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Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released

02-24-2012 , 05:07 PM
it is as fast as Rush,pretty much Rush copy. Just the player pool is so small there is a waiting for a new table time. I didn't notice any bugs was running really smoothly. They should release it ASAP for real money games.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by rauchi
Maybe you have to restart (and download the update) the Client

Here is a screenshot of the lobby:
Strange. I have the latest version.

Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by HurtK
4 tables of zoom poker max or 4 tables max per stake/limit like on FTP?
There is currently only 1 stake available. On the test site which is play money they allow you to sit on up to 4 tables. We can assume this isn't the table cap just yet. Perhaps it might be per stake/limit like on FTP
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:14 PM
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:15 PM
i have my play money roll on the table
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by NoSurprises
Im in! First thoughts it doesnt seem as slick and quick as full tilt.
The test site is running on a small player pool. When this runs on a larger player pool it should be faster.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by gargamel_fk
. I didn't notice any bugs.
It took a little while for my chips to be released to the lobby when I closed a table. Indecided to split my stack over 4 tables, and couldn't rejoin for a few seconds.

Nitty, I know. Game is really smooth.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by bookish
It took a little while for my chips to be released to the lobby when I closed a table. Indecided to split my stack over 4 tables, and couldn't rejoin for a few seconds.

Nitty, I know. Game is really smooth.
This is normal. You need to wait for at least the last hand you were dealt to be finished.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:41 PM
Sometimes the fast fold does not appear.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by ROM Amnesty
Strange. I have the latest version.

Screenshot above shows Fixed Limit Tab selected, but I also have no games showing under the No Limit Tab.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by smooth101
Sometimes the fast fold does not appear.
Maybe you where the BB not facing a raise, or post flop not facing a bet or raise?
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by josephthepimp

Just a video of folding. I don't think any hands were played

Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:51 PM
^^ haha nice, pretty sure i had a semi too
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:53 PM
^ same feeling strangely enough.

This combined with the largest player pool in the world and a great VIP program is a dream really.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:57 PM
can someone upload some gameplay from the test client on youtube or something ?

nvm posted above
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Jkarioun
can someone upload some gameplay from the test client on youtube or something ?
Some has already been posted:
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 05:59 PM
After playing four tables at the same time my earlier comment about it being too slow was too quick off the mark - playing now there are twice as many players as earlier therefore the tables are instantly filling up - its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon stars, get this baby into the main client TOMMOROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by NoSurprises
After playing four tables at the same time my earlier comment about it being too slow was too quick off the mark - playing now there are twice as many players as earlier therefore the tables are instantly filling up - its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon stars, get this baby into the main client TOMMOROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by NoSurprises
After playing four tables at the same time my earlier comment about it being too slow was too quick off the mark - playing now there are twice as many players as earlier therefore the tables are instantly filling up - its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon stars, get this baby into the main client TOMMOROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
cant imagine what they are waiting for now, If play money is filling up this fast its gunna be nuts when released.

You guys think it will be very soft for the first while?
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by fiftyonefifty
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:10 PM
"sit out all tables on next big blind" option doesn't work for me. not sure if there was one for rush tho.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:10 PM
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:16 PM
Better to be broke on play table then a 50 buyin downswing lol

Originally Posted by coach999
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:17 PM
in b4 we all get chat banned on testpokerstars
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by andyg2001
Maybe you where the BB not facing a raise, or post flop not facing a bet or raise?
Yeah, I thought you could fold in bb on tilt, but it is too long for me to remember.
Pokerstars going to start "Zoom" Poker soon? - update(Feb24) Zoom Beta test released Quote
