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PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations

01-02-2012 , 08:06 PM
Hey SN's and SNE's

I've been 'trolling' (yes, call me a troll and feel smug in your superior genes) this site for a number of years now and have something I want to share:

The word 'fish' is bandied about in this forum by a number of 'elite' players, and done so in what can only be described as a pejorative, one smacking of arrogance. It seems we fish are your bitches. Bend us over the felt and have your way with us, discard us to the trash heap and hope we come back for another round when our wounds heal.

Well, all you 24 tablers making 6 figures, how's it feel to be Poker Stars' bitch?

Think the majority of us are crying for you? SNE's travelling the world and playing cards while the rest of us break our backs working to pay the rent. Nope. Definitely not crying for you. Snickering maybe.

Boo freakin' hoo. You've taken a hit. Wailing, weeping, whining, balling, bitchin' babies.

You used to appear arrogant. Now your greed just makes you look stupid.


(or salmon smolt to you)
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Blert
Unfortunately, I suspect that a large % of PS raked profit comes from the micro stakes and as such any efforts to get this down will be politely refused.
I don't think that's the case, micro stakes (up to .05/.1) should generate less than 10% of the overall cash game rake, probably around 7% or w/e. The most rake should be generated at 0.5/1 and 1/2. I did some estimations of that distribution before using pokerscout and tableratings.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:18 PM
Do you have an approximate breakdown for various levels/games you could share ?
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:19 PM
So sad to see a ton of you trying to screw other limits/games. 'lets increase the high stakes rake so they can decrease ours'. Why not decrease both, they have money and profit enough. Dont be fooled by all this marketing and security bull****, let the money come from their pockets. Not out of ours.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Blert
Do you have an approximate breakdown for various levels/games you could share ?
7% at micro stakes (.01/.02 up to .05/.1)
25% at small stakes (.1/.25 and .25/.5)
38% at smallish stakes (.5/1 and 1/2)
17% at mid stakes (2/4 and 3/6)
13% at high stakes (5/10 and higher)
For 6-max / FR NLHE and PLO.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by badbeatLOL
And +1 to Sect7G as a FL representative, (there should definitely be one for the FL guys, i fear that since our player base is relatively small we will be overlooked)
No, we won't be overlooked. Steve knows FL need representative these. Sect7G was proposed numerous times
Go to micro stakes lhe forum. We have an open discussion there.

Originally Posted by Fergastra
That would be a welcome change, but don't forget the limits below 2/4. especially the rake at .25/.50 and .5/1 is way too high. If it was lower a lot of players would have a shot at moving up much quicker.
Micro stakes have huge rake also, but I don't think there need to be like 1.5BB/100 rake to survive.
1BB/100 rake decrease on 5/T and below would suffice.
Of course it would be great if we can get more, but it's just not realistic.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Fergastra
That would be a welcome change, but don't forget the limits below 2/4. especially the rake at .25/.50 and .5/1 is way too high. If it was lower a lot of players would have a shot at moving up much quicker.
some numbers for micro FL;

PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bruut99
So sad to see a ton of you trying to screw other limits/games. 'lets increase the high stakes rake so they can decrease ours'. Why not decrease both, they have money and profit enough. Dont be fooled by all this marketing and security bull****, let the money come from their pockets. Not out of ours.
I have been advocated that as part of the solution but I said the (even if slight) decrease should go to the bottom stakes, the micro-limits.

I defend that cause I believe that is better for the whole poker economy to protect a bit more the low end and to protect a bit less the top end.

I dont play micro-limits but mid-low stakes though, quite above said low end stakes. The lowest I play is 0.5/1 and I play more often on several higher stakes. So this as you are putting is quite inaccurate...
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by CoreySteel
1BB/100 rake decrease on 5/T and below would suffice.
Of course it would be great if we can get more, but it's just not realistic.
agreed, a 1BB/100 reduction would be huge for the game!
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:31 PM
Im supernova 200k +, start playing today and i making 30% less vpp than normal day, playing 25-50dol full ring, and cap too...
Sincerly, this is like a factory that have 400000 people working for them, and send away 300000, the only people working now are the freelancer*s (recreative players), and the directors (medium high stakes and high sits go players), what this company did in 29december, is like, saying, tomorow dont show to work u are fired... the timming its not acceptable, this disturb me more than the changes...

But, is stars dont want to loose their players... must do...

increase the vpp multiplier 6,5 minimum
increase to 30/40bb the cap games, if not they are almost impossible to beat
the rewards in vip store must be change

and sorry, because a lot of players that have plans for SNE, or to renewal them, are fired... not salvation in this system... for the one that puts their status in close...
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:33 PM
I'm a first-time SNE in 2011 and I feel like stars just cheated on me. I played about 200 hours per month to get the enough hands in, but when I finished they just suddenly decided to cut the benefit significantly?

I have no problem against change to WC, but I think the right thing for stars to do is to find a way to compensate 2011 SNEs so that their benefit stays roughly the same in 2012.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:40 PM
I have no problem against change to WC, but I think the right thing for stars to do is to find a way to compensate 2011 SNEs so that their benefit stays roughly the same in 2012.
Probably will not happen across the board, though some SNEs will not see a drop in their benefits.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:42 PM
Im supernova 200k +, start playing today and i making 30% less vpp than normal day, playing 25-50dol full ring, and cap too...
Sincerly, this is like a factory that have 400000 people working for them, and send away 300000, the only people working now are the freelancer*s (recreative players), and the directors (medium high stakes and high sits go players), what this company did in 29december, is like, saying, tomorow dont show to work u are fired... the timming its not acceptable, this disturb me more than the changes...
You are not employees of Pokerstars.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Klairic
Ok, I finally have an update on players going to meet with Stars.

Right now, there's me, and Hood. No one else has accepted. I'm representing NL, he's tentatively representing FL. He's a low volume player and would like someone else to represent FL, so that's not 100% yet.

At this point, we're looking for a PLO and CAP representative to join us. The names I've seen thrown around so far are chisness for CAP, and krmont22 for PLO. Both of them have expressed willingness to go, and have had other players back their nominations. Does anyone else want to represent these groups? If there's no other nominations, then there's no need for voting.

Hood can't get to IOM until the 21st, so that's when we're going.
Nominations look fine.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by blueodum
You are not employees of Pokerstars.
no im not... but several players live from their company, and the company lives from our money... show some class its the minimum they must do...

we dont want all... we want fairness... just like i said its not a day from january 1, that they announce this, what about the elites that must made it
how about the supernova that want to grow, hou about all the players of cash...

this changes should be presented earlier discussed, and then entered in the site middle of the year... not like that boom...
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bruut99
So sad to see a ton of you trying to screw other limits/games. 'lets increase the high stakes rake so they can decrease ours'. Why not decrease both, they have money and profit enough. Dont be fooled by all this marketing and security bull****, let the money come from their pockets. Not out of ours.
It's about making things fairer and the players who play micros/small stakes get punished severely and those playing in the biggest games running pay a tiny sum relatively. In an ideal world rake wouldn't exist (or be as low as possible) I think we all know it's a necessary evil (unless they move towards subscriptions.) So the only question is: "how can we make the games fairer in the way they are raked?"

Now if we talk about fairness, you must have rose tinted glasses on to accept that a $20 pot at NL10 getting raked for $2 whilst a $120k pot at $50/100 is raked for the same amount is anything but unjust and essentially theft.

Before things are decided (i'd like to see some organised method) of this, I request there is a representative for people who play micro stakes who are seemingly not represented by anyone currently.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
Preferably I'd like to see the negotiations done in a more open setting but I can see why Pokerstars would like it held in private.

I would be happy to go to represent LHE at the lower stakes. I have been playing Limit for 6 years starting as a HU player on Paradise and then moving my play to Pokerstars in '07. I have played for a living on Pokerstars since 2009 playing a mix of FR and 6 max LHE at the 2-4 to 5-10 buy ins. Over this time I've made about 1 million VPP's.

The change to WC has little affect on me personally but I am very concerned about the projected losses of my peers. This game has been slowly dying over the past few years and if too many of these regs leave to softer sites/switch games LHE will seize to exist. I honestly don't have much of a personal bias. I play LHE because I truly enjoy the game, as for profits per hour I am much better off playing MTT's so my only mission is to help keep this game from not going the way of Stud.

Without some concesions by Pokerstars I don't think this game will survive these changes. Even the very best of players at the stakes I'm reffering to have laughable winrates on a bb/100 hands basis, edges are so small, and this game is brutally raked in relation to pot sizes. Players rely on RB. Since WC is here to stay I would do my best to have Pstars see the need for either or a combination of:

1) lower rake caps at each Stake
2) higher VPP multiplier
3) reduced rake
I'd like to thank everyone that has voted for me to help represent LHE for the IOM talks.

Above is a condensed version of my platform for LHE if I am selected to be on the Panel by Pokerstars. This plan will adapt over the coming weeks due to feedback and stats from players which can be viewed in the Micro Limit forum. If selected I'd also like to start a Skype group with fellow Limit Players to bounce ideas off each other.

I'm 33, married and have two small Children and live in Canada.

For some of the posters who have doubted the agendas or motivations of some of the applicants I ask you- What is your suggestion?

Players have tried strikes, threatened to leave, but so far the changes have not been rolled back or acceptably modified. These meetings are what Pokerstars has offered us in good faith and I certainly doubt they are going to just put on a dog and pony show.

But to answer the cynacism (i hope it's coming out of general frustration over the changes) of some peoples concerns about my agenda for LHE.

People play poker for money generally. Take a quick look at my PTR/estimated rb, and then compare it to my Sharkscope for Scheduled Games. As you'll see on an hourly basis money wise, I'm a fool to play LHE.

I play LHE because I truly enjoy the game as it was my introduction to Poker and will always be my first passion. For the most part my suggestions in the past for Pokerstars have been to serve players other then myself including my recomendation at the Wsop of Limit Player Tzen1 for Online Pro to Pstars Steve. While at the same time I had profited the most of any player at the same stake (2-4) that year and had a decent following amongst my peers at the tables. Blogging and self promotion is just not my game.

I must say I can think of a couple bloggers on 2+2 who have been rather quiet about these changes... who knows maybe Online Pro is in their future. It won't be in mine.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 10:10 PM
So far people who have put themselves forward as possible reps,


Are there any more?
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 10:51 PM
01-02-2012 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by CocteauTwin
So far people who have put themselves forward as possible reps,


Are there any more?
myself, chisness, metetron, probably others I'm forgetting
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by cbt

By the way, it's important that people putting themselves forward do so in a way that can be seen by all, as some people will try to fill up those rep seats quick without giving others a fair chance of being recognized and going.

After looking through things some more, these are the names.






--UCLA Deity--

Are there any more?
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 11:23 PM
I'd like to thank everyone that has voted for me to help represent LHE for the IOM talks.

You sound like a solid choice. Will you also be repping the other limit players - omaha, td etc?
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
Do you have a link to his intro?
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 11:28 PM
Anyone on this commitee play fewer than 24 tables? serious question.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-02-2012 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by CocteauTwin
Do you have a link to his intro?
no but I think he was on the "original" one also Hood and JH1 or something.

I play 15-18 tables, and the changes hurt me about 10-20%. I don't foresee me gaining anything from the meeting with stars other than a *hopefully* more healthy game ecosystem.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
