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PokerStars, Simply The Worst PokerStars, Simply The Worst

03-02-2010 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by spliffstar
also i think it has to do to something with money laundering laws that they cant allow u to withdraw ur initial deposit like that. winnings on the other hand shouldnt be a problem at all if im correct....
Would be nice considering the ridiculous amount of monies they make to maybe Email me to let me know what is happening when they decide to put a stop of me cashing out my OWN monies.

I understand why the The Americans are so in love with Stars , its because they do not have much choice, when the Market opens up to them( hopefully very soon) Then they Will be able to Force all sites to give premium customer service.

Stars have it so easy.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 12:19 PM
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 12:29 PM
Lol, please point out one part where support was below par? Unless you do not understand what par means anyway.

Bear in mind we havent seen the emails, they are probably a lot more helpful than OP has made them out to sound. Its beyond rare for someone to complain about something without leaving out some detail that harms their case slightly.

Its no coincidence my first part of my post was asking if he was underage. To come here and complain about this but be far too busy to ring his bank (or just go into one of the hundreds of branches they will have) means there is a good chance there is more at play here and this is really part of what Stars wants to know.

In fact i used to play on my HSBC card and then moved to Natwest and i cant remember needing to do anything special to changeover. There is a really good chance i just emailed them about it and they did so. The more i ponder the case the more it just doesnt smell right, but either way it is EASILY solved if OP is telling the truth.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 12:37 PM
You have time creating this post and replying to everyone who offers advice but you don't have the time to contact bank where debit card was originally issued and ask them to provide a statement that the account was closed by you? It really isn't that much of a hardship for you to do this unless you are not telling the whole story op.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by donatordan
You have time creating this post and replying to everyone who offers advice but you don't have the time to contact bank where debit card was originally issued and ask them to provide a statement that the account was closed by you? It really isn't that much of a hardship for you to do this unless you are not telling the whole story op.
Jeez, some people are stupid!

Can you not see that asking a company that you have effectively sacked for assistance would not be somebodies first choice of action?

He said that he's made three deposits on the new card so where's the problem?

PS simply need to ensure that the person making the withdrawal is the owner of the PS account.

There is no earthy reason why he should have to jump through hoops contacting a bank with whom he no longer deals.

This is AP/UB level service.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by qpw
Jeez, some people are stupid!

Can you not see that asking a company that you have effectively sacked for assistance would not be somebodies first choice of action?

He said that he's made three deposits on the new card so where's the problem?

PS simply need to ensure that the person making the withdrawal is the owner of the PS account.

There is no earthy reason why he should have to jump through hoops contacting a bank with whom he no longer deals.

This is AP/UB level service.
U are the stupid one for suggesting that pokerstars is comparable to ap/ub. If pokerstars has concerns about the original debit card it is not placing op in a position of hardship to contact bank and get the documentation unless he is doing something shady.

Sites now make you send in drivers lisence and sign acknowlegments that you will not chargeback. If you don't want to abide by sites tos don't play on that site.

Last edited by donatordan; 03-02-2010 at 01:01 PM. Reason: edit
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:04 PM
just get a cheque ffs
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:04 PM
semi grunching...

i find 2-3 days turnaround time with no status update for any issue with stars to be laughable. back 3-4 years ago i could bet money on answers from stars within the hour. The player base may have grown substantially since then...but in the OP's case there is absolutely no way in hell that 2-3 days worth of emails were lined up before him. Stars is being lazy imo and have been for many years. Hope everything is resolved soon OP.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by donatordan
U are the stupid one for suggesting that pokerstars is comparable to ap/ub.
Sorry to offend a PS fanboy but one instance of bad CS does not make one company equivalent to another. DUCY?

If pokerstars has concerns about the original debit card it is not placing op in a position of hardship to contact bank and get the documentation unless he is doing something shady.
It's placing him in a very embarrassing position.

Asking someone to go to a bank they don't deal with and get documentation that an account is inactive? I've rarely heard of anything so stupid.

Sites now make you send in drivers lisence and sign acknowlegments that you will not chargeback.

If you don't want to abide by sites tos don't play on that site.
Please post the section in the PS terms and conditions where it states that you are not allowed to use your current bank account.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by qpw
Sorry to offend a PS fanboy but one instance of bad CS does not make one company equivalent to another. DUCY?

It's placing him in a very embarrassing position.

Asking someone to go to a bank they don't deal with and get documentation that an account is inactive? I've rarely heard of anything so stupid.


Please post the section in the PS terms and conditions where it states that you are not allowed to use your current bank account.
Lol at placing him in an embarrassing position. Please post the section where ps is not allowed to verify credit card.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:18 PM
Lol at placing him in an embarrassing position. Please post the section where ps is not allowed to verify credit card.
verifying the "credit card" has nothing to do with this. fwiw ive dealt with a lot of different banks and them taking weeks to get a non-customer this documentation...if ever... wouldnt be surprising.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by donatordan
Lol at placing him in an embarrassing position.
Quite common for douche bags to laugh when other people are put to inconvenience.

There is no reason for a sacked bank to go to any effort for a non-customer.

Please post the section where ps is not allowed to verify credit card.
Rather pathetic attempt to evade the question.

No one is saying that PS are not entitled to verify a card (and if you actually read the OP you'll see it's a debit card rather than a credit card).

What I'm asking is that you post the section where it says you have to prove to them that any old account you used is now defunct. Put up or shut up.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by qpw
Quite common for douche bags to laugh when other people are put to inconvenience.

There is no reason for a sacked bank to go to any effort for a non-customer.

Rather pathetic attempt to evade the question.

No one is saying that PS are not entitled to verify a card (and if you actually read the OP you'll see it's a debit card rather than a credit card).

What I'm asking is that you post the section where it says you have to prove to them that any old account you used is now defunct. Put up or shut up.
Im a duchebag and stupid but you sir have little class. Op is willing to fogro getting the documentation because of the inconvenience . He hopes they enjoy his money. It sounds to me based on this statement he did something wrong I wouldn't give up on 3k that easily. That is funny to me LOL
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:34 PM
I know its not the point, You should be able towithdraw how you would like to.

But just get a moneybookers account.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by donatordan
Im a duchebag and stupid
Self knowledge is a wonderful thing.

Op is willing to fogro getting the documentation because of the inconvenience.
He hopes they enjoy his money. It sounds to me based on this statement he did something wrong I wouldn't give up on 3k that easily. That is funny to me LOL
I'm sorry if English is not your first language but you seem to have quite serious comprehension problems.

If you read the post carefully you will see that OP is hoping they enjoy his money whilst he finds some other way to get it off the site.

But you go ahead and make up some fantasy about OP's behaviour based on no evidence whatsoever so that you can side with a site that is providing absolutely crap CS.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-05-2010 , 12:29 PM
Pokerstars over the xmas period of 2009 had over 60 accounts hacked. Mine was one of them. Pokerstars assumed zero responsibility. The security of my account is all mine. As a result Monies were transferred into and out of the account using a bogus credit card. My account wound up in a negative amount of over $500 USD. Pokerstars will not give me any of MY money back. Too bad for the customer. Their largesse was to use my FPP and put my account back to $0.00. How can such generosity go without mention. What a pitiful and pathetic site, especially their Director of Secuity. Great title and I'm sure he warrants a raise after stealing my money and probably 59 other players as well. Pokerstars abuses their customers and proves their greed has no bounds.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-05-2010 , 12:41 PM
Pokerstars has recently had over 60 of their accounts hacked. Mine was one of them. They fail to assume any responsibility for their site being hacked and allowing criminal activity to take place. They blame me for my account having over $500.00 being removed by fraudulent means. Their largesse was to wipe out the negative balance in my account and tell me that I was welcome to resume playing with them. They also tokk my FPP's.
Now is this the type of site you wish to patronise?? When things go south, so does Pokerstars. What alot of rubbish they post about the quality of their site. Their Director of Security is really earning his $$$ by saying security is the customer's responsibility. We players rely on the security of these poker sites.
This entire episode started around xmas 2009. It has taken til March 2010, for this to be resolved entirely in Pokerstars favour. I am posting this to let the user community know that this is a site that cannot be trusted with your money.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-05-2010 , 02:13 PM
for the time it took you to post this thread and reply to all the posts you could have made a 5 minute phone call to your old bank and have them fax you a statement saying you dont bank with them anymore and your account has been closed. scan and forward to stars. case closed.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-05-2010 , 02:23 PM
Im not bias in no instance what so ever to any out come on this thread. However I can tell the OP this. I havent even read your post but I read the title, and it is worst than calling Visa untrustworthy. Or maybe a better one... It's like saying your mom ***** *** ***** ****, ya dig?
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-05-2010 , 02:23 PM
Sorry 2+2 Sorry
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-07-2010 , 03:03 PM
Request a Check!
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-07-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by barry1212
Pokerstars over the xmas period of 2009 had over 60 accounts hacked. Mine was one of them. Pokerstars assumed zero responsibility. The security of my account is all mine. As a result Monies were transferred into and out of the account using a bogus credit card. My account wound up in a negative amount of over $500 USD. Pokerstars will not give me any of MY money back. Too bad for the customer. Their largesse was to use my FPP and put my account back to $0.00. How can such generosity go without mention. What a pitiful and pathetic site, especially their Director of Secuity. Great title and I'm sure he warrants a raise after stealing my money and probably 59 other players as well. Pokerstars abuses their customers and proves their greed has no bounds.
this post interests me because iirc it's part of the disputed transfer thread that generated a ton of discussion here in the zoo. Time to go reread that thread imo.

also,"interests me" should not be necessarily read as "this confirms what people are saying" or something like that. but definitely time to find the thread.

thread found here:

note that even though it took a lot of work we eventually guessed about right as to what happened.

Last edited by apefish; 03-07-2010 at 03:44 PM.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-07-2010 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by qpw
There is no reason for a sacked bank to go to any effort for a non-customer.
While it may be a pain, I'm not sure why OP would be embarrassed by requesting info from his former bank. OP could request a copy of his last balance statement, I wouldn't be surprised if it showed the account was closed. As for getting a letter, I would be very surprised if the bank refused. I doubt the manager is losing sleep because he lost OPs account. This really shouldn't be a big deal.

The rule makes some intuitive sense with regard to preventing money laundering, so unless I hear an argument otherwise this doesn't seem like an unreasonable policy on PS' part.

Honestly, this seems like a problem with a simple enough solution, unless OP isn't being entirely forthright with his story and has left out some key point.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-07-2010 , 04:39 PM
OP, I feel your pain. This nonsense would piss me off as well. Why can't they give you 100% of your money via check? That's the most ******ed thing I've ever heard.

I can understand them wanting to send the money back into the same account it came from just in case someone hacked into your poker account and is trying to withdraw the money into their account. But if you can prove your identity this shouldn't be such a big issue. Or if you want a check, that should be acceptable to, since only you would be able to cash it.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
03-07-2010 , 04:54 PM
Some people really expect everything to be instantly solved because they want it to be. When did the world ever work this way? If you just go through the process in place nearly everything will have a positive outcome in time. At least for me. Sometimes you have to adjust your expectations to the rules that apply beforehand. There is a reason things are set up the way they are, even if we don't understand them or they adversely affect us.

If you checked 'Agree' when signing up to the rules then try to understand the rules when they apply to you.
PokerStars, Simply The Worst Quote
