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Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to?

05-31-2008 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
chuck - What I'm missing is how the hell do they know enough about him to know his address? And since it happened shortly after he logged off it seems possible they were watching him play or were perhaps even a former opponent of his somehow.
It could easily be someone he knows, a neighbor, etc.. It could even be a friend just messing around with him. If someone wanted to do this, then obviously they are going to wait till he logs off. I do think it is a serious problem which is why I was the first one to give him alternatives for changing his address.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
chuck - What I'm missing is how the hell do they know enough about him to know his address? And since it happened shortly after he logged off it seems possible they were watching him play or were perhaps even a former opponent of his somehow.
Or there's a program operating on his computer. He needs to change all his passwords and scan it. He should also have a firewall, processgaurd, and snoopfree all installed.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by chuckb223
I never asked, are there other people living with you? Is there a neighbor that knows you play online and your player name? That would be the first place I would look. Once you get the IP address you might be able to narrow it down to a certain area.
Nope, I live on my own and only occasionally chat with neighbors. They definitely don't know I play poker.

chuck - What I'm missing is how the hell do they know enough about him to know his address? And since it happened shortly after he logged off it seems possible they were watching him play or were perhaps even a former opponent of his somehow.
I actually did think about this...toward the end of my session I took about 2.5 buy ins off one of the tables I was playing, most of it against a loose/passive guy to my right when my JJ > KJ on a KJT flop. At first I thought maybe he would do this to mess with me but then I realized he would have to know my address, so I sort of dismissed the idea.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 05:12 PM
Neighbor or friend who has watched him play and/or knows his address seems possible.
Or even somebody patching into his wireless network since it sounds like he has a lot of neighbors.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Neighbor or friend who has watched him play and/or knows his address seems possible.
Or even somebody patching into his wireless network since it sounds like he has a lot of neighbors.
Yeah I believe these are the most possible since if there was someone using a keylogger or remote client controlling his computer then they would of been able to get his e-mail too and access his account.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by bambam16

They were able to have it reset, but I received the email with the reset password and was able to use the reset password to change my password. So they never got to the point where they got access to my account. The part that confuses me is they were able to get my address and zip code to approve of the password reset. Very strange.

I am still waiting on the IP from stars security.
One obvious answer here is that someone you know tried to get into your account. They would know your address and all that, and as long as they have seen you play online once, or have seen a hand history, they know your screen name. Some places, you can reset the password right there and then without having an email sent, and they may have thought they were doing just that.

So, who around you knows you play online poker, and may not be as trustworthy as you first thought?
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 06:10 PM
In a new revelation I went looking through my gmail trash can and there is a separate email resetting my password, sent 4 minutes before the one that I discovered (11:32 AM). The password is different from the one in the later email, so my password was apparently reset twice.

Antivirus and spyware software are up to date and scans have not showed anything on my computer. Also downloaded the programs Leader mentioned, thanks for those recommendations. Nothing showed up when those were installed and run either.

I'm totally confused and nervous.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 06:12 PM
Who else lives with you and has access to your computer?
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 06:18 PM
Nobody lives with me (I live in a 1 bedroom apartment) and nobody has access to my computer besides my girlfriend who has no desire to touch anything poker-related.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by bambam16
Nobody lives with me (I live in a 1 bedroom apartment) and nobody has access to my computer besides my girlfriend who has no desire to touch anything poker-related.
Well if someone had access to your e-mail too, then there are only 2 possibilities. You have some kind of program on your computer giving outside access to someone or you somehow forgot that you did it.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by chuckb223
Well if someone had access to your e-mail too, then there are only 2 possibilities. You have some kind of program on your computer giving outside access to someone or you somehow forgot that you did it.
Sorry I meant she only has access to my computer when she is physically with me.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 06:26 PM
I would seriously suggest that you shut this computer down when your done here. Go to another computer somewhere and change all your passwords. Then reformat your computer. I just would not feel safe anymore with it the way it is.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 07:20 PM
This is definitely not stars' fault - emails were just deleting before my eyes as i tried to reset passwords on my home computer - . I am on my work computer doing it now and will have to reformat my home computer. My bank accounts are ok so far but I'm going to lock them down and put a fraud alert in with the credit reporting agencies. **** **** **** **** ****.

Thanks for your insight guys.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
A house name? Who the hell lives in a house with a name? So what happens when they want you to prove that your house is really named "fred" or whatever you decide to name it?

i know this is off topic but it is time for a little history by mR. Dangeraw.

many ppl houses have had names in the past just like boats have names. Sam Houston's first house was called the Steamboat. i would i have to llok up who else houses had names and i forget why Sam Houston's House was called this. and for all whom may not Know Sam Houston led Texas to Our Indpendece From Mexico. He was Also the First a very few Presdient of Texas.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
i know this is off topic but it is time for a little history by mR. Dangeraw.

many ppl houses have had names in the past just like boats have names. Sam Houston's first house was called the Steamboat. i would i have to llok up who else houses had names and i forget why Sam Houston's House was called this. and for all whom may not Know Sam Houston led Texas to Our Indpendece From Mexico. He was Also the First a very few Presdient of Texas.
You have your own thread, Can you please keep your illiterate nonsense in there?
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 08:22 PM
Another question: Can I still back up files (word and ppt documents, excel files, PT databases, stars notes, etc.) from my computer onto a DVD before formatting? I don't have a recent back up disc made.

Mods: I have no idea where this thread should go now since it's not a Stars issue.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by chuckb223
You have your own thread, Can you please keep your illiterate nonsense in there?
your a moron if u think that is illiterate nonsense.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by bambam16
emails were just deleting before my eyes as i tried to reset passwords on my home computer - . I am on my work computer doing it now and will have to reformat my home computer. My bank accounts are ok so far but I'm going to lock them down and put a fraud alert in with the credit reporting agencies. **** **** **** **** ****.

Holy crap that's crazy.
Reset all your passwords to everything you can from the other computer. Obviously changing your e-mail password is important too.

Any files or other programs you have downloaded recently you can think of? Even some random poker program that perhaps had spy-ware on it or something?
Obviously your computer or connection is seriously messed up.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
i know this is off topic but it is time for a little history by mR. Dangeraw.

many ppl houses have had names in the past just like boats have names. Sam Houston's first house was called the Steamboat. i would i have to llok up who else houses had names and i forget why Sam Houston's House was called this. and for all whom may not Know Sam Houston led Texas to Our Indpendece From Mexico. He was Also the First a very few Presdient of Texas.
Yeah, dang. I know many people live in houses with names. But an overwhelming majority of houses dont have names. Yeah, i guess you could christen your house "Bubba" or something, but like i said in my initial response, when you go to cashout theyre going to want proof that theres some valid reason your mailing address is "Bubba house, 100 elm street"
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Holy crap that's crazy.
Reset all your passwords to everything you can from the other computer. Obviously changing your e-mail password is important too.

Any files or other programs you have downloaded recently you can think of? Even some random poker program that perhaps had spy-ware on it or something?
Obviously your computer or connection is seriously messed up.
Yeah it was ****ing crazy, I was trying to reset passwords and whatever is screwing up my computer was resetting them at the same time, so I was getting 2-3 different password reset emails within seconds of each other. By the time I clicked on them to open them, they were deleted. New passwords were not working. Nothing.

I can't think of anything I downloaded recently - I rarely download new programs or even surf many sites at home (exploring the internet is for work ldo), pretty much just play poker for a few hrs, read 2+2/gmail/facebook. I'll try to see if I can come up with anything, but for now I'm just hoping nothing worse happens overnight.

All important passwords are changed, have a fraud alert on bank accounts and credit reports, and turned off wireless on my home computer. Gonna back up important stuff and reformat tomorrow.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
05-31-2008 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by bambam16
Yeah it was ****ing crazy, I was trying to reset passwords and whatever is screwing up my computer was resetting them at the same time, so I was getting 2-3 different password reset emails within seconds of each other. By the time I clicked on them to open them, they were deleted. New passwords were not working. Nothing.

I can't think of anything I downloaded recently - I rarely download new programs or even surf many sites at home (exploring the internet is for work ldo), pretty much just play poker for a few hrs, read 2+2/gmail/facebook. I'll try to see if I can come up with anything, but for now I'm just hoping nothing worse happens overnight.

All important passwords are changed, have a fraud alert on bank accounts and credit reports, and turned off wireless on my home computer. Gonna back up important stuff and reformat tomorrow.
u better report this to your crediet report and the police as im sure u are now identy thefit victim
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
06-01-2008 , 04:28 PM
Update: Sean at PokerStars security has given me the IP address of the person who reset my password. It is definitely not mine.

Also he asked me to explain my relation to three screen names that I have never heard of. I checked my PT database and I have not played a hand against them either. I don't know if it is kosher to post them, so I will refrain from doing so for now. I am supposed to speak with them by phone at some point to learn more about the situation.

I will post another update when I get it.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
06-01-2008 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by bambam16
Update: Sean at PokerStars security has given me the IP address of the person who reset my password. It is definitely not mine.

Also he asked me to explain my relation to three screen names that I have never heard of. I checked my PT database and I have not played a hand against them either. I don't know if it is kosher to post them, so I will refrain from doing so for now. I am supposed to speak with them by phone at some point to learn more about the situation.

I will post another update when I get it.
I would let everyone know the names and IP address. It can only help someone else from being scammed. It could also possibly help someone if their name is being used without their knowledge like you.
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
06-01-2008 , 05:10 PM
New update:

Cliff notes: A+ pokerstars support

I just got off the phone with Sean from Stars security, and he informed me of the process of what happened:

1. I finished my last session on May 30th at 11 PM CT
2. At 11:32 PM CT/12:32 PM pokerstars time (May 30/31), my account password was changed for the first of THREE times (I only knew of two)
3. May 31 at 12:15 - I discover the email requesting the password change that I did not request.
4. On the advice of forum members here and PokerStars, I set a new password to my pokerstars account and modified the formatting of my address (e.g. Street instead of St.).
5. May 31st during the afternoon, around 5:30 PM CT, I notice my gmail password requesting to be changed (again, not my own request).
6. I spend the evening on a different computer resetting all sensitive passwords and block my home computer (where I play poker) from accessing the internet.
7. Since this point, I have not had any problems regarding passwords (knock on wood).

As a follow up to my previous post, I spoke with Sean for almost 20 minutes regarding the issue. He said an account by the name of "Jnivek" had requested the password changes. Upon looking into his account, it appears the information he provided was fradulent, however, Sean was still going to try to contact him. However, his IP address was traced to Rockford, MI. Sean also informed me that two other accounts, "Rich.Mongler" and "LessThanMuke", had also played on the computer that requested my password change. However, he did not say either of those accounts requested a password change.

My stars account is still on lockdown until I reformat my home computer and re-install everything.

A search into OPR shows no activity for Jnivek or Rich.Mongler. However, LessThanMuke shows a lifetime 104 tourneys played at stars.

A Sharkscope search shows activity for:

-Rich.Mongler: 13 games played with buy ins ranging from < $10 to $100 (-53% ROI)
-LessThanMuke has played 94 games with buy ins ranging from < $10 to $20 (-30% ROI)

If anyone has any advice on other possible next steps I should take, please let me know.

Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
06-01-2008 , 05:21 PM
I am signed up with Lifelock and recommend it for just this reason. You have my sympathy and whatever support that I might give. Good Luck!
Pokerstars resets password when I didn't ask them to? Quote
