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PartyPoker Rake Race: rigged-players affiliated with Party take down prizes? PartyPoker Rake Race: rigged-players affiliated with Party take down prizes?

01-07-2018 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Some of your writing was pretty poor, and he likely mentioned that to explain why he wasn't responding to everything and/or might have missed some of your points - mentioning that he wasn't sure if English was your native language was actually giving you an out. No big deal if you're not a great writer; not everyone is. But no need to get all defensive when someone mentions it to explain their response to you.

That's exactly what I did - you were on the attack from the get-go.

But initiation vs. retaliation really isn't relevant. I was simply giving you advice, that if you wanted help, it's best not to be on the attack against helpful posters.

FFS dude, he's just asking you some questions. I'd also like to know what you think an affiliate/affiliated player is, because the way you're using the terms is inconsistent and doesn't make a lot of sense.

The thread doesn't get closed just because you don't like the responses you're getting.

Why don't you come right out and say whatever it is you're getting at? It seems like you're under the illusion that Mike is posting here on Party's behalf or at their request.


I wasn't trying to attack him but I agree with you I was a little on the offensive, for all I knew he was a partypoker player affiliate.
One type of an affiliate player is...wait a minute I get it that german guy with like 5 posts and the horrible spelling was a mod. Thats funny mods are pulling these kind of things.

Anyways I'm under the impression of a player affiliate being someone who is allied with partypoker. And is paid by them to stuff such as promote there site, play x amount of hands generate x amount of rake, help generate traffic ect.

I was referring to an affiliated players as player affiliates as basically the same thing. My apologies for the confusion. My grammar isn't top notch as you pointed out.

It was actually out of respect for PP. I mean are calling me a liar?

What I am saying is now that I'm starting to make some sense and people are actually starting to believe me that it would not be in 2plus2's best interest allow the thread to continue down this current direction.

Last edited by Tough_Pl4yer; 01-07-2018 at 08:22 PM.
01-07-2018 , 08:19 PM
Wheres my post? Getting merged?
01-07-2018 , 08:21 PM
What ever I guess my post is gone?
01-07-2018 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
Anyways I'm under the impression of a player affiliate being someone who is allied with partypoker. And is paid by them to stuff such as promote there site, play x amount of hands generate x amount of rake, help generate traffic ect.
I'm afraid that you are completely wrong.

The link I provided earlier also links to their explanation of why you might choose to become an affiliate:

I hope that you can see now why most readers haven't been at all interested in your "riggie" theories.

(Actually, there is a popular thread here,, where you could discuss your theories further with some like-minded players, if you wish.)
01-07-2018 , 08:34 PM
My apologies for getting the definition of an affiliate wrong. I should've refereed to them as party insiders or employees I guess. Theories you say if you want the HH's all ya gotta do is ask. Any day of the week bud. Put my "riggie" theories to the test.

Regardless of what you want to call them the terms and conditions don't allow employees or affiliates to participate in there promotions.

Last edited by Tough_Pl4yer; 01-07-2018 at 08:50 PM.
01-07-2018 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
My apologies for getting the definition of an affiliate wrong. I should've refereed to the as party insiders or employees I guess. Theories you say if you the HH's all ya gotta do is ask.

Would you like me to merge your thread into the "rigged" thread?
01-07-2018 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven

Would you like me to merge your thread into the "rigged" thread?

I'd prefer you didn't even handle my posts at all. Don't know what you got out of adding those two posts I thought I deleted. Not mention you did a horrible job on the merge don't think you changed a thing. I mean I'm pretty new to the site and would could really use your help but if your going to create random accounts just to troll me and not actually help me than no I don't want you to do a thing.

Actually you can help me. Change my title back to the original. Why did you change it again? It was fine at the beginning. Remember?

Once I post the HH's (tomorrow) you will see that players such as Fernandokant only played x amount of hands and yet was still able to generate 53 race rake points. And I was on the whole time Fernandokant was. When I compare that to the number of hands I have on OneReasonWhy it will show you what I'm talking about. Also I will filter by rake.

Notice that I can recall numbers off the top of my head? I know exactly how many points players such as kryspin30er had at around 1:00 the same time Fernandokant logged off ( he had 46 points). Am I just making these numbers up?

Well if partypoker allows access to the rake race results on more detailed level you will see that at the exact same time Fernandokant logs out Kryspin30er logins and has 46 points. I can only offer my word, the names of the "party insiders" which btw you really think I would do If I wasn't confident that they are indeed in someway connected to partypoker and involved in rigging the rake race? I'm not just gunna start calling out random people. I would like to ask has anyone seen any of these "insiders"(lol) I have named? I guarantee you haven't. So I guess they just up and disappeared. I saw sem4ikkh once or twice but that was just for like a few hands. And it only counts if you seen them prior to this post.

I can also provide HH's that show Fernanokant stop playing and Kryspin30er take his place. But It is up to partypoker to provide the rake results on a more detailed level. To prove me wrong. If i'm backing my word with HH's it will be up to partypoker to prove themselves innocent. Like I said I have zero discrepancies in my story. Why is that? Because I'm not lying.

Which btw have you heard from PP at all? I mean they know this threads going right. Why don't they just prove to everyone that I'm wrong? I'll call them out I guess.

Partypoker pleaseshow everyone what a big fat delusional liar I am. And prove that everything I have said in this thread has been a total fabrication.
01-07-2018 , 10:09 PM
Why are you so angry?
01-07-2018 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Tizull
Why are you so angry?
read the thread.
01-07-2018 , 10:11 PM
I can't it hurt my eyes. All I saw was you getting mad at people trying to help you.
01-07-2018 , 11:02 PM
Thanks for the clarification on what you meant by affiliates/affiliated players.

pmarr asked you some questions early on that I don't think were ever answered, and I was wondering similar things. I don't play at Party, so I don't know much about these rake races, but the way you talk about it makes it sound like there's only one stake and a handful of tables involved. Is that the case? Is there no way there could be someone racking up points at a stake/game you aren't aware of?

Also, you talk a lot about exactly how many points people had at exactly what times - a lot of rake races aren't updated minute by minute, and there is some lag involved. Also, someone mentioned the possibility of manual updating. Do either of these possibilities change anything?

You've mentioned hand histories a number of times, and I can't see how they would help. What seems to be in dispute here is that players were given points that you don't think they earned, but hand histories can't prove that they didn't have some hands you're not aware of, so there's not much point offering those up.
01-07-2018 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Thanks for the clarification on what you meant by affiliates/affiliated players.

pmarr asked you some questions early on that I don't think were ever answered, and I was wondering similar things. I don't play at Party, so I don't know much about these rake races, but the way you talk about it makes it sound like there's only one stake and a handful of tables involved. Is that the case? Is there no way there could be someone racking up points at a stake/game you aren't aware of?

Also, you talk a lot about exactly how many points people had at exactly what times - a lot of rake races aren't updated minute by minute, and there is some lag involved. Also, someone mentioned the possibility of manual updating. Do either of these possibilities change anything?

You've mentioned hand histories a number of times, and I can't see how they would help. What seems to be in dispute here is that players were given points that you don't think they earned, but hand histories can't prove that they didn't have some hands you're not aware of, so there's not much point offering those up.
HH's will show that OneReasonNot was involved in almost every hand played and that the other players don't appear. Until around 1:00. There is only one 10nl fastforward pool so I should've seen them appear quite often because I was playing 4 tables at a time also. And if someone has more points than I do they would need to be playing 4 tables aswell. I should've seen them very frequently, the pool was quite small. OneReasonNot was four tabling and I had to look at him on 3/4 tables usually.

I will show you when OnereasonNot first appears and show how many hands get played. And then I will show you when Fernandokant first appears and how many hands get played. I will also filter for amount of rake generated which will show that OneReasonWhy will have generated a significant amount while players such as Fernandokant generated almost nothing.

I was also on from the very beginning and by the time I got off there was only max 3.5 hours left in the competition. Even if Fernandokant jumped on as soon as I logged out he would still not have enough time to generate the amount of rake the leaderboard is claiming.

Like I said he had 53 points at about 1:00. I can't prove that he had 53 points at 1:00 I would need hourly rake race reults for that. But I can prove he didn't hardly play and there wouldn't have been enough time for him to end up with 53 points.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-08-2018 at 04:29 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
01-08-2018 , 12:14 AM
Do regular (non Fast Forward) tables count? How about other stakes?

Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
I will show you when OnereasonNot first appears and show how many hands get played. And then I will show you when Fernandokant first appears and how many hands get played. I will also filter for amount of rake generated which will show that OneReasonWhy will have generated a significant amount while players such as Fernandokant generated almost nothing.
All you can show is whether he played in the games you played in. What you can't show with hand histories is that he didn't play in other games that count, which is why I'm asking about other games & stakes.
01-08-2018 , 12:47 AM
No it was a fastforward rake race only. For the micro level only the 5nl and 10nl fastfoward pools would be adding to the leaderboard. I guess your right since I can't prove he wasn't in the 5nl pool.

But I can tell you he had 53 points at 1:00 and it would've been impossible for him to accumulate that in the 5nl pool. The leaderboard doesn't show the results on an hourly bases it only gives the final score.

he ended up with 53 points that's 11 hours in the 5nl pool. And when it got down to 3 handed in the 10nl pool I think it was like 3:00 I fired up two 5nl tables for a short period of time.

So i'll check if he appears at all in the 5nl pool or the 10nl pool within this time frame. But that will only show that he wasn't in the 5nl pool for a very short period. But I think he would randomly pop in and out of 10nl just to make an appearence. I think I remember seeing him once before 1:00(I think). So i'll check how many times he shows up randomly in the 10nl pool. I know since he was on top they had at least show him playing. If he's constantly appearing every say 100 hands this will be an interesting revelation.
01-08-2018 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
... Fernandokant ... Kryspin30er ...
I can only offer my word, the names of the "party insiders" which btw you really think I would do If I wasn't confident that they are indeed in someway connected to partypoker and involved in rigging the rake race? I'm not just gunna start calling out random people. I would like to ask has anyone seen any of these "insiders"(lol) I have named? I guarantee you haven't. So I guess they just up and disappeared. ... And it only counts if you seen them prior to this post.

... Fernanokant .... Kryspin30er ... Like I said I have zero discrepancies in my story. ...
Please be more careful with your spelling of players' names.

Fernandokant has been playing tournaments on PP since at least 2016, and kryspin30r has been playing since at least October 2017.
01-08-2018 , 08:16 AM
It is impossible for the numbers to add up. Kryspin30er has 65.94 points on the leaderboard.

I was on for the first 5 hours straight, as soon as the competition began. My PT4 records show that kryspin30r was in the 10nl pool from 12:00am exactly when the competition started. But at 1:03am he suddenly stopped playing this was most likely do to there being so few players in the pool that we we're forced to play 3 handed.
partypoker - $0.10 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

sem4ikkh (BTN): 114.9 BB
kryspin30r (SB): 101 BB
tough_pl4yer (BB): 100 BB

kryspin30r posts SB 0.5 BB, tough_pl4yer posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) tough_pl4yer has 3 K

fold, fold

tough_pl4yer wins 1.5 BB

He did not return until 7:22 am. Keep in mind when it was 3 and 4 handed kryspin30r would be at every table I was at because I had 4 tables going and there wasn't enough people to fill them. So basically every $ rake he contributed in the first hour is 100% accounted for. He only played 4.16 hours during the time I was on.

If your wondering if he may have dropped down to the 5nl pool the answer is yes and no. Since we we're forced to play 3 handed due to the 10nl pool being down to around 6 players at the time.I myself decided to open up two 5nl tables and played 240 hands between the times 12:31 am and 1:31 am. PT4 shows that Kryspin30r was playing 5nl between the times 12:39 and 12:47. What ended up happening was we ended up getting down to 4 handed play but as soon as it was 5 handed he left the table.

partypoker - $0.05 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

kryspin30r (BTN): 120.8 BB
kljuc57 (SB): 141.2 BB
tough_pl4yer (BB): 103 BB
Nens988 (UTG): 104.6 BB
Neverleft (CO): 105 BB

kljuc57 posts SB 0.4 BB, tough_pl4yer posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) tough_pl4yer has 8 3

fold, fold, fold, kljuc57 raises to 3 BB, fold

kljuc57 wins 4 BB
partypoker - $0.05 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Neverleft (BTN): 116 BB
kljuc57 (SB): 423.2 BB
tough_pl4yer (BB): 185.4 BB
Nens988 (CO): 102.2 BB

kljuc57 posts SB 0.4 BB, tough_pl4yer posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) tough_pl4yer has 8 6

fold, fold, kljuc57 calls 0.6 BB, tough_pl4yer checks

Flop: (2 BB, 2 players) 8 Q 6
kljuc57 bets 1 BB, tough_pl4yer raises to 4.6 BB, fold

tough_pl4yer wins 7.4 BB

At 1:34am I decided to take a break until 1:50am. When I returned to 10nl it was 4 handed and at 2:00am it jumped to 5 handed and at 2:05 returned to 6 handed. Kryspin30r plays in the 10nl pool and th e game being six handed there was really no reason for him not to be playing.

And to anyone suggesting he could've jumped down to the 5nl pool for no reason where he knows he would be contrbuting half the rake towards the competion is I think is absolutely absurd. Kryspin30r placed 7th in Friday's race with 87.05. Therefore he knew about the race. He also started the race in the 10nl pool he would finish in the 10nl pool. Furthermore he returns to the 10nl pool. So to think he just went and played 5nl for 6 hours for no reason when he knows about the rake race and started competing at the beginning at 10nl doesn't make any sense.

At 7:22am Kryspin30r returns to the 10nl pool. Between the times of 9:45am and 9:57am he takes a break. He then continues to play from 9:58am until 10:02am. This is where my PT4 records of Kryspin30r. And you know what? I didn't get off until there was only about 4 hours left in the competition.

Kryspin30r, according to my PT4 only played 4.16 hours and played only 895 hands. Generated only $5.31+0.01=$5.32 worth of rake. I'll be generous and double it and say he generated $10.64. So at $10.64 and only 4 hours remaining in the competition,this is of course assuming the moment I logged off he logged on. Brings us a maximum of $10.64+$40= $50.64. I came up with the $40 because that's about the points you can earn an hour while four tabling 10nl not taking breaks.

And I want to apologize there are probably a few discrepancies in what I said, my memory isn't perfect. For example I said OneReasonWhy was there from the beginning. This was not true he didn't start playing until 2 hours in. Sem4ikkh was also there from the very beginning. He put in a lot of hours. He still works for PP though.

Also please be aware that I didn't convert times in PT4 I just clicked on Dec 24 and started at the earliest hand as the starting point. So 2017/12/24 12:00am is where I began. I didn't start playing until 5:59 cet so I assume that the first hand took that took place at 12:00am according to PT4 is 6:00 cet. I will just adjust the times. And I remember Kryspin30r leaving when was typing in the chat box so I can guarantee that even if I'm incorrect with the times the numbers will still not add up.

Last edited by Tough_Pl4yer; 01-08-2018 at 08:45 AM.
01-08-2018 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Tizull
I can't it hurt my eyes. All I saw was you getting mad at people trying to help you.
LOL true.
01-08-2018 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Please be more careful with your spelling of players' names.

Fernandokant has been playing tournaments on PP since at least 2016, and kryspin30r has been playing since at least October 2017.
What do you prove?
01-08-2018 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
... I can only offer my word, the names of the "party insiders" which btw you really think I would do If I wasn't confident that they are indeed in someway connected to partypoker and involved in rigging the rake race? I'm not just gunna start calling out random people. I would like to ask has anyone seen any of these "insiders"(lol) I have named? I guarantee you haven't. So I guess they just up and disappeared. ... And it only counts if you seen them prior to this post.
Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
What do you prove?
Well, your guarantee is wrong, so it seems likely to me that at least some of the rest of your story is imagined, too.

It's actually beyond a ridiculous and paranoid notion that PP would risk their reputation and multi-million business by having their own players half-heartedly trying to make a few dollars in a small rake race, and faking the published numbers for all to see and check.

But - carry on with providing your guaranteed proof of their evil scheme, and good luck with being the man to bring them quivering to their knees.
01-08-2018 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Well, your guarantee is wrong, so it seems likely to me that at least some of the rest of your story is imagined, too.

It's actually beyond a ridiculous and paranoid notion that PP would risk their reputation and multi-million business by having their own players half-heartedly trying to make a few dollars in a small rake race, and faking the published numbers for all to see and check.

But - carry on with providing your guaranteed proof of their evil scheme, and good luck with being the man to bring them quivering to their knees.
You're absolutely right Mike Haven

Last edited by Tough_Pl4yer; 01-08-2018 at 09:55 AM. Reason: Mike Haven
01-08-2018 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
You're absolutely right Mike Haven.
Thank you.

No hard feelings. I'm sure that if you had read this story from someone else a few weeks ago, you would have thought the guy was a blithering moran, too.
01-08-2018 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Thank you.

No hard feelings. I'm sure that if you had read this story from someone else a few weeks ago, you would have thought the guy was a blithering moran, too.
You're absolutely right Mike Haven.

Thanks for adding another one of my deleted posts as well."lol true" Your the best Mod ever.
01-08-2018 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Tough_Pl4yer
You're absolutely right Mike Haven.

Thanks for adding another one of my deleted posts as well."lol true" Your the best Mod ever.
Much appreciated and humbled. Coming from you, someone who normally posts without trying to disguise their obvious anger issues, you can imagine how much your comment means to me.

[Cue some troll posting, "Get a room, you two!" ]
01-08-2018 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Much appreciated and humbled. Coming from you, someone who normally posts without trying to disguise their obvious anger issues, you can imagine how much your comment means to me.

[Cue some troll posting, "Get a room, you two!" ]
Much appriciated Mike Haven.

Denial helps us to pace our feelings of grief. There is a grace in denial. It is nature's way of letting in only as much as we can handle.
01-08-2018 , 06:21 PM
It's always best not to post with such certainty about things which you can't be certain of. So far I've learned that you have no idea how many 5 NL hands others might have played, and that your suppositions very much depend on Party's tracking being very precise - IE that all points acquired at both stakes are updated in a very timely fashion. If they are off a few hours, if one stake lagged behind for some reason, or if there is manual updating involved, your whole case falls apart. This seems much more likely than Party risking their reputation over a few hundred dollars.

Honestly, you sound very paranoid. The way you created both this and your cardschat thread with the only possibility being that Party was cheating you, when they said they were going to get back to you, is the first indicator of this. Then the idea that Party had messed with your settings through third party software, um, wow. And then the way you reacted to anyone who had the temerity to question any part of your all seems to point in the same direction.

Could there be something funny going on here? Sure. Do I think it likely? Not really. But I'm just one guy; perhaps others who haven't come forward yet will feel differently.
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