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***OFFICIAL BlackChipPoker Thread*** (or see WPN sub-forum above) ***OFFICIAL BlackChipPoker Thread*** (or see WPN sub-forum above)

11-09-2012 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Paul Valente
Hello BBB. I'm planning on depositing onto Merge, and I think BCP is the way to go, but I have a few questions:
- It looks like WU is the prefered method of deposit for American players. Is it the only method available?
- Does BCP cover any of the fees associated with withdraws?
- Roughly at what rake/month does it become better to be on VIP program instead of RB?
- Am I better off starting on RB until I reach that level, or will I be able to redeem points at the higher rate once/if I reach that level?
- Do VIP players clear bonuses faster than RB players? (deposit bonuses, etc)
- What is the 10% boost? Can it be used in conjunction with a first-time deposit bonus?

Thanks in advance.
I can answer a few of your questions until the BCP rep chimes in.

Currently, WU is the only method available for US players to deposit. That is how I made my deposit and my funds were in my account after about 20 minutes of verifying the transaction. Very simple.

The VIP programs works in tiers, ex. 8 high J high A high. Email and say you want to enroll in the RB instead of VIP. Rakeback pays better than VIP UNTIL you reach Q high VIP. Then switch back to the VIP program. I've done the math and this is the best way.

The 10% boost is a 10% addition to whatever you deposit and is in your account instantly, however, you have to clear 100 VIP points to release the funds.

Hope this helps, GL.
11-09-2012 , 12:22 PM
Just hitting week 8 of my check "pending approval." Have given BCP $10k in rake this yr. Thanks BCP.

James (Shniggle)
11-09-2012 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Paul Valente
Hello BBB. I'm planning on depositing onto Merge, and I think BCP is the way to go, but I have a few questions:
- It looks like WU is the prefered method of deposit for American players. Is it the only method available?
- Does BCP cover any of the fees associated with withdraws?
- Roughly at what rake/month does it become better to be on VIP program instead of RB?
- Am I better off starting on RB until I reach that level, or will I be able to redeem points at the higher rate once/if I reach that level?
- Do VIP players clear bonuses faster than RB players? (deposit bonuses, etc)
- What is the 10% boost? Can it be used in conjunction with a first-time deposit bonus?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Paul. (Thanks for the help MeltingNe0 )

Everything MeltingNe0 said, is correct, we will also refund the WU deposit fee, as a bonus, once per month providing your deposit is $200 or greater, up to $15. Please email your WU receipt to vip@... and ask for the WU fee bonus. Thanks, hope to welcome you to BlackChip soon, Paul.
11-09-2012 , 07:36 PM
Does BlackChip refund any fees regarding withdrawals, checks, WU etc?
11-09-2012 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Steel Wheel
Does BlackChip refund any fees regarding withdrawals, checks, WU etc?
Yes, once per month, as a bonus into your BCP account, once the withdrawal has been processed. Just email vip@... to claim.
11-09-2012 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by BlackChipRep
Yes, once per month, as a bonus into your BCP account, once the withdrawal has been processed. Just email vip@... to claim.
Cool, TY.
11-09-2012 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by BlackChipRep
About two months ago Merge changed the rule to six months.
Just to be clear on this if I want to create an account on BCP and I have played on another Merge skin within let's say the past month I have to wait 6 months to get rakeback on BCP but I can get VIP, which includes exchanging VIP points for cash, right away on BCP?

Thanks for your help.
11-10-2012 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by tinageorge
Just to be clear on this if I want to create an account on BCP and I have played on another Merge skin within let's say the past month I have to wait 6 months to get rakeback on BCP but I can get VIP, which includes exchanging VIP points for cash, right away on BCP?

Thanks for your help.
Assuming you had rakeback on the other skin, that's correct. If you didn't have rakeback on the other skin you may be able to have RB on BCP from the start. If not you can still play at BCP and you will be enrolled in the VIP program.
11-10-2012 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by BlackChipRep
Assuming you had rakeback on the other skin, that's correct. If you didn't have rakeback on the other skin you may be able to have RB on BCP from the start. If not you can still play at BCP and you will be enrolled in the VIP program.
Thank you very much for getting back to me so quickly!
11-10-2012 , 02:41 PM
Are you sure the wait is 6 months? I've always heard that it was 60 days.
11-10-2012 , 04:05 PM
BCP rep,

What just happened to the 100k satellite that runs on Saturdays? I was registered and as the tournament was about to go off, I get a message that says "not enough players, funds have been returned."

What happened? When i registered 2 hours ago there were 600 plus people, and I didn't have anything invested anyways so what funds were refunded? Merge seems to be having some serious problems lately. Pretty sick beat for people who planned their schedule around this satellite for them to not get anything out of it.
11-10-2012 , 04:07 PM
Yah i'm with tarheels. How do you not have enough players to run a freeroll?

That's kind of lol. Is it going to run at 1pm by chance?
11-10-2012 , 04:09 PM
The min players was 1000, 825 registered. Min players should have been lower imo.
11-10-2012 , 04:10 PM
Looking at next weeks freeroll it says it needs a minimum of 1000 players. O.o I feel slightly ripped off.

Has it always been that way or is there a good reason for it?
11-10-2012 , 04:12 PM
BCP Lowers it's guarantees, again, this time with significant cuts to the big Sunday tournaments.....

Why BCP? Why!!!!!!!!!!!
11-10-2012 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by MarcusMPG
BCP Lowers it's guarantees, again, this time with significant cuts to the big Sunday tournaments.....

Why BCP? Why!!!!!!!!!!!
First off it's not BCP, it's merge. Can we ever get that correct? How many times do I or someone else need to explain that IT IS NOT BCP, IT IS MERGE that is in charge of the guarantees.

Second, it probably has something to do with, oh I dunno, them not meeting the guarantees and losing hundreds of thousands of dollars on overlay? Just a thought.
11-10-2012 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by **********
First off it's not BCP, it's merge. Can we ever get that correct? How many times do I or someone else need to explain that IT IS NOT BCP, IT IS MERGE that is in charge of the guarantees.

Second, it probably has something to do with, oh I dunno, them not meeting the guarantees and losing hundreds of thousands of dollars on overlay? Just a thought.
Disco is spot on. I'm trying to get an answer now from merge if they are going to re-run the freeroll at a different time. If/When I've heard back I'll post.
11-10-2012 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Veteran68
It's all well and good to "hold businesses accountable" and "vote with your wallet" and all that, but that assumes a traditional above-board market. It all goes out the window in a gray/black market situation, which is what US online poker is. It's pretty ludicrous to assume the same standard of service, especially in light of BF.

I've written a rather lengthy explanation of how poker cashouts can be delayed, why they're processed in batches, etc. which I won't post here as it's largely off-topic for the thread, but in a nutshell there are a number of different steps and handoffs involved in a US poker cashout process, many between understaffed and antiquated batch-oriented systems, a very limited selection of either shady and/or offshore processors and the contractual requirements of each (account balances, minimum volumes, etc.), plus the security verifications involved and the amount of fraud and attempted fraud they must deal with every day. Every step in the process often requires a minimum of days, and by the time it's done you've often stretched into weeks and months. With even slight variations in payout volumes causing non-linear variations in those delays.

Poker players, especially US players, really need to wake up and realized the difficulties of processing US cashouts in the current environment. No poker site is writing you a check from their "player funds" checking account. The money is moving through a number of hands before the check actually gets cut. While I certainly believe that some online poker sites could "do better," so much of it is out of their hands as to make it really unfair -- and frankly, ignorant -- to be holding them as responsible for their level of service as you would your corner grocery store or The situation in the US is what it is until something changes, so US players either need to suck it up and accept it, organize to influence the necessary changes in the government, or just STFU and take up another hobby.
Great post BTW. I hope this gets more attention and people read and understand this.
11-10-2012 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by spire8989
The min players was 1000, 825 registered. Min players should have been lower imo.
Merge can't be ****ing serious right now. This is such a joke. If they are in touch with their site, even just a little bit especially with a satellite where they "give away" 11k in buy ins, then they would know that it rarely starts with 1k players at the beginning.

By the end of late reg, sure it could easily have 1200 or more players, but considering late reg is 55 minutes this is so ridiculous. It definitely has not always been that way, must be new within the last week or two. Must have been a part of that stupid ass site maintenance they did the other night. God I hate the government. Merge wouldn't even be relevant if we didn't have such dumb asses in Congress.
11-10-2012 , 04:20 PM
It looks like its been rescheduled for 12:30 if I'm seeing this right. The new min players is just 100. The 1000 min players might have been a mistake.
11-10-2012 , 04:25 PM
Yeah, it was rescheduled ^_^
11-10-2012 , 05:05 PM
I should have said 12:30 Pacific Time. There's a 55 minute late registration.
11-11-2012 , 09:49 AM
How long should I expect to wait for a max Skrill cashout? Anyone have a rough timeframe?
11-11-2012 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by jonnyman34
How long should I expect to wait for a max Skrill cashout? Anyone have a rough timeframe?
I'm on day 9 or 10 of processing. This is an instant withdrawal method on any REPUTABLE site. Sad.
11-11-2012 , 05:08 PM
With regards to switching Merge skins and re-initiating RB;

If we already have an established RB account on one skin; can we take a break, be inactive for 6 months, then make a new account on a new skin and instantly be qualified to receive RB?

Or do would we need to make a new account before taking a break?
