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***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011) ***Official Bodog Support Thread*** (11.22.2011)

11-30-2011 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Justin sorry about you losing your job in a few months when this site has no players left.
Thankfully I'm street smart.
11-30-2011 , 04:17 PM
i know this was suppose to make bodog better but if you look at the avr pot and prf % the tables are WAAAAAAAY tighter now
11-30-2011 , 04:18 PM
The software runs a lot smoother than it used to but adding a fourth table puts them in super slow mode for me. I restarted once and it's same problem it seems.

Also my auto post keeps turning off
11-30-2011 , 04:19 PM
Time for an organized mass sit out in protest? It would at least show them how much they will lose when the regs don't play.
11-30-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by caddymix024
please tell me that bodog corporate instructed you to regurgitate this crap and that you don't actually believe this is true. does bodog really think we are this stupid

it's 100000% a scheme to make fish last longer in order that they will make their way to the casino and bust there instead of to some reg who will nit it up and cash it out.

it's insanely simple.
I mean you may disagree with it but this, while far from perfect, is definitely closer to playing live than playing at a table filled with players using HUDs. Action wise, etc.

I've already stated that their goal has been, and will continue to be, to create an environment that all players are on an even playing field, including fish. As I said before, a fish who gets 10hrs of utility out of their $100 deposit is far more likely to deposit than a fish who gets 5hrs of utility out of that same $100. A fish who is more likely to redeposit over and over again is better for the room and better for winning players, even if you're pushing a smaller edge now without HUDs than you were before.

Do you disagree with this sentiment?
11-30-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
Its indisputably closer to live poker than playing with a HUD and a database of hundreds of thousands of hands no? Is it perfectly like live poker? No. Is it closer? Yes.
You can't compare this to POKER let alone live poker. It has to be given a brand new name.

They need to just say exactly what they are trying to do "GET RID OF ALL WINNING PLAYERS". That is without a doubt exactly what they are trying to do.
11-30-2011 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by oneonth3run
Time for an organized mass sit out in protest?
lets do it. in fact let me make sure that everyone is at the table and ready. oh wait. full tables still hidden AND I DON'T KNOW WHO THE **** PLAYERS 1-6 ARE!!!

logging onto bodog this morning and attempting to play seriously made me want to vomit
11-30-2011 , 04:23 PM
Justin is this to keep up hiden from the DOJ
11-30-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
XaQ the not being able to open up a new table if you close all of them down? Not ignoring, just sent over but didnt quote and respond.
No, I can't play a single hand because the buttons don't register in time. See my first message:

I would love to try this anon thing out for myself, but literally can't.

11-30-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
As I said before, a fish who gets 10hrs of utility out of their $100 deposit is far more likely to deposit than a fish who gets 5hrs of utility out of that same $100. A fish who is more likely to redeposit over and over again is better for the room and better for winning players, even if you're pushing a smaller edge now without HUDs than you were before.

Do you disagree with this sentiment?
I have sat at tables where a fish is felted 2-3 times when buying full and then reloads for some arbitrary amount i.e. $13.96 on a NL25 table (while everyone mocks them for playing like an idiot and using what is obviously their last 13 bucks to buy in again.. when they bust that they talk trash and then sit out for 5 minutes while they are clearly redepositing just to get back in on the action. fish gonna fish. I truly believe that the fish you guys make money (not the habitual sports bettors that play 100 hands a month) from are not detracted by regs taking their money. most are plenty happy to deposit right away again and attribute their losses to bad luck. It's unreal how true this holds at the table.
11-30-2011 , 04:26 PM
can BoDog readd the chat option to only see plyaer chat or game details?

*** after playing for a few hours, SW is great, anon features not so bad for those who dont rely on huds, tho it would be great to track your own session stats. Once the sounds effects, preferred seating bugs are fixed itll be good to go IMO
11-30-2011 , 04:26 PM
this is why pokerstars does beta testing
11-30-2011 , 04:26 PM
Have you lost your mind along with the bodog owners justin??? Close to real poker? You must have never been a winning poker player to think playing poker is about playing unknowns and randomly playing your cards. Are you kidding us right now? How bout finding a way to block huds instead of making it anonymous poker??? how bout at least letting us pick a name every tourney so those of us that dont want to be a number can still identify ourselves. Did you really know this was coming and not realize it would cause this uproar? If so you are the wrong guy to represent poker players. Apparently you have no idea of how the game is played. How did you even get involved with it? Make sure you answer back now with some cute jokes because thats what everyone wants to hear right now.
11-30-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by effrum
lets do it. in fact let me make sure that everyone is at the table and ready. oh wait. full tables still hidden AND I DON'T KNOW WHO THE **** PLAYERS 1-6 ARE!!!

logging onto bodog this morning and attempting to play seriously made me want to vomit

i already threw up about 5 times...i used to leave my bodog client open all its been closed for about 3 hrs....
11-30-2011 , 04:27 PM
Can't bet or fold, software is timing me out on 99% of hands. Several other players at my table seem to be having the same problem. Customer support tried to say it was my Internet connection. I'm cashing out.

Bodog, you suck.
11-30-2011 , 04:28 PM

Can this at least be my avatar when I'm in Seat 4?
11-30-2011 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by effrum
I have sat at tables where a fish is felted 2-3 times when buying full and then reloads for some arbitrary amount i.e. $13.96 on a NL25 table (while everyone mocks them for playing like an idiot and using what is obviously their last 13 bucks to buy in again.. when they bust that they talk trash and then sit out for 5 minutes while they are clearly redepositing just to get back in on the action. fish gonna fish. I truly believe that the fish you guys make money (not the habitual sports bettors that play 100 hands a month) from are not detracted by regs taking their money. most are plenty happy to deposit right away again and attribute their losses to bad luck. It's unreal how true this holds at the table.
Perhaps a few fish enjoy being berated and stacked, its not the majority of recreational players though, not by a long shot.
11-30-2011 , 04:33 PM
Isnt it obvious whats going on here guys? This situation is analgous to new recreational player trying to learn the game of holdem. Bodog is the recreational player but the game they are trying to learn is the poker room managment game. However, like most donks, there is a steep curve during the learning of the game. Obv bodog thinks they "get it" and have had a good "short run" run, post BF, and now they consider their game plan and logic "pro" and ground breaking.

And we know where that gets most recreational players ... broke.

Instead of emulating a "pro" poker room managment (ie pokerstars) they beleive honestly that this is the correct line to take. In buisness, in order to get ahead one must either take risks, inevitably leading to some success, or failure, or follow a sustainable buisness model, and plan for the future. Obv bodog knows better than the laws of buisness, so gl to them.

Im not surprised that a company that deals mainly in sports betting and casino, would take this line with poker. In the end they want poker to be like a casino table game, which we all know is probably way more profitable in live casinos than the poker rooms.

So untill we can play real poker and not BOker, this is not a poker site for grinders, but more of a gimick site.. =(. I for one am glad I wont be losing my poker profits to bodogs awsome sports book.
11-30-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
how bout at least letting us pick a name every tourney so those of us that dont want to be a number can still identify ourselves. Did you really know this was coming and not realize it would cause this uproar? If so you are the wrong guy to represent poker players. Apparently you have no idea of how the game is played. How did you even get involved with it? Make sure you answer back now with some cute jokes because thats what everyone wants to hear right now.
This brings up something for Tournaments. When you begin a tournament you're given a player # and you keep that number through the entire MTT.

I knew the reaction on 2p2 would be something similar to what it has been. My last name isn't Bodog, I don't make the final decisions there, I am a consultant to them. I let my feelings on this, which to be honest, aren't even that negative since it will allow people to get action and eliminates bum hunting all together which, gasp, might make people actually play others instead of waiting for a handout. I do, however, agree that some tweaks and changes need to be made to get it to a point where it needs to eventually be.

I had been known at one point in my life to be decent at poker. Oh that twas a grand old time.
11-30-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by AnimalWarrior
Is this a joke with no player names? I hope to god this is temporary or I'm done with Bodog.
11-30-2011 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by XaQ Morphy
No, I can't play a single hand because the buttons don't register in time. See my first message:

I would love to try this anon thing out for myself, but literally can't.

Sorry didn't see it the first time. I've forwarded it to them. Have you called CS?
11-30-2011 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
Sorry didn't see it the first time. I've forwarded it to them. Have you called CS?
No, to be honest I don't have the patience or the time today to sit on the phone and get the standard "it's your internet connection" and "have you cleared your cache" type answers that support is famous for. Would be happy to discuss over email since I have a fun filled afternoon of conference calls, but don't have the time to call them.

11-30-2011 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
I mean you may disagree with it but this, while far from perfect, is definitely closer to playing live than playing at a table filled with players using HUDs. Action wise, etc.

I've already stated that their goal has been, and will continue to be, to create an environment that all players are on an even playing field, including fish. As I said before, a fish who gets 10hrs of utility out of their $100 deposit is far more likely to deposit than a fish who gets 5hrs of utility out of that same $100. A fish who is more likely to redeposit over and over again is better for the room and better for winning players, even if you're pushing a smaller edge now without HUDs than you were before.

Do you disagree with this sentiment?
as a player who played nearly 80k hands of HUDLESS poker on bodog while i had the option to use it - all i had to do was click one button and it would be up and running - just in november (yea serious no HUD, ever.) - no i completely disagree. if i felt i personally would gain an edge obviously i would have clicked that button, but there are a myriad of factors that are far more important than his pf vpip, such as the situations he's doing it in, which a fish will never understand w/o experience. how does bodog intend to level this playing field, because that's a real advantage. people that have seen me play can attest that HUD is never on. the edge gained/lost for me or players like me has zero to do with HUD. but it does irritate the piss out of me that i can't stroke it to my graph after good sessions.

i don't think there is any diff between getting 5hrs and getting 10hrs of play from the fish's $100. the difference comes more at points like 1hr vs 10hrs, but even then the fish knows it's a sunk cost from the beginning in the back of his mind, and likely knows roughly when his next deposit will be.

so no, i completely refute your/bodog's take on this and it's simply irritating that i can't work on my game b/c i can no longer review my hands easily. would all these stupid fish be complaining if everyone were writing out HH's on paper then tabulating those numbers? people, especially people that run companies, can't/shouldn't be this naive.

essentially a fish will never be on an equal playing field with a good player. ever. HUD's are just a crutch. like heaven. you are buried in the ground folks. it's pretty simple. but it isn't romantic so let's get rid of HUD's and watch while the fish still lose at almost identical rates afterwards. if you want to level the playing field, the fish are going to have to put in some serious work on their game, and realize that crying wolf isn't going to progress them.

Last edited by caddymix024; 11-30-2011 at 04:54 PM. Reason: forgot what point of this post was, rambling
11-30-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by JustinR.
I mean you may disagree with it but this, while far from perfect, is definitely closer to playing live than playing at a table filled with players using HUDs. Action wise, etc.

I've already stated that their goal has been, and will continue to be, to create an environment that all players are on an even playing field, including fish. As I said before, a fish who gets 10hrs of utility out of their $100 deposit is far more likely to deposit than a fish who gets 5hrs of utility out of that same $100. A fish who is more likely to redeposit over and over again is better for the room and better for winning players, even if you're pushing a smaller edge now without HUDs than you were before.

Do you disagree with this sentiment?
Your delusional. There's no way you actually think these things.
11-30-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by caddymix024
as a player who played nearly 80k hands of HUDLESS poker on bodog while i had the option to use it - all i had to do was click one button and it would be up and running - just in november (yea serious no HUD, ever.) - no i completely disagree. if i felt i personally would gain an edge obviously i would have clicked that button, but there are a myriad of factors that are far more important than his pf vpip, such as the situations he's doing it in, which a fish will never understand w/o experience. how does bodog intend to level this playing field, because that's a real advantage. people that have seen me play can attest that HUD is never on. the edge gained/lost for me or players like me has zero to do with HUD. but it does irritate the piss out of me that i can't stroke it to my graph after good sessions.

i don't there is any diff between getting 5hrs and getting 10hrs of play from the fish's $100. the difference comes more at points like 1hr vs 10hrs, but even then the fish knows it's a sunk cost from the beginning in the back of his mind, and likely knows roughly when his next deposit will be.

so no, i completely refute your/bodog's take on this and it's simply irritating that i can't work on my game b/c i can no longer review my hands easily. i guess i will start writing them out with pencil/paper, do you feel this will also be outlawed by bodog??
As I said before you can still see your own hands if PT updates to match the HH map. Basically you'd add 9 aliases to your screen name, "Player 1 (ME)" through "Player 9 (ME)" and that would pull your hands out.
