Originally Posted by Mrbait
Have there really been any DDOS attack on propagandapoker and have this been going on for the last couple of weeks? If there have been an ongoing DDOS attack why havent they stopped it? What is their host provider turned down the bandwith because the missed payments from Propagandapoker?
Whats going to happend tomorrow when they are announcing their merge with Betafe? They got bailed out for their customer database and Betsafe promised them to secure funds for their clients! If not a reputable site like Betsafe had taken Propaganda to them they would have declered themself bankrupt and closed down! Propaganda do not have liquidity and they dont have their customers deposits! Everything i've told in my previous post are facts and stop questioning my intentions.. they are honest compared to the cowboys who are running Propagandapoker who got bailed out like a broke bank!
I believe the DDoS attacks started 09-26-2009, It's also your join date here on 2+2. ZE IRONY!!
All your previous claims are facts? Are you delusional? Go back and check what you wrote, and tell me if any of what you wrote is true. All along you've claimed you've got the facts.
You claimed they we're going down, our funds unsafe, not retrievable, and you claimed this was facts. Obv it was BS all along, a smear campaign all along.
Seems like you and your buddys failed with this campaign. gg