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A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars

09-23-2014 , 06:03 PM
This thread is a petition to sign where we ask Pokerstars to take action against unlimited seat scripting.

The scripters are horrible for the games. They provide no action to regulars and will only play when a recreational player with a low skill level wants to play.

They ruthlessly stalk these players around the tables with scripts that instantly sit them to the left of the targeted players. This has lead to some of these recreational players complaining in chat and quitting because of being hunted so savagely. There have also been instances where whole tables are blocked by seat scripters reserving seats so no-one can play.

They suck millions of dollars out the economy while providing very little extra liquidity to the games and creating an unpleasant playing experience to regs and recreational players alike.

Its pretty clear to anyone that spends a few hours watching the lobby who is using the scripts.

Pokerstars agrees with these points above but has so far stated it will not ban seating scripts. So far they have simply used the matter to push for more zoom games.

More zoom games are bad in my opinion. Zoom extracts much more rake out of the economy than normal tables. It does this firstly by reducing edges between players - looser players start playing far less hands because of the fast-fold button and the proportion of regulars to recreational players is stacked much further towards regulars because regs play more entries on average compared to recreational players. Please refer to this thread for more info:

The optimal solution would be to outlaw the scripts. Ban a few accounts & freeze some funds to scare people and that would put a stop to it pretty quickly. Their arguments hold no weight.

Since we know PokerStars; stance on that, I'm proposing a different solution.

Stealing an idea from table starters.... why can Pokerstars not implement something in the software similar to table starters where if you don't play 18 hands you are banned from open-seating tables for 30 minutes.

The new rule could be if people reserve a seat more than say 10 times without playing 18 hands in 30 minutes then they are banned from reserving a seat without being offered it through the wait-list. They should still be able to join tables through wait-lists or table-starters (under normal rules).

This seems like an easy way to make seat scripts less effective and overall make the playing environment more friendly and less predatory for the recreational players.

This way the seat scripters can also pay for being able to script by simply playing some hands now and then.

At normal tables there is tons of competition for seats in good games at mid to high stakes and the regs sitting around playing 2-5 handed are hoping to (and more likely to) get into good games.

This is good for Stars - games are open and running & rake is being taken. This is good for recs - they always have a game to seat and not just an empty lobby that quickly fills when they sit. This is fair for the regs involved - those prepared to fight for seats and potentially lose a bit to rake/ playing better players get seats more often in the good games.

This suggestion is not a ban on seat scripts but a way to limit the scripting so it does not get completely out of hand and it also helps create some more action.

If you agree that seat scripters should not be allowed to make unlimited seat reservations please sign this petition to PokerStars so GGARJ can present it to Pokerstars on their next meeting.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-23-2014 , 06:15 PM
Seat scripters are the perfect way for stars to push for zoom, which nets them more rake. So why won't scripts be banned..right, that's why. This is simply NEVER going to happen.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-23-2014 , 06:55 PM
Please this is not a thread to just attack Pokerstars. They are a business that provide a service and you can move your business elsewhere if the conditions there do not suit you and you think there is a better alternative.

I have also very clearly stated this is not asking for a ban on scripts. It is a suggestion for a minor tweak to the software that reduces the problems of scripting without a ban that is difficult to enforce or making such drastic changes to the landscape/ economy as table starters or zoom.

If you support this idea to reduce and limit all the negative consequences scripting has on the games then please show your support by signing the thread
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-23-2014 , 09:50 PM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 02:17 AM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 03:20 AM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 03:58 AM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 05:10 AM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 06:00 AM
I simply do not trust Pokerstars at all in 2014. they will compromise game integrity to make money
So you guys probably only look at Cash games.. if you look at the situations in SNGs you can see that even more blatently... PS allows every absurd solution as well as pushes hard to new formats to make more money (and make the avg. grinder more BE). Some exmaples?

Pokerstars allows and even supports so called cartels in Heads-Up SNGs. Those things are basically a bunch of players working together protecting their stake by sitting players that are not in their cartel 24/7. This probably has been around forever on high stakes, but nowadays these guys basically are allowed to do it in everyones face and even on low stakes. So if you are not in one of those cartels you simply cannot grind the specific stake anymore since you will get sat by regs 24/7 - and obv. i dont need to point out that alot is going on in those groups that is very sketchy in terms of ethical behavior. And all is supported by stars. So where does Stars profitability comes from that. Tons and Tons of breakeven regwars with a lot of rake)

PS is going to introduce so called Spin & Gos soon on .com - they already have on some segregated sites.. Those things have a variance it makes your head "spin" and obv. PS structured them in a way just like 6max hypers that you will basically make most of your money if you put in sick volume and make SNE.

So their idea is to remove profits basically and for the most players be able to play BE, instead they push you into their SN(E) program to make money, which is a genius move by PS but obv. it doesnt have much to do with Poker anymore..

This kind of trend can also be seen in PLO with its high rake.. A recent analysis by players at the 100 PLO games concluded that basically no one could beat the rake over long term..

Welcome to the new poker world. So if those seat scripts are good for PS, they will never be disallowed.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by gavz101
The scripters are horrible for the games.
+1 & signed

Originally Posted by callme
A recent analysis by players at the 100 PLO games concluded that basically no one could beat the rake over long term..
That is wrong, at least for the moment
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 11:04 AM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 11:08 AM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 11:41 AM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 01:13 PM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 02:36 PM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 03:59 PM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
Seat scripters are the perfect way for stars to push for zoom, which nets them more rake. So why won't scripts be banned..right, that's why. This is simply NEVER going to happen.
I do agree with this. In general Pokerstars has no problem agreeing with the community about the problem. The solution to the problem is where they deviate to suit their financial wants.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:10 PM
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:44 PM
I don't see any change in the near future. I believe Stars has looked into it deeply and has come to the conclusion that any change they make will be quite disruptive. With the current stranglehold they have on cash games they are going to be extremely hesitant to make large disruptive changes to the cash game format. I think the best chance we have of getting a change is if another site with less to lose implements a solution, which then gets implemented on Stars.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-25-2014 , 08:06 AM
i agree with everything said, but this has been done before with no success.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:25 AM
Please read the thread. This is not suggesting an outlaw or elimination of scripts but a tweak to the software that is already used to stop abuse of the table starters system. It would be non-intrusive and only affect the worst offenders.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:25 AM
" Stealing an idea from table starters.... why can Pokerstars not implement something in the software similar to table starters where if you don't play 18 hands you are banned from open-seating tables for 30 minutes.

The new rule could be if people reserve a seat more than say 10 times without playing 18 hands in 30 minutes then they are banned from reserving a seat without being offered it through the wait-list. They should still be able to join tables through wait-lists or table-starters (under normal rules)."

^^repeated here for clarity
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:25 AM
You guys realize that PokerStars has a built in seat script right? It just sucks.
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:38 AM
you dont get it

seat scripting/scripters by definition are custom made to fit their environment

very cute attempt but couldn't be more useless
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
09-25-2014 , 04:34 PM
So, to clarify, this is a petition to support the "solution" described in the following quote:
Originally Posted by gavz101
I'm proposing a different solution.

Stealing an idea from table starters.... why can Pokerstars not implement something in the software similar to table starters where if you don't play 18 hands you are banned from open-seating tables for 30 minutes.
If so, I'm not yet convinced this is the best solution, but I do support attempts to "implement something".
A petition to limit seat scripting on Pokerstars Quote
