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Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED

02-02-2009 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by omaha
I hope no points will be deducted from the palladium passport??????
Yeah I read the terms on that one and it was reaaally clear that points would be deducted...However, if u opt in for the cash reward you get a little bit extra then what they give out at the store.
So that promotion was worth it(I dont know about the trips) and was CLEAR but PMC was kinda shady
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-02-2009 , 10:08 PM
Hi everyone,

I just checked my account and my Party Points have not been refunded yet. However the official Party Poker rep here did send me a private message stating that points would be refunded, and he also made a posting in this thread saying the same thing.

To be fair this was not a situation that Party was expecting so I feel it is fair to give them a day or two to straighten things out and figure out how to process the points refund.

Satisfied Party Poker Customer.
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-03-2009 , 04:51 PM
I m waiting for the refund too.
Just in case , I will send a mail to the costumer support.

Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-03-2009 , 07:35 PM
Got and answer :

Dear Carlos,
The inaccurate deduction of points from your account related to the promotion “Points Mean Cash” was caused by a technical issue that we are currently working to resolve at the earliest. The promotion itself was intended to have points deducted for the cash awards as per its terms and conditions:
Given that points were deducted in excess of what should have actually been taken, and as a good will gesture for the inconvenience experienced this time, we have decided not only to refund the points taken by mistake from your account but also those redeemed as part of the promotion. You will keep the cash prizes as well.
The points will be returned to your account as bonus points within the next 2-3 days. You can use and spend these as normal in the Party store.
You are a very valued customer and we appreciate your membership and feedback. We encourage you to please check carefully the terms and conditions for any future promotion that involves point deduction, as we will make this aspect even more clear in order to avoid any confusion.
Thank you for choosing us as your online gaming site.
Customer Service
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-03-2009 , 08:56 PM
I've never understood why people get pissed when they fail to get a freeroll that is only a freeroll because something bad happened to those who are now awarded it.
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-03-2009 , 09:57 PM

i guess you mean me and the guy i was +1ing

i don't care too much about not benefiting from the promotion - as i said, i'd have had to grind a lot more to make much from it

that said, i chose not to opt in because i read the Ts&Cs and it was clear that points would be traded for cash. had i not read them, i might have had the benefit of a promotion, as it turns out. it's the wrong way round!

that said, i'm glad you guys got sorted out. i don't like the way party changes it's corporate mind on a whim, though - and was primarily concerned by the CS response mentioning the bit in the Ts&Cs that lets them modify them, as doing that when people are already locked into a promotion (at their expense) would be horribly wrong.
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-03-2009 , 10:26 PM
yeah tbh- I'm not entirely certain what went wrong here- but it looks like some players got bad advice or in on the promo on non final terms and it sounded like others who correctly read/predicted or came in after final terms were added or didn't get the bad advice sounded upset they missed getting that advice. that just struck me as a bit silly.

I agree it would be better overall if it had all gone correctly to begin with. Party seems to acknowledge some error on their end here.
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-04-2009 , 02:44 PM
My points were refunded earlier today. Thanks PartyPokerRep for your help with this situation.

This is the kind of great customer service that will keep me playing at Party Poker.

Although we had a bit of a mix up on this one promotion, the new rewards program is really very generous and I feel that it is more valuable to a regular player than the rakeback offered at many sites.

Again thanks to PartyPokerRep,

Completely Satisfied Party Poker Customer.
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-04-2009 , 02:58 PM
Wow! $400 for grinding 8000 points and now they give me my points back!

Best promotion so far, keep it up
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-04-2009 , 03:14 PM
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-04-2009 , 03:29 PM
It would be a nice promotion if they never intended to deduct you the points
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
02-04-2009 , 03:29 PM
Party CS used to be so bad a few years back... they are seriously getting better and better each day. Still not to PokerStars standards but i think it's getting pretty close.
Party Poker acts in bad faith on the "Points mean Cash" promotion - RESOLVED Quote
