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Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea

01-21-2010 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I desperately want trade to get the money or investors to start his own site.

What kind of site? I know I am leaving myself open for jokes here.
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:28 AM
a poker site where you can put all your ideas and promotional stuff into action.
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by TradePokerMoney
A 50/50 table with variable blinds would be still be profitable in my opinion. When I say 50/50 I mean that half your buy in is free every time you bust. Everything else would remain the same.
Even 50/50 then "all shove every hand" is going to be an easy way of making money: you are risking just $0.5 for a 1/10 chance at winning $10 (ie: +$0.5 in EV every hand minus the rake for doing nothing but shoving all-in with everybody else).

Even if you are the 10th person to act and look down at the crappiest 10-way hand possible (23o), then you are still correct to shove your money in too as you are getting better than the required 5% equity needed for breakeven play for a 50/50 "value added" buyin.


EDIT: Actually 27o is worse 10-way and slightly worse that the 5% required, but I hope you get the idea... This idea is fundamentally flawed...

Last edited by jukofyork; 01-21-2010 at 12:34 AM. Reason: 27o, ldo.
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by jukofyork
Even 50/50 then "all shove every hand" is going to be an easy way of making money: you are risking just $0.5 for a 1/10 chance at winning $10 (ie: +$0.5 in EV every hand minus the rake for doing nothing but shoving all-in with everybody else).

Even if you are the 10th person and have the crappiest 10-way hand possible (23o), then you are correct to shove your money in too as you are getting better than the required 5% equity needed for breakeven play for a 50/50 "value added" buyin.


As the stacks got larger it would become less profitable to shove though. I just don't think people would be risking their 200 dollars that they have in front of them against other players who have 200 dollars with 23 offsuit.
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:36 AM
The free buys on this table are always 1/2 cent buy ins btw. So if you push 200 dollars and lose you would get another 1/2 cent buy in or 5 dollars. You wouldn't get a free buying for anything higher.
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by TradePokerMoney
As the stacks got larger it would become less profitable to shove though. I just don't think people would be risking their 200 dollars that they have in front of them against other players who have 200 dollars with 23 offsuit.
EDIT: In fact once you have won one of the 10-way shove-fests, it'd probably be best to just rat-hole your winnings and then get back on the waiting list? I can't see much point in sticking around really once you've won as you're just costing yourself the chance of getting more free money from the site?


Last edited by jukofyork; 01-21-2010 at 12:56 AM.
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 01:14 AM
juk - not sure. i think you should consider staying. other new players will be joining and there will be constant free money added to the table and future pots from other seats I think...whereas leaving your seat means you won't get to reappear for a long time.
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
juk - not sure. i think you should consider staying. other new players will be joining and there will be constant free money added to the table and future pots from other seats I think...whereas leaving your seat means you won't get to reappear for a long time.
I'll have to think some more about this tomorrow as about to crash out now - I originally thought this might be the case too (hence the edit), but then it occurred to me that it's only free money for those who haven't won one of the shove-fests yet? Perhaps with all the $1 buyins playing so recklessly it might be a good idea to stick around and pick your spots though? Hmmm, not sure now.

Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:13 AM
I barely have the time to respond to this thread saying what a waste of time that would be to 99% of the 1st, 2nd and most of the 3rd World to net a free $.90
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I desperately want trade to get the money or investors to start his own site.
This would be like a dream. I'm still pretty young but living in the US it's probably unlikely I will ever own an online poker site. It's something I know I would truely love though.

If Stars actually gave me a chance to talk with their programmers and set the table up exactly how I want it I know in my heart I could get appreciated for the ideas.

You guys might think I am nuts about my "going on strike" thread etc. But if you really look at the threads about the new VIP program you would see that my posts had at least some influence on how the new program ended up being. Specifically the part where I asked the question "how much is a dollar in rake worth"? Which helped clarify the issue on how to award the vpps in the new program.

I will never try to offer a malicious or irresponsible idea that would hurt Poker Stars. I am very aware of the objections that would occur toward an idea like a table with free buy ins. That's the whole purpose of the various modifications that put into the idea to make it viable. I would never expect Poker Stars to just give money away if it couldn't be smart from a business perspective.

Everything I offer is an attempt to solve problems. Some of the problems I see are these.

1. How to increase Team Pokerstars players ability

2. How to get people to blog about Pokerstars and add to search engine results

3. How to get people who play tournaments to consider playing cash games and/or to look around the site more.

I can't really tell if you are making fun of me or would really like to see me get a website to see how much money I would lose lol
Promotional Table With Free Buy Ins Micros Idea Quote
01-21-2010 , 02:36 AM
This would be like a dream. I'm still pretty young but living in the US it's probably unlikely I will ever own an online poker site. It's something I know I would truely love though.

If Stars actually gave me a chance to talk with their programmers and set the table up exactly how I want it I know in my heart I could get appreciated for the ideas.

You guys might think I am nuts about my "going on strike" thread etc. But if you really look at the threads about the new VIP program you would see that my posts had at least some influence on how the new program ended up being. Specifically the part where I asked the question "how much is a dollar in rake worth"? Which helped clarify the issue on how to award the vpps in the new program.

I will never try to offer a malicious or irresponsible idea that would hurt Poker Stars. I am very aware of the objections that would occur toward an idea like a table with free buy ins. That's the whole purpose of the various modifications that put into the idea to make it viable. I would never expect Poker Stars to just give money away if it couldn't be smart from a business perspective.

Everything I offer is an attempt to solve problems. Some of the problems I see are these.

1. How to increase Team Pokerstars players ability

2. How to get people to blog about Pokerstars and add to search engine results

3. How to get people who play tournaments to consider playing cash games and/or to look around the site more.

I can't really tell if you are making fun of me or would really like to see me get a website to see how much money I would lose lol
trade - yes, I am making fun of you. yes, I would really like you to get your own site because I think it would be a hoot to see you put all your crazy brainstorms into action. I envision a site with some free-cash table over in the corner with a wait-list a mile long and where I can cash out in gold certificates or something. Maybe the little chips on the screen would be shaped like gold certificates somehow. I don't know..just an idea.

No, I don't think Stars should listen to your ideas. Most of them just aren't very good although you stubbornly keep pressing forward even in the face of pretty clear-cut evidence showing that you're wrong.

But I do think it would be really fun to see you put these ideas in action though.

And I guess it's possible that you will hit on some okay idea some day. If you (or anyone) had pitched to me the idea of Rush tables like the one's they just added on FT I would probably have thought that was a bad idea too. Obviously I would have been wrong. Those things are a huge hit.

I think your "freeroll table" idea has possibilities but in its current incarnation has no chance of working because it would be just throwing money away for pretty much no gain. You have to consider the pros and cons. You just see, "well, everyone will blog about it" and don't think in terms of, "wait...maybe everyone won't blog about it."

In short, sometimes you aren't terribly practical and you just let your imagination get the better of you with all this, "I'm sure the pros would love to play on these tables too!" type of thoughts which just don't seem to be based on any kind of reality.

I think you are pretty incorrect to take any amount of credit for the changes in the VIP structure. It's so off-base I can't even tell if you're levelling or not but I suspect that you are serious.

The changes as they were implemented and inequities you refer to are the types of things that have been talked about on 2+2 long before you came around. I don't know how much you read around here but I think most of the regulars around here understood that. Nobody in their right mind thinks your strike thread was the reason Stars changed the VIP system. That's pretty crazy of you to say that.
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