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The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.)

08-24-2007 , 02:06 PM

The amount was a little under $1,000. Hopefully this means it will only take 11 months or so to get my ATM card. Actually I've been pretty impressed with epass so far considering the hostile environment in which we participate.
Actually when I ordered my atm card earlier this summer, I recieved a week later.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-28-2007 , 07:05 PM
i'm on day 24 since my first request for a wire transfer + sending in my verification docs, currently 5 business days into the 7-10 day verification period

after 12 business days they finally got back to me regarding my docuemnts... to ask for more documents

at this point i'm pretty much enraged and feel trapped and held hostage by their incompetance and repeated requests

i seriously recommend everyone here do anything they can do avoid epassporte and at the very least never keep a high balance in your account

i sent in the addition info they wanted but i fully expect it to be lost the first 2-3 times i send it, then i will be asked again to give them 2 weeks to get around to looking at it

then maybe they will ask me for a DNA sample and maybe to send them a few hair follicles
35 days after sending in docs for the first time my acount is unblocked

at around 28 days cust service managers started feeling bad for me and i succeded in getting person emails and friendly results oriented service from them

the customer service peoples external emails go through so that is aparently the outsourced company

if you are having problems call during 2nd shift and ask for angie, she is by far the most helpful and i accomplished more in a combined 30 min with her than with the other 10 hours of riffraff i went through

the absolute key to getting through this is talking to supervisors making them verify receipt of your docs and forward them personally and getting an upgraded ticket

i'm now waiting for my wire transfer to be processed so, hopefully less than 2 more weeks
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-29-2007 , 05:47 PM
Just tried to use my epass card at a Wells Fargo atm. Got a "We're sorry but we can't complete this transaction at this time. Please contact your financial institution." Tried it at another Wells Fargo atm in town and got the same message. Went to a random non-chain bank and was able to complete the transaction.

Anyone else?

PS. I had just used the card at the first WF bank last Sunday and it was fine. I'm just wondering because of some of WF's actions regarding EP....
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-29-2007 , 07:24 PM
HEy I just got my ATM card. I am having a hard time understanding the site. IF I withdraw from an ATM my limit is 300 but i can make 5 of those a day? Is that correct?
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-30-2007 , 12:21 AM
Only one per day. You have to wait 24 hours from whenever you last withdrawal was made.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-30-2007 , 06:55 AM
As most people are aware, ePassporte's customer service is as bad as you'll experience anywhere.

Over a month ago, I requested an increase to my withdrawal limts.

(As has been mentioned immediately above, it is not currently a $300 ATM withdrawal limit per day, but rather per 24 HOURS. E.g. If you withdraw $300 at 7pm on a Monday, you won't be able to withdarw another $300 until 7pm on the Tuesday.)

Eventually, after I had followed up on my initial request which went unanswered, I was asked to send in docments to verify my account. This was despite the fact that I had already done this. (You have to do so once your balance reaching $5,000.)

I was asked why I wanted the increase(!) and was eventually sent several documents to fill in, sign, scan and e-mail back. After doing so, I again heard nothing. I followed up and then received an e-mail saying that they had not received my documents. After I detailed the documents, date/time/contents of e-mail, they sent another e-mail saying they had now located them.

I am STILL waiting to hear back. (I was informed it would take a further 7-10 business days.)

So, despite chasing them up and replying to their e-mails and requests immediately, if successful the whole process will have taken around 6 weeks!!

I intend to make the majority of future withdrawals from Full Tilt via a check.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-30-2007 , 07:34 AM
Just tried to use my epass card at a Wells Fargo atm. Got a "We're sorry but we can't complete this transaction at this time. Please contact your financial institution." Tried it at another Wells Fargo atm in town and got the same message. Went to a random non-chain bank and was able to complete the transaction.
I visited the US (from NZ) a couple of weeks ago and tried to use my normal bank card at a Wells Fargo atm and it gave me the same message. Other bank atm's worked fine. Maybe Wells Fargo are a little more picky about international cards?
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-30-2007 , 11:24 AM
Can someone help me find the Official PayTru Thread?
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-30-2007 , 01:14 PM
I withdrew $600 yesterday to my bank, which shows up as "Matched" now.

Today I logged in to withdraw another $600, and see the following line:

Virtual 29 Aug 2007 Bank Withdrawal $-600.00 $-600.00 No OS for Card

What the hell is "No OS for Card"? I did not submit another withdrawal because I don't know what this is, but my EPass acct. is now $600 short of what it was because of this.... has anyone received this? For those saying "call or contact EPass.." I've been on hold for 35 minutes and have sent them an email, just seeing if anyone in the forum has received this message before.

I've never had a problem submitting a withdrawal to bank account from EPassporte in the past.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-30-2007 , 04:16 PM
anyone have problems loading with commerece bank?
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
08-30-2007 , 09:26 PM

can i use the epass visa card without linking up a bank account?
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 01:23 AM
so dunno if anyone's sitll reading this.

i got my account set up. deposited. withdrew some money from a poker site.

now i want to use my virtual visa to buy a computer. this is obviously over the $500 transaction limit so i call epass to see if they'll up my limit for 1 transaction.

she says "no but i can put in a form to have your limit upped. how high do you need it?

i says "2k limit plz"

she says "normally you have to be a member for 4 months btu since you have plenty of money in your account i can put this through"
(i immeditately sent $4k to my account after opening it yesterday so i guess they liked that?) (staying below $5k limit for now)

this is all for the virtual visa. SO! does anyone have any experience with this? i asked if i needed to send in more info or extra forms or anything and she said no. she said this would take 7-10 business days.

i don't have any bank account besides my epassport account now, so it would be nice if this goes smoothly. it doesn't seem like anything with epassport will go smoothly but i don't know if i've heard of anyone going through this process so i thought i'd ask.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:57 AM
BTW it looks like my account is finally fixed. I sent my forms into to account verification the first time on 7/23 and my account was finally unlocked and limits increased on 9/5 , so a bit over a month with my money locked up.

Of course now I have a nice big daily transaction limit, but my single transaction limit is still $500 so I have to see about getting that up. WHEEEEEE
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 03:24 PM
For the last couple of days, when I've tried to load my account from my bank account, it's told me that it can't provide bank account transactions at this time.

Anyone know what's up with that? Anyone else having the same problem?
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 03:38 PM
For the last couple of days, when I've tried to load my account from my bank account, it's told me that it can't provide bank account transactions at this time.

Anyone know what's up with that? Anyone else having the same problem?
today i cant withdrawel to a bank account either...
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 05:59 PM
For the last two days the withdrawal won't work at Epassporte. Does anyone know if the bank wiring method of withdrawal is a way around the 300 dollars a day maximum? I know it costs 50 dollars but if it was a big enough amount it would be worth it.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 06:03 PM
If you mean the ATM card withdrawal method it worked for me yesterday around noon no problem.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 06:31 PM
I don't like the looks of this!
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 07:22 PM
Is it at all possible to get an epassporte account approved by paypal in order to use epassporte funds in paypal transactions?
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 07:34 PM
$500 ATM withdrawal worked for me today.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 08:09 PM
I don't like the looks of this!
While I wouldn't bet my life, my roll, or anything larger than a sandwich that everything is still hunky dory, it should be pointed out that these week long outages have been happening fairly often lately. Depending on what bank you have, you might be out of luck for as long as a week. My friend who uses a local credit union has reported that he can almost NEVER make bank withdrawls and when one goes through he's actually surprised.
It's really the ultimate YMMV situation. But just based on how many temporary technical difficulties they've had lately, 2-3 days of technical problems isn't really all that non-standard.

Still, fingers crossed, hope things get fixed tomorrow, otherwise a bunch of people are going to panic all weekend.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 08:27 PM
I was charged the $2 fee and I was really counting on this money for next week. That is why I don't like the looks of it. I hope everything is fine, but that also means I don't have money for next week!
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 09:12 PM
I was charged the $2 fee and I was really counting on this money for next week. That is why I don't like the looks of it. I hope everything is fine, but that also means I don't have money for next week!
sounds like you have a good grasp on money management in your life.
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-06-2007 , 11:29 PM
Withdrew from Epassporte to my bank on the 28th of august

Still has not hit my bank, i am starting to worry, put all my remaining money back into Pokerstars, but this withdrawal is scaring me
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
09-07-2007 , 10:42 AM
OK hit my account today, so all is well
The official EPASSPORTE thread. (#3 of 3.) Quote
