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Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read.

02-25-2014 , 03:16 PM
The responses in this thread have been mostly pathetic and terrible. I do not know Ivanhoe, but I wish him luck if he is innocent, and I haven't seen a shred of evidence that indicates otherwise.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
The responses in this thread have been mostly pathetic and terrible. I do not know Ivanhoe, but I wish him luck if he is innocent, and I haven't seen a shred of evidence that indicates otherwise.
I guess this means Stars just assumes you are guilty untill proven innocent..and it's impossible to prove you are innocent when there's simply no evidence. They did not accuse me of anything in their last two emails where they told me my account would be closed forever. I don't know what they think I have done wrong. They just told me 'we don't want your business'.

I really hope Stars responds to my last email telling me what they think I did wrong, or that a PS rep posts in here, as they have done in similar cases on 2+2 before.

When they don't, just keep in mind this could happen to any and all of you at any given time.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 04:37 PM
Let's assume that Ivan is telling the truth... 6 hacked or more likely probably charge back accts. played him and only him... therefore that's not a coincidence. The question is are these accounts related to him.... or is it a bitter reg that wants to get him banned?

Since Stars can't 100% say which one it is they let him keep his money but ban him due to the inherent risk. Remember charge backs cost Stars money... not the players.

Now lets flip this the other way for a minute. What do you think Stars would do if the risk wasn't to come out of their bottom lines but the players?

Lets say I emailed Stars and said I think 2 people are colluding... they look at the accts and say yeah there is a connection but it's not 100% conclusive... do they ban the accounts or do they let them keep playing knowing that there is a higher risk then usual that they might be colluding. In this case the risk is on potential victims (players) and not Stars.

Something to think about.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
So, if any of you guys have ANY sort of advice, who to contact, what to do, I'm open to any suggestions possible. I am innocent, I need Stars to look into this again and I need this resolved. Please help.
OK. I don't know if you are innocent, but try this. Contact Stars and offer to send them all computers and or hard drives that you have used to play on their sites, for their inspection and analysis. Obviously, do not delete any files, do not clear free clusters, etc. Send them anything and everything. Good luck.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 04:56 PM
Ivan, whats your Stars/FTP Name?

I dont think Stars banned him for bumhunting, otherwise they would insta ban Kaintd and few other very extreme ones too.

It could be grimming, if you did that I guess. But stars usually warns you, maybe first bans you for a month? Have you never had any issues before?

Maybe someone reported youa nd it has nothing to do with the accounts you played that day, what Location were they from? You have a long relationship with stars and ftp, I think there is surely more than what we know so far.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by insyder19
Ivan, whats your Stars/FTP Name?

I dont think Stars banned him for bumhunting, otherwise they would insta ban Kaintd and few other very extreme ones too.

It could be grimming, if you did that I guess. But stars usually warns you, maybe first bans you for a month? Have you never had any issues before?

Maybe someone reported youa nd it has nothing to do with the accounts you played that day, what Location were they from? You have a long relationship with stars and ftp, I think there is surely more than what we know so far.
There is no chance that it has anything to do with griming assuming those emails he showed are real. It's about the accts he played that day. Issues such as him being a grimer or a nice guy or a bad guy should have no relevance in this case.

Last edited by Sect7G; 02-25-2014 at 05:10 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 05:08 PM
have u tried this?
Originally Posted by cbt
The only idea I have right now is to email Stars once more, tell them they are welcome to post their reasoning itt or at least to confirm/deny if it's because of repeated grimming
or w/e you got accused of here...
Also post itt that they're free to respond here so everyone gets to see you're being honest with us and want this resolved.
PokerStars Michael was able to respond here, I want to see him in this thread.
stars cant comment publicly on security issues with individual accounts unless u give them permission to because of privacy concerns

i would also try PMing PokerStars Michael J to see if he can act as a liason in getting a response. he has been helpful in the past in cases like these
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by insyder19
Ivan, whats your Stars/FTP Name?

I dont think Stars banned him for bumhunting, otherwise they would insta ban Kaintd and few other very extreme ones too.

It could be grimming, if you did that I guess. But stars usually warns you, maybe first bans you for a month? Have you never had any issues before?

Maybe someone reported youa nd it has nothing to do with the accounts you played that day, what Location were they from? You have a long relationship with stars and ftp, I think there is surely more than what we know so far.
My Stars name is the same as it is here, Lvanhoe, mind the L, not a capital i. I never grimmed on stars, I know for a fact that it's forbidden so it would be extremely stupid to engage in such behaviour for such a small edge.

I remember some of the accounts being from Sweden, the others I don't know. I am not from Sweden.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 06:08 PM
Let's hope Stars can at least provide a reason for the ban, the stonewalling (albeit understandable) is what really tilts me in these cases.

Yes, it's Stars' reserved right to deny service to anyone for any reason within the law, but banning someone after years of play and presumably no warning sounds grossly unfair.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by GoGetaRealJob
Let's hope Stars can at least provide a reason for the ban, the stonewalling (albeit understandable) is what really tilts me in these cases.

Yes, it's Stars' reserved right to deny service to anyone for any reason within the law, but banning someone after years of play and presumably no warning sounds grossly unfair.
I have asked Pokerstars Micheal J to comment in this topic, and asked investigations again to provide me a reason why I am being banned. I hope this has any merit.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by GoGetaRealJob
Let's hope Stars can at least provide a reason for the ban, the stonewalling (albeit understandable) is what really tilts me in these cases.
I agree. I understand security and privacy concerns but they could give the affected party at least a primitive vague explanation that doesnt compromise either imho.

For example, we have suspicions you could have been involved in fraud, or, we have decided to no longer accept your business because of your past behavior at the tables ect.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 07:49 PM
At the end of the day, stars did a good job, at least it seems that way.

There if no proof of Ivans fault but tendencies. Big tendencies.
If there are 6 accounts hacked whome lost (regular) but only to him.

How should stars deal with this?
It is a difficult situation. It is in most of the time like:
You know he is guilty but you cant proof it 100 %. In life there is no 100 % but is 90 % not enough? We are not at court and humans decide by their feeling of fearness. They wont tell us this anyway.

I would think stars could live and should live with the fact they are punishing an innocent. You have to bring victims if the ratio is something like 1 to 10 and i am sure it is way higher. (1 to 1000 or something like that). *

I would recommend you to ask stars after some time of.
It would make sense for them to reopen your account because they dont have 100 % of you wrongdoing.

With ratio i mean former experience with same occurrences.
I mean common, how probable are 6 hacked account whome lost to one player.
(i gotta admit, it sounds stupid to do that because it would be to obvious).
Here it is getting tricky. Argumenting with other players who did it on purpose to get you banned isnt sounding credible.

Try your best know. Play it cool and ask after 3 - 6 month.
Plan the between time good. (changing ips etc.)

Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 08:15 PM
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 08:25 PM
If I were a HU reg this would make me paranoid.

All it takes is one guy doing a chargeback on multiple accounts playing me to get me banned for life?

If you play ring games and tournaments, bumhunting (or even playing vs. anyone) HU at anything 2/4 or higher now comes with an incredibly small but very annoying lossrate / opportunity cost / risk of BAN4LIFE due to something like this.

Those fishy accounts that dump $317.83 to you at a 3/6 game, some days you might get a few fish and that's a good day. Now you have to run the risk that the money was not legit and somehow that's your fault? Then GG ever playing the sunday million or the WCOOP again.

Sounds incredibly dumb and unlucky, provided OP is providing the true story.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 08:31 PM
the issue has also been actively discussed on hsplo bbv thread. i moved the posts to its own thread on hsplo since i didnt wanna move them here and create a cluster **** and hard-to-follow thread. link here PokerStars account locked
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 08:41 PM
Stars really wants back into the USA, they are going to shut any account with a hint of impropriety, End of story.

I stake with 85 players on Stars, 2 of my players have been banned for very loosy goosy reasons. One for just sharing an internet cafe IP with some other players. They played about 100-150 games together mostly 2-5k plus entries, but 1-2 18 mans. Unless my player is lying about the reason ie, they played cash together. It was pretty wild speculation on Stars part that anything could possibly have been wrong.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Clayton
All it takes is one guy doing a chargeback on multiple accounts playing me to get me banned for life?
Untill Stars is able to come up with a different reason in this case, this in fact seems to be the case. One guy randomly choosing you to play could in fact get you banned for life. I have given full disclosure here and will continue to do so untill this is resolved. I still hope someone from senior management contacts me to talk this through and find a solution to get my account open again.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by hans122
Dont put the expectations to high, you will fall deep.

Consider my hints.
At the end of the day, we are all not to important in this micro universe of poker.
Obv in our little stupid worldview with a knowledgespectrum of an ant we think different.

It is a serious pill to swallow.
Just consider the steps to come in a traumatic situation:

we are just all the same: stupid believing maschines with a tendency to see pattern everywhere.

Lol, obviously you are way more intelligent than me and 95% of this forum but can you keep your LSD licking hippie crap in your own thread?
OP is banned without no reason and all you people do (most people) is believing Stars part of it. Until it happens to you.
About time Stars is going to tell WHY he is banned, since he can keep the money won from accounts they just state that they dont have a case.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Manhat10ite
Stars really wants back into the USA, they are going to shut any account with a hint of impropriety, End of story.

I stake with 85 players on Stars, 2 of my players have been banned for very loosy goosy reasons. One for just sharing an internet cafe IP with some other players. They played about 100-150 games together mostly 2-5k plus entries, but 1-2 18 mans. Unless my player is lying about the reason ie, they played cash together. It was pretty wild speculation on Stars part that anything could possibly have been wrong.
I don't think that's the stance they will take as they value customers.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by hans122
At the end of the day, stars did a good job, at least it seems that way.

There if no proof of Ivans fault but tendencies. Big tendencies.
If there are 6 accounts hacked whome lost (regular) but only to him.

How should stars deal with this?

It is a difficult situation. It is in most of the time like:
You know he is guilty but you cant proof it 100 %. In life there is no 100 % but is 90 % not enough? We are not at court and humans decide by their feeling of fearness. They wont tell us this anyway.

I would think stars could live and should live with the fact they are punishing an innocent. You have to bring victims if the ratio is something like 1 to 10 and i am sure it is way higher. (1 to 1000 or something like that). *

I would recommend you to ask stars after some time of.
It would make sense for them to reopen your account because they dont have 100 % of you wrongdoing.

With ratio i mean former experience with same occurrences.
I mean common, how probable are 6 hacked account whome lost to one player.
(i gotta admit, it sounds stupid to do that because it would be to obvious).
Here it is getting tricky. Argumenting with other players who did it on purpose to get you banned isnt sounding credible.

Try your best know. Play it cool and ask after 3 - 6 month.
Plan the between time good. (changing ips etc.)

Hans and to anyone else who thinks that Stars should ban someone with only pretty good proof to air on the side of caution.

What would happen if you were playing against 6 people that you suspected were colluding against you. After a review Stars says that there is some connection between the players but not 100% conclusiveness...

Tell me what should they do? Ban the 6 players or let them keep playing?

What do you think they'd do if brought this type of scenario?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV

You think it's just stars that is involved in this? What about the people who may have gotten scammed? Should pokerstars go knock on their door to make sure they all respond immediately? What about the banks that stars has to contact for fraud related issues? I guess pokerstars has some magic gavel that they can slap around and force it to be top priority for everyone? Please tell me more about this magic. I ****ing love magic.

Who decides what a good reason is? You? Please make a list of all reasons that you consider to be justified and post a sticky so pokerstars makes sure to follow your guidelines. Man hours are one of the biggest expenses for any business. Having someone email constantly and expending your resources hurts profitability. Businesses like being profitable. People who impede this ability sometimes aren't welcome. Sounds like a good reason to me.
Kind of edgy what?

A good reason is, if someone breaks their policy. This easy.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
Hans and to anyone else who thinks that Stars should ban someone with only pretty good proof to air on the side of caution.

What would happen if you were playing against 6 people that you suspected were colluding against you. After a review Stars says that there is some connection between the players but not 100% conclusiveness...

Tell me what should they do? Ban the 6 players or let them keep playing?

What do you think they'd do if brought this type of scenario?
You did not understand what i wrote.

I was not clear enough.

This isnt an open discussion, you allready made your point and try to defend it without deal with the opposite opinions.

This stuff is about basic probabilities.

Every normal human beeing with an average intelligence wont buy of this "what if they set it up"?
Who would do that?
Why did it not happened to others?

In this instance, if it is true, it is just an examption. As i said, it is 1 to 1000.
It wont matter till this happens to a lot of players. Until than, this case is basicly solved right.

If this is the accusation and they god proof.(Those accounts only played against him). They are 98 % sure, he is involved in this.

He has not an clear proof of innocence by the way.
Allthough i understand his point, if it is legit.

He did what he always does and from out of the left he is into something he did not realised. In this case, he is just one of those guys who booked a flight ticked but the plane is full.

How could this happen?
It is just an basic business choice based on probabilities. The probabilities arent lying if you got good data.

This means, every know and then an innocent player with get catched instead of an guilty one but the ratio is 1 to 10 000. So in 5 Years it will happen to one innocent player while 9 999 guilty ones are banned correct.


I am sure if he could proof he is innocent, they would open his account.
First thing would be to find out the real reason for getting banned.
We need the opinion of Stars!!!.
Afterwards we can make an objection plan.

Last edited by hans122; 02-25-2014 at 10:00 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 09:53 PM
PokerStars should give lvanhoe a detailed reason why he has been banned for life on their sites, Stars has a stellar reputation, you may have a very good reason why you taken the action you took but you should give him the exact reason, that you refuse to do so shakes the confidence you have with many players that feel the same thing could happen to them without an explanation so that players know that if they are banned by an error that might had been made that they are given a way to refute the allegation in case of an error by the site.
Again PokerStars you very well may be correct in your actions but if there is the least bit of chance a mistake was made, a player should be given the information on why the decision was made.

btw it's irrelevant if you hate this guy for being a bum-hunter Even if that was the reason Stars don't want him on the site, What is relevant is that they are not telling him why.

If he is innocent then they same type of injustice can happen to any player, if he is guilty then tell him what exactly he is guilty of.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 10:05 PM
If you are not quilty, then god damn, why you do not post HH-s?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
02-25-2014 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by ranka
If you are not quilty, then god damn, why you do not post HH-s?
I did so in HS PLO. Didn't want to flood this thread with 336 HH's.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
