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Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables
View Poll Results: Should stars drop the 20-50bb tables?
yes - drop them
1,157 62.17%
no - keep them
704 37.83%

01-28-2011 , 11:03 AM
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 12:21 PM
warrior in trouble: fights his way out

gentleman in trouble: take it like a man without making noise while look for a solution

girl in trouble: run to his daddy crying and begging for help
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by naco78
girl in trouble: run to his daddy crying and begging for help
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 02:42 PM
As a disgruntled sser you may call me a name first before answering.

Knowing that it will probably depend on where the fish go, and seeing as I've been told the FT CAP tables are empty, I'm curious as to how many of you regs are going to play them?
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 02:57 PM
I basically made a switch from cash to sngs a couple months ago. I like HU sngs the most, but I've played a lot of 9mans as well. One interesting thing about the CAP tables is you have the freedom to stop whenever you want. A luxury you don't have with sngs. SS cash is different from sng play obviously, but a lot of concepts are similar.

I'm going to play them, if my winrate blows or the games get no traffic then I'll revert back to playing what I used to play. I hope CAP games are a success, but it isn't the end of the world for me if they fizzle out.
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 03:22 PM
I love the 6-Max Cap games over on FT because the games are wild. Its easy to win at them. I lose at every cash game known to man, but am a grand master at the 6-Max Cash. LOL. To bad online is basically done for the US.
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 03:48 PM
Will play cap game love it No annoying rathole quit/Rejoin table will be nice and get to know more the player because youl play longer with them pewpew
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 06:34 PM
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 11:03 PM
I must say that I was not expecting a response from pokerstars so, I am a short stack player but also play deepstack as such (100bb). but the fact that after he cries for poker stars make these changes without meaning would be the last thought on your part ... honestly you are disappointed for the purposes of poker and pokerstars turn this nonsense ignoring hospital.
let's recap to see how we got here:

- No short stacks and not know to play against them, answer: weep in a forum that does not read 10% of poker players.
- Pokerstars not because ... hos read this forum and ignored. regardless is not a reliable survey (obviously)
- Thereupon creates distinctions pokerstars room so that everyone can enter the stack you want: 20 - 50bb, 35/40, 100bb, 100 - 250bb.

think we could have come down here (in fact as normal ......) that we are all happy, and everyone can start playing with the stack you want, but no.
you without any kind of sense seguiis staying in hospital rooms 20 - 50bb, because? they do not know .. because if you have your table with your stack of hospitals complain??

pokerstars honestly if you want to make changes and think about the users of your room, do a survey on your page,, or send an email to all your customers as they insist, so a survey is not reliable at all.
if this survey hicierais the result would be contrary to this survey 100% even with much more difference than there is now.

1 º insist that the survey is not reliable to make a decision.
2 º insist that we all had after the initial changes that Quei, and if these users came was because they wanted since they had their tables with their stacks.
3 º to make a survey in which everyone is happy you should do a survey on your page, and not a forum where there is not even 10% of players on pokerstars.

apparently seen after these changes take effect, if it is done ..... I hope not sigais crying in a time you are unhappy that there cap tables.
whether or not you believe hos poker players learn to play poker rather than mourn for everything to be like you you please, do not think that because these changes become effective will win more money or you will have more tables, just the opposite. if the short stack will get to play with 35bb as still as profitable for us against deepstacks, and if we play MultiStack hospitals have nothing to do ... time to time ... hospital last thing needed is complain that players do much 3bet hospital and put a maximum hourly 3bet ...
I think a painful decision by pokerstars ... but I accept it if they believe that timely changes are not made more changes ...

35bb play there are other alternatives, I think pokerstars is not considering this alternative. Poker is not just a room and we all have to be happy. separate pokerstars making money from us and not the deepstacks, since we generate a rake abysmal.

I hope that this hospital in CAP 20bb tables, as proves and wait to you return to mourn for the podais so removed and folded stack play, I mean .. removed and that only this 35/40bb or more, or that everything is as it was initially ...


PS: This is a translation made by google, since it does not speak English well enough.

Last edited by Soull; 01-28-2011 at 11:25 PM.
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 11:28 PM
short stack hospital, burn unit
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
01-28-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Soull

PS: This is a translation made by google, since it does not speak English well enough.
I'm not so sure that the original made any more sense or was any less tl;dr.
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
02-01-2011 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by ROM Amnesty
I'm really looking forward to monitoring the progress of the current crop of useless short-stackers once the changes come into place.

I absolutely despise each and every one of you.
Hallelujah brother
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
04-02-2011 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by Eto Demerzel
But the fish did not rathole. Buying in shallow wouldn't be that big of a problem if shortstacks wouldn't constantly rathole.
why is ratholing such a huge concern of yours? if someone feels more comfortable with a certain stack size that is their business not yours. you are only against it because it takes away from the implied odds strategy that you like to play. SSS with ratholing is similar to a tourney/ SNG strategy where the blinds are high in relation to the stacks. get over yourself and let others play the way they like.
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
04-02-2011 , 06:53 AM
lock it up.
Pokerstars needs to drop the 20-50bb buy-in tables Quote
