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Player loses money on -EV Party Casino games Player loses money on -EV Party Casino games

05-09-2020 , 02:49 PM
I was sure you were going to do the "chargeback" trick also....
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05-09-2020 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by HanSoloDK
I was sure you were going to do the "chargeback" trick also....
I made a deposit through webmoney
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05-09-2020 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by askra1
There are too many free and empty advisers on the Internet that have never influenced anything and never will.
That tends to be a complaint of those who spam the internet with their personal issues, which are entirely their own fault, and in which they take zero responsibility for themselves.

Originally Posted by askra1
MonteroyThey simply clog the space with their empty advice and insults, thinking the person who lost >7000$ is so stupid than them that he does not understand anything in this life and cannot live on without their advice. I find it funny when I read this.
Sounds like you are confident in yourself, and perhaps with that confidence you will only lose $5,000 next time in slots, while not quite understanding how slots even work. Baby steps, and if you only lose $5,000 next time then that will be 5/7th as funny. You probably did not understand the math behind that.

All the best.
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05-09-2020 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by askra1
There are too many free and empty advisers on the Internet that have never influenced anything and never will.
They simply clog the space with their empty advice and insults, thinking the person who lost >7000$ is so stupid than them that he does not understand anything in this life and cannot live on without their advice.
I find it funny when I read this.
In fairness you are pretty stupid. Not because you lost the 7k but bc of how you lost it and how you blame everyone else but yourself and swear it was rigged bc you don't know what 97 % payback actually means and this caused you to say party was committing fraud. You're stupid bc you think something minor like lower deposit limits on stars is why they've been more successful than party.

It's clear you don't listen to the advice of others,maybe if you did you'd actually learn from others when you do dumb **** and you get good advice.

Party didn't rig their games and it's your fault you lost not their's. At least if you would learn from that the 7k you pissed away would have taught you a lesson.

You talk about empty advisers on the internet- what wonderful advice could someone like you possibly have for anyone? "when you do dumb **** and it blows up in your face it's everyone else's fault?"

When i was 18 or 19 i started playing online blackjack and like an idiot thought I could just win a little a day and stop since at some point you'd usually be up. Great system I thought. So naturally what happened was I won a little a day for a bunch of days and then one day I couldn't get up at all, and got absolutely destroyed losing all of my winnings back and then some (way less than 7k though) This wasn't the site's fault it was my fault for being stupid. At least I was 18- what's your excuse? And at least I learned my lesson. I could have blamed other people for being dumb enough to think I could play -ev games and win. And if i did that I would have kept losing my money to them.

Don't start throwing rocks at a bear and complain when he mauls the **** out of you.It won't be the bear's fault.

Last edited by borg23; 05-09-2020 at 03:44 PM.
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05-09-2020 , 03:45 PM
Too much pain and envy, you need to rest.
I understand that the "empty advisers" caught you, but this is not my problem if the person is empty, but tries to puff out his cheeks and talk about high intelligence.
Forgive me.
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05-09-2020 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by askra1
Too much pain and envy, you need to rest.
I understand that the "empty advisers" caught you, but this is not my problem if the person is empty, but tries to puff out his cheeks and talk about high intelligence.
Forgive me.
yes i'm in pain but you're the one crying about losing my 7k in slots.
i'm envious of you lmao.

until you realize your decisions and the consequences from them are your fault you'll continue to do dumb **** like this.
good luck with your gambling problem and blaming others for your dumb decisions.
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05-09-2020 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
yes i'm in pain but you're the one crying about losing my 7k in slots.
i'm envious of you lmao.

until you realize your decisions and the consequences from them are your fault you'll continue to do dumb **** like this.
good luck with your gambling problem and blaming everyone else but yourself for your dumb decisions.
Thanks bro!
I hope someday in your life you hold such money in your hands.
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05-09-2020 , 04:47 PM
Apparently Party Poker is holding that money in their hands now.

All the best.
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05-09-2020 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Apparently Party Poker is holding that money in their hands now.

All the best.
Are you happy that someone is hurt?
Or offended that he called you an empty adviser?
They don’t take offense at the truth.
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05-09-2020 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by askra1
Are you happy that someone is hurt?
Well, my usual starting point with someone in your situation is to figure out how much responsibility you take for yourself and how you react to genuine advice. Once I see someone like you is a little, toxic pissant I become completely indifferent to their situation. Am I happy you lost 7k? Nah. Do I care? Nah.

Anyway, the way you talk you can make it rain for 7K anytime you want - so either that is true and stop caring about trivial money, or it does matter in which case consider growing up and recognizing your responsibility in that situation and take the needed action to avoid it in future (ie: stop gambling).

Originally Posted by askra1
Or offended that he called you an empty adviser?
Meh, the "empty advisor" tag is literally among the weakest I have seen someone in your situation use as an insult, so more unimpressed with that being the max level of you trying to be clever, if anything. You are a rando on the internet, so your opinion means as much as a rando on the internet. If you ever learn math, you can figure out the math of that equation.

Originally Posted by askra1
They don’t take offense at the truth.
Man up, and take responsibility for your own behavior and maybe you will get better replies, or keep doing what you are doing - literally no real difference to me, and if you keep playing - hey, better luck in those slot games that are really smart to play!

All the best.
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05-09-2020 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I do agree with the point made (assuming it is accurate) that if a person self excludes that they should not be able to cancel it, so if Party has that feature that is a valid one to bring up with them, and if they do not change that - that is a very good reason not to gamble there.
Of course its accurate i don't make up random scenarios with no basis in fact thats your job.

I brought up this issue with a party pro i knew casually 2-3 years ago and nothing has changed. The fact a new account has visa card deposit limits of $100k a day on party and $1k a day on pokerstars makes it clear who takes responsible gambling seriously and who doesn't. The pack mentality of this sub forum jumping all over the guy who is clearly naive must make you all proud.
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05-09-2020 , 07:59 PM
Heh, did not see it was you that posted that, but at least you still have that whiny thing going. The online industry is booming, so maybe try another comeback! Anyway, feel free to help out the "naive" guy with some funding.

As I said, if Party has that feature, and I assume they do, then this "naive" OP, who you will send some money to show how supportive you are, could have approached this topic in a much more effective manner and would have gotten some actual support for it. As played, he went with the putz routine, so got treated as such, because welcome to the real world, but he is lucky that people like you will be there to help provide some support emotionally and financially to his situation. You are a true hero, and be sure to update us on your continued efforts to help him. He should send you a PM to work out the details.

All the best.
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05-09-2020 , 08:06 PM
Haha making up random crap as usual. I don't wish to help him i just don't go out of my way to **** on people like you.
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05-09-2020 , 08:11 PM
OP, my offer is still open. I will spread you a slots game which is guaranteed to return 97% every spin - none of this theft and rigging and fraud like Party. Let me know if you're interested.
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05-09-2020 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
Haha making up random crap as usual. I don't wish to help him i just don't go out of my way to **** on people like you.
I am sure he appreciates your proud lack of help as you lecture others about not helping him, and then he gets to watch you go out of your way to emotionally **** on people after he lost 7K on slots. You are a hero.

All the best.
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05-09-2020 , 08:55 PM
I'll do one better (97.8%).
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05-09-2020 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I am sure he appreciates your proud lack of help as you lecture others about not helping him
Hes just a random on the internet you can't help him anymore than i can. Please quote me lecturing others about not helping him doubt you can as it never happened. The point is partys RG tools are insufficient and that was the whole point of this thread. It naturally descended into people telling him hes a idiot for playing slots and great helpful quotes like this.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
Once I see someone like you is a little, toxic pissant I become completely indifferent to their situation.

literally no real difference to me, and if you keep playing - hey, better luck in those slot games that are really smart to play!
Sure it makes you feel better about your own miserable existence talking to people this way as no happy person would.
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05-09-2020 , 09:34 PM
No doubt you now feel better telling others about their miserable existence as you lecture them about telling others about their existence. Always glad to help people like you in that way, because unlike you - I make the effort to help people.

Similarly, a couple people have offered this OP, who you so casually dismiss as a random, a more fair version of slots in the way he wanted where every dollar he wagers gets back 97 cents. One even offered 97.8%. Look at those offers, as they demonstrate true empathy to the OP's need to play a proper returning slot game, and contrast it to the anger, frustration, and bile you hurl at others. Perhaps learn a lesson from those of us here to help, or at least 97% of the lesson.

All the best.
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05-10-2020 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
Sure it makes you feel better about your own miserable existence talking to people this way as no happy person would.
Just like never before. People who linger here for more than one message in order to call me an idiot are losers who have never seen $ 7,000 in their lives
Here they are trying to show everyone and prove to themselves that they can correctly spend so much money.
The truth is that they are unfortunate losers and always will be.
They really think that only I am an idiot and they are much smarter.
A pathetic attempt to make excuses for yourself why you are a poor loser.
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05-10-2020 , 07:16 AM
You realized he called you "a random" after he lingered and did a few posts within this thread, right? He did not even offer you a slots alternative as well! Does that mean he is one of those "unfortunate losers?"

All the best.
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05-10-2020 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You realized he called you "a random" after he lingered and did a few posts within this thread, right? He did not even offer you a slots alternative as well! Does that mean he is one of those "unfortunate losers?"

All the best.
This means that you are a loser and an envious person in life who has not seen 7000$
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05-10-2020 , 08:14 AM
Yeah, yeah - you have called a lot of people losers who have not chosen to drop 7K in slots like you, but to be more specific - is that other poster who specifically called you "a random on the internet" also one of those losers? He may want to be part of that club, so your specific answer will be helpful. Yes or no. Thanks!

All the best.
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05-10-2020 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by seat
Bud, you need to do some more research on how slot machines work. Anyone that plays a slot machine is low IQ.

I wish these poker sites wouldn't offer these casino games. Some people are too stupid to stay away or too stupid to understand how they work. Basically the longer you play the more money they take from you. You can't beat a slot machine.
I thought only old people play slots..If you wanna gamble, at least play Blackjack. Where you have some control. Slots is just so bad..
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05-10-2020 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by BiggestE22
I thought only old people play slots..If you wanna gamble, at least play Blackjack. Where you have some control. Slots is just so bad..
Slots are fun! Specially when you are stoned and suddenly win 7000$. Man I had a good time with that money. And yes i'm old, fat and ugly and everybody likes me......
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05-16-2020 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by askra1
Hi all. My nickname on PartyPoker askra1
I understand that mostly poker players are here, but there are quite a few people who sometimes play in the casino for fun.
I’ll say right away about the understanding that any casino at a distance of minus therefore do not have any illusions.

Nevertheless, yesterday at Easter I decided to play a bit in the Space Wars slot.
Deposit after deposit casino ate my $7450
Just without a chance of return, you know? 4 deposits just in the trash.
Okay, it happens that a casino can swallow one deposit, and from the second give a person the opportunity to go to zero or a small minus, but here it’s just without a chance.
I didn’t catch a single x100 in 2 hours!

The problem is that PartyCasinos do not care about their players. I don’t want to advertise PokerStars casinos, but there is a simple rule that can’t get around that 1 deposit for 24 hours at $ 1000, so a person will have 24 hours to cool down and think whether to continue playing.
Make a deposit in PartyCasino as you want 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
A casino to have fun? Did I enjoy having $7,400 stolen from me in 2 hours without a chance to recoup?
I feel humiliated and deceived.
Draw your own conclusions whether it is worth playing at the PartyCasino where you can be driven into tilt by a total withdrawal of money without the opportunity to recoup and empty all your pockets, after which they will write about an honest number generator.
How honest is he if I made deposits of $7450 and with a stated return of 96.75% did not receive my $7207
The PartyCasino robbed me on holy Easter.
Thank you so much PartyPoker!

I feel for you. Since C-19 hit, they have no need to give you money to bring back to lose next time. They are taking no chances that you will hit, get even or most of yu money back and quit. Stick to poker. Not Video Poker.

Maybe it's time to just chalk it up to experience. The NFL player lost 10 times as much as you. He asked for justice while holding an AK-47. Now he's going to lose a bunch more. Just let them have it and don't play anymore expecting them to let you win. THEY'RE NOT.
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