Question abouot Black card bonus and MGR hit
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 114
According to FTP Doug:
If you have rakeback, the MGR hit for the Black Card bonuses happens as you clear the bonus, not when you purchase it from the store.
Does this clearly mean that there is NO MGR hit when use full tilt points in black card store to buy phyical item? so Buying cash bonus will be deducted exactly same amout from RB? so that means guys with RB should never use FTP points in black memeber store to buy cash bonus.
sorry too many thread/post about blackcard, I am quite confused.
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,597
You'll end up getting 73% of the bonus after the MGR hit. The bonus is deducted 100% from your MGR, not your RB.
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 1
I think what he meant by that statement is that the MGR hit will come gradually as you clear the bonus, not immediately when you purchase it.