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Ongame Sngs Ongame Sngs

07-25-2008 , 05:41 AM
i started playing Sngs on stars 20+2 and up. I was a winning player then i switched to ongame because of the way better bonus system there instead of stars. Is it just a huge downswing or is ongame really harder to beat then stars?i keep loosing the hole time while clearing the bonus. at the end i lost more money then i got from the bonus :-( anyone has the same experiences?
Ongame Sngs Quote
07-25-2008 , 07:10 AM
were you able to identify any of the reasons why you were losing?
did you sharkscope the opponents?
did you feel like you were getting in good the majority of the time and your hands werent holding?
were you getting in bad, more often than you did on stars?
could it be because the strucutre is way different and you didnt make the adjustments?
do the opponents play a completely different style than the opponents you played on stars?
Ongame Sngs Quote
07-25-2008 , 07:46 AM
i dont know i often looses with the better hand AK vs A4 and the coin flips. I also often bubbles short of the money but i dont know it was really hard to win in an constant way. and thats so pitty cause its bonus structure for sngs is by far the best i seen sofar.
Ongame Sngs Quote
07-25-2008 , 08:10 AM
TBH, I found the Ongame SnGs the easiest I've ever come across, I only played them when tilting because I'm a LHE player but i was still a winner at the $50+ STTs with practically no prior experience.

This was around 7 months ago though so the games are likely tougher now.
Ongame Sngs Quote
07-25-2008 , 09:30 AM
Ive played ongame SNGs for a few years now, and ive seen them get so much tougher the last 8-10 months.
It used to be all fish, now theres 6-7 serious players per game.
I play the turbos, so the bubble comes around quickly, and you just donīt see the typical fishy mistakes there the way you used too.
Too many warsaw pact grinders have really killed the ongame SNGs.
Ongame Sngs Quote
07-25-2008 , 04:25 PM
also, ongame has proven they could care less about players colluding in their sngs. i found a ring of them a few months ago, notified them many times before they did anything. asked them to furthur investigate but they didnt. another member of the ring was found a few weeks later, simple investigating would have discovered this account weeks earlier.
Ongame Sngs Quote
07-25-2008 , 05:31 PM
hmm the only problem i got is that i played sometimes 6 sngs 4 went normaly 2 tables freezed completly i made screenshots everything sent it to ongame support with an detailed overview and the only answer i got is you got problems with your internet what is a bit strange cause 4 tables run normal and only 2 freezes at the same time.
Ongame Sngs Quote
