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online poker online poker

11-29-2008 , 11:05 PM
I have been playing on a site for about 2 years now. I made a deposit got credit for the amount donked it off but never had the amount deducted from my account. I must be Lucky or it must be an early christmas present.
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11-29-2008 , 11:15 PM
Here is my favorite post from today. The use of punctuation is expert.

I play online poker and have for over 5 years. I personally have seen this go on. FOr that same time period. Sometimes in differnt ways. But the cheating has been going on.

The software itself is programed and coded to target the top 10 premium hands. And some these so called poker pros helped them do it.

They shill for corrupt sites for money. And in player/owners of cheatign sites. The had to be in on it.

Now anyone that would play at ultimate bet or Ap .Its truly disturbign but not suprising. People line up casino slot machines or there local video poker. Which has a chip inside that pays out a certain percent. You can google this and look for it on you tube if you done believe me.

Now I personally every night put out 100 or more people .Playign bogus hands. And certain patterns of online poker. Most cases with weaker hand.

Online poker is programed .Its deisgned for speed. And money. Faster winners slash losers more a site makes.Its very simple. Most if not all sites. Feed the big stacks. This iw well know by anyone with large amount tournament experience.

Online poker has certain tells. After winnign a huge pot. IT then trys to suck you out. Watch your favorite site.ASk yourself how didd he predict that.If someone ddint put it there. House shills are rampant,player cheaters are Rampant. And sites skimming the big time players.

Pokerhost done it daily. No alarms was sounded.Except by a select few . Which it was a small site. But it went on daily. And there so called manager tournament.Where you play the staff. The staff called any all in on there other staff member.But would fold on you. To build up the stacks of there friends. And rebuys are just another way .To skeem more money of you .While givign there house shills 2nd trys. To build each other.

I personally have witness cheatign at a far greater level. I ddint say amount that was taken. Online poker is completly corrupted and truly deserves to be take out. I like poker. And dont want a ban. But these sites are most crooked and complety rigged ever.That includes pokerstars. They infest it woth so many .That becomes hard tell who cheaters are. And right before absoulte was caught. They went from 1500 to 4000 people overnight. This is a complete sham. Anyone of you ever been at a poker site. Knows it takes way longer to build a base.

People are sick with greed and guillble. I personally have never had a week. I made most my money off sit gos. I had to change my name 6-8 times. Just to stop gettign blacklisted off sites.Cause i won so much .After i would win. I would get bad beated to death. One time 168 times in a row.

Certain sites and its gotten worse in past 2 years.Can limit you. And do and will.

After each name change, and ip. A miracle happen.I was back to normal.

Big hands are targted.suited cards are used for action. And big stacks are used.

I personally use this and know at certain times when to fold.The advantage i have is huge. And really is sad and truly disturbing. I stopped playing for money. But when usa ban is lifted im goign to really hammer it to alot of people. I feel bad that this knowledge of how the sites cheat people can be used. Its a huge advantage to anyone undstands what these sites are doing.

But why play. IF you win to much They can attack you. In many many ways.

Stay offline. Less your so rich or so bored.

Spend soem tiem with your family.Get fit. Live. Learn the ways of god. Gambling and the false hope of riches brings. Can destroy and waste alot your life. Online poker is so corrupt in so many ways. Theres no hope for it. Only a sucker would things its legit. I for one know it isnt. Ask the 100 or more a night i put out. Using what i know.Whati know is far deeper and i can teach or show anyone how the sites rig it. On there own pc.
online poker Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:27 AM
I had no idea Captain Kirk was. Posting here. Nice. Find.
online poker Quote
11-30-2008 , 11:13 AM
t. l. d. r.
online poker Quote
11-30-2008 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I had no idea Captain Kirk was. Posting here. Nice. Find.
I had no idea the Capt. randomly capitalized letters. But that quality does ring familiar, as does the rest of the horrible spelling and grammar...
online poker Quote
11-30-2008 , 12:15 PM
This thread delivers
online poker Quote
11-30-2008 , 12:28 PM
Ape - check out this quote from your new BFF
Originally Posted by froggythe
Flushes at 60 percent. Please.Addiction has truly ravished some of you.
–verb (used with object)
1. to fill with strong emotion, esp. joy.
2. to seize and carry off by force.
3. to carry off (a woman) by force.
4. to rape (a woman).

I think this is the word he was looking for:
verb, -aged, -ag⋅ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to work havoc upon; damage or mar by ravages: a face ravaged by grief.
–verb (used without object)
2. to work havoc; do ruinous damage.
3. havoc; ruinous damage: the ravages of war.
4. devastating or destructive action.

It's actually funnier to me because I watched the movie Trixie again for the first time in years yesterday and it's basically the same gimmick.
online poker Quote
11-30-2008 , 01:30 PM
For the person who PMed me saying they agree with me and asking which patterns I've noticed and how to exploit them I want to make clear this was a repost of an immediately locked nvg thread and not mine.

Awesome Bobo. It turns from lol to sublime when you read it in Shatner-tone.
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11-30-2008 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by gaynomore
my screen name delivers

(btw, what cured ya?)
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