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Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents?

07-11-2016 , 02:32 PM
A lot of these hands look super suspicious, but I really don't understand why nobody has posted more hands. Two or three hands here or there isn't saying much. As was posted before, don't look for the smoking gun. Post real samples.

This would be a much bigger deal if we had a few thousand hands where we can do some db analysis and find some shady frequencies instead of just a couple ridiculous looking hands.

Also seems like Chico security is wrong here, def be careful playing there for now.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-12-2016 , 02:45 AM
Yeah. Why don't you post whole sessions?
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-12-2016 , 01:16 PM
I play 5/10 HU on Tigergaming. I played vs sunnny, damjanoid and kobac1 (only ~1k hands combined), lost vs all of them and saw 0 bad calls otr.

I made quick analysis and found some big stats differences compared to other players in my database (most obvious one is that their went to showdown % is almost half lower than other players have on average, not to mention that they won almost all big pots on showdown). Sample is very small though.

If any other regs are prepared to share their hand history vs those players, I'm willing to make an extensive analysis of their game. I will post results in this topic after I get decent sample of hands.

Please pm me all who are interested.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 04:13 AM

I do have to give you credit for admitting that you /your team has no clue!

Your fraud team has no clue either btw, even if they played poker for 5 years. You feed some bs lines of an "exhaustive investigation". I'd bet a lot of money that literally nothing of substance was done.
Some of your "experienced" guys who plays drunk games 2 times a week looked over the hands and din't find 5 ten-high calls in a row. Must be legit then!

You could release the full hand histories (there is no privacy issue on hands) since reasonable doubt is established.

Either way, at the end of the day Chico will get away with this as long as they provide good games and don't install/allow/turn a blind eye on too many super-users...

...which I guess in the end we shouldn't complain about. Just sucks when you're the unlucky one who gets ****ed

Originally Posted by gaan64
I play 5/10 HU on Tigergaming. I played vs sunnny, damjanoid and kobac1 (only ~1k hands combined), lost vs all of them and saw 0 bad calls otr.

I made quick analysis and found some big stats differences compared to other players in my database (most obvious one is that their went to showdown % is almost half lower than other players have on average, not to mention that they won almost all big pots on showdown). Sample is very small though.

If any other regs are prepared to share their hand history vs those players, I'm willing to make an extensive analysis of their game. I will post results in this topic after I get decent sample of hands.

Please pm me all who are interested.


This is what i was alluding to in my first post. Please be so kind and help us do it ourselves by providing us more (complete) hand histories with showdowns.

Even if your team doesn't understand this, what the poster mentions is a statistical analysis of betting (or lack thereof) behavior, which can prove beyond doubt (if the sample is big enough) that very irregular play has happened.

Will look a lot better if you cooperate before you get caught with your pants down and ridiculed in public.

If you really do care, that's a very safe way unless you have to protect somebody on the inside...

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-13-2016 at 08:23 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 04:29 AM
Who wins if two superusers play each other?
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 04:32 AM
we are going to work on a investigation about these players.. obvious will take some time..

all other regs PM me or PM gaan64 to work on this.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 08:36 AM
I have kept quiet for a while now, expecting not to see sunnny and damjanoid any more. I though, ok, I will accept my losses as long as these 2 are out of the picture. But guess what sunnny keeps on crushing!
I tried to get the hands from sunnny and damjanoid but strange enough no hands from them...this was about 3 weeks ago. just the exact times that I know they played were missing...
and now, there is a new SU account: nickelone. same game. min3b, agg factor 8, doesn't make a single mistake! sunnny: agg: 9.5, damjanoid agg:8.3. these 3 accs all play exactly the same style "typical fish" style, but simply dont make bad calls, or lets say the dont make bad river calls in big pots, they know exactly when to bet, exactly when to raise..

I agree with ThinkItThrough. Best would be if Chico presented all the hands played by these 3 accounts. So an investigation by an independent investigation team could be performed!

This is starting to smell like UB all over again...Chico poker network used to close accs for so much less then a thread in 2+2! I haven't read the T&C, but I suppose they could close these accounts at their will for no specific reason and let them know they are not wanted here any more...I know on ipoker for example, they do this. If you take too much in a short period of time, they say thank you, but that was enough. On Horizon network they do the same...But on Chico, suddenly all is fine...

and one more thing. I would be very happy, if we could get posts on this thread by some people who actually won some money against these accounts.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 12:58 PM
Just ****ing withdraw from the site and ****ing leave it ffs
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 04:46 PM
Someone at Chico needs to take this very seriously. If they just ignore the problem, it's not going to go away. Sites go bankrupt due to things like this.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by ThatsAGoodCard
Just ****ing withdraw from the site and ****ing leave it ffs

This. Play elsewhere. These guys aren't the size of UB , which means they won't get any attention nor care if they are exposed.

Withdraw now from these crooks.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by ThinkItThrough

You could release the full hand histories (there is no privacy issue on hands) since reasonable doubt is established.
Good suggestion.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-13-2016 , 09:30 PM
Yeah think I'm done until there's more from Chico. Probably a bad run getting to me and only playing SNGs but I have no confidence without seeing more. Ball is in your court, Chico.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-14-2016 , 04:14 AM
I dont play on this network just a friend of mine linked this topic. Its brighter than the sun that the mentioned accounts(especially demjanoid) are superusers. Now its time to collect lot of hhs and write a detailed summary of those hands/stats etc to the support. If nothing happens then I would go more public and that would hurt Tigergamings business a bit I guess.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-14-2016 , 02:28 PM
What i said in the previous post about about sites being stupid. 888 isn't more competent either.
Check this thread:

They freeze a MICRO player account for money laundering haha LOL. The level of stupidity of (all) sites is mind boggling.
Even IF the player tried to do some type of "cheating", any player at that level is not even good enough to execute it profitably and as such actually hurting themselves...

While bots, superuser are over the place, sites are concerned about some micro guy "laundering" 30cents to his little-boy-mafia-network.

Too good to be satire!
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-14-2016 , 05:48 PM
i've also lost to nickelone(had some suspicions but also seen some bad calls so didn't know if it was for sure or not), kobac, sunnny and damjaroid

pretty much everyone listed here I'm probably done playing on this site.

Enjoy my big donation, and hope karma comes around.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-14-2016 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Duncelanas
A lot of these hands look super suspicious, but I really don't understand why nobody has posted more hands. Two or three hands here or there isn't saying much. As was posted before, don't look for the smoking gun. Post real samples.

This would be a much bigger deal if we had a few thousand hands where we can do some db analysis and find some shady frequencies instead of just a couple ridiculous looking hands.

I'm really surprised that with this thread here for almost a month now, and so much anecdotal evidence, there hasn't been some pooling of data by now. It sounds like some steps are finally underway to that end; hopefully we some results from that soon.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-15-2016 , 11:32 PM
Please be advised that on review of your most recent withdrawal request, we found that you have received some funds from fraudulent accounts.

Please note that as per our terms and conditions:

11.2.1 If it is found that a player has made profit from a confirmed fraud player/fraud group, the player's account will be suspended for review and the fraudulent funds will be confiscated. The player's account may then be reopened with a warning or, dependent on the severity of the case, the account may be closed permanently, at our sole discretion.

Therefore we are now removing $982 that has been received from a fraudulent account cr101cr.

Should we detect any pattern of this, further security measures will be applied to your account which may include closure!

Once the fraud funds have been removed, you may re-request your withdrawal

Should you require further assistance or information, please contact us by replying to this email or initiating a Live Chat.


Customer Support Department

Tiger Gaming


I have no words to comment at the moment, I'll have you guys have a read.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-16-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by ImaCHAMPION
Please be advised that on review of your most recent withdrawal request, we found that you have received some funds from fraudulent accounts.

Please note that as per our terms and conditions:

11.2.1 If it is found that a player has made profit from a confirmed fraud player/fraud group, the player's account will be suspended for review and the fraudulent funds will be confiscated. The player's account may then be reopened with a warning or, dependent on the severity of the case, the account may be closed permanently, at our sole discretion.

Therefore we are now removing $982 that has been received from a fraudulent account cr101cr.

Should we detect any pattern of this, further security measures will be applied to your account which may include closure!

Once the fraud funds have been removed, you may re-request your withdrawal

Should you require further assistance or information, please contact us by replying to this email or initiating a Live Chat.


Customer Support Department

Tiger Gaming


I have no words to comment at the moment, I'll have you guys have a read.
Happened to me twice. 400$ 1st time, 700$ 2nd time (they took me 1500$ i complain and then they sent back 800$).

I guess itss their rules, but it sucks so hard..
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-17-2016 , 12:20 PM
I'm a bit confused. Are they accusing you of chip-dumping? Are p2p transfers available on Tiger Gaming. It's definitely not on BOL.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-17-2016 , 12:37 PM
They are saying he won money against a fraudulent account. It happened to me on this network as well, they confiscated 1k and didn't even tell me who it was against. The security team could have needed a bit of extra money that month for all I knew.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-17-2016 , 01:20 PM
Let me get this straight:

1) Tiger Gaming shuts down an account they find out is a bot/part of a collusion team.
2) You won money from this fraudulent account before it got shut down.
3) Tiger Gaming takes the money you won vs the cheater(s) from your account?

Or is it that the fraudulent account was credited with a fake credit card or something? I'm rather confused. If it's the former, just wow.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-17-2016 , 01:26 PM
Wow that's something. Based on that never giving any info they can just take ammount x from your account and say you won it from bad acc. Butbut in b4 soft games etcetc.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-17-2016 , 03:07 PM
Lolololol first you guys get owned by superusers. Then, money is taken out of your accounts since you had playing history with those superusers. Seems like the site is rubbing salt into your already deep wounds. Like I said before, just get your ****ing asses out of the site
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-17-2016 , 04:01 PM
One would hope there is a large round of refunds coming to people, otherwise this seems extremely ****ed up.

In the past, we've seen refunds on sites for cheaters, and often people complain because it's only a fraction of what they lost. This makes some sense, though, because of course whatever winnings are in a cheater's account will never fully compensate those who were cheated, because as we all know our winnings actually consist of a lot of wins and losses to different players. If you were to sum up all your wins from different players, it's always going to be substantially more than your net winnings in the end.

If a site were to go back and confiscate money won from a fraudulent account, the only legitimate reason I could see for doing so would be to make everyone right, so the end result would be as if the cheater had never played. If there isn't a round of refunds coming soon, well, I'll let you draw your own conclusions.
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
07-17-2016 , 04:41 PM
Good day xxxxxxx,

Please be advised that on review of your withdrawal, we found that you were the receiver of fraudulent funds.

As per our terms and conditions:
11.2.1 If it is found that a player has made profit from a confirmed fraud player/fraud group, the player's account will be suspended for review and the fraudulent funds will be confiscated. The player's account may then be reopened with a warning or, dependent on the severity of the case, the account may be closed permanently, at our sole discretion.

Therefore these funds have now been removed

$500 x 3 received from Gerfoger

Should you require further assistance or information, please contact us by replying to this email or initiating a Live Chat.


Customer Support Department


They took me 1500$ cause this guy made fraud with credit card. AND i had to review the HH.. and found out that i only won 700$ to this guy.. i sent some emails to see my money back.
Hope tigergaming/BOL change this. Its so unfair. I mean and if we lose? (100% sure that i will not get a refund)
Player from Chico Network that can see cards of opponents? Quote
