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A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010]

03-02-2010 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Riggermortis
Sometimes you have to recognize things aren't always as they seem. Take for instance when you stare into a mirror. Sometimes the mirror is a pivot into the past and more times then not, it is just asking a question about profanity. Take a valcano for example. If you anger it, it will rumble, if you poke it and may rumble louder. Point being, life is like a game of chess and we are all checker boards.
Life is random tho, this doesn't make any sense
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:17 PM
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Giblet
But why the hostile and juvenile actions.

I believe this is the main point of your post.

The internet is a brutal democracy, people can reply any way they want.
You might get a few genuine and considerate replies, but there will
always be those who like to be childish, rude, insulting or whatever.

Please post more , I love your style of english.
You remind me of Manuel from Fawlty Towers or
Latka from Taxi.

Last edited by Wave Length; 03-02-2010 at 05:21 PM. Reason: don't mention the taboo subject, its never discussed
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Giblet
I have been called the following in my time here:

MOD. Idiot. And assorted nonsense.

Its what they use to call the dozens, yes.

But listen, I am not participating. I think it is in fine and good jest, then I have no problem. BUt to continue on with it is not legitimate if it is in malice.

Also, I think the response I have received, are quite interesting.

My self has been attacked.?

I doubt that in person I would be spoken to as such. But perhaps I am wrong.

The fact that I am new to No Limit and am looking to learn does not mean I am simple or ignorant to most/all things.

Simply put. I have not the inclination/desire to go and learn your strange insult/put down slang. So i laugh and let it slide off.

But when It interferes in posting of messages, I take offense.

And listen, someone makes a comment, I come with a rebuttal? Understand?
It is clear to me that you are smart enough to communicate in other languages besides your own native language, but because english isnt your first language, you are lacking some clarity in your point.

I don't speak a second language nearly as well as you speak your second or third language, I have scored as high as 149 on IQ tests, so I guess I am not as smart as you are or much lazier. Don't be insulted by the shills and the trolls, they are just trying to inflame you for entertainment value.

Also, there is nothing wrong with being funny even if you are not trying to be. Maybe you have a natural gift as it pertains to your translation from your language to English? Maybe you should cash in on it like Borat did.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:22 PM
Does no one see My point.

There have now been countless introductions of off topic material.

In order to address them , I must Speak on them? NO?

If I do people say. O How Strange, that man Is speaking of David Mamet.

I DID NOT introduce David Mamet, did I?

How many responses to my original statement, and yet still only 1, 2 genuine?

ANd now, a image of That actor speaking in butchered Iambs?

This is my point?
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Wave Length
I believe this is the main point of your post.

The internet is a brutal democracy, people can reply any way they want.
You might get a few genuine and considerate replies, but there will
always be those who like to be childish, rude, insulting or whatever.

Please post more , I love your style of english.
You remind me of Manuel from Fawlty Towers or
Latka from Taxi.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by DonkoTheClown
Maybe you should cash in on it like Borat did.

You mean the Sacha Baron Cohen from England Borat? He had a good gimmick.
Mr. Giblet is the real thing.

Last edited by spadebidder; 03-02-2010 at 05:36 PM.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:31 PM
This message has generaed very little in response to my point.

I now bid it and you adieu for the moment.

I simply state.


I have no hustle, or gimmick or any scam. I am not asking for money or anything other than assistance.

I thank you all again,

You have provided assistance, and I do not mid the jests as long as I receive what i ask for.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 05:38 PM
Mr. Giblet, spadebidder started a poll in NVG about you if you are a gimmick or not, either way it was clear you are very popular on these forums, whether you know it or not. unfortunately that thread is no longer around but I do hope you got a chance to read it.

A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 06:48 PM
Watch out Mr. Giblet is a professional ponzi scammer
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
You mean the Sacha Baron Cohen from England Borat? He had a good gimmick.
Mr. Giblet is the real thing.
As you can see, Borat ( I mean Sacha) sold me so well on this that I didnt even know his real name. So Sacha is a Troll? HAHAHA!
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 07:08 PM
can i have some of whatever you're on ??
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 07:21 PM
Please dont insult handicapped people by somehow implying anyone is referring to them when they call you a rigtard OP.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 07:22 PM
If you are serious Mr.Giblet then I'll answer your question, the reason most ppl are losers is b/c they can't handle the swings of winning and losing. They don't understand that poker is about the longterm
This is a nice talking point but we need regulation and access at any time to see the hardware these sites use.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Please dont insult handicapped people by somehow implying anyone is referring to them when they call you a rigtard OP.
Haha scathing ^^
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by banonlinepoker
This is a nice talking point but we need regulation and access at any time to see the hardware these sites use.
They should also publish a manual on how their systems can be compromised.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:20 PM
I beleive in YOU Mr. Giblet.

p.s. I'm glad you found ASSistance.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Giblet
Does no one see My point.

There have now been countless introductions of off topic material.

In order to address them , I must Speak on them? NO?

If I do people say. O How Strange, that man Is speaking of David Mamet.

I DID NOT introduce David Mamet, did I?

How many responses to my original statement, and yet still only 1, 2 genuine?

ANd now, a image of That actor speaking in butchered Iambs?

This is my point?
I think you maybe questioning the inherent amount of spite conveyed on these boards. The reasons are complex to be sure. Lying somewhere in the lack of understanding of the many laced with the lack of compassion of the few that do. Not to mention the haves vs the have nots.

That being said I F'n love cereal, I wish i could eat it but i dont cause it makes me FAT. Why u gotta bring that **** up?
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:21 PM
Random Poem #1267579146

human complete
guilty stay
guilty leave
buy life

flower earth
yes incomplete
maybe maybe
sad sell

death infinity
nothing incomplete
sadness dream
certain s p a c e

sadness death
nice dream
s p a c e nature
stay courage - "it makes more sense than Mr. Giblet".

A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:35 PM
MOD. Idiot. And assorted nonsense.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 10:24 PM
Alright, I'll try to answer your question.. at least I think this is your question?

A question on Tone of argument located here, in regards the Taboo topic.
I think the "taboo topic" you're referring to is the rigged debate. I'll give you my take from the perspective of both sides.

  1. The rigtards have no understanding of poker or online poker.
  2. They view online poker as a video game that will have patterns or that they're playing against the house or a computer.
  3. They generally don't understand how online poker sites make money.
  4. They have no proof other than.. one time in a $3 MTT my AA was cracked by 72o.


These are usually online poker players that win money from bad players. Personally, I take offense to people spreading bad information. I don't want new players to read what a rigtard has written and accept it as truth.

There is usually at least 1 new rigtard post every day in the zoo. I know I get sick of seeing them and I'm sure there are many many others that feel the same. Therefore, the replies will instantly have a negative tone.

Beyond that, it's not easy to make someone see that they're dumb or bad at poker and it generally breaks down to name calling etc.

Is it the most constructive way to have a conversation? Probably not but it's not going to change.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 10:53 PM
I have been called the following in my time here:

MOD. Idiot. And assorted nonsense.
as a mod im offended that you are offended.

however i also like pie and that is in your favour.

now, in 20 words or less, what was your question that you want answered?

Last edited by OziBattler; 03-02-2010 at 10:59 PM.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 11:02 PM
also Mr Giblet, allow me to introduce me to Daniel No2... i miss Daniel #2

i dont know why but when i read this thread i thought of Daniel#2
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
Random Poem #1267579146

human complete
guilty stay
guilty leave
buy life

flower earth
yes incomplete
maybe maybe
sad sell

death infinity
nothing incomplete
sadness dream
certain s p a c e

sadness death
nice dream
s p a c e nature
stay courage - "it makes more sense than Mr. Giblet".


oatmeal automate father colonial writhe.
cyclic deviant winery lithograph scapular. expedition finance physik?
wash implore carborundum myrtle. kinesthesis mug back. too return lunchtime?
lefty quartermaster paint carriage honda pliers? swirly stout tragic upstair mythology contest. bedbug cottonwood churchyard helicopter analeptic,
agreeable stillwater stereoscopy. osgood appropriate biconnected clarendon aries
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
03-02-2010 , 11:27 PM
To Ozibatler,

I cannot condense my words. It is a simple question. Why the hostility from those who think there is legitimacy to the online sites toward those who suspect otherwise.

I do not understand what Daniel2 is saying, if this is a Joke or Jibe towards Negranu, I did not read the entire messages or all responses.

I should think I am more clear than a Man making an overt obvious and Curious attempt to ridicule, Asian speech while at the same time Mocking Daniel negranu?

Again, off subject. And responded to noneTheless.

As for the POEM, it is no worse than some of the AUTOMATIC writing practiced by the old ones. It will not scan properly, and is only for amusement. Not legitimate Poetry.
A question on Tone of argument located here, in  regards the Taboo topic. [2010] Quote
