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Pokerstars Cash Refund Pokerstars Cash Refund

08-03-2008 , 04:48 PM
Ok just conpleted my first attempt at this method. Pretty simple. My advice to everyone is to simply go to your local walmart. They process so many of these things they seem to always have cash on hand, and because they do so many, they don't really ask any question.

Requested cashout on friday 11pm. Confirmation email right away, second email sunday 3pm. It was for 1500, they had enough cash, and they even had all hundreds for me. I provided ID ref number and sender info, and that's it. Gl all
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08-03-2008 , 07:20 PM
I requested a Cashout on Friday, and i was surprised to see the money back in my cashier just now saying that the cashout was cancelled, which is retarted because im travelling in 4 days and i need the money.

They didn't send me an email or anything, i just emailed them asking whatsup.
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08-04-2008 , 04:52 AM
so this is easy as 1-2-3 right? show ID provide reference # and poof? thats it?
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08-04-2008 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
What are you trying to hide by using this "code"? If youre scared some investigator is reading this thread, they arent ******ed and will figure it out easy.
He wants to make sure that this thread doesn't jump to the top of the google results if someone searches for that little C-town.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-04-2008 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
What are you trying to hide by using this "code"? If youre scared some investigator is reading this thread, they arent ******ed and will figure it out easy.
Why is it everday I think we've made progress, some guy posts something like this?

Please sir, laugh at us all you want but as there is no benefit in posting processor information, none of us are doing it.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-04-2008 , 09:16 AM
1st cashout attempt : ( Friday) waited 2 days, then it was declined, i email stars, they say its from the processor and they're going to find out why and get back to me ASAP, Still nothing yet.

( I'm travelling in 4 days, so if i don't get the money, i'll be one poor SOB at the Olympics in Beijing)

2nd cashout attempt: Did it ~24 hours ago, the money is gone from the cashier, but in the history window there is no evidence of me ordering a cashout, i did get an email though, so i'm not really worried.

Cash pickup hasn't been nice to me so far :S
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08-04-2008 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
Why is it everday I think we've made progress, some guy posts something like this?

Please sir, laugh at us all you want but as there is no benefit in posting processor information, none of us are doing it.
Im just saying you did post the processor information. Google cant find it, but any investigator who stumbles on this thread will find it out. He thinks hes being so ****ing clever and sneaky when that isnt the case at all.
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08-04-2008 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
Im just saying you did post the processor information. Google cant find it, but any investigator who stumbles on this thread will find it out. He thinks hes being so ****ing clever and sneaky when that isnt the case at all.
Read the two million posts about this having NOTHING to do with investigators. It is all about bad publicity.

Anyways I am tired of debating this. Read my many many posts in the past that answer every single argument you will ever make. As long as we all agree not to post any processor information as it results in nothing positive no matter what your opinion is on the issue, then we all win.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-04-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
Read the two million posts about this having NOTHING to do with investigators. It is all about bad publicity.

Anyways I am tired of debating this. Read my many many posts in the past that answer every single argument you will ever make. As long as we all agree not to post any processor information as it results in nothing positive no matter what your opinion is on the issue, then we all win.
Im not saying we should post processor information, the exact opposite actually. The same point could have been made through PM rather than posting "the windy city that starts with c"
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-04-2008 , 02:33 PM
Ah, I get what you're saying and 100% agree. I apologize. I would suggest you start rotating places you go to.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-04-2008 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
Ah, I get what you're saying and 100% agree. I apologize. I would suggest you start rotating places you go to.
The problem is other places only give like $600 in cash then you just get a check. If i was gonna bother with that I would get a check right from stars.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 09:24 AM
How often can you request a cash refund? I made my last request Fri and I picked the money up yesterday. I thought it was every 72 hours and I tried to do another one this morning but the option for cash refund is not available to me anymore.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by ugaistheteam
How often can you request a cash refund? I made my last request Fri and I picked the money up yesterday. I thought it was every 72 hours and I tried to do another one this morning but the option for cash refund is not available to me anymore.
Is your cashout between 500 and 2500? If not, you wont see the option.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 10:31 AM
Thanks. I was trying to take out 450.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Jeremy517
I picked up my cash at the ***** across the street from my office. ****, no SSN request, no questions about the sender, and no one asking if I wanted to open an account.

**** and ****
LOL. The guy loves it so much he wants to ruin it as soon as possible. The above post will be deleted asap but i wanted everyone to see how rediculous people are being.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
LOL. The guy loves it so much he wants to ruin it as soon as possible. The above post will be deleted asap but i wanted everyone to see how rediculous people are being.
Lets see... of the words you asterisked out:

One is mentioned in 29 posts in this thread still
One is mentioned in 13 posts in this thread still
One is has been mentioned in 5 posts in this thread still (with the alternate being mentioned in at least 26 posts still)
One is the word is in the title of this thread and is said a few thousand times per day here

Only one of the words arguably should have not been mentioned, but it is still in a whopping 29 posts in this thread.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 04:26 PM
Ok let me get your logic straight. Because other people were being idiots you can be one too? How about you help us clean this stuff up instead of making it worse. You had time to count words today. Imagine if you put that time to good use.

Also notice your post was deleted. Somebody here obviously agrees with me. BTW I guarantee Stars would not want you posting brags like these on forums even if it is positive. If you do love them could you please stop for that reason if you disagree with everything else?
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
Ok let me get your logic straight. Because other people were being idiots you can be one too?
No, I have no issue with my post being deleted. The point is that it is completely irrelevant whether one post gets deleted or not if the rest all remain. Likewise, you choosing to report my post to the moderators is irrelevant if you do not report the others also.

Really, Common Sense suggests that the only appropriate course of action, if you are concerned with those words, is to have this thread deleted and have a new detail-free thread started.

Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
You had time to count words today. Imagine if you put that time to good use.
Click "Search in this thread". You can search every 15 seconds. It took 45 seconds to search for the three terms. I did not bother searching for the fourth, because it makes no sense for mrcommonsense to care about that word.

By the way, one of the words that you asterisked out of my thread was in the post you just made.

Last edited by Jeremy517; 08-05-2008 at 04:44 PM.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 05:04 PM
I have suggested many times to the mods that this thread be wiped and it start all over. I also do not have time to read every single post here.

The only thing I only cared about is the last sentence you wrote. It was completely unneccessary. Also by limiting the amount of dangerous words written in the future, it lowers the chances of this thread moving up in google which is all I am trying to prevent.

I also have no issue saying STARS. I removed some of the words you wrote to point out that you can get the same message across without all the extra details.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 05:57 PM
mrcommonsense I think you need to chill out.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 06:48 PM
I think you guys who are being anal about saying and not saying certain words are severely underestimating the powers that be who would have an interest in shutting this whole operation down. They already know about it - guaranteed. Get over yourselves and enjoy this while it lasts.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 06:57 PM
Of course they know it! They just don't want it incredibly broadcasted. Yeesh.

You're high again Towelie, aren't you?
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
Of course they know it! They just don't want it incredibly broadcasted. Yeesh.

You're high again Towelie, aren't you?
I don't think we're referring to the same 'they'. Common sense should have told you which 'they' I'm referring to - get it?

It would take 1 employee at the DOJ about one morning to find and index all of the withdrawal options for all the American friendly cardrooms.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 07:15 PM
I was referring to DOJ and the processors actually. None of them care as long as its not rubbed in anybody's faces (except for Sportsbooks of course).

Nobody wants the publicity. Simple as that.
Pokerstars Cash Refund Quote
08-05-2008 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by mrcommonsense
I was referring to DOJ and the processors actually. None of them care as long as its not rubbed in anybody's faces (except for Sportsbooks of course).

Nobody wants the publicity. Simple as that.
Why should WE be so paranoid about publicity when Stars lists on their Cashier page the name and logo of the #1 money transfer company and a direct link to the website of the #2 company.

If it were really that big an issue would not the two money transfer companies take this up with Stars themselves?
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