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Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read.

04-12-2014 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by 39suited
Why would he want to contact ARJEL when they have absolutely nothing to do with this and only regulate the .fr site?
You still haven't figured out that whole Europe can play on .fr sites? Second time you imply that.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-12-2014 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by GuySmiley
You still haven't figured out that whole Europe can play on .fr sites? Second time you imply that.
It has absolutely nothing to do with who can actually play on the site but who regulates it. ARJEL does not regulate Pokerstars .com nor .eu, only .fr. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-12-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by mullion
Given that they sent you to the wrong regulator, you could ask him what or who's rules he was quoting.
this seems the best bet at this point. It must be infuriating for OP to not even know what he's been accused of, and I don't understand why he's getting so little support itt. I suggest pushing Stars to at least reveal which rule/law forbids them from even discussing the grounds for his ban, as it's possible this rule doesn't actually apply and even if it does, he might at least deduce some sort of clue as to what the alleged crime is!
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-12-2014 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by 39suited
It has absolutely nothing to do with who can actually play on the site but who regulates it. ARJEL does not regulate Pokerstars .com nor .eu, only .fr. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Some ppl just don't want to understand. This guy has played on .fr, Arjel regulates THAT relation between the player and As he's banned from all Rational sites for the same reason, does it matter if he gets the reason for being banned from .EU, .FR, .COM or FullTilt???
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:06 AM
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-13-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
Well they are, at this moment, getting just what they want - I'm about to back off and just accept the fact that companies offering online poker are just a bunch of crooks that can do whatever the **** they want without ever having to answer to anyone.

I mean, i'm not going to pay a lawyer to sue them or anything as I'm pretty sure I have no ground whatsoever to sue them on. Going to the LGA has no merit either. So yeah. What's left to do?

I just hope this topic has created some awareness as to how easily these kind of companies can block your ability to play online poker, without having to provide a reason, without having to accuse you of anything, without having to answer to any regulatory body, without even knowing their own legislation while blatantly lying to a costumer that has paid a lot of rake over the years.
If your story it´s true you have some sort of a case. You need a decent\good lawyer.
You won lots of monies playing online, so... just get a lawyer. How can you defend yourself if you even don´t know the regulators, the internacional law, the HRL, the civil law, etc. The procedures...
Write a letter? Saying what?
You take money from the fish, now you must be a fish of someone, a lawyers fish
Or u just like to take? and dont spend money at all?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-13-2014 , 08:30 PM
The recommendations that OP "get a lawyer" because a poker site isnt letting him use their site anymore seem kind of silly.

They think he committed fraud.

They have every right to refuse his business whether hes guilty or not.

Even if they didnt, its still not practical.

And even if it was practical, the end result of getting reinstated would still be not worth the effort and money it would cost to get that result when OP can just play on other sites.

Last edited by 5thStreetHog; 04-13-2014 at 08:56 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-13-2014 , 08:33 PM
Not that silly. If i was in OP shoes making millions on the poker-stars, it was a easy decision to hire a good lawyer, or a good group of them.
Well, or OP just move on with his life. Write a letter ,and GG.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-13-2014 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by 00001
Not that silly. If i was in OP shoes making millions on the poker-stars, it was a easy decision to hire a good lawyer, or a good group of them.
It would be a bad decision imo and any competent lawyer would tell you that hopefully before they took the globs of money you would most likely be throwing away for no reason.

Last edited by 5thStreetHog; 04-13-2014 at 08:56 PM.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-13-2014 , 08:48 PM
It´s your opinion.
I respect that.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-13-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by 00001
It´s your opinion.
I respect that.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
04-14-2014 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by GuySmiley
Some ppl just don't want to understand. This guy has played on .fr, Arjel regulates THAT relation between the player and As he's banned from all Rational sites for the same reason, does it matter if he gets the reason for being banned from .EU, .FR, .COM or FullTilt???
I guess that depends on whether or not he feels like wasting more time.

Dear Mr xx,

My apologies for the delayed reply to you – I have only just been notified by Pokerstars that given your country of residence, your account is registered to the website and as such, licensed by a different body – specifically the Lotteries & Gaming Authority Malta (LGA).

As your account was registered via the LGA, we cannot investigate or request information relating to an operator’s investigation on your behalf.

In this instance, it is advised that you contact the LGA directly using the following link;

Again, I apologise for the delay in getting this information to you.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-03-2014 , 06:22 AM
Any news?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-03-2014 , 08:24 AM
2014 One drop winner confirmed multiaccounting on 2p2

Then gets ban and "unban" a year later. Seems fair OP
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-03-2014 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by trashy123
Any news?
As stated I have been stonewalled and have been given the runaround by the so called 'legislator' that I was supposed to appeal to. Of course the LGA doesn't respond to my emails so yeah, I'm basically ****ed without any chance to appeal.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-03-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
As stated I have been stonewalled and have been given the runaround by the so called 'legislator' that I was supposed to appeal to. Of course the LGA doesn't respond to my emails so yeah, I'm basically ****ed without any chance to appeal.
I do think wrong or right you should be given a reason.

Pokerstars will soon be under new ownership Amaya Gaming Group a publicly traded company, maybe you might have some luck getting answers from them why you were banned after the transaction is made final by September 30, 2014.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-03-2014 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by xalas
I do think wrong or right you should be given a reason.

Pokerstars will soon be under new ownership Amaya Gaming Group a publicly traded company, maybe you might have some luck getting answers from them why you were banned after the transaction is made final by September 30, 2014.
I dont mean to be a kill joy but i highly doubt that. i was slightly worried that the acquisition might end up been bad for poker so emailed stars with a few questions regarding the take over.

the general message i got from the response was that the management team and staff wouldn't change due to the take over. its a corporate take over the team handling your complaint and liaising with you will remain the same.

short of going to the ceo or board of directors there wouldnt be any change of staff that would affect you and i dont believe they would deal with you directly.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-03-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by xalas
I do think wrong or right you should be given a reason.

Pokerstars will soon be under new ownership Amaya Gaming Group a publicly traded company, maybe you might have some luck getting answers from them why you were banned after the transaction is made final by September 30, 2014.
I know chances are slim but I'm at least going to try to get some answers/be unbanned after said date, thanks.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-03-2014 , 08:04 PM
buy some shares in amaya then turn up at the AGM and ask the chairman to find out why your business was declined and is it good for the company to be turning away profitable business ( assuming that you generated more rake than benefits you received). Institutional investors will certainly be interested to hear why stars are turning away valid custom as that will affect their profit forecasts. ok yours will make little difference but if you frame your question too elicit a response in terms of how many million $ of potential business and profits are they turning away by refusing honest "winning"players to play it will focus institutional investors on the subject.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-04-2014 , 03:49 AM
If its really because u won too much paying to few rake, like they ban people on ipoker sometimes. And they do it on ps also now.
This ist the end of poker.

What else reason there should be, to not give a reason?! To get no bad public.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-04-2014 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by trashy123
And they do it on ps also now.
Do you have evidence of this?

Originally Posted by trashy123
This ist the end of poker.
Wow. So should we just shut down the forums then?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
07-04-2014 , 08:04 PM
Fascinating thread.

I fear we're going to be seeing a lot more like this in the next six months. I expect the arms race between (suspected) cheats and security teams will get really ugly. Transparency - and the reputation of online poker itself - will likely be a loser in this war.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
10-24-2016 , 07:30 PM
Almost 3 years have passed and this still sickens me. No idea why I'm even posting this but meh I'm drunk and I just read through this whole thing again.
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
10-25-2016 , 10:05 AM

at least you can find comfort in the fact that there is no more hu tables on stars and that they will completely eradicate it soon most likely

how are untracked sites treating you?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
10-25-2016 , 11:06 AM
I'm guessing you haven't appealed to Amaya?
Pokerstars closed my account - I have been a midstakes headsup player for years. Please read. Quote
