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Pokerstars closed my account Pokerstars closed my account

08-08-2008 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by JDubshady
Awesome. Nice life you have hahaha
Well he's not the one here whinging because his funds are temporarily frozen by probably the most secure/reputable poker site going at the moment, now is he?
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
Because you lived with someone who was cheating/stealing/multi-accounting etc. It's standard procedure. You're not really being penalised by it either, it's a minor inconvenience really and is good for poker/online poker/ the integrity of the game overall

What you do now is wait, and chat with pokerstars super customer support via email and ask them is there anything you can do to speed up the process etc etc.

They're not "stealing" your money, it'll be there once the issue is resolved. If it's not, then chances are you've been caught too.
They are trying to penalize me because of my roommates wrongdoings. I have never done anything wrong. That ia 100% the truth. They say my account will be reopened when there issues with insaneent are resolved. So they acknowledged that i am being penalized by his wrongdoings.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
Well he's not the one here whinging because his funds are temporarily frozen by probably the most secure/reputable poker site going at the moment, now is he?
No he's the one with nothing better to do but post pictures and such
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:13 PM
All i am doing is asking for some help. If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:22 PM
FOrgot to include in my post, the person who i was associated with was my brother. We lived at the same house and often made p2p transfers to eachother. He chargedback a whole lot of money on Pokerstars (cuz he is a degenerate). Yet when i explained the situation to 'Stars they were more then reasonable and re-opened my account. Are you sure you haven't done anything wrong? IMO 'Stars is a very fair and honest site.

Be polite and respectful in your emails to them and maybe it will help.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by UbetImuck
FOrgot to include in my post, the person who i was associated with was my brother. We lived at the same house and often made p2p transfers to eachother. He chargedback a whole lot of money on Pokerstars (cuz he is a degenerate). Yet when i explained the situation to 'Stars they were more the reasonable and re-opened my account. Are you sure you haven't done anything wrong? IMO 'Stars is a very fair and honest site.
yes positive. i am in the beginning stages of talking with stars so hopefully they will open it soon. it has only been closed for 2 days now and i have only been emailed back twice so hopefully i can explain the situation and they will understand. Thanks a lot for your help. If they reopened your account im sure they will reopen mine too! Thanks again.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by JDubshady
yes positive. i am in the beginning stages of talking with stars so hopefully they will open it soon. it has only been closed for 2 days now and i have only been emailed back twice so hopefully i can explain the situation and they will understand. Thanks a lot for your help. If they reopened your account im sure they will reopen mine too! Thanks again.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:50 PM
continue to try to explore avenues of resolution with them. I still think if they are going to hold you (or your account) responsible for the actions of another account (for now we are giving the benefit of the doubt that these are distinct people)- they should be willing to tell you how much they feel they are owed, the general nature of why, and/or give you a chance to prove it wasn't you involved.
If they won't tell you why because of "privacy" that seems to be an admission on their part that there are in fact two distinct people.

So here are a few general questions this leads to. How does Stars handle dorm type settings where everyone is running off the same signal?
If an account has been allowed to deposit and withdraw regularly prior, why would it get flagged this time for this reason?

Did the former roommate ever withdraw money? Do the two of you have any history of comingled transactions/transfers?
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 02:55 PM
You know, if OP is telling the truth, Stars really has no right whatsoever to hold his money because of what someone else did, same IP or whatever. I would probably have more sympathy if he was more well known on this forum as I've become extremely cynical.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by cardman
You know, if OP is telling the truth, Stars really has no right whatsoever to hold his money because of what someone else did, same IP or whatever. I would probably have more sympathy if he was more well known on this forum as I've become extremely cynical.
As i said i am 100% telling the truth. For some reason, as apefish has said, this is how the handle situations like this. My ex-roommate has told me he didn't anything wrong and stars won't tell me what he did. If he bounced echecks or did chargebacks, how does this involve me? Just because we played from same internet? I have never used echecks or a credit card. The only way i deposit is buying a gift card at a supermarket. I think they feel as though they can confiscate my funds to pay what he owes if he did in fact do chargebacks or bounce checks which i don't see how they can do. Hopefully stars will realize i had nothing to do with whatever insaneent did and they will reopen my account and take whatever actions neccessary to settle there dispute with insaneent
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:01 PM
cardman I'm cynical also about these types of threads. I'm trying to keep an open mind and promote a general discussion and hoping not to appear that I'm saying Stars is acting poorly or OP is necessarily hiding anything.

All of what I am writing has a big bold "lets assume this is the truth without saying it has to be" disclaimer.

This is why I thought one relatively easy path to explore would be whether we have in fact two validated identities on the accounts in question.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by apefish
cardman I'm cynical also about these types of threads. I'm trying to keep an open mind and promote a general discussion and hoping not to appear that I'm saying Stars is acting poorly or OP is necessarily hiding anything.

All of what I am writing has a big bold "lets assume this is the truth without saying it has to be" disclaimer.

This is why I thought one relatively easy path to explore would be whether we have in fact two validated identities on the accounts in question.
My account has been validated as i have sent in my identification card, my college id, and an utility bill and they acknowledge this was true. Hopefully stars does the right thing as the account was just closed recently and i know they have great support.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:10 PM
so there's one. we are looking for two. you have a clear interest in knowing whether your ex-roommate has a validated account either thru documentation or a history of cashouts etc.

note: in case I'm not being clear here it is... two distinct people having two distinct identities that stars has acknowledged is pretty much the ballgame for you on this as far as how tenable stars position is on holding one account responsible for another.

In the meantime it sounds more like a semi-routine protection measure on their part to make sure someone isn't running multiple accounts fraudulenty.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by JDubshady
My account has been validated as i have sent in my identification card, my college id, and an utility bill and they acknowledge this was true. Hopefully stars does the right thing as the account was just closed recently and i know they have great support.
so all that whining for nothing?

Remember Stars is not FTP before you cry your eyes out next time...
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by DJSHAD0W
so all that whining for nothing?

Remember Stars is not FTP before you cry your eyes out next time...
My account was validated with my id. It has not been opened. It is still CLOSED and i have not heard back from them yet since i explained my situation.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:58 PM
Here is the most recent email response i have received:

Hello Jennifer,

Thank you for your email.

Here at Pokerstars, we review each and every single case in an individual
basis and take actions according to the case in particular. Unfortunately,
this case here is a little different as our security systems have detected
that there is a very close relation between you and this player and we
simply cannot afford such a high risk as letting you play for now. Until
the issues with the related accounts are resolved we will not allow you to
play with us. We apologize for the inconvenience cause by our security
procedures, but please understand that this is company policy and it is
done to ensure that Pokerstars remains a safe environment for all of its

Best regards,
Pokerstars Security

I have no idea what to do. They are closing my account and holding my money until there issues with this other player are resolved, which leads me to believe he owes them money. I cannot get a hold of this person and he of course isn't going to answer pokerstars emails. So basically i am getting screwed and there is nothing i can do about it?
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 03:59 PM
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:01 PM
You're not a very patient person, are you?
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
You're not a very patient person, are you?
Most of the time i am a patient person, but when they are telling me they aren't going to open my account or give me my money until there issues are resolved with another player it doesn't make sense to me and it shouldn't. I should not be put in the middle of a situation that doesn't involve me.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:07 PM
Wait wait wait

Originally Posted by JDubShady
I Don't live with the kid anymore and have not talked to him in over a month
Originally Posted by JDubShady
have tried that and he says he did nothing wrong and his account is working properly. he is obviously lying and stars straight up told me there was a problem with him
Originally Posted by JDubShady
I cannot get a hold of this person and he of course isn't going to answer pokerstars emails
Originally Posted by JDubShady
Also why would they let me deposit for the last couple weeks and then when i finally win they close my account?
So, you've been depositing over the last few weeks and recently had a win. At the same time, you haven't talked to that guy in over a month. Then you go on to say you've talked to him since then, only to say later in the thread that you can't get a hold of him.

Hrmmmmm, sounds familiar.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
Wait wait wait

So, you've been depositing over the last few weeks and recently had a win. At the same time, you haven't talked to that guy in over a month. Then you go on to say you've talked to him since then, only to say later in the thread that you can't get a hold of him.

Hrmmmmm, sounds familiar.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by JDubshady
I should not be put in the middle of a situation that doesn't involve me.
But it does, DUCY?

Also, what's the rush? It's only $500, it's in Stars and they're doing an investigation. It's not as though the money won't be there tomorrow (unless they find you've been doing shady things you haven't told us about) and they'll reopen the account when the investigation is over. No big problem really.
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by JDubshady
But you said you couldn't get a hold of him? You said you hadn't talked to him in over a month? Changing our story now, are we?
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
But it does, DUCY?

Also, what's the rush? It's only $500, it's in Stars and they're doing an investigation. It's not as though the money won't be there tomorrow (unless they find you've been doing shady things you haven't told us about) and they'll reopen the account when the investigation is over. No big problem really.
Well according to them they wont give me the money until there issues are resolved with this other player. So if he decides he doesn't care about them, they can't do anything to him bla bla bla, then i guess i am straight out of luck? and stars gets to take my money for someone elses actions? Come on man don't sit here and act like what they are doing is right
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
08-08-2008 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Wolitzer
But you said you couldn't get a hold of him? You said you hadn't talked to him in over a month? Changing our story now, are we?
i had not talked to him for over a month by choice. i wanted nothing to do with him and had not tried calling until him until this issue came up. obviously now that this issue came up he wont answer my calls. Do you understand why he would not answer my calls now that i called him out on something that he did. Obviously he won't answer now that he feels he is caught and brought me into something that he did wrong
Pokerstars closed my account Quote
