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01-16-2013 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by jkidd1084
I just spoke with them and was informed that he is no longer on probation with them. I'm not very familiar with this kind of stuff, so I'm not sure what options I might have. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Looking at his criminal records, it looks like he violated his probation and was put in jail for a while. I think he was released in May of 2012.

His Twitter is @Archie2332 . He has been known to use numbers "2332" and "23232" in his usernames, so it is for sure him. He has been tweeting to poker players that don't know him since he was released.
call the sherrif's office in his county and file a criminal complaint

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01-16-2013 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by depechbnkn
call the sherrif's office in his county and file a criminal complaint

I will do that tomorrow. Also, MB finally responded and said that the persons account has been terminated and they are pursuing him. Hopefully this punk is finally thrown back in jail where he belongs.
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01-16-2013 , 08:42 PM
^ gl in the pursuit, it would be nice to see real consequences for some of these scumbags. too many of them get away with it
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01-16-2013 , 09:04 PM
Hey sorry to interrupt all this scam chat but I was wondering what rate I should be looking to get if I'm selling BCP and getting lock in return
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01-16-2013 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by FullTiltManiac
Hey sorry to interrupt all this scam chat but I was wondering what rate I should be looking to get if I'm selling BCP and getting lock in return
Just plug in BCP for ACR.
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01-16-2013 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by FullTiltManiac
Hey sorry to interrupt all this scam chat but I was wondering what rate I should be looking to get if I'm selling BCP and getting lock in return
.75-.8 imo
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01-17-2013 , 01:24 AM
"john perkins" goes by ledger_1 in skype randomly added me and asked me to pm people and ask for trades on lock and mb lol.
Needless to say a very trustworthy person :\
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01-17-2013 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by cbt
"john perkins" goes by ledger_1 in skype randomly added me and asked me to pm people and ask for trades on lock and mb lol.
Needless to say a very trustworthy person :\
confirmed i did skype him because i cant pm yet and need money, is it suspicious that somebody wants to get payed when they need money?

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01-17-2013 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
There was a recent spate of phishing here. People were asked to click on links disguised as TPT posts, using, say, as the phishing site. Anyone who clicked was asked to enter their TPT password, as if they had logged out. The fools that fell for this simple trick have now allowed the hacker/scammer to use their TPT accounts to post, PM and e-mail from it. When they log in themselves, unless they notice PMs coming in in answer to the scammer's PMs, they are unaware that their account has been hacked and post away as normal. This adds to the difficulty for trading partners to realise they are communicating with the scammer and not the respected user.

I think that if you are trading at all, you should all change your password, now, immediately after you read this, to something reasonably difficult to guess. (Not "password", "777777", etc; as hackers have all the time in the world to try all the common passwords people use out of carelessness.) This will help defeat the hackers in general, and the hacker who may already be using your account to scam others, in particular. Obviously, if you remember having been asked to enter your password here recently, and it was not when you knew you would have to log in, your account is almost certainly hacked, and you should warn the community that they should check with you to see if it was you that contacted them; after you have changed your password.

From a responder's pov, you should always ask the potential partner to sit and chat at the poker table/s involved. (People who tell you their chat is barred are probably impersonator scammers, pretending to be players they know don't chat at the tables.) If you are sending money for poker money, this will show that he has the money available. If you are sending poker money for money, you should probably try to get him to send first, after proving to him you have the poker money. Only send in increments of whatever you can afford to lose if you are scammed. Post about trades in progress if there is any delay that you think is unusual.

"Justin Archuleta" may or may not be the guy's real name. Personally, I doubt if it is, but if anyone knows him in RL, let us know.

At this particular time, treat all trades with everybody as high risk.


Edit: RW tells me that of two recent hacks, one used a password like "777777" and one used his username as his password. Dumb.
I think you are being a little harsh on those of is whose only crime was to have a weak password. Some of us (like me) made these at a time when trading money was nonexistent and one click would go from checking account to Neteller. How about the forum take a little responsibility? What software gives an infinite number of guesses before the username is locked out?
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01-17-2013 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by surf doc
I think you are being a little harsh on those of is whose only crime was to have a weak password. Some of us (like me) made these at a time when trading money was nonexistent and one click would go from checking account to Neteller. How about the forum take a little responsibility? What software gives an infinite number of guesses before the username is locked out?
Didn't you have to change your password after 2+2 went down last May?
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01-17-2013 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by surf doc
I think you are being a little harsh on those of is whose only crime was to have a weak password. Some of us (like me) made these at a time when trading money was nonexistent and one click would go from checking account to Neteller. How about the forum take a little responsibility? What software gives an infinite number of guesses before the username is locked out?
There is absolutely nothing in the post you quoted that could be construed as harsh. It was obviously an "informative" post as much as he probably wanted to be harsh. The fact that you have a new account that you just posted this from is the obvious proof he's not being "harsh." Most of us actually do understand, but my goodness man...what exactly other than a misguided sense of guilt perhaps is the purpose of what you just wrote? Let it go, learn, move on & help. You're attacking the wrong person here, rant about the thief, not the police!

Last edited by jamthe3; 01-17-2013 at 04:03 AM. Reason: forgot
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01-17-2013 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Didn't you have to change your password after 2+2 went down last May?
Yes; everyone did.
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01-17-2013 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yes; everyone did.
To be fair, I don't think you actually had to change it per se...just re-do it. I think when I did mine I actually used the same one I had before because I'm also a bit naive on certain things. I changed mine to a more complicated and longer one once again recently because of Mr. Haven's post about what's been going on. Hopefully, that will surfice; but I plan on changing it fairly frequently here on out until sinility makes me lazy again
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01-17-2013 , 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by jamthe3
To be fair, I don't think you actually had to change it per se...just re-do it. I think when I did mine I actually used the same one I had before because I'm also a bit naive on certain things. I changed mine to a more complicated and longer one once again recently because of Mr. Haven's post about what's been going on. Hopefully, that will surfice; but I plan on changing it fairly frequently here on out until sinility makes me lazy again
this, which is probably where the problem stemmed from.

surf, i didnt think his post was very harsh either. Those of us using those passwords were being idiots, as are those who are still using them.
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01-17-2013 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by jamthe3
To be fair, I don't think you actually had to change it per se...just re-do it. I think when I did mine I actually used the same one I had before because I'm also a bit naive on certain things. I changed mine to a more complicated and longer one once again recently because of Mr. Haven's post about what's been going on. Hopefully, that will surfice; but I plan on changing it fairly frequently here on out until sinility makes me lazy again
Yes, you certainly could have made it whatever you wanted, including the same one as before, since the old password database would have been cleared out. Although choosing the same password after the site had been hacked seems a rather foolish thing to do.
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01-17-2013 , 06:57 AM
Only one thing is truly infinite
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01-17-2013 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yes, you certainly could have made it whatever you wanted, including the same one as before, since the old password database would have been cleared out. Although choosing the same password after the site had been hacked seems a rather foolish thing to do.
Yes, that's very true assuming that was what one thought at the time as to being the reason for having to change it at all. In the case of dormant accounts ripe for the picking, they might have only thought it was a normal upgrade of software or something. I don't know and am certainly not trying to pick a fight or make any kind of point, just pointing out what is apparent.
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01-17-2013 , 07:40 AM
Originally Posted by Zetoran
Anyone mind briefly explaining to me how GDMP works for transfers? I go to a GDMP location and pay cash to them - what happens next? Can I divide the amount I pay into multiple transfers or does the full amount have to go to one payment then repeat the process again?

And what are the most secure options these days without needing to open a new bank account? I'm a very reputable trader from pre-BF days but haven't been keeping up much lately. Wasn't able to complete the one trade I tried this week because WU and Moneygram were problematic for me. Thanks for any help!
I don't know if anyone ever got back to this or not, but just in case it got ignored a second time, I'll do my best here and "copy, paste & pm it also"

You can purchase a GDMP at a retail outlet. Its a reload for a pre-paid debit card. I buy mine at Walgreens and they cost $4.95 plus sales tax for the $4.95 to load X amount of dollars up to $500.

Its a hard plastic kinda card that you scratch off the code on the back in order to redeem. The code is the money and is what is used to trade.

No, it can not be broken up & yes you'll have to repeat the process again. I've read that if you buy it at WalMart the amount allowed to purchase is more than $500; however, I honestly don't know whether that is true or not as at most Walmart's you can load $$ directly to a pre-existing card at their "money centers" at a slight discount and that might be what those posters were referring to.
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01-17-2013 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by jamthe3
Yes, that's very true assuming that was what one thought at the time as to being the reason for having to change it at all. In the case of dormant accounts ripe for the picking, they might have only thought it was a normal upgrade of software or something. I don't know and am certainly not trying to pick a fight or make any kind of point, just pointing out what is apparent.
True enough. It's just somewhat amazing that people still use poor passwords in this day and age.

At the same time, I know that some people need to learn the hard way before changing the way they handle passwords. And I know from first hand experience - I used to use the same email/password combination at a lot of sites. The password was half decent, but I was using this combo at secure sites and less secure ones, and I suspect the latter was my problem - probably some little forum was hacked. Lost a few thousand on Click2Pay as a result but was extremely lucky in that they were able to recover the funds for me. Ever since then, every important site gets a unique and very secure password (usually 20+ characters including letters, numbers, special characters) which I store in Keepass (which is free).

This happened to me 4-5 years ago when I was a little more naive and this kind of thing was much less common, so I like to think I would have made the change by now even if the C2P incident hadn't happened, but I can't say for sure. Laziness and procrastination has quite a bit of inertia.

Moral of the story: Those of you still using sloppy password practices, get it together! It really isn't that hard once you get started.
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01-17-2013 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by jamthe3
There is absolutely nothing in the post you quoted that could be construed as harsh. It was obviously an "informative" post as much as he probably wanted to be harsh. The fact that you have a new account that you just posted this from is the obvious proof he's not being "harsh." Most of us actually do understand, but my goodness man...what exactly other than a misguided sense of guilt perhaps is the purpose of what you just wrote? Let it go, learn, move on & help. You're attacking the wrong person here, rant about the thief, not the police!
I should have been more clear. The thing I think is harsh was the decision to permanently ban my account. I think the password could have been changed and the account returned to me.

I don't recall attacking anyone. As far as rants: Down with the scammers and thieves! Down with the scammers and thieves! Down with the scammers and thieves!

Is that better?
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01-17-2013 , 02:00 PM
I bet if you reimburse the dude that got scammed from your account that they'll reinstate your account.

If it means that much to you it could be worth it plus would be a great gesture. As it is, the mods can't reinstate accounts that have been scammed via hacker since it would set a terrible precedent.
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01-17-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by surf doc
I should have been more clear. The thing I think is harsh was the decision to permanently ban my account. I think the password could have been changed and the account returned to me.

I don't recall attacking anyone. As far as rants: Down with the scammers and thieves! Down with the scammers and thieves! Down with the scammers and thieves!

Is that better?
That is not that harsh. A permanent IP ban, now that is harsh. You just made a new account and you are good to go.
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01-17-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by surf doc
I should have been more clear. The thing I think is harsh was the decision to permanently ban my account. I think the password could have been changed and the account returned to me.

I don't recall attacking anyone. As far as rants: Down with the scammers and thieves! Down with the scammers and thieves! Down with the scammers and thieves!

Is that better?
Here Here!! Hey, one of the other guys has his old SN in "location" on his new one. Thought that was a pretty neat go around
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01-17-2013 , 07:54 PM
The only thing I dont understand is who is being protected this way. Its pretty obvious its me, and if they could get through into my old account with a new password, they could get through into this account with the new password. I dont see who is being protected by banning my old account.

Anyone wanna explain it to me? Ditch?
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01-17-2013 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by TooDegen
The only thing I dont understand is who is being protected this way. Its pretty obvious its me, and if they could get through into my old account with a new password, they could get through into this account with the new password. I dont see who is being protected by banning my old account.

Anyone wanna explain it to me? Ditch?
You admitted the probable cause was a weak password. We're all assuming this isn't the case with your new acct. But, to answer your question, I can only give a couple guesses. If your old acct was compromised then so is all information that was contained within it. That's pretty much how you were "used" to cause a financial discomfort to the other guy who got scammed. To use this information again now will link back to a banned 2+2 acct & make it harder for anyone possessing it to perpetrate a fraud. If the acct is left open, the guy can send emails w/a look alike email address (or SKYPES) and when they go to check out the old acct, all will still look good.

Granted, althorough diligence would catch an anomaly in a look alike, its kind of unfair to expect diligence from others that isn't followed by oneself. We're all human and make mistakes and can be susceptible to these kind of things, so any precautions they can take to help me out and not get taken advantage of is very appreciated. I doubt seriously they're picking on you, they're just trying to look out for people like me...and you for that matter. I'm sure you wouldn't want to go through that ordeal again and you almost certainly would if that scammer could still use the old acct as his anchor to fish comfortably for more people to defraud.
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