Hi guys,
I´m not sure if this subject belongs here but I hope so. Does anyone knows how it is with online poker in Austria? Weather it is ok to play there according to laws atc.
Thanks for responses
It is kind of a grey area and the Austrian monopoly law has been challenged several times up to European courts of law. The European court of law has deemed the Austrian monopoly law illegal before however confirmed it in the case of casinos. This legal matter is currently ambivalent and a grey area in many ways.
I myself am a German but living in Austria currently and do not consider myself breaking a law while playing on Pokerstars. If necessary however I would also argue my right to do so in any court of law. In addition to that you should consider that Pokerstars themselves employ and advertise with Austrian Pro players who actually play on their site with their Austrian nicks/avatars last but not least the current World champion Pius Heinz who like me is a German playing international online Poker in Austria.
The Austrian monopoly is outdated and this ancient monopoly law will (hopefully) soon be officially overturned and get us Austrian residents out of this legal grey area. On another note the (official and fully legal) Games at Win2day are particularly soft, so if you want to be on the safe side and are not eager to debate your rights in a court of law you should stick to this official site.
"Auch das österreichische Glücksspielmonopol wurde vom EuGH für europarechtswidrig befunden. Das Betreiben von Spielbanken ist nach österreichischem Recht nur dem Staat erlaubt. Es wurde nur eine Konzession an eine österreichische Aktiengesellschaft vergeben. Ein deutscher Staatsbürger war wegen des Betreibens zweier Spielbanken in Österreich strafrechtlich verurteilt worden. Der Europäische Gerichtshof entschied, dass die Beschränkung der Konzession auf inländische Betreiber zur Verhinderung von Straftaten unverhältnismäßig sei. Außerdem liege eine Verletzung der Niederlassungsfreiheit und der Dienstleistungsfreiheit vor, weil die Vergabe der Konzession nicht ausgeschrieben worden war."
It is kind of a grey area and the Austrian monopoly law has been challenged several times up to European courts of law. The European court of law has deemed the Austrian monopoly law illegal before however confirmed it in the case of casinos. This legal matter is currently ambivalent and a grey area in many ways.
I myself am a German but living in Austria currently and do not consider myself breaking a law while playing on Pokerstars. If necessary however I would also argue my right to do so in any court of law. In addition to that you should consider that Pokerstars themselves employ and advertise with Austrian Pro players who actually play on their site with their Austrian nicks/avatars last but not least the current World champion Pius Heinz who like me is a German playing international online Poker in Austria.
The Austrian monopoly is outdated and this ancient monopoly law will (hopefully) soon be officially overturned and get us Austrian residents out of this legal grey area. On another note the (official and fully legal) Games at Win2day are particularly soft, so if you want to be on the safe side and are not eager to debate your rights in a court of law you should stick to this official site.
"Auch das österreichische Glücksspielmonopol wurde vom EuGH für europarechtswidrig befunden. Das Betreiben von Spielbanken ist nach österreichischem Recht nur dem Staat erlaubt. Es wurde nur eine Konzession an eine österreichische Aktiengesellschaft vergeben. Ein deutscher Staatsbürger war wegen des Betreibens zweier Spielbanken in Österreich strafrechtlich verurteilt worden. Der Europäische Gerichtshof entschied, dass die Beschränkung der Konzession auf inländische Betreiber zur Verhinderung von Straftaten unverhältnismäßig sei. Außerdem liege eine Verletzung der Niederlassungsfreiheit und der Dienstleistungsfreiheit vor, weil die Vergabe der Konzession nicht ausgeschrieben worden war."
could you tell me your sources for your opinions? did you consult a lawyer or someone or are you deducing from stuff you've read etc., and if so, then where? and where is the quoted paragraph from?