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Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread

07-19-2013 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by ugotit
Goodvsevil1971 you are the most passionate customer of a poker site in the history of online poker. CONgrats. This whole thread is really great.
Thanks I do my best

Last edited by GoodvsEvil1971; 07-19-2013 at 06:51 AM. Reason: correction
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 06:50 AM
Should I try Poker Dominicano?

Is there any turbo,super turbo or hyper turbo HU sngs?
What stakes?
Average players online?
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by NextPlz
Should I try Poker Dominicano?

Is there any turbo,super turbo or hyper turbo HU sngs?
What stakes?
Average players online?
Yes there is and I would suggest the site to anyone. Low traffic right now but growing fast.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by ugotit
Goodvsevil1971 you are the most passionate customer of a poker site in the history of online poker. CONgrats. This whole thread is really great.
Why are you guys creating a thread for a site which has at least once stolen all the money from it players? Do you guys really believe that there are new owners/investors? Seems like you are trying to lead players to a potential scam site in an effort to recoup your own bankrolls. Has the site actually made any cashouts under these "new" investors?
site that has previously stolen all the balances of its players. Now the site has rebranded with a new name and will probably steal the balances of its players once they realize that no one will deposit.

The LTE poker thread was full of shills with small post counts saying how great LTE was. The LTE thread had as many posts as the ACR thread but LTE was maybe 1/100th the size of ACR. Stop shilling, stop scamming, repay the players and F off.
Exactly my point.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Biggest poker forum.. yes. Biggest forum.. highly doubtful. Mods are people that volunteer their own time (and sometimes patience) in order to keep these forums in good running order. However, we don't always have the time or inclination to read through every single post of every single thread. Look at something like Internet Poker for example, during a busy time, you could see a thread like the transfer thread get bumped every few minutes. A few mods can not be expected to read through every single thread, nor should they have to.

This is what the report post button is made for. It is a great way for all users to be involved in keeping this forums chugging along. It alerts all mods through email about posts that really need to be looked at. I can't speak for other mods, but when I have a post reported to me, I tend to look at a few posts before and after the reported post in order to make a judgement about how out of line the reported post is (aside from obvious things like spam or porn). The vitriol you have at the moment seems pretty one sided on your part. Sure, this thread may have gotten out of line.. but it certainly isn't caused by just one side of the equation.
Didn't know you were a MOD. Disappointing how active you are in this thread and on Poker dominicano and not even remove alot of this Bogus allegations.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:08 AM
Dont worry Fran. After reading this thread anyone with an IQ over 80 would not trust you with even a single penny. Thanks for bumping my earlier posts so that everyone will be warned again.

Which part of my posts that you quoted do you not agree with? What real proof is there that there are in fact new owners and simply not the same people who ran LTE re-branding as Poker Dominicano?

Last edited by ugotit; 07-19-2013 at 07:17 AM.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
FWIW, we rarely delete entire threads with hundreds of posts at one person's request - that wouldn't be very fair to everyone else. PD will likely get further letting us know which posts are the issue.
We will have to assume that this won't happen. We will just have to take our own route and find a solution to this chaos. This is not beneficial to Poker dominicano and its not beneficial for the players. New players who show interest in joining our site automatically get a Red Flag and part there ways.

Removing those negative post will not help. Are you going to personally block them from posting once again? Are you going to ban them for lack of providing evidence of their strong allegations? Treat everyone fairly. I have seen you ban people for alot less than that.

Fair to who Bob? Have you noticed we have great feedback from high ranked members of your community. You mean fair for those guys trying to Destroy our reputation on 2+2 ?

We do understand some players will not be happy with Poker dominicano for whatever reason. Now when strong hurting remarks are made that destroys our image has nothing to do with that. Allowing known scammers to continue to post in our thread is unexplainable to me.

This is what we will do.

All 6 lte players will be sent a email with our Skype Name. You will be handled from now on directly by me.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by ugotit
Dont worry Fran. After reading this thread anyone with an IQ over 80 would not trust you with even a single penny. Thanks for bumping my earlier posts so that everyone will be warned again.

Which part of my posts that you quoted do you not agree with? What real proof is there that there are in fact new owners and simply not the same people who ran LTE re-branding as Poker Dominicano?
Hmmm...That's funny my IQ is almost double that at 157 and I trust them. I have deposited twice and cashed out three times so apparently you have no idea what the hell your talking about

Last edited by GoodvsEvil1971; 07-19-2013 at 07:38 AM. Reason: correct image
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by ugotit
Dont worry Fran. After reading this thread anyone with an IQ over 80 would not trust you with even a single penny. Thanks for bumping my earlier posts so that everyone will be warned again.

Which part of my posts that you quoted do you not agree with? What real proof is there that there are in fact new owners and simply not the same people who ran LTE re-branding as Poker Dominicano?
So if we go purchase any poker software that has closed down, we are a re-brand from that site?
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by ugotit
Dont worry Fran. After reading this thread anyone with an IQ over 80 would not trust you with even a single penny. Thanks for bumping my earlier posts so that everyone will be warned again.

Which part of my posts that you quoted do you not agree with? What real proof is there that there are in fact new owners and simply not the same people who ran LTE re-branding as Poker Dominicano?
Another thing I have to ask is wtf? are you doing on this thread if you don't play on Poker D. What site sent you to try and discredit PD? Funny you are listed as a stranger here with 11 posts. Like that don't throw up any RED FLAGS HUH?

Last edited by GoodvsEvil1971; 07-19-2013 at 08:02 AM. Reason: adding
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 07:54 AM
You know I been thinking...I have spoken with many players that have nothing but good to say about Poker D and I pretty much know all the regulars on the site. It's kinda sad that many don't visit 2+2 or even have an account here to give their input. Now the strange thing is this...The people saying bad things on 2+2 for the most part do not even play on the site. Doesn't this strike all of you as a little bit strange?
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by frantheman
So if we go purchase any poker software that has closed down, we are a re-brand from that site?
This would really depend on the situation, but yes, if you purchase software from a site that scammed its players than you should go out of your way to prove that you are new owners. Think of how easy it would be for a site to scam and than simply rebrand.

You are the owner/CEO and all you have given us is your first name. Name one legit company who's CEO simply goes by one name.

Originally Posted by GoodvsEvil1971
Another thing I have to ask is wtf? are you doing on this thread if you don't play on Poker D. What site sent you to try and discredit PD? Funny you are listed as a stranger here with 11 posts. Like that don't throw up any RED FLAGS HUH?
I was sent by Pokerstars, they are afraid of the competion.

Actually I was close to falling victim to LTE because I almost depositied with them right before they closed down. I dont want to see other players get scammed.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 08:11 AM
1) OFF topic or what not, but can anyone confirm the mini series is off today, I dont see the tournys in the lobby at all ?

2) I am awaiting that email for skype so we can handled by account manager, I just want some answers, and not be sandbagged after grinding for 3months.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Jstew80
1) OFF topic or what not, but can anyone confirm the mini series is off today, I dont see the tournys in the lobby at all ?

2) I am awaiting that email for skype so we can handled by account manager, I just want some answers, and not be sandbagged after grinding for 3months.
1) I see two Mini series tournaments in the lobby now

2) Fran is a man of his word and I am sure you will be contacted soon

Good luck on the felts today Mad!
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 09:41 AM
Wow GoodvsEvil you need to take a step back from the thread. Your just clogging it up with pointless arguments. If i was an owner of PD and you were an affiliate i would have requested you stopped posting a long time ago , most of your posts are cringeworthy and i dont think your doing PD any favours here.

If you have issues with 2+2 or mods then deal with them somewhere else.
If you want to get into pointless arguments with members do it somewhere else.

Your completely derailing the thread. Your just adding fuel to the fire for these other posters who just want to derail the thread or make silly accusations about the site. Ignore them.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Shades666
Wow GoodvsEvil you need to take a step back from the thread. Your just clogging it up with pointless arguments. If i was an owner of PD and you were an affiliate i would have requested you stopped posting a long time ago , most of your posts are cringeworthy and i dont think your doing PD any favours here.

If you have issues with 2+2 or mods then deal with them somewhere else.
If you want to get into pointless arguments with members do it somewhere else.

Your completely derailing the thread. Your just adding fuel to the fire for these other posters who just want to derail the thread or make silly accusations about the site. Ignore them.
Thing is I'm not an affiliate anymore. I just don't understand ignorance. But I am going to take your advice and back off. It seems no matter what you say it always turns into something bigger with more drama.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by frantheman
Didn't know you were a MOD. Disappointing how active you are in this thread and on Poker dominicano and not even remove alot of this Bogus allegations.
Just for clarity.. mods (people with green names) only have the ability to work within the forum for which they mod (except for spam links from brand new posters). In my case, I mod the Beginner's Forum and this thread is in the Internet Poker forum.. so I have no more power to do anything in this thread than most anyone else in this thread. As with anyone else in the thread, if you feel there is a problem that needs to be looked at.. click this button:

By reporting the post.. an email will be sent to all of the moderators of this forum (whose names are listed at the bottom of the Internet Poker forum). They will see the reason you give for reporting a post and the post itself.. along with a link directly to the post you reported.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by GoodvsEvil1971
Alright I see what you are saying here. However, awhile back, shortly after you gave Poker D the Official thread...And I do remember this without having to go back and look.2+2 told them that they should only stick to answering support questions and nothing else which limited what they could reply to when allegations were made. So this being the case do you contend that this action is fair? And another thing...Your Mike Haven here told Poker D to ask me to quit posting and if not suggested they disowned me? This is what you call professionalism on this Forum? If that is the case 2+2 has their priorities all ...... up!
Mike Haven gonna Mike Haven.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Gunth0807
Mike Haven gonna Mike Haven.
Mike Haven gonna Mike Haven???? LOL! Not even sure what this means.

Last edited by GoodvsEvil1971; 07-19-2013 at 11:21 AM. Reason: name wrong
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 12:06 PM
Players were told by poker dominicano if they accrued 500 points they would be able to cashout balances that they had on lte in full. If I am mistaken on previous point please feel free to correct me. This was then reversed to 10 percent of the balances. This issue has not been addressed and should be if Poker Dominicano would like to retain the trust of past and future depositing players imo.

Answering the above question would go a long way towards ensuring Poker Dominicanos credibility and trust with current and future players.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by GoodvsEvil1971
Alright I see what you are saying here. However, awhile back, shortly after you gave Poker D the Official thread...And I do remember this without having to go back and look.2+2 told them that they should only stick to answering support questions and nothing else which limited what they could reply to when allegations were made. So this being the case do you contend that this action is fair? And another thing...Your Mike Haven here told Poker D to ask me to quit posting and if not suggested they disowned me? This is what you call professionalism on this Forum? If that is the case 2+2 has their priorities all ...... up!
The account if for answering direct questions, yes, but there's been a fair bit of leeway allowed recently as the rep has been responding to some negative posts, and that's not always an issue.

Basically, here's how it should work. If a poster has a question, the rep is more than welcome to answer. If poster X comes in with their opinion, let's say that they think there aren't enough players, or the software is too slow, or that the software is fantastic, the rep doesn't belong in those conversations - a lot of discussion will happen in the thread without him or her. But there are times when it's OK to jump in to the discussion, to clarify a point that only the rep can help with. For example, there's been some discussion of whether PD really has new ownership since LTE; if the rep can shed some light on the conversation, he can jump in with clarification. Actually, I think that's since been asked as a question a couple of times, so hopefully an answer is given.

As for Mike Haven, I'm not sure if that's a PM he sent or a post he made, but it's hard to comment without knowing. Regardless, all of our mods are also posters, and their viewpoints aren't those of 2+2.

Originally Posted by GoodvsEvil1971
Now here walks in another idiot that has nothing to say but bad about Poker D. Dude, do you even play on the site? I only ask this because if you don't why are you even posting on this thread. Another thing is and the mods can correct me if I am wrong. After this became an Official Rep thread it didn't matter who started it.
You are wrong. This thread is no more or less "official" then the day it was started, but that certainly has no bearing on the poster's remark about use of trademark anyway.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by frantheman
We will have to assume that this won't happen. We will just have to take our own route and find a solution to this chaos. This is not beneficial to Poker dominicano and its not beneficial for the players. New players who show interest in joining our site automatically get a Red Flag and part there ways.

Removing those negative post will not help. Are you going to personally block them from posting once again? Are you going to ban them for lack of providing evidence of their strong allegations? Treat everyone fairly. I have seen you ban people for alot less than that.
I'm a little confused as to how deleting or editing the most egregious posts wouldn't help, but deleting the entire thread would. As for banning, I find that interesting - I probably don't ban more than one or two people most months, aside from one or two post spammers. It usually takes a lot more than a few negative posts to get someone banned, but if there are posts which are inappropriate, the posters would be warned or infracted, and further offenses could find them banned.

Just to provide some examples of potential critical posts and what we allow:

"I don't believe this site has new ownership, and I'm concerned they might scam us" - fine. But not if they're going to post the same thing several times.
"These people are scammers" - without something to back it up, not appropriate.
"This site sucks" - not great, and we'd probably simply delete it as a no-content post if it was reported.

Originally Posted by frantheman
Fair to who Bob? Have you noticed we have great feedback from high ranked members of your community. You mean fair for those guys trying to Destroy our reputation on 2+2 ?
No, I mean fair to everyone, of course. There have been something like 59 different accounts that have posted in this thread, and I'm pretty confident that the vast majority have posted nothing worthy of moderating.

Originally Posted by frantheman
We do understand some players will not be happy with Poker dominicano for whatever reason. Now when strong hurting remarks are made that destroys our image has nothing to do with that. Allowing known scammers to continue to post in our thread is unexplainable to me.
As I explained to GvE, we don't usually police what people are alleged to have done away from our site.

Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Just for clarity.. mods (people with green names) only have the ability to work within the forum for which they mod (except for spam links from brand new posters). In my case, I mod the Beginner's Forum and this thread is in the Internet Poker forum.. so I have no more power to do anything in this thread than most anyone else in this thread. As with anyone else in the thread, if you feel there is a problem that needs to be looked at.. click this button:

By reporting the post.. an email will be sent to all of the moderators of this forum (whose names are listed at the bottom of the Internet Poker forum). They will see the reason you give for reporting a post and the post itself.. along with a link directly to the post you reported.
Well said.

Originally Posted by frantheman
Didn't know you were a MOD. Disappointing how active you are in this thread and on Poker dominicano and not even remove alot of this Bogus allegations.
Even if he could remove the posts (which, as he said, he can't), how would he know what was or wasn't a bogus allegation?
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
You are wrong. This thread is no more or less "official" then the day it was started, but that certainly has no bearing on the poster's remark about use of trademark anyway.
Was gonna say the same and the trademark accusation indeed is pointless and will lead to exactly nothing at all.

Now I am not quite sure what bragging about a certain IQ and shortly after calling other people idiots may say about a person but it doesn't make someone look intelligent. And yes, I do have an account on Poker Dominicano and also play on it from time to time.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The account if for answering direct questions, yes, but there's been a fair bit of leeway allowed recently as the rep has been responding to some negative posts, and that's not always an issue.

Basically, here's how it should work. If a poster has a question, the rep is more than welcome to answer. If poster X comes in with their opinion, let's say that they think there aren't enough players, or the software is too slow, or that the software is fantastic, the rep doesn't belong in those conversations - a lot of discussion will happen in the thread without him or her. But there are times when it's OK to jump in to the discussion, to clarify a point that only the rep can help with. For example, there's been some discussion of whether PD really has new ownership since LTE; if the rep can shed some light on the conversation, he can jump in with clarification. Actually, I think that's since been asked as a question a couple of times, so hopefully an answer is given.

As for Mike Haven, I'm not sure if that's a PM he sent or a post he made, but it's hard to comment without knowing. Regardless, all of our mods are also posters, and their viewpoints aren't those of 2+2.

You are wrong. This thread is no more or less "official" then the day it was started, but that certainly has no bearing on the poster's remark about use of trademark anyway.
So what you are saying is Mike Haven can say whatever he wishes as if he is GOD, but others can't? Hmmm...what a forum your running here. And as far as 39suited which I have noticed you come to his defense every time someone post a comment pertaining to him basically can say or assume anything about Poker D even though he does not play on the site. A lot of funny stuff goes on here as far as favoritism towards certain people.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
07-19-2013 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by GoodvsEvil1971
... Mike Haven here told Poker D to ask me to quit posting and if not suggested they disowned me? ...
Was this in the early days when you were spamming your forum link, and apparently relaying messages direct from Francisco? When regular users were wondering why new users suddenly appeared and praised PD?

If so, it seems quite possible that I would write something to him to try to help him with obtaining better press here. I like to try to help sites and users, in general. Unfortunately, I can't find a copy of such a PM, so please ask Francisco to send me a copy. (It sounds like he still has it in his PM box. He needs only to "Reply" to it; not "Quick Reply".)

Thank you.
Poker Dominicano/Freedom Poker thread Quote
