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Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming.

01-15-2009 , 02:54 AM
We're only 28 votes from 9th. If you've not yet, please take a moment to upvote this one. Thanks.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 03:10 AM
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 05:54 AM
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 06:58 AM
Posting link on new page: http://citizensbriefingbook.change.g...87800000004m5M

At 27780 atm
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 07:18 AM
I don't know if I'm more impressed with the 773 comments or disappointed that we only have 2788 votes so far...
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by BooNaNy
I don't know if I'm more impressed with the 773 comments or disappointed that we only have 2788 votes so far...
Thats 2788 more votes then people voting the other way.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 07:48 AM
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 08:02 AM
do they let you vote 2x from same IP address w/ different email addresses?
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by GT30
do they let you vote 2x from same IP address w/ different email addresses?
My understanding is there is a delay of about an hour to help prevent cheating.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 08:44 AM
Only 100 votes from first!
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 08:45 AM
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 09:35 AM
Morning update:

We've moved into 9th place, and legalizing MJ moved into first. We need a net+ of another 125 up votes to move into 8th place.

Top 10 here:
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 09:49 AM
got my vote. again.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by GT30
do they let you vote 2x from same IP address w/ different email addresses?
Cheating seems to be a bad idea here. Imagine the press getting ahold of that. Poker is the most voted upon issue but all these poker players are using multiable accounts to take advantage of the system. Lets just get the word out and try to do this fairly. Get your friends and family to help us out!!
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by GT30
do they let you vote 2x from same IP address w/ different email addresses?
If say you AND your brother wanted to vote, but you don't have time to wait that hour, you could try a proxy site.

EDIT: lol, I'm 12 tabling
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:14 AM
Really...some of the idiocy in this thread boggles my mind.

Some of you should stop and think about what degenerates you are being. Stop voting down issues that are far more important than online poker on a whim without even considering them, just for the sake of making it look like people care about poker. (EG "voted for pokerz obv but also voted down every other issuez.. every1 do the same!!1!! it will make us look so popularZ!")

And blatantly obvious cheating / multiple voting is unnecessary and will only hurt. This is obviously not a vote of any real (read: legislative) significance, so stop treating it as more than an opportunity to put online poker on the same plane as other pressing issues. This idea that "beating the competition to 1st place" is going to solve something - propagated by pathetically stupid and politically ******ed degens - is really built on nothing.

I mean really? Insta-voting down initiatives to stop using federal taxes to raid medical dispensaries / commit to green energy / close torture facilities, among other vastly important issues...and so many of you are voting them down, to what ends?

So pokerz lookz good?

This is pathetic.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:15 AM
We are only 300 votes away to become top 3, we can easily do that, cmon guys start voting! Spread the word.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:19 AM
some of them issues NEEDED voting DOWN. especially the dumb idea of legalizing drugs, and all the blame israel pro - palestinian threads, and wasting millions of dollars of radical enviromental BS. but yeah i did vote for a few other things besides poker. not many.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by ak7062
Really...some of the idiocy in this thread boggles my mind.

Some of you should stop and think about what degenerates you are being. Stop voting down issues that are far more important than online poker on a whim without even considering them, just for the sake of making it look like people care about poker. (EG "voted for pokerz obv but also voted down every other issuez.. every1 do the same!!1!! it will make us look so popularZ!")

And blatantly obvious cheating / multiple voting is unnecessary and will only hurt. This is obviously not a vote of any real (read: legislative) significance, so stop treating it as more than an opportunity to put online poker on the same plane as other pressing issues. This idea that "beating the competition to 1st place" is going to solve something - propagated by pathetically stupid and politically ******ed degens - is really built on nothing.

I mean really? Insta-voting down initiatives to stop using federal taxes to raid medical dispensaries / commit to green energy / close torture facilities, among other vastly important issues...and so many of you are voting them down, to what ends?

So pokerz lookz good?

This is pathetic.
Stop judging people just because they don't agree with you. I think everyone here has had enough of your input tbh.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by chubber8
If say you AND your brother wanted to vote, but you don't have time to wait that hour, you could try a proxy site.

EDIT: lol, I'm 12 tabling
yea, me and my roomates all want to vote!
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by ak7062
I mean really? Insta-voting down initiatives to stop using federal taxes to raid medical dispensaries / commit to green energy / close torture facilities, among other vastly important issues...and so many of you are voting them down, to what ends?
So you are a tree-hugging stoner that has three strikes who enjoys fast trains I presume? GTFOOH!!!!
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:38 AM
He is right.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by sevencard2003
some of them issues NEEDED voting DOWN. especially the dumb idea of legalizing drugs, and all the blame israel pro - palestinian threads, and wasting millions of dollars of radical enviromental BS. but yeah i did vote for a few other things besides poker. not many.
Same thing could be said about legalizing pot as for legalizing poker. I do it in my own home during my leisure time. I don't hurt anyone, and it's a favourite pastime of millions of people. Also, people sell it anyways despite it's illegality. Legalize it, and reap the benefits of pot farmers/dealers paying income tax on it. Also pot would be kept out of the hands of minors a lot more easily. I know when I was 16 it was super easy to get weed, but much more difficult to get beer or cigs.

I voted up on legalizing weed and poker. Down on the dumb expensive trains. No vote on anything else.

Sorry for continuing the derail. Back to the issue at hand, pokerz!
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Roon
Cheating seems to be a bad idea here. Imagine the press getting ahold of that. Poker is the most voted upon issue but all these poker players are using multiable accounts to take advantage of the system. Lets just get the word out and try to do this fairly. Get your friends and family to help us out!!
Yes, people should just vote up issues they care about and vote down issues they disagree with, but not for the unrealistic reason you state.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
01-15-2009 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by TheEngineer
Nice job so far. We have over 23,000 points, keeping us in the top 10.

The article I submitted to digg, at, has 90 diggs. If this gets a few more, it will hit the front page and generate a lot more support. So, if you've not yet, please digg it.
The Digg submission is at the top of their Political News upcoming section, with 165 diggs. However, it has only five comments. If you get a chance, please add a comment and some "thumbs ups" to the other comments, as the digg algorithm counts comments as well as diggs. Thanks.

If it hits the front page of Digg, we should see a lot of votes for our question.
Obama admin invites online poker players to discuss online gaming. Quote
