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*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** *** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat ***

11-28-2012 , 12:37 AM
Thinking about doing the insane and going for sne with 520k. Would 24 table mid stakes PLO for the rest of the year. What do u guys think?
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-28-2012 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by dankness3
Thinking about doing the insane and going for sne with 520k. Would 24 table mid stakes PLO for the rest of the year. What do u guys think?
I think - good luck with that
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by dankness3
Thinking about doing the insane and going for sne with 520k. Would 24 table mid stakes PLO for the rest of the year. What do u guys think?
you crazy man
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-28-2012 , 02:19 AM
do the **** out of it!
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-28-2012 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by anguila
Just finished my grind! 3rd time SNE :-)! Now it's time to rest and prepare for next year ;-)!
Congrats man! Still 80K to go here.
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-28-2012 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by dankness3
Thinking about doing the insane and going for sne with 520k. Would 24 table mid stakes PLO for the rest of the year. What do u guys think?
Please, do it. We need heroes like you
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-28-2012 , 06:54 AM
Anyone ever won a wsop event and reached elite in same year before?
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-28-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by anguila
Just finished my grind! 3rd time SNE :-)! Now it's time to rest and prepare for next year ;-)!
Congrats bro. Enjoy that time off and rest up, next year will only be tougher!
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-29-2012 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Mexican_Natis
Anyone ever won a wsop event and reached elite in same year before?
They would have to have gotten elite before june! I think if someone wins a wsop event in June they would pack in the elite grind!
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-29-2012 , 07:36 AM
Congratulations to all of those who have completed their yearly goals!

If you haven't already heard, we are announcing 2013 changes live from Amsterdam this Saturday. A webcast of the announcement (which includes a few sneak peaks) will be broadcast live starting at 18:30 CET. Watch the announcement on our website at (EU link). A summary and replay will be posted sometime after the broadcast.

The Top 50 Yearly VPP totals are available here (

93 players have earned over 1,000,000 VPPs in 2012.
174 players are on pace.

2,851,243 jorj95
2,059,479 shabalinvlad
1,789,627 1Bunn
1,716,990 ffguitarguy
1,619,990 MouldyOnions
1,465,924 Berndsen12
1,341,530 $indabank111
1,333,625 ocropTi
1,292,640 king10clubs
1,269,082 L0ve2playU
1,253,012 tonkaaaa
1,250,003 AironVega
1,212,870 Odd_Oddsen
1,199,137 spacegravy
1,189,031 B3RTstare
1,153,944 River Prayer
1,092,661 pistons87
1,050,347 willyBeer22
1,048,740 SantaZzz
1,042,109 Mayo the Don
1,038,266 mysterio6044
1,009,600 Xereles
1,008,182 Buzzer1404
1,006,023 acoimbra
1,005,183 showtime
1,000,095 poker_in_pb
1,000,011 anguila
1,000,002 Tpirahna
998,992 ivanildo
988,319 mahtipeluri
986,153 YaDaDaMeeN21
977,126 TopKat5757
955,872 slavistas
954,175 Raventhon
941,509 Duckslayer2k
936,634 badblood1
927,415 Bruut99
926,894 nanonoko
921,244 wpr101
919,772 MOCA CHOCA89
919,484 sly caveat
910,820 ment52

---PACE--- 910,519

909,088 jamesgav19
904,841 horvyjoe
903,973 Jackal69
899,438 live@pompeii
893,386 Quadchrazs
888,517 dombomain33
888,047 ShandeC
885,051 innerpsy
883,628 JayC170
871,911 Sbyla
864,346 fricirics
848,796 slayerv1fan
843,680 JazzyFek3000
819,374 Pokerger1337
800,750 ToDaFelt
791,948 Thrash370
772,360 THEDUTCH4141
767,863 GodlikeRoy
764,492 natisfinest
759,223 house_advntg
756,382 Sooo Tilted
734,069 knifefish8
727,495 _salaz4r_
708,800 xxXFITEXxx
694,092 darinvg
693,635 MissOracle
684,637 oscarleon
644,588 TenerifeBel
643,291 Octavian_C
625,256 k345
620,103 2w392y41ur
612,176 Brokerface
564,234 PedroKL
561,045 dealer666
537,347 neomorf
534,251 azntracker
533,896 Greg890
531,632 daddyrnac
531,508 JoeIngram1
528,269 pappadogg
526,725 AndrewBoccia
518,019 eppy12588

Please email to have your screen name added to the list.

Best wishes to those still grinding!
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-29-2012 , 02:27 PM
Is a similar (although much shorter) list (and stats) available somewhere for
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-29-2012 , 02:56 PM
I figured I would post this here, as my 2013 decision on wether to go for SNE or not will be effected by how I answer this pokerstars e-mail. I just relocated to Canada and these are my options for having my Supernova VPP status back...Which makes more sense?

I got this e-mail from pokerstars about retaining my supernova VIP status as I just relocated to Canada. I am slightly confused about what option makes more sense to do.

Hello Adam,

Before I upgrade your account to Supernova VIP, pleae note if you
agree to the below, you will be able to keep your Supernova VIP
status and annual 2011 VPP count you had on April 15th, in 2013.
Please note that the VPPs you earn in 2012 will not be carried
over into 2013.

a) On Jan 1st 2013 your VPP count will revert to your April 15th
2011 total.

b) You will NOT be eligible for any Stellar Rewards or Milestone
Cash Credits in 2012;

c) On Jan 1 2013 your VPP count will be carried over and you will
be eligible for the NEXT VIP Stellar or Milestone Cash Credit
including any balance of a milestone that you may have received
partial credit for. You will not be able to earn the 2013
equivalents of any VPP bonuses already earned by you in 2011.

d) You will have 5.5 months at Supernova from the date you start
playing in 2012, provided you earn the required 6500 monthly VPPs.

Please confirm if you agree to the above terms. If you dont
agree, the other option for you is to just have your Supernova
VIP status for 5.5, provided you earn 6500 monthly VPPs, and your
yearly VPP count will reset to 0 at the end of the year.


PokerStars VIP Team

Basically, in either scenario, whatever I do in December has zero baring on what will happen to my account when January starts. I can either start January with 0 VPPs like everyone else or start January with whatever I had on April 15th 2011. (this doesn't even make sense though, did pokerstars give you the option to go to a rolling 1 yr timeframe for VPP accumulation instead of using the calendar?)
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-29-2012 , 09:26 PM
They are just compensating you for getting screwed by black friday. Whatever VPPs you had on black friday, you will have reinstated when you get your account turned back on in your new country. I suppose that since you are relocating so late in the year, they are waiting until January to reinstate your VPPs, since VPPs reset to 0 on Jan 1st.

Example: I had 750K VPPs on black friday. I relocated in November 2011 and just picked up where I left off and got 1 million by 12/31/2011. If I had waited until Janurary to relocate I would have had the whole year to get 250K VPPs.

If you are going for SNE, then I don't see a downside to getting your VPPs reinstated from black Friday.
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-30-2012 , 06:08 AM
Gl everyone, 307K more for me, hoping to be done by Christmas!
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-30-2012 , 07:07 PM
what games u playin in to make 30k vpp a day claydol?
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-30-2012 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mexican_Natis
what games u playin in to make 30k vpp a day claydol?
307k left for 24 days is only about 13k/day
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
11-30-2012 , 10:25 PM
100-200 hypers, maybe a few 30-60s. Getting maybe 2k an hour
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
100-200 hypers, maybe a few 30-60s. Getting maybe 2k an hour
HU / 6m / FR ?
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 02:47 AM

147k to go, glglgl everyone this month!

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 12-01-2012 at 02:47 AM. Reason: srry for answering claydol, just was going to post itt anyway
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 02:51 AM
pretty impressive compared to cash games vpp rates.
Are you guys actually up before rakeback playing like that?
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 02:59 AM
npnp, would be a really lame person if i actually cared that you answered hahaha

good regs can be (very slightly anyway) but it's not the end of the world if you lose slightly or break-even pre rb with so much rake/hr and sne.

but hypers are dead, all regs. not worth playing. lol
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 03:00 AM
most guys are losing pre rb at 100s-200s in the long run, the games are very reggy, esp at this time of the yr with a lot more regs willingly being the 6th reg in every lobby
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 03:10 AM
You can wait to cash everything in until the last day of the year if you want, correct?

i.e. all the milestone rewards/ and FPP cash bonuses?

If that's possible that's the route I am going to take. Would be sick to just cash everything in for ~$122,000 at the end of the yr. (Assuming 1.25M VPP)
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 03:21 AM
Yeah, if you check you can still buy 2011 rewards.
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
12-01-2012 , 03:26 PM
any1 know if there are any changes for 2013 SNE?

today there was the meeting in amsterdam where it should have been pronounced!
*** Official 2012 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat *** Quote
