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Online poker tells. Online poker tells.

10-21-2009 , 03:47 PM
I know this topic must have been discussed thoroughly, but couldn't help myself from posting this matter I found from another poker site posted by an admin with over 4000 posts.

I think that these observations may be true for at least a few player, but wanted to know what you 2+2'ers think.

Poker Tells - Online

1) Long pause - then a raise: the most common online poker tell is when players make quite a long pause and then raise or re-raise you. This normally indicates a very strong hand.

2) Automatic re-raise: when you raise and is re-raised very fast (almost instantly), this usually means that a player checked the "raise-all" button. This normally indicates a very strong hand. Some very wild players use this as well, but you would probably notice this wild player anyways.

3) Automatic check: When you check and you feel on the speed of the checks behind you that they have checked the "auto-check/fold" button, this normally means a weak hand, and you can try to steal on the next card.

4) Quick calling: when a player calls you very quickly, it normally means his hand is not very strong. He was not considering to raising you. However be aware that he might call you to the river nevertheless.

5) Small betting: When a player bets a very small amount relative to the pot on the river, it will in most cases be a "block bet" to prevent you from betting or raising him (he usually has a weak hand). This might be a good spot to bluff. If you succeed watch out to do it again in the same session, as player might set a trap for you instead. Be aware that some very tricky players use the small bet size to induce a bluff (to trap you).

6) Chatting while betting: If a player chats at the same time as he is betting, you can normally set him on a good hand. Most players don’t want to show anything when they are bluffing.

7) Post blinds out of turn: If a new player comes to the table and posts blinds out of turn, he will normally be either impatient or inexperienced, both which is good qualities in an opponent Smile
Online poker tells. Quote
10-21-2009 , 03:52 PM
nice thread
Online poker tells. Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:03 PM
I think timing tells may be ok but in reality I do not put too much stake in them because when playing a shatload of tables timing can mean something or nothing at all.

I do agree with #5 and especially #7. Anyone that sits and posts the BB before reaching the BB becomes an insta target until they prove otherwise.
Online poker tells. Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:12 PM
I gotta say I think the original poster on the other site was probably "inspired" by the FTP Academy lesson on the subject.

But yes, these are all good standards to look for as online tells.
Online poker tells. Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:17 PM
Do you really think when someone is playing 6-12 or more tables you can put any faith in timing tells? I dont think so, maybe in a vacuum but meh.
Online poker tells. Quote
10-21-2009 , 04:29 PM
Timing tells are misleading when multitabling
Online poker tells. Quote
10-21-2009 , 06:48 PM
i think that for cash games buying in for x.xx indicates that the guy is playing with a big percent or all of his stack
Online poker tells. Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:17 AM
so basically if they're raising, they have a strong hand? o rly?
Online poker tells. Quote
10-22-2009 , 02:39 AM
when i push, im usually weak..
Online poker tells. Quote
10-22-2009 , 03:25 AM
(1) (2) (4): timing is meaningless for many reasons online... people are often multi-tasking even if they aren't multi-tabling...

(3) auto check: this would be useful if i hadn't witnessed so many people use it as a false tell and trap you into a bet

(5) small bet: the small bet on the end can mean plenty of things, but generally i perceive it as weakness, depending on the player

(6) chat while betting: this may be true, but so few people chat it up anyway

(7) post blinds out of turn: i think this is probably spot on
Online poker tells. Quote
10-22-2009 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by Nairb
I think timing tells may be ok but in reality I do not put too much stake in them because when playing a shatload of tables timing can mean something or nothing at all.
I agree with this. Keep in mind that a lot of fish only 1-table, which means their attention is (usually) focused on that particular table. So in those cases, the amount of time he takes to make a move means something. OTOH, if you have a 16-tabling reg who sucks at multitabling, timing down and then shoving can mean he was busy on other tables.

I do agree with #5 and especially #7. Anyone that sits and posts the BB before reaching the BB becomes an insta target until they prove otherwise.
In 6-max, I would wholeheartedly agree. For something like FR FL, the standard belief is that posting in the CO > waiting for the BB. It's a different story if you're returning from a break rather than posting as a new player.
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