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Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (& they admitted so) Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (& they admitted so)

11-18-2019 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by Josem
Wow, this is a spectacular self-own which demonstrates that PokerStars made the right decision to ban you.
Not that spectacular in that most threads like this started by throwaway new accounts end up in kind of a place like this, particularly when they give more details of their situation (in this case the plan to start a second account).

The bringing up "injustices" of the industry is a pretty standard approach for these guys, even when it of course has literally nothing to do with their specific situation, because in their mind this shows that they are the hero and the sites are the evil end boss.

In the end this dude had unsafe computer/location sharing with someone who had the online poker equivalent of herpes (and this is assuming the encounter was as innocent as he suggests), so he woke up one day to find his study buddy left him a gift that keeps on giving.

This might be something that can be resolved if he did it in a professional and calm manner, though with Stars support these days it could take a LOT longer to do so, but that is moot as this person will clearly not go that route, and we have the standard self created mess thread, which is why these threads by <10 post guys should never be taken at face value at first.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
I like how you completely dismissed what I said after that quote. Like I said this never would have happened if they didn't ban me for no reason.

And no, they were not right to ban me; That's like saying a Judge was right to convict an innocent man for murder because when he got released and couldn't get a job he robbed a liquor store.
That's a dumb and false metaphor.

What happened is:

A) PokerStars says, "We don't trust you to avoid sharing your account with someone who breaks our rules".

B) You then think they're terribly wrong, and proceed to announce that you will sharing an account to break their rules.

This whole situation is completely inane, you've proven yourself that PokerStars did the right thing.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
To expose them.
Only thing you exposed was yourself. Bottom line is: if they don't want your business, they have the right to refuse it. The fact you don't like it or agree with it doesn't matter.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
Does anything matter?
It does yes but in this scenario it doesn't.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy

The bringing up "injustices" of the industry is a pretty standard approach for these guys, even when it of course has literally nothing to do with their specific situation, because in their mind this shows that they are the hero and the sites are the evil end boss.
I never said it's directly tied with my situation, however it is related in a broader sense and it serves as it's own point. Also, calling them "injustices" is an understatement.

Originally Posted by Monteroy

In the end this dude had unsafe computer/location sharing with someone who had the online poker equivalent of herpes (and this is assuming the encounter was as innocent as he suggests), so he woke up one day to find his study buddy left him a gift that keeps on giving.
True, I should have been more careful with my location sharing. I accept that. From now on I will take every precaution necessary.

Originally Posted by Monteroy

This might be something that can be resolved if he did it in a professional and calm manner, though with Stars support these days it could take a LOT longer to do so, but that is moot as this person will clearly not go that route, and we have the standard self created mess thread, which is why these threads by <10 post guys should never be taken at face value at first.
Honestly I don't think this would have been resolved, that's why I chose this path. I could have easily said nothing. Stars have become worse than ever and hit a new low which I didn't even think possible, but I guess I was wrong.

Originally Posted by .isolated
Only thing you exposed was yourself. Bottom line is: if they don't want your business, they have the right to refuse it. The fact you don't like it or agree with it doesn't matter.
Yes, thank you. They cited me the TOS a million times telling me they can ban whoever they want whenever they want for whatever reason they want, so I've kinda heard that one.

Originally Posted by Josem

This whole situation is completely inane, you've proven yourself that PokerStars did the right thing.
Hypothetically if I did nothing and left things as they were do you still think Stars did the right thing? It's yes or no.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 11-18-2019 at 02:12 PM. Reason: 3 posts merged
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
I never said it's directly tied with my situation, however it is related in a broader sense and it serves as it's own point. Also, calling them "injustices" is an understatement.
It is not related at all. 0%. People like you bring stuff like that up to try to get sympathy for your situation and cast the opponent as the big baddie given their unrelated behavior (which is also open to debate as to how bad it is).

You can call them whatever you like, but it has literally nothing to do with your rather standard situation. You played in the same room with someone who has a bad history with Stars (assuming there is nothing more to the story - when there usually is), and again if this is your source of income then you showed literally no respect to the value of your account by engaging in that unsafe behavior.

Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
True, I should have been more careful with my location sharing. I accept that. From now on I will take every precaution necessary.
That is the lesson threads like this can provide others, especially these days when Stars support takes a LOT longer to get situations resolved, so even if a player is "innocent" they could spend months getting it cleaned up whereas in the past it might take a couple days.

Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
Honestly I don't think this would have been resolved, that's why I chose this path. I could have easily said nothing. Stars have become worse than ever and hit a new low which I didn't even think possible, but I guess I was wrong.
Saying nothing about multi-accounting would have been a better choice by you. If you try to resolve this professionally and patiently, let us know how it goes.

All the best.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
Hypothetically if I did nothing and left things as they were do you still think Stars did the right thing? It's yes or no.
I don't know enough to answer "yes or no". It depends what information they used to make their judgement when they did.

It's possible that they happened to just get lucky in correctly banning you, but I suspect that they know more about your relationship with the underlying offender here than any of the posters in this thread. I assume that you're lying and not telling us the truth about the full extent of your relationship with the alleged offenders here.

Thus, I think that it is a huge favourite that, yes, Stars did the right thing.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 02:30 PM
I'm on the "yes" side as well, since threads like this pretty much always leave out information that would make the OP look bad. I do not believe you ended up playing poker in the same room with random hoodlums and goons that you never had interaction with before, and I do not believe that is the full extent of the issue (since people play in the same houses with others all the time).

You are very likely leaving out some bonus information that would make your story even less sympathetic, but at this point I would actually suggest you change things up a bit and offer total disclosure instead of the standard "wah wah evil Stars did evil, the poor SNEs, rake has gone up etc" defence.

That's the thing most newbie posters in these situations do not appreciate - if they are actually totally honest and come clean about and express genuine regret about their bad choices then others will actually give genuine advice as to how to handle it with Stars to see if the situation can be changed. Guess we will see if you choose to go the route or not, most do not, so they post their routine "xxx stole my money and/or closed my account" blurb as you have done, scream for 1-3 days, as you have done, and then fade away. Your choice in the end.

All the best.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 03:04 PM
It would be pretty remarkable for Stars to have randomly chosen one player account, and randomly stumbled upon a guy who subsequently announces he's going to break the rules. That Stars security guy should open up a psychic business instead of trying to stop online fraud.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-18-2019 , 07:25 PM
Start playing on other sites?? There is an abundance of them.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
It is not related at all. 0%. People like you bring stuff like that up to try to get sympathy for your situation and cast the opponent as the big baddie given their unrelated behavior (which is also open to debate as to how bad it is).
It's related because it's shows their true character. And open to debate? If you don't think the actions Pokerstars took regarding the whole Supernova Elite situation were atrocious I rest my case.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
I'm on the "yes" side as well, since threads like this pretty much always leave out information that would make the OP look bad.
Originally Posted by Josem
I assume that you're lying and not telling us the truth about the full extent of your relationship with the alleged offenders here.
I'm not leaving out anything, look at the 3rd email, even Stars say "We can understand your frustration at the current situation which has arisen through no fault of your own". These types of bans happen frequently, you guys said so yourselves. Even if we assume that a good percentage of them are lying, how do you account for the rest of them?
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
Yes, thank you. They cited me the TOS a million times telling me they can ban whoever they want whenever they want for whatever reason they want, so I've kinda heard that one.
You're welcome. It seems that point needs lots of reiteration for you since you seem to have heard it but don't fully comprehend it because that's case closed. Your whataboutisms with SNE is laughable. Nothing to do with their character wrt banning you.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
... I'm not leaving out anything, look at the 3rd email, even Stars say "We can understand your frustration at the current situation which has arisen through no fault of your own". These types of bans happen frequently ...
All that means is that, until you said you were "forced" to cheat by sharing someone else's account, they had no definite evidence, only a strong suspicion, that you might share your account with a known cheat with whom you had a close connection, and they were unwilling to take that risk.

You have proved they were right that you would share your account. Whether or not it was with another cheat, or that you are the one cheat involved, is another matter.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
It's related because it's shows their true character. And open to debate? If you don't think the actions Pokerstars took regarding the whole Supernova Elite situation were atrocious I rest my case.
Your interpretation of their "true character" is basically meaningless to your actual situation, though I can see you are frustrated that your frequent attempts to use their "character" as a distraction tool is not working the way you would prefer.

Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
I'm not leaving out anything, look at the 3rd email, even Stars say "We can understand your frustration at the current situation which has arisen through no fault of your own". These types of bans happen frequently, you guys said so yourselves. Even if we assume that a good percentage of them are lying, how do you account for the rest of them?
The vast majority of the "rest" are also lying by omission, and they (like you) tend to not fully understand what is being told to them by Pokerstars and choose to interpret it in the way they believe makes their situation look more favorable.

You kind of remind me of a player I backed LOOOOONG ago on Black Chip Poker on Merge, for whom every fibre in my being knew he was doing something wrong, but he was one of the extremely rare ones that despite "knowing" this I could not prove it, so when I cut it off I had to accept that I would never know the full story of what he was doing. Pokerstars has it easier in that they do not invest money in you directly, so when they see a pattern that is bad, they can close your account and move on as they have done.

As I said earlier, if you were completely transparent here about the situations that led to your account being closed, and you know what they are and what you have left out via omission, then you would have received much better suggestions for your situation, but you chose the standard I am a victim/Pokerstars is evil/poor little me approach and in nearly 100% of the cases with new posters that is simply not an accurate reflection of the situation. If you happen to be the 1 in 100 poor waif then blame all the others with stories like you that came before you.

All the best.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
All that means is that, until you said you were "forced" to cheat by sharing someone else's account, they had no definite evidence, only a strong suspicion, that you might share your account with a known cheat with whom you had a close connection, and they were unwilling to take that risk.

You have proved they were right that you would share your account. Whether or not it was with another cheat, or that you are the one cheat involved, is another matter.
The only problem with this is that I would never have shared account if they didn't ban me on simply a suspicion. So they were "right" after-the-fact... it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Your interpretation of their "true character" is basically meaningless to your actual situation, though I can see you are frustrated that your frequent attempts to use their "character" as a distraction tool is not working the way you would prefer.
Once again, it's not "my interpretation". I came to share an obviously unfair ban and not only you can't agree with that but you can't even admit Stars fcked up with Supernova Elite. Wow.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Pokerstars has it easier in that they do not invest money in you directly, so when they see a pattern that is bad, they can close your account and move on as they have done.

As I said earlier, if you were completely transparent here about the situations that led to your account being closed, and you know what they are and what you have left out via omission, then you would have received much better suggestions for your situation, but you chose the standard I am a victim/Pokerstars is evil/poor little me approach and in nearly 100% of the cases with new posters that is simply not an accurate reflection of the situation. If you happen to be the 1 in 100 poor waif then blame all the others with stories like you that came before you.
And what exactly haven't I been transparent about? What is this "bad pattern" you're talking about? Please enlighten me. Because at the of the ban the only reason they had was me location sharing with someone questionable. Look at the emails... "Close association with player X" was literally the only reason they gave me. What have I left out?
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 08:22 AM
Dude, give it up.

You have the emails, Stars can figure you out. If this is your living, be prepared to lose your money. Otherwise, are we trolling here?
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
And what exactly haven't I been transparent about? What is this "bad pattern" you're talking about? Please enlighten me. Because at the of the ban the only reason they had was me location sharing with someone questionable. Look at the emails... "Close association with player X" was literally the only reason they gave me. What have I left out?

You left out the details of this close association, which are nearly 100% more significant than you have let on, but again that is the pattern of threads like this.

Anyway, since you will not be breaking away from the normal behavior of threads like this, all I can say is have fun with the multi-accounting and fighting for justice for SNEs and all of your other important causes in the future, though they will clearly not involve playing on Pokerstars to achieve them. Try to pick better associates with whom you share accounts/computers/locations in the future, or even go for the crazy approach (given you stated that this is your source of income) that you never share with others. Your choice. Bye.

All the best.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 08:40 AM
What are the odds for op creating a new 2+2 account in few months and complaining that stars banned him and stole his money? Accusing him of multiple accounts. Even the account in use is his moms.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
That's like saying a Judge was right to convict an innocent man for murder because when he got released and couldn't get a job he robbed a liquor store.

Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Esa_Perse
What are the odds for op creating a new 2+2 account in few months and complaining that stars banned him and stole his money? Accusing him of multiple accounts. Even the account in use is his moms.
He will have a hard time topping the thread where a person claimed to be the "son" of a player banned for multi accounting, since he was a poker player as well. That was going nowhere like this one, but then the "father" appeared to back his son's story and that is where it started to get kind of fun, with the "father" and "son" each engaging in a few back and forths with other posters, who shockingly did not believe their story. They were telling everything that was true!

Unfortunately for that family, one time the "son" posted a lot about how his "father" played, but did it by mistake while logged into the "father's" posting account, so instead of going with it and trying to add even more generations with this new "grandfather" he actually recognized the idiocy of his prior approach and acknowledged that to nobody's surprise he was in fact playing under his father's name after having an issue with his account.

Wish I saved that thread as it was pretty funny, and I can't think of a way to really search for it, but this OP has a long way to go before he becomes that entertaining, as he has been pretty standard thus far with his approach and attitude.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You left out the details of this close association, which are nearly 100% more significant than you have let on, but again that is the pattern of threads like this.
I haven't left out anything, I legit haven't played with or even seen this guy since August, I played WCOOP as usual and continued playing until I was randomly banned in early October.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Anyway, since you will not be breaking away from the normal behavior of threads like this, all I can say is have fun with the multi-accounting and fighting for justice for SNEs and all of your other important causes in the future, though they will clearly not involve playing on Pokerstars to achieve them. Try to pick better associates with whom you share accounts/computers/locations in the future, or even go for the crazy approach (given you stated that this is your source of income) that you never share with others. Your choice. Bye.
I am playing on Stars, it would've been a lot easier if I had my account back however this is the way things are I guess. Like I said from now on I'll take every precaution necessary.

Originally Posted by Esa_Perse
What are the odds for op creating a new 2+2 account in few months and complaining that stars banned him and stole his money? Accusing him of multiple accounts. Even the account in use is his moms.
I never said they stole money from me. I did have a bunch of Starcoins however I was banned less than 12 hours after I withdrew my entire bankroll from there. I guess that wasn't a coincidence.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
The only problem with this is that I would never have shared account if they didn't ban me on simply a suspicion. So they were "right" after-the-fact... it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It was a self-fulfilling prophecy in your case because you are obviously a cheat at heart.

99% of others would have accepted that their "friend" ****ed them good as far as PS is concerned, and moved on to play at one of the other many available poker sites; maybe asking PS to reconsider their ban, in a year or two.

Now, when they find the new account you are using, they will confiscate all money on the account and give you a definite lifelong ban.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
It was a self-fulfilling prophecy in your case because you are obviously a cheat at heart.
Ah okay, I forgot Pokerstars knows which players are "cheats at heart". Solid point, you nailed me there.

Originally Posted by Mike Haven
99% of others would have accepted that their "friend" ****ed them good as far as PS is concerned, and moved on to play at one of the other many available poker sites; maybe asking PS to reconsider their ban, in a year or two.
I don't have the patience to spend a year or two hoping they might reconsider. Plus if they're gonna change their decision why tf even ban me in the first place. I figure it's better for people to see the entire situation. Their "game integrity" is a complete and utter failure.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
I haven't left out anything, I legit haven't played with or even seen this guy since August, I played WCOOP as usual and continued playing until I was randomly banned in early October.
And was this guy a random person you met in passing for a brief minute months ago as your emotional pleas seem to hint at, or was this someone with whom you have done some things that could link your accounts often in the past. It is pretty rare for Stars to ban someone for such a brief single encounter, and these are the details you are leaving out (as people in your position pretty much always do) to make you look more like a poor wittle victim rather than being responsible for your own issues.

Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
I am playing on Stars, it would've been a lot easier if I had my account back however this is the way things are I guess. Like I said from now on I'll take every precaution necessary.
There have been people who stole money from others posted about here and they said they only did it because the other person insulted them or something, and without that insult they never would have stolen the money.

All the above is the person rationalizing away their act, when all it really shows is they are someone who will steal when the chance arises.

Similarly, you are very comfortable multi-accounting, which is against the terms of pretty much every site, so the assumption has to be made that you are the type of person that would always do this and other things that violate the terms and conditions the vast majority of the players follow.

That is why you are not getting the love you may have expected. You are not a martyr or a real victim. You are a low level cheat that revealed such, and are being treated accordingly, and the annoying aspect is that you are so boring doing it. Maybe bring in some fictional family members at this point, that can only help.

Originally Posted by VanillaThunder
Ah okay, I forgot Pokerstars knows which players are "cheats at heart". Solid point, you nailed me there.
They are pretty good at knowing which players cheat. There have been a ton of things that have happened over the years where people may innocently do the behavior of what a cheat would do, and Stars has been relatively decent at filtering one from the other.

For instance there was years ago a bug in HU SnGs which allowed people to do a rematch even if they did not have the funds in their account. Some people noticed this then exploited it to "win" 6 or 7 figures then were shocked when their millsky cashout was not processed and their account closed.

In contrast, others did benefit from this bug without actually trying to exploit it, like for instance a player winning a couple matches vs a guy doing this without knowing it then not bothering to accept the 3rd or 4th rematch for whatever reason.

The blatant cheats were easy to spot, but the subtle ones were trickier, so Pokerstars announced that basically anyone who did it fewer than x times and involved less than $xxx got to keep what they won (even if it was money that never existed in the other account), because while that let some small time cheats get away, most of the people in that category who won money had no idea about this exploit their opponent was using.

What you did as you present it (which is why it is clear some info is left out) would not likely result in any actions against your account, so you definitely did something that elevated it to get the attention it did. Clearly you will not accept this or be open about what that may be and are going the route of a multi-account, which is what people like you tend to do, but hopefully this and other threads like yours will warn others to be more aware and careful with how they treat their accounts, because I suspect if you actually had more common sense you probably would have chosen to avoid the things you knowingly did that caused these issues. Hint, SNEs losing their benefits had nothing to do with it.

All the best.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
11-19-2019 , 10:00 AM
Fun thread. OP started out asking for advice to reverse a potentially questionable decision, ends up giving enough information to enable Stars to (correctly) enforce a lifetime ban.
Pokerstars banned me even though I haven't broke TOS (&amp; they admitted so) Quote
