Real Deal Poker - We'll Be Right Back After These Extensive Renovations [2011]
, 11:25 AM
ONCE AGAIN - their system doesn't work any different than a regular RNG. I've PLAYED it. Odds still calculate the same as other online rooms, I still get plenty of bad beats (and give them too) with REAL LIVE shuffled decks (which aren't that random, an RNG is better).
No matter how you slice it - to seed the matrix, you need a form of RNG. When the deck is cut, you need a form of RNG to pick out the implied deck. The seeding of the cards, and the choosing of the deck played - is where the real shuffle fails, and an RNG algorithm is employed (otherwise, there is no true randomness over a multiplied instance of 52 cards per deck).
Ugh, if this helps the Germans out, then so be it. But its no different than any other poker site - as in the cards dealt out for a given hand.
No matter how you slice it - to seed the matrix, you need a form of RNG. When the deck is cut, you need a form of RNG to pick out the implied deck. The seeding of the cards, and the choosing of the deck played - is where the real shuffle fails, and an RNG algorithm is employed (otherwise, there is no true randomness over a multiplied instance of 52 cards per deck).
Ugh, if this helps the Germans out, then so be it. But its no different than any other poker site - as in the cards dealt out for a given hand.
, 11:27 AM
Legislators aren't keeping online poker from being completely legal in the US because of the RNG. Its more about sin and getting their cut.
Last edited by batair; 05-03-2010 at 11:36 AM.
, 11:35 AM
ONCE AGAIN - their system doesn't work any different than a regular RNG. I've PLAYED it. Odds still calculate the same as other online rooms, I still get plenty of bad beats (and give them too) with REAL LIVE shuffled decks (which aren't that random, an RNG is better).
No matter how you slice it - to seed the matrix, you need a form of RNG. When the deck is cut, you need a form of RNG to pick out the implied deck. The seeding of the cards, and the choosing of the deck played - is where the real shuffle fails, and an RNG algorithm is employed (otherwise, there is no true randomness over a multiplied instance of 52 cards per deck).
Ugh, if this helps the Germans out, then so be it. But its no different than any other poker site - as in the cards dealt out for a given hand.
No matter how you slice it - to seed the matrix, you need a form of RNG. When the deck is cut, you need a form of RNG to pick out the implied deck. The seeding of the cards, and the choosing of the deck played - is where the real shuffle fails, and an RNG algorithm is employed (otherwise, there is no true randomness over a multiplied instance of 52 cards per deck).
Ugh, if this helps the Germans out, then so be it. But its no different than any other poker site - as in the cards dealt out for a given hand.
, 12:01 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 16,729
Please don't be naive. The hole system can be inplanted in some sealed chips and the gambling commission regulators in these different countries need something like that to handle the controlling.
The card shuffling machines can also be under control of the gambling commissions or similar organisations like for example the German TÜV. The Game Check System on the other hand can be under control of fiscal authorities, in order to collect taxes deducted at source. Use your phantasie what this could all mean.
The card shuffling machines can also be under control of the gambling commissions or similar organisations like for example the German TÜV. The Game Check System on the other hand can be under control of fiscal authorities, in order to collect taxes deducted at source. Use your phantasie what this could all mean.
I appreciate English is not your primary language and at times that does create some difficulty in understanding your meaning (ie: hole vs whole which are both words and both can apply to poker but mean different things).
The reality is none of these rooms are rigged in the silly ways riggies want to believe them to be rigged. That's just paranoid conspiracy fantasy akin to 9/11 truthers who want to believe the US government killed thousands of it's citizens.
Tons of crime exists in the online poker industry, but the crimes are those that make sense - fraud, collusion, bots etc. Small rooms go under all the time stealing their players money. Larger rooms catch colluders all the time (tons of accounts among the Omaha DoN regs on Stars have recently "vanished").
Super programmed RnGs with all the people keeping it a secret till their death is fantasy, and Real Deal's deal will be no more or less rigged unless their weird way of dealing is actually expolitable which would be a problem.
Your weird belief that if it is monitored by tax collectors it is ok is LOLtastic. People come up with conspiracies all the time about tax agencies.
Ooh, spooky IRS conspiracies. Glad they are not regulating online poker...
All you are is a degenrate gambler who pretends to know math who is clinging to the belief that finally a room will exist that you may win at because it is"fair" even though you losing has nothing to do with fairness, and you know what - good job Real Deal in creating a marketing hook that appeals to guys like you.
As I have said a few times, they will have a much harder time keeping you guys as customers once you start noticing patterns there as well and more and more people are in on it to keep you from winning yet again.
All the best.
, 12:02 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 2,947
Thank you for being willing to answer questions here.
The patent application provides a lot of information. Please address some of the questions it raises, which have been brought up repeatedly in this thread.
1. Your deck matrix system, although obviously necessary logistically, seems to negate the original promise to deal a real deck of cards as shuffled, with one deal per shuffle just like a live game. You are apparently dealing a computer generated variant and not the original shuffle. Your patent says you might use up to 2704 variants (or 52 variants times 52 possible cut points). So the original shuffle is merely a "seed" for the computer to create more decks and no longer dealing real cards as shuffled. This is contrary to your marketing. Please comment on this.
2. If you are creating up to 52x additional variants of each cut point by fixed algorithm (which is what your patent says) to give you the needed 2704 decks per shuffle, then that is a predictable and exploitable pattern. How will you prevent someone who is observing multiple tables over time from figuring out one or more of these fixed repeating algorithms? If on the other hand, you are randomizing these deck variants rather than using fixed algorithms, that would be secure but would mean you are are in fact using a form of RNG contrary to your marketing. Please explain.
3. Since you are no longer going to deal each physical shuffle only once, but are in fact creating variants by secret algorithm, how does this make it any less likely that your deal is manipulated than at any other online poker site? I'm not suggesting that any site is rigged and I don't believe you have any intention of doing so. But if you are not going to deal the physical shuffle as it comes off the physical machine, then you have opened the door for any kind of manipulation to be done by any insider. How can you still prove this is not the case, if the video capture of the physical shuffle will not in fact show the order of the cards that ends up being dealt to the table? It seems the deck matrix idea opens that possibility and removes the very thing you have based your concept on. Even if your audit process says how the deck variant was created for that specific deal (reversal, odds/evens, etc per the patent) it still won't be apparent how a particular variant was selected for that table at that time. This could be random, or it could be by algorithm, or it could be by a rigged profiling system (I'm not suggesting it is). How will you show otherwise? Your entire concept is based on showing the provenance of the deck, so this seems essential.
4. This is really the critical point. You will be storing up many virtual decks to meet table demand and not using the physical shuffles in real time. Thus you will have a selection of many decks to choose from when one is needed at any particular table. How are these decks selected? In my opinion there are only two possibilities. The first is that you use some randomization method, i.e. an RNG. That is what you emphatically say you don't do. And the other choice is that they must be used sequentially as produced, and this must be somehow provable. Otherwise your method actually makes it easier to manipulate the outcomes than a site using a regular RNG method, not less likely. What's to stop you or another insider from choosing a stored deck according to any criteria you want to use? You know in advance the order of every deck. That doesn't provide any more confidence to players than an ordinary RNG, and some would say it provides less.
I trust you will provide candid answers. Thank you.
Thank you for being willing to answer questions here.
The patent application provides a lot of information. Please address some of the questions it raises, which have been brought up repeatedly in this thread.
1. Your deck matrix system, although obviously necessary logistically, seems to negate the original promise to deal a real deck of cards as shuffled, with one deal per shuffle just like a live game. You are apparently dealing a computer generated variant and not the original shuffle. Your patent says you might use up to 2704 variants (or 52 variants times 52 possible cut points). So the original shuffle is merely a "seed" for the computer to create more decks and no longer dealing real cards as shuffled. This is contrary to your marketing. Please comment on this.
2. If you are creating up to 52x additional variants of each cut point by fixed algorithm (which is what your patent says) to give you the needed 2704 decks per shuffle, then that is a predictable and exploitable pattern. How will you prevent someone who is observing multiple tables over time from figuring out one or more of these fixed repeating algorithms? If on the other hand, you are randomizing these deck variants rather than using fixed algorithms, that would be secure but would mean you are are in fact using a form of RNG contrary to your marketing. Please explain.
3. Since you are no longer going to deal each physical shuffle only once, but are in fact creating variants by secret algorithm, how does this make it any less likely that your deal is manipulated than at any other online poker site? I'm not suggesting that any site is rigged and I don't believe you have any intention of doing so. But if you are not going to deal the physical shuffle as it comes off the physical machine, then you have opened the door for any kind of manipulation to be done by any insider. How can you still prove this is not the case, if the video capture of the physical shuffle will not in fact show the order of the cards that ends up being dealt to the table? It seems the deck matrix idea opens that possibility and removes the very thing you have based your concept on. Even if your audit process says how the deck variant was created for that specific deal (reversal, odds/evens, etc per the patent) it still won't be apparent how a particular variant was selected for that table at that time. This could be random, or it could be by algorithm, or it could be by a rigged profiling system (I'm not suggesting it is). How will you show otherwise? Your entire concept is based on showing the provenance of the deck, so this seems essential.
4. This is really the critical point. You will be storing up many virtual decks to meet table demand and not using the physical shuffles in real time. Thus you will have a selection of many decks to choose from when one is needed at any particular table. How are these decks selected? In my opinion there are only two possibilities. The first is that you use some randomization method, i.e. an RNG. That is what you emphatically say you don't do. And the other choice is that they must be used sequentially as produced, and this must be somehow provable. Otherwise your method actually makes it easier to manipulate the outcomes than a site using a regular RNG method, not less likely. What's to stop you or another insider from choosing a stored deck according to any criteria you want to use? You know in advance the order of every deck. That doesn't provide any more confidence to players than an ordinary RNG, and some would say it provides less.
I trust you will provide candid answers. Thank you.
I'd like to add my support to these questions. Please address these concerns directly.
, 02:25 PM
The reality is none of these rooms are rigged in the silly ways riggies want to believe them to be rigged. That's just paranoid conspiracy fantasy akin to 9/11 truthers who want to believe the US government killed thousands of it's citizens.
Tons of crime exists in the online poker industry, but the crimes are those that make sense - fraud, collusion, bots etc. Small rooms go under all the time stealing their players money. Larger rooms catch colluders all the time (tons of accounts among the Omaha DoN regs on Stars have recently "vanished").
Tons of crime exists in the online poker industry, but the crimes are those that make sense - fraud, collusion, bots etc. Small rooms go under all the time stealing their players money. Larger rooms catch colluders all the time (tons of accounts among the Omaha DoN regs on Stars have recently "vanished").
Your weird belief that if it is monitored by tax collectors it is ok is LOLtastic. People come up with conspiracies all the time about tax agencies.
Ooh, spooky IRS conspiracies. Glad they are not regulating online poker...
Ooh, spooky IRS conspiracies. Glad they are not regulating online poker...
All you are is a degenrate gambler who pretends to know math who is clinging to the belief that finally a room will exist that you may win at because it is"fair" even though you losing has nothing to do with fairness, and you know what - good job Real Deal in creating a marketing hook that appeals to guys like you.
, 03:21 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 28,242
FYI, webcast tomorrow with Gene Gioia Tuesday at 8pm GMT on the site.
, 03:33 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 16,729
I don’t know the reality in internet pokerrooms because I have no insight view and can consider them only like well-painted off-shore black boxes. When I started playing poker at the beginning of 2007 I saw the jerry-built corporate structure of PP, the background of Ruth Parasol and some other negative internet stories. Furthermore, a German guy – well known to me as a fraudster from former times - who owned suddenly an internet casino and a pokersite. So, I was already warned when I started and found never to much light in this business. Instead endless negative stories. I said in the German forum already this: "What else will still happen, so that I can’t stop my paranoid way of thinking".
As I said, there is one big difference. Testing RNGs requires big databases and I was first guy here in this forum who realized a flashy error in the Pokerroom RNGs after approx. 100 Mio. Pokerhands. As u know Pokerroom was more or less the only pokersite which published statistics for all dealt pokerhands. I think nobody will find similar errors in the Real Deal’s deal, once this system works correct and is audited by the IoM authorities.
German poker pros have currently a big tax problem, because of the fact that the fiscal authorities struggle through the Hendon Mob winner listings. We have a very long thread about this problem in our forum. Here it is (I assume more than 50% was written by me). We know that we have only a chance to get poker legalized if the German fiscus is able to collect taxes directly from the source, hopefully as a fixed percentage from rake only. No other solution makes sense.
All I want to see from any pokersite is a current attest that their game is fair and true random (and certainly also some other information - don't like to play on a site which is owned by the maffia or another well-known gangster). I think this is a reasonable demand and I justified this already very often with a shift of the burden of proof. Here is one example of my reasoning.
All the best.
, 04:27 PM
Not to believe that I'm the guy who gives PS such legal advice and tips (or they are rigged anyway and fear everything).
, 05:01 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 16,729
According to my view this is an example of not true random RNGs! I have never said rigged!
I think I understand your point now. Correct me if I am still missing it:
If we find that in 1,000,000 trials the AA count is lower than expectation, we will almost assuredly also find that the count of some AX hands is higher than expectation. This dependence in differences from the expected value will artificially inflate the chi-square test statistic.
Is that correct?
If so, this makes sense and now I understand what you are getting at. So, if this is in fact the problem, then one ought to see the observed minus the expected still perform correctly. That is, if I am getting too few AAs then I ought to get a few more AXs, so the sums of the deviations from expectation over all 169 hands ought to be close to zero.
So I did that and got 36. That means over all 169 hands, the sum of the differences between observed and expected is only 36. That is pretty tiny. Moreover, if you first divide the O-E's by E and then add up the weighted differences you in fact get zero.
This method, while lacking in that there is no statistically distribution (that I know) to test the probability of such results, is unbiased by the non-independence because while differences in getting dealt AA impact differences in getting dealt AX, these differences are counter-acted by summing up over all of the O-E's. The chi-square, as you have finally gotten across to me, is biased by non-independence (although the expected values are not).
Given this result, it is pretty obvious to me that On-Game's RNG is working just fine. Sorry to any conspiracy theorists that I may have mislead. Thanks Wiggum for making this clear enough to understand.
FWIW though, the chi-square test statistic would actually perform well (though still be inappropriate) as the number of hands dealt approaches infinity because the observed would in fact become closer to the expected. Apparently 122 million + hands isn't very close to infinity.
If we find that in 1,000,000 trials the AA count is lower than expectation, we will almost assuredly also find that the count of some AX hands is higher than expectation. This dependence in differences from the expected value will artificially inflate the chi-square test statistic.
Is that correct?
If so, this makes sense and now I understand what you are getting at. So, if this is in fact the problem, then one ought to see the observed minus the expected still perform correctly. That is, if I am getting too few AAs then I ought to get a few more AXs, so the sums of the deviations from expectation over all 169 hands ought to be close to zero.
So I did that and got 36. That means over all 169 hands, the sum of the differences between observed and expected is only 36. That is pretty tiny. Moreover, if you first divide the O-E's by E and then add up the weighted differences you in fact get zero.
This method, while lacking in that there is no statistically distribution (that I know) to test the probability of such results, is unbiased by the non-independence because while differences in getting dealt AA impact differences in getting dealt AX, these differences are counter-acted by summing up over all of the O-E's. The chi-square, as you have finally gotten across to me, is biased by non-independence (although the expected values are not).
Given this result, it is pretty obvious to me that On-Game's RNG is working just fine. Sorry to any conspiracy theorists that I may have mislead. Thanks Wiggum for making this clear enough to understand.
FWIW though, the chi-square test statistic would actually perform well (though still be inappropriate) as the number of hands dealt approaches infinity because the observed would in fact become closer to the expected. Apparently 122 million + hands isn't very close to infinity.
On the other hand we have you with your beliefs based on , umm, your beliefs. Whenever you stated your beliefs the stats guys usually said something like "true, but irrelevant" or "not true."
Post 47 in that thread is what happens when a riggie and his theories meet up a stats guy.
In those cases - I'll take the stats guys.
If you have any flashy proof that is actually confirmed by the stats guys please feel free to link that.
Why should I do that? I don't play or risk any money if they don't voluntarily provide what I want to see. And I have no chance to sue them when I get wrong information because the place of jurisdication is not in Germany. Under German jurisdiction I wouldn't have much problems to sue PS for any loss if they can't give evidence for a fair poker game. Therefore, a similiar solution like in case of Real Deal could protect them legally.
Not to believe that I'm the guy who gives PS such legal advice and tips (or they are rigged anyway and fear everything).
Not to believe that I'm the guy who gives PS such legal advice and tips (or they are rigged anyway and fear everything).
If Real Deal appeals to you then play there since as a riggie you are their target market. We will see how ong you and other riggies stay loyal before all of these same paranoid beliefs start forming on Real Deal as well. Good luck to Real Deal when that happens...
, 05:33 PM
Believe me I don't need stats guys if I get all information I need. I think there was some sort of a greenhorn pokerroom manager who provided wrong data to the public. This example shows that no rigtard in this forum will hardly ever be in a position to prove anything. And if the pookerroom manager would have the same experience and education than I have no stats guy in this forum would ever be in a position to proof the biggest rake maximization fraud. Therefore all this discussion is some sort of BS.
I play were I want to play also on sites with a weird RNG system.
If u don't want to play on Real Deal then u are some sort of a rigtard because u don't trust card shuffling machines combined with a weird deckmatrix system.
Believe me I don't need stats guys if I get all information I need. I think there was some sort of a greenhorn pokerroom manager who provided wrong data to the public. This example shows that no rigtard in this forum will hardly ever be in a position to prove anything. And if the pookerroom manager would have the same experience and education than I have no stats guy in this forum would ever be in a position to proof the biggest rake maximization fraud. Therefore all this discussion is some sort of BS.
I play were I want to play also on sites with a weird RNG system.
If u don't want to play on Real Deal then u are some sort of a rigtard because u don't trust card shuffling machines combined with a weird deckmatrix system.
Last edited by McSeafield; 05-03-2010 at 05:39 PM.
, 05:40 PM
Yes. I believe that the rigtards will lose at RDP also.
At that monumental turning point in their lives they will have to chose from the standard explanations, plus they will have one additional option.
"He called for Qh on the river, and he got it"
"He doesn't know every card that is coming, but sometimes he does"
"He was sitting on 20 tables, but he was only raising on mine"
At that monumental turning point in their lives they will have to chose from the standard explanations, plus they will have one additional option.
[ ] There are big leaks in their game"There is no way he should have called my all in, unless he knew that a club was coming next"
[ ] Every site that they have ever played on is rigged
[ ] One or more of their opponents has deciphered the matrix, and sometimes knows what card will be dealt next, based on the cards simultaneously dealt at other tables
"He called for Qh on the river, and he got it"
"He doesn't know every card that is coming, but sometimes he does"
"He was sitting on 20 tables, but he was only raising on mine"
, 05:44 PM
He took the red pill.
, 05:46 PM
It is statistically likely that if enough people play at RD a few will run very hot over a significant number of hands.
These few will naturally see this as evidence that were poker gods all along and that now, at last, there is a fair site that allows thier hold 'em genius to shine through.
These people will, inevitably, become evangalists for RD.
Of course, that majority will neutral or bad and these people will be "The New Rigtards of the Church of RealDeal".
We live in interesting times.
These few will naturally see this as evidence that were poker gods all along and that now, at last, there is a fair site that allows thier hold 'em genius to shine through.
These people will, inevitably, become evangalists for RD.
Of course, that majority will neutral or bad and these people will be "The New Rigtards of the Church of RealDeal".
We live in interesting times.
, 05:58 PM
I'm for the blue pill (and a previous poster in another thread a long long time ago called me - The Architect)
, 05:59 PM
Carpal \'Tunnel
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 16,729
Suggest it to Real Deal as a marketing slogan.
If Real Deal's deal is flawed the stats guys will discover it. Until then I assume it will not be rigged no matter what way they deal it. Riggies will see patterns in their deal just as they will in any deal.
, 06:14 PM
1) Publish and clearly detail the system they use for shuffling cards, in a manner that allows players to conceptually reproduce the system.
2) Provide a copy of every hand history played by the player on demand so that they can conduct their own analysis.
3) Arrange for and publish the result of reputable auditors to analyse their systems.
4) Operate in a credible regulatory jurisdiction.
How can the regulators and legislators be absolutely sure that all is random and fair?
Secondly, they should have the ability to review the processes of the system.
FWIW, in addition to your query about regulators and legislators, I'd also add in "players" since I think they're more important stakeholders.
How can we poker players be sure in case that only RNGs are used?
Is there a hidden code or radio frequence with a certain noise level u have to know to become a winning player and know then all hole cards?
There must be a way to secure a fair and true random game. If not, we can forget Online-Poker.
I consider Real Deal Poker as a good approach only. However, they promise somewhat. I re-translate the promise into English. It is said somewhere in their faqs.
What does Pokerstars promise sofar? More or less nothing.
1) Yes -
2) Yes.
3) Yes -
4) Yes -
And this is the reason why I am a conspiracy theorist. But be sure, I am more an old practician than a naive joung poker player. I have already realized a lot of risks and have a long experience sofar.
, 06:15 PM
Post #26 != first.
, 06:16 PM
BTW, it's pretty dumb to ask rhetorical questions and get the answers wrong.
, 06:17 PM
ROFL Supa-Pwnd
, 06:24 PM
Are you aware that no one ITT has stated (at least not seriously) that they think that Real Deal is likely to be rigged? Most of us are simply arguing that there is nothing in Real Deal's methodology that makes it any less likely to be rigged than any other site.
Output, output, output. In the end, that's all that matters.
, 06:25 PM
our reptilian overlords' power rests in the fact it is not possible to prove.
they call it the Kaiser Soze Complex.
they call it the Kaiser Soze Complex.
, 09:54 PM
@Bobo Fett
One Mod said:
I answered:
The original wording in German was:
It is much harder for me to translate this into English than u might believe. DUCY?
But I have something serious to say:
1) Please don't mix my qoutes arround if u have no clue what I said.
2) I was cited in the first post. This means I said it already before the thread started.
3) Your thinking is flawed. If u can't understand my opinon, then read the last pages ITT again.
I know u are a very bright boy here in this forum. I learnt a lot from u during these AP/UP cases and I appreciate your opinon. However, I thought u also learnt a lot, i.a. that u had much luck during the AP case. And therefore I say u what. The value of this document is below zero for me. It says what is says - not more.
I hope u understand me now and forget "BTW, it's pretty dumb ..."
If not, I don't want to explain this here. The discussion would be offtopic ITT and I'm no PS hater. I like PS because of other reasons, not because of such weak documents of their fairness and also not because of the used RNGs.
One Mod said:
One feels great, but in the break one is beaten up.
After all you must get any benefit in kind and anybody will get once upon a time his come-uppance exactly in accordance what he earns.
Irgendeinen benefit in kind musst du ja schließlich bekommen und jeder bekommt irgendwann einmal genau das Fett ab, das er verdient.
But I have something serious to say:
1) Please don't mix my qoutes arround if u have no clue what I said.
2) I was cited in the first post. This means I said it already before the thread started.
3) Your thinking is flawed. If u can't understand my opinon, then read the last pages ITT again.
I know u are a very bright boy here in this forum. I learnt a lot from u during these AP/UP cases and I appreciate your opinon. However, I thought u also learnt a lot, i.a. that u had much luck during the AP case. And therefore I say u what. The value of this document is below zero for me. It says what is says - not more.
I hope u understand me now and forget "BTW, it's pretty dumb ..."
If not, I don't want to explain this here. The discussion would be offtopic ITT and I'm no PS hater. I like PS because of other reasons, not because of such weak documents of their fairness and also not because of the used RNGs.

Last edited by McSeafield; 05-03-2010 at 10:08 PM.
, 10:00 PM
In B4 annoying BAN!!!
, 10:12 PM
I know u are a very bright boy here in this forum. I learnt a lot from u during these AP/UP cases and I appreciate your opinon. However, I thought u also learnt a lot, i.a. that u had much luck during the AP case. And therefore I say u what. The value of this document is below zero for me. It says what is says - not more.
I hope u understand me now and forget "BTW, it's pretty dumb ..."
If not, I don't want to explain this here. The discussion would be offtopic ITT and I'm no PS hater. I like PS because of other reasons, not because of such weak documents of their fairness and also not because of the used RNGs.
I know u are a very bright boy here in this forum. I learnt a lot from u during these AP/UP cases and I appreciate your opinon. However, I thought u also learnt a lot, i.a. that u had much luck during the AP case. And therefore I say u what. The value of this document is below zero for me. It says what is says - not more.
I hope u understand me now and forget "BTW, it's pretty dumb ..."
If not, I don't want to explain this here. The discussion would be offtopic ITT and I'm no PS hater. I like PS because of other reasons, not because of such weak documents of their fairness and also not because of the used RNGs.

If you want to be paranoid that's fine, it's your right. But don't dump your paranoia on us and try to discredit the very real efforts sites take to ensure a fair game. You are provided with detailed information from somebody like Josem, links to audits by reputable organizations, and even have the output at your disposal for any testing you may want to do. YOU choose to ignore all of it and claim that an unproven site not even on its feet can do better.
You know what? That's a bunch of bullcrap. You've brought nothing of substance to this discussion and I don't see that changing.
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