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PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011

02-11-2011 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by seanysean
IF U ARE DON REG PLAYER LISTEN UP...use your brains cause i know u have them..we have to all go to merge. that is the obvious solution.
Don't forget to form your own collusion team before you move. Since Merge doesn't seem to do anything about collusion, you might as well consider DoNs a team sport there.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-11-2011 , 11:14 PM
So the only omaha sngs that run are DONS and you have not even put out 50/50`s for people to try.It really is disgusting if you are cancelling DONS at omaha and giving them no alternative to try first.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-11-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by RockardGB
So the only omaha sngs that run are DONS and you have not even put out 50/50`s for people to try.It really is disgusting if you are cancelling DONS at omaha and giving them no alternative to try first.
wait a minute,,,omaha dons are staying? huh??? i once heard the omaha players had higher winnings but they aren;t in the leaderboard.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 12:07 AM
very funny stuff, i was watching the lobby to see how long it takes for even one fity/50 to fill up and it's totally stagnant. Do they really believe it will pick up speed on February 15th. worst decision they could have made.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 12:29 AM
why we dont collect list of players want continuation of dons and give to stars
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 12:34 AM
seanysean, you desperately need to get laid....
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
seanysean, you desperately need to get laid....
i am married and i do have sex several times a week. What does that have to do with my passion for making money u tard.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 01:47 AM
xlebisol shut up! it's the third thread you write the same BS
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by seanysean
IF U ARE DON REG PLAYER LISTEN UP...use your brains cause i know u have them..we have to all go to merge. that is the obvious solution. they have the best rakeback 35 percent unless ther eis an even higher one that i didnt find) and the levels are 7 minutes. Cake is the less desirable US player solution due to the buy being less proprtionate to the level length (5.36 for 6 min levels). They also have a lower rakeback I believe. Over time, traffic will increase as long as players are serious and passionate enough about contining their don play. find a rakeback link online (i posted one earlier) and register for carbon when you are ready to start (load enough for 600 max deposit bonus so u get full value)
cake is less desiRabLe???????????

they have games available bu t i bet they havent run one in many many

cake is not an option!
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by MegaFossil

The Sharkscope 2011 profit leader for the $16-35 double or nothing category is a Merge (i.e. Carbon Poker) player, so there definitely seems to be profit potential there. I'd imagine there $50+ DoNs run very sparingly, but that could change if a handful of regs take their business there. It would probably be possible to 20 table the $20-$50 DoNs if you combine Merge and Cake.
Hi Fosil

you must have on mind that pokerstars have without no doubt best support what so ever,they show weakness at Dons but they tried to fight and act on players reports about possible collusion. you know this for sure and I am telling you this just because you must know that entering these sites just for DONs you will step in colluding paradise. you should have this on your mind..

cheers mate
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:10 AM
if pokerstars stop with dons i will leave, if pokerstars dont want Dons players, why dons players want pokerstars?! No respect to players with projects in long time, like SUPERNOVA ELITE, SUPERNOVA, 6 days to prepare all. Why dont close pokerstars in totally, all games have people trying cheat, i think is because that pokerstars have people to continue with games clear, I dont play fee only to see ALL TEAM PROS playing live events with my money!
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:29 AM
Guys seriously the "there's cheaters in every game" just doesn't fly. Every single one of you know that DoNs are more prone to and rewarding of cheating. That line seriously needs to stop.

Yes, all formats have cheaters. Except this particular format makes it really, really, really ****ing easy to do and impossible to catch in the short term, small footnote.

Again, I was a DoN player for a long, long time. Longer than many of the people supporting DoNs in this thread.

Find another format and move on. You will only be hurting yourself by chasing DoNs on other networks, since once they have their own cheating scandal, and they will, they too are going to remove them, and let me tell you, they aren't going to be paying back $1,000,000+ to the players who were cheated, and those sites don't have security teams even remotely ready to track what will go on like PokerStars did.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by xlebisol
I vote kizk_ for being the biggest Nit at the DoNs! Other Russians say that too!

Hey xlebis, this must suck for you too. Plans for the future?
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by MegaFossil
I'm probably not even gonna bother playing them at this rake structure b/c I think the achievable edges are way lower than DoNs and probably close to 9-man SNG territory, meaning at best only a select few will show a modest profit long-term and everyone else will be lucky to break even. Not to mention you probably won't be able to multi-table for than maybe 8 or 9 of the $50 and $100s at once. If rake gets lowered to 2.5% or better and they start to take off more with casual players, then I might be interested.
+1 to this and whats with the odd buyin amounts
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by Kajzer Sose
Hi Fosil

you must have on mind that pokerstars have without no doubt best support what so ever,they show weakness at Dons but they tried to fight and act on players reports about possible collusion. you know this for sure and I am telling you this just because you must know that entering these sites just for DONs you will step in colluding paradise. you should have this on your mind..

cheers mate
lmao. too funny, all these ppl are convinced the only place collusion exisits is in dons. too funny.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Guys seriously the "there's cheaters in every game" just doesn't fly. Every single one of you know that DoNs are more prone to and rewarding of cheating. That line seriously needs to stop.

Yes, all formats have cheaters. Except this particular format makes it really, really, really ****ing easy to do and impossible to catch in the short term, small footnote.

Again, I was a DoN player for a long, long time. Longer than many of the people supporting DoNs in this thread.

Find another format and move on. You will only be hurting yourself by chasing DoNs on other networks, since once they have their own cheating scandal, and they will, they too are going to remove them, and let me tell you, they aren't going to be paying back $1,000,000+ to the players who were cheated, and those sites don't have security teams even remotely ready to track what will go on like PokerStars did.
pokerstars security is so good, yes. how long did it take them to shut the chinese 6 months (and keep in mind ppl were complaining about these players from the beginning of their cheating operation.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by seanysean
lmao. too funny, all these ppl are convinced the only place collusion exisits is in dons. too funny.
Nobody thinks DoNs are the only games where collusion occurs. You are blatantly strawmanning your opponents' position because you don't have a reply to the actual one.

Originally Posted by rizeagainst
Guys seriously the "there's cheaters in every game" just doesn't fly. Every single one of you know that DoNs are more prone to and rewarding of cheating. That line seriously needs to stop.

Yes, all formats have cheaters. Except this particular format makes it really, really, really ****ing easy to do and impossible to catch in the short term, small footnote.

Again, I was a DoN player for a long, long time. Longer than many of the people supporting DoNs in this thread.

Find another format and move on. You will only be hurting yourself by chasing DoNs on other networks, since once they have their own cheating scandal, and they will, they too are going to remove them, and let me tell you, they aren't going to be paying back $1,000,000+ to the players who were cheated, and those sites don't have security teams even remotely ready to track what will go on like PokerStars did.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by seanysean
pokerstars security is so good, yes. how long did it take them to shut the chinese 6 months (and keep in mind ppl were complaining about these players from the beginning of their cheating operation.
My comment was clearly denigrating the security teams of the smaller sites, not attempting to pump up Stars' lag in regards to the chinese ring.

Again, you create and then attack a strawman.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 07:59 AM
Don duration x=>50/50 duration 2/3x
Don rake y=>50/50 rake 1.2y
DON player average ability to multitable in number of tables z=>50/50 2/3z
So in x amount of time a don player will generate rake of yz, and the same 50/50 player will rake in 2/3 x time 0.8yz rake=>in x amount of time a 50/50 player will generate 1.2yz which can offset lets say 20% of the don player pool migrating to other don offering sites…but wait…there’s more…stars know security for dons is a big issue and only because of the past scandal the players are paranoid , …and they should be because dons are more favorable to collusion and so they know they’re highest rakers wouldn’t have the volume needed on other sites , nor the security for those games(or they could go to Merge and not get the money back if they’re cheated , oo wait that’s not gonna happen because I doubt Merge security has the tools to discover cheating… at least not in time or FT could add dons and that would be very bad for stars because all the high rakers might go there, but is FT capable of providing security for the games and at a risk of further devising the sng player pool with the entry of yet another game..this might turn in a fiasco for FT, unbalancing the ecosystem with a very popular game that will attract players from other forms esp fishes – the don regs are from stars-, a game that will have high operational costs or if it won’t then Ft could have yet another chinese scandal on its hands and they wouldn’t want that so it’s a complicated decision for FT). So that would mean that stars generally will most likely will not lose high don rakers to other sites but rather make them play the 50/50s or switch to the 9 man or 6 max in which they make more rake in x amount of time…remember? This also brings the issue of ridiculously raked 9 and 6 max which they said they’ll lower the rake I’m sure to levels that they will ensure to bring at least as much profit as before because of this new infusion of don players and most importantly because they cut operational costs with dons. So if this theory is good Stars will also improve the ecosystem of 9 man and 6 max and create a balanced game 50/50. Let’s think about the implication cheating scandals have to a site’s image…even if caught and punished. Not very good for your image and I would dare to say damn straight bad for business to have associated your name with the words cheating scandal. So what they did was very positive for them for a lot of reasons. Time was not coincidental either , put not at the beginning at SN and SNe quest and not deep enough that would make riots happen. Right timing psychologically to make a player stick around giving him hopes that he can still achieve his goals if he tries harder. The brutal transition also will insure players will be prepared psychologically for future transitions, thus the moves of stars of implementing new stuff will go smoother and with less chatter. On the other hand fish will always play what’s given to them and they’ll come if they don’t hear the word cheating. Now what I’m saying is not that this is a perfect scenario, but what it is true in essence is that I think a multibillion dollar business has a very capable team that analyses these things, and if I think about them, it means that they already thought everything more in depth. For the grinder..don’t worry you’ll get SNE or SN playing other games like 50/50 9 and 6 max but they didn’t give you time to transition smoothly, learn and be ready, so you’ll have a lower winrate for some time if you wanna keep grinding to meet your targets and that will mean more money remaining in the poker ecosystem, fish losing money slower, to the rake if possible.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 08:01 AM
I tried cake a few weeks ago. It wouldn't be bad, only 5-7% rake -33% rakeback, but it takes 20-30 minutes to fill up a $5 table. Almost impossible to multitable. Games aren't even running above $10, but they have $150, $200, $300 and $500 DoNs, which could attract high stakes DoN regs, but those games are never running due to the lack of players.
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Dlogic
Since you don't have the privilege of pm i will post the answer here
below 20$ good traffic
my stake 20-30$ take 15 min to open 6~8 tables
50$ a little less trafic than 20-30$ games
80$ no trafic

but after 11 pm 30$-50$ are dead

if you sign through a good affiliate you can get 60% rakeback
35% site rakeback(paid daily)+12.5% if you do 500 don (site promo) + 12.5% or more with rake chase from affiliate

P.S Since PS are not interested to have me (i'm casual player), i move to rpm for DoN's games and play my cash game another site(i got a nice deal)
Do they have Pot Limit Omaha DoNs? and if so , how is the traffic?

Thanks in advance,
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:25 AM
At the end of the year you see a lot of SN's and SNE's playing a ton of DoNs to try and reach milestone bonuses that they might not have reached otherwise in their normal games. Anyone think this might have also contributed to the decision?
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Luigi507
Do they have Pot Limit Omaha DoNs? and if so , how is the traffic?

Thanks in advance,
Sorry no alternative for you there
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
At the end of the year you see a lot of SN's and SNE's playing a ton of DoNs to try and reach milestone bonuses that they might not have reached otherwise in their normal games. Anyone think this might have also contributed to the decision?
Obv not, its not that ps is losing any money on SNE or the milestonebonuses. the more they rake the better.

I think main reason is the huge chinese cheatingscandal and the fear that dons are still harming the PS brand. other thing might have to with blocking players from China esp whenzou im not sure whether the same rule of 1 chinese/whenzou player per DONtable still stands at the 50fifty's, I sure hope so
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
02-12-2011 , 12:14 PM
lol stop it with PS are protecting the integrity,fairness or whatever of the game.

PS is there for one thing make EASY money with minimum hassle

Since when capitalist Pigs are doing something for the greater good of the community pfffft they want only to eat more money
PokerStars will no longer offer Double or Nothing Sit & Go’s, Effective February 28th, 2011 Quote
