me with that information.

You have 48 hours to get me my money or else




2nd Email from him:


I never said that it wasnt done from my computer, but anyways please write to the other email I indicated and we will sort this out, I have been playing poker for a long time and there is no need to scam someone out of 200 dollars, also if you would like to discuss this over aim we can do that as well.
__________________________________________________ _______________________
^---------is lie number one/two as exec has confirmed that he has been scammed by him(although ROMAN denies this but says he doesnt deny it was made from his computer)

Tiltyjoker has confirmed ROMAN requested money to that pokerstars account so if it was not linked to his account than ROMANS account would not have been locked.

Received his email from Exec who has been in contact with him for a long time regarding the ROMANWARRIOR scamming him so I know for a fact he is lying.
AIM conversation to come...says it was his backers wrong doing
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 05:01 PM
all sounds perfectly legit

so if it is better to keep scammers around, why is he still banned? I mean all you have to do is research him. Hmm, maybe I was right
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 05:11 PM
Conversation between "knightsun7" and "romanwarrior83d"
To return to your conversation, close this window.

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:46:57 PM] knightsun7: you have till the end of the night to give me back my money
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:47:58 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I am going to have it to you by the end of the week, if you want to hire a PI that is your perogative, but I am saying again, I didnt use my 2+2 account to scam you, I can explain the whole situation to you

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:48:34 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I only found out about this by trying to read 2+2 last night

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:49:29 PM] knightsun7: sorry but we have confirmed it has come from your computer and dont lie you have scammed many people
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:49:49 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I never said it didnt come from my computer

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:50:01 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Yes and I paid everyone back, exept 2 people

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:50:18 PM] romanwarrior83d:
and kept everything in the open

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:50:29 PM] knightsun7: oh but in your email you said u never scammed anyone before
[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:50:33 PM] knightsun7: contradicting yourself
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:50:48 PM] romanwarrior83d:
When ?

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:50:56 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I meant about this present situation

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:51:13 PM] knightsun7: I never said that it wasnt done from my computer, but anyways please write to the other email I indicated and we will sort this out, I have been playing poker for a long time and there is no need to scam someone out of 200 dollars, also if you would like to discuss this over aim we can do that as well.
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:51:30 PM] romanwarrior83d:
It says no need to scam

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:51:27 PM] knightsun7: it is clearly you so dont lie i have proof it was you
[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:51:40 PM] knightsun7: no need but you have debt so you clearly have a need
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:51:56 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Hello xxxxx,

Greetings from PokerStars.

Your deposits and transfers are not being processed because your account
is currently flagged by our security system.

It has come to our attention that you are closely related to a player with
whom we have an outstanding issue.

For our records we would appreciate an explanation of your relations with:
-=[KC]=-Ajax , adotlee , ALL_lN_KID33 , BlindRaizen , roma_kidalo

It is standard procedure to request an explanation when this type of
situation occurs. We do not mean to imply any wrongdoing.

Thank you for your cooperation, we will be looking forward to hearing from
you soon.

Best Regards,

Roberta C
PokerStars Security

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:52:21 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Do you know who adotlee or blindraizen is ?

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:52:19 PM] knightsun7: you owe me Absolute funds not stars
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:52:25 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I know

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:52:31 PM] romanwarrior83d:
You said that in email

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:53:02 PM] romanwarrior83d:
but they guy who did this is my backer, if you actually go and see some of the posts I had before will prove it, his sn on stars and absolute are karpukhin

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:53:17 PM] romanwarrior83d:
my stars sn is -=[kc]=-ajax, and absolute 83ofdiamonds

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:53:30 PM] knightsun7: whatever so you live with your backer?
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:53:56 PM] romanwarrior83d:
No but I come over his house and vice virsa to play together, we used to at least

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:54:14 PM] romanwarrior83d:
u can also confirm this with sah_24 he was one of the people I owed money to

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:54:19 PM] knightsun7: you get on the phone right now and give me my money back
[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:54:26 PM] knightsun7: with your backer
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:55:27 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I already talked to him and he said he wont pay untill his issue is resolved with pokerstars, but I have no idea who those 2 people are he already explained his relationship to the rest. He also owes me money for last session which he is not paying me untill this is resolved

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:56:16 PM] knightsun7: then im getting a court order for absolute to hold his poker account seizure to he will lose thos funds as well if he doesnt
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:56:21 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Anyhow, I understand this was done from my 2+2 account and it looks bad for me, but promise I will take care of it for your by end of the week

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:56:39 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Ok up to you.

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:57:06 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I can promise you that by Sat 28th you will have the funds back in your account

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:57:11 PM] knightsun7: so you call him now or he will be losing ALL of his funds....i dont play games....

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:57:29 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I talked to him already today

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:57:44 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Also email me your sn for absolute and first name as I don't have either of those

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:58:14 PM] romanwarrior83d:
There is no harm in waiting for 28th, than u can still get your order

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:58:23 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Also can you do me a favor ?

[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:58:21 PM] knightsun7: well talk to him again or he will have all of his funds gone...
[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:58:26 PM] knightsun7: nope no favours
[Sun Feb 22 2009 03:58:30 PM] knightsun7: until i get my money
[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:59:04 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Can you ask Mike Haven for the names of last 2 people i owe money to for their sn, as they were in my inbox on 2+2 but now he banned me and wont respond to my emails

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:59:09 PM] romanwarrior83d:
and I plan on paying them back

[Sun Feb 22 2009 12:59:22 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I think he went on megatilt and lost all his funds

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:00:23 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I was scammed too awhile back on 2+2

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:00:30 PM] romanwarrior83d:
for 500

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:00:42 PM] romanwarrior83d:
and I filed police report and everything but they didnt do anything about it

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:00:57 PM] romanwarrior83d:
after I called the guy's parents though I got my money back

[Sun Feb 22 2009 04:00:55 PM] knightsun7: whatever you have scammed thousands of dollars...its different when you hire private investigator
[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:01:09 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I only owe 250 to people

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:01:17 PM] romanwarrior83d:
so not thousands

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:01:28 PM] romanwarrior83d:
even if you add this 200 which wasnt me, it will be 450

[Sun Feb 22 2009 04:01:27 PM] knightsun7: you owe me 200 and you have till the end ofthe night
[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:01:58 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I told you the best I can do is the end of the week, if he agrees to do it earlier or if something else comes up I will do it quicker

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:02:23 PM] romanwarrior83d:
btw what state do you live in ?

[Sun Feb 22 2009 04:03:13 PM] knightsun7: non of your business... my AP is knightsun7 and name- Trevor...have until the end of the night, im contacting everyone who has been scammed and we are chipping in for the investigator
[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:03:37 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Ok, can you email the name as well to me

[Sun Feb 22 2009 04:03:55 PM] knightsun7: its right there you can write it down
[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:05:25 PM] romanwarrior83d:
Well I told you the best I can do is before 28th, up to you what u want to do, I told you the truth so if you want to believe me you can if not I dont care one way or the other, but I will take care of this.

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:05:51 PM] romanwarrior83d:
So than you are saying if you dont get it today, you dont want me to send it to you ??

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:06:53 PM] romanwarrior83d:
I asked you a simple question do you want me to send it to you on 28th ?

[Sun Feb 22 2009 01:07:00 PM] romanwarrior83d:
or before if I can

[Sun Feb 22 2009 04:07:26 PM] knightsun7: bye

This guy a a freaking joke and think he is fooling everyone...contradicting out of his ass
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 05:17 PM
IB just when i thought this thric.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 05:31 PM
this thread is really amazing imo
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by nyrealtor
... lie number one/two as exec has confirmed that he has been scammed by him(although ROMAN denies this but says he doesnt deny it was made from his computer)

Received his email from Exec who has been in contact with him for a long time regarding the ROMANWARRIOR scamming him so I know for a fact he is lying.
For new readers, exec = exec771.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 05:52 PM
Please note that I have extended romanwarrior's ban, indefinitely.

However, romanwarrior, once you pay everyone in full, PM me from a new account and either I can unban your romanwarrior account to allow you to announce this, or I will post it on your behalf.

(By the way, rw, I don't know who you are e-mailing, but it's not me.)

romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 06:02 PM
so now roman's "backer" has his stars account locked?

you cannot make this **** up.

oh wait... yes he can.

this single line sums up Roman's mindset completely...
"So than you are saying if you dont get it today, you dont want me to send it to you ??"

Roman- since you no doubt will read this- grow a set and do the right thing and pay people back immediately. Citrus has never confirmed the last payment either afaik. Combined with these scams to end your stay here I don't think anyone believes that ever took place.

Last edited by apefish; 02-22-2009 at 06:09 PM.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 06:40 PM
lol court orders for pokerstars to hold money....lofl.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 06:43 PM
dude...i said that to scare him...and it worked for the most part as he eventually contradicted himself in the conversation.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by nyrealtor
dude...i said that to scare him...and it worked for the most part as he eventually contradicted himself in the conversation.

No one said Romanwarrior was a smart guy.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by antionlineshill
lol court orders for pokerstars to hold money....lofl.
Originally Posted by nyrealtor
dude...i said that to scare him...and it worked for the most part as he eventually contradicted himself in the conversation.
Originally Posted by antionlineshill

No one said Romanwarrior was a smart guy.
I knew he was a moron, but i had no idea he was that dumb. lmao
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
02-22-2009 , 09:59 PM
This thread makes the forum look really good.

It's also necessary.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
