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P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT

08-14-2012 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by lilprog
Trade still not completed with Director. Original plan was 400 for 320, because of trade restrictions I only was able to send 378 and offered to send 22 on lock. He said that was fine, i asked for his lock email he sent it. Upon trying to send to him on lock it said recepient not found. I pmd back saying his email wasnt working and he said just to send the 378 on bcp and he would prorate it.

Sent the 378 on bcp, took 3 hours for them to process, sent a pm when it went through. Didn`t hear back till late last night, he PMd me stating he was getting the code. Once he was back with the code, he pmd me and said he forgot i sent 378 and bought for 320, and so i needed to send another 25(which adds up to 403), before he would send me the code. I sent another 22 as soon as BCP cleared up their xfer situation last night. That transfer went through at 2am.

Still have not heard back. I know hes good for it, just hate jumping through 14 hoops...

if you didnt catch in the quote, my bcp(RMG1979) his bcp(Directorius)
Yea i wouldnt be concerned, hes been known to take his time....It is frustrating that he only deals via pms tho. But ur money is safe!
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by lilprog
It seems that some of the "Regulars" for doing trades and swaps are price gouging more and more, becoming increasingly more difficult to work with, all the while acting like they are doing you a huge favor. I`ve added a couple to my wont trade with again list. I realize that they are offering a "service" few are willing to offer, but at the same time I`m not stupid, I know what things are worth, and if for your "services" you are not going to take good care of me, you are not going to make money off of me.

I`ve dealt with several of the regs over the past 6 months if anyone wants info on who is good or bad, I won`t post it here but PM me and I will be HAPPY to give you positive and negative references on who to work with and who is just trying to rip you off...
LOLZ..... Such a stupid post.... They are doing you a huge favor, you are getting cash money, swapping between sites. ETC...

These guys are taking a risk because of scams, potential of sites closing down and waiting for checks/WU from the sites.

You do not have to use a trading service -- go ahead and wait for checks, WU mtcn# that take 4-8 weeks.

Charging a .10-.15 vig is not price gouging, it's more of a convenience fee of getting your money right away.

$1000 (site funds) for BoA Cash between $850 & $900 is standard.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by LOLRussians
LOLZ..... Such a stupid post.... They are doing you a huge favor, you are getting cash money, swapping between sites. ETC...

These guys are taking a risk because of scams, potential of sites closing down and waiting for checks/WU from the sites.

You do not have to use a trading service -- go ahead and wait for checks, WU mtcn# that take 4-8 weeks.

Charging a .10-.15 vig is not price gouging, it's more of a convenience fee of getting your money right away.

$1000 (site funds) for BoA Cash between $850 & $900 is standard.
1. There are people charging a 20-30 vig and pretending its the norm, taking advantage of people who don`t know any better.

2. There should be standards. IF Im paying a vig, I don`t expect to have to wait 24 - 36 hrs to receive my money. If I waited 24-36 hours to ship to them for money they sent me there would be hell to pay.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by lilprog
1. There are people charging a 20-30 vig and pretending its the norm, taking advantage of people who don`t know any better.

2. There should be standards. IF Im paying a vig, I don`t expect to have to wait 24 - 36 hrs to receive my money. If I waited 24-36 hours to ship to them for money they sent me there would be hell to pay.
You are definitely correct.... This type of behavior is inexcusable....

As for waiting 24-36 hours for payment --- should be banned from trading, unless for some reason these terms were agreed upon before the trade.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by LOLRussians
LOLZ..... Such a stupid post.... They are doing you a huge favor, you are getting cash money, swapping between sites. ETC...

These guys are taking a risk because of scams, potential of sites closing down and waiting for checks/WU from the sites.

You do not have to use a trading service -- go ahead and wait for checks, WU mtcn# that take 4-8 weeks.

Charging a .10-.15 vig is not price gouging, it's more of a convenience fee of getting your money right away.

$1000 (site funds) for BoA Cash between $850 & $900 is standard.

You should probably look up what favor means.

Also, .10-.15 is standard but there are people that charge more and I think those are the people that lilprog is referring to.

Originally Posted by LOLRussians
These guys are taking a risk because of scams, potential of sites closing down and waiting for checks/WU from the sites.
Also regarding this, I really doubt that high-volume traders are cashing out primarily via checks and WU.

Last edited by 300zxrider; 08-14-2012 at 02:17 PM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by LOLRussians
From my personal experience: The ODDS of getting money back from Merge is pretty slim... I had $400 stolen on a Carbon transfer, contacted everyone immediately, showed proof and PM logs but they said there was nothing they could do.

Good Luck and sorry to hear about your loss.
You were right, the usual "he spent the funds fairly nothing we could do" mail back.

Is it wrong if i ask them for proof of this? eg his real money ledger? since no personal details are shown?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 04:57 PM
I sincerely doubt they would. What really sucks is that you can show them (pokersites) proof that that account received fraudulent (well not to them) funds and they usually will not take any action against them under the guise of inculpability. At least you are now owed some good karma (not that you werent before).
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Shok
You were right, the usual "he spent the funds fairly nothing we could do" mail back.

Is it wrong if i ask them for proof of this? eg his real money ledger? since no personal details are shown?
It's not wrong in any way but you'll probably just get a standard reply from them stating they can't for privacy reasons or something.

I wish sites were more proactive in helping people that get ripped off and stolen from. I suspect that they don't want to invest time and money into it but it would probably help with player retention a lot.


I read a little about what happened in your earlier post. You said he was transferring Carbon funds to another poster 3 days after you traded? That means he definitely had money in his account and probably still has your money in his account. Merge won't let you transfer the funds received from a player transfer for 4 days. So he either won money or had more money in his account than what you transferred him. I would keep emailing Carbon and try to get them to do something.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by lilprog
It seems that some of the "Regulars" for doing trades and swaps are price gouging more and more, becoming increasingly more difficult to work with, all the while acting like they are doing you a huge favor. I`ve added a couple to my wont trade with again list. I realize that they are offering a "service" few are willing to offer, but at the same time I`m not stupid, I know what things are worth, and if for your "services" you are not going to take good care of me, you are not going to make money off of me.

I`ve dealt with several of the regs over the past 6 months if anyone wants info on who is good or bad, I won`t post it here but PM me and I will be HAPPY to give you positive and negative references on who to work with and who is just trying to rip you off...
there's a lot of bumhunting, yeah, just like in poker and i guess like in most fields/arenas in life. it's lame for sure.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by 300zxrider
I read a little about what happened in your earlier post. You said he was transferring Carbon funds to another poster 3 days after you traded? That means he definitely had money in his account and probably still has your money in his account. Merge won't let you transfer the funds received from a player transfer for 4 days. So he either won money or had more money in his account than what you transferred him. I would keep emailing Carbon and try to get them to do something.
Ye we found out this "other person" he traded 3 days after with was just a different 2p2 account he owned, and he was creating false feedback of positive trading using multiple accounts, which is one of the ways i got duped, unfortunately merge did state there was no funds in the account, i am disappointed in that there was nothing that could be done, but i guess i will have to put it down to the same lines of tilting part of my roll off, forget and move one.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-14-2012 , 09:43 PM
There is absolutely no doubt, a lot of criminal activity would cease, and online poker trading would be much easier, if the sites cared about people getting ripped off. IMO Basically, the sites allow these criminals to pry there business by providing them safe cover. The security team in these matters unfortunately (for the most part) consists of the players posting in these threads, and people like Mike Haven, Rainbow Warrior, D.S., WackyJaxon (P5s), Clamper, several others who have a history of keeping track of, and trying to close the scammers down.

There are multiple people that seem to rip off online poker players for a living for many years, if not many more who do it to amply supplement their other income. The number of serial scammers is surprising to me, since it requires a lot of work and intelligence.

While the poker sites do work with these scam-busting individuals in some ways, if they gave more information, including names used, addresses, IPs, (even provide lists of the worst scammers to local police departments) it is a good bet some of these people could be stopped. You can bet these people are likely committing other crimes. One of the people actually prosecuted for online scams was being investigated for a host of other crimes as well.

But, as long as almost all online sites give these crooks effective cover, the stealing will go on.

(note: it really doesn't help either when someone trading does not at the absolute minimum, do a simple google search for both the screen name you are sending to, and the 2+2 member name. Even though I have always been lucky enough to trade 2nd, I still do the google search)

The sites benefit from player 2 player transfers that allow more people to play, than otherwise might play if these transfers were not available. The safer they are, the more people playing.

Last edited by WEC; 08-14-2012 at 09:50 PM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 09:47 AM
anyone no where I can get top dollar for some cake money. looking to trade up to seven hundred dollars. im not trying to make someones day by giving up 150 dollars lol.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Matrix1111
anyone no where I can get top dollar for some cake money. looking to trade up to seven hundred dollars. im not trying to make someones day by giving up 150 dollars lol.
Going rate is about .80-.85 for Cake.. Looks like the $140-150 would be the charge..

You will have to shop around... Make a post in the trade thread:

Have Cake -- up to $700 (selling for .90)

See what happens..

** Reason why the value of Cake/LOCK is so low is because it's takes forever to get money off the site.. WU is taking forever..
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by BluffinNuts
Hi xxx,

I have now suspended that user's account and asked for their explanation to this issue.

However, please note that we do not condone transfers like this of any kind and we always discourage our customers from taking part in such agreements as if anything goes wrong, there is little or nothing we can do about it and it is done at the user's own risk. But we will try our best in resolving the issue for all parties involved.



CakePoker Security

got this email from cake
they followed up with an email saying that his account was locked, they had no reply from him and there was no money on the account to pay back people who were stolen from....

How did someone with so many recommendations end up being a scammer?


Edit/MH: lifesavacation

Last edited by Mike Haven; 08-15-2012 at 03:43 PM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by BluffinNuts
they followed up with an email saying that his account was locked, they had no reply from him and there was no money on the account to pay back people who were stolen from....

How did someone with so many recommendations end up being a scammer?
lifesavacation (regular trader/poster gone bad)

RPM (shakemebaby)

Skype huskyfever1 (h.stuckey)

3 scams
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Matrix1111
anyone know where I can get top dollar for some cake money. looking to trade up to seven hundred dollars. im not trying to make someones day by giving up 150 dollars lol.
I just traded some cake for a friend and couldnt get .80/100. Every single high-volume trader offerred .75 and no higher. Ended up getting it done for .78. Take a look at the cake cashout thread in this forum and you will see why the % is so low (3-5 month wait for US players).
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rainbow Warrior
lifesavacation (regular trader/poster gone bad)

RPM (shakemebaby)

Skype huskyfever1 (h.stuckey)

3 scams
This concerns me as you list the friend as being solotalent2. I have traded over 30k with solo in the last month. I don't know what to say here, he told me he does not vouch for this guy, but sending to him in a 3 way deal sounds like vouching. Thoughts?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Rainbow Warrior
lifesavacation (regular trader/poster gone bad)

RPM (shakemebaby)

Skype huskyfever1 (h.stuckey)

3 scams
Late last year I had a good trade with livesavacation.
It makes me sick that s/he has become a scammer.

Should I go back and edit my confirmation post with the info quoted above? Or is that not needed? If I should do it, can someone get me the most appropriate link to use?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 06:33 PM

I just talked to nufail (solotalent2). He assures me that he never sent first to h.stuckey, but did a bunch of trades.

I don't think he was anyway involved in this, although it does appear that money was sent to him (bcp), he gave h.stuckey cake money. h.stuckey never sent.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by FreeWebdummy
why the hell do I keep getting banned!!! Im just trying to get some info and help here??? I made a sucessful trade in these forums, then got banned. ROFL. u guys think you can play god?? Im here for the peoples help, not to be banned by mods every 5 secs. thats what forums are for, so stop banning me. I feel like im being targeted. I got some intresting evidence! So get back to me 2+2. you got my original email. Telling me Im banned for life then no response. ROFL again.
Then generally do not ban people with 'real' helpful information or several of us would have been banned years ago.

Last edited by WEC; 08-15-2012 at 08:57 PM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by FreeWebdummy
I feel like there is a hidden mod or something. U guys might know him personally. He was targeting me when I was just starting to make trades. before the original ban. I think he felt threatened me. Now I get banned every day. lol. I mean what am I supposed to do. The system is obviously rigged, or fixed. The question is "what hand does 2+2 have in this. I was told I will never be unbanned. REALLY. then they dont respond to my emails after that, WTF.
Maybe you should read the rules, quit trying to trade in a thread titled No trading ITT, that would be my first couple clues, maybe you should try to be nice and listen to what mods say when they infract you

They will let you back if you are nice I am sure (edit: after rereading your post I guess they won't)

The only Mods who target people here is if they feel you are a scammer. Either you are a scammer or just acted really really really horribly. That is only explanation.

It is very hard to get perma-banned here.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 09:00 PM
Are transfers on BCP working?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by MarcusMPG
Are transfers on BCP working?
they are now.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 09:52 PM
So you're a scammer?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
08-15-2012 , 10:09 PM
Why were you banned for life multiple times?

Why are you still here talking about "get rich or die trying"?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
