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New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread

05-09-2015 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by randomuser1

How do I contact Full support?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-16-2015 , 01:35 AM

I've got a bonus offer that "clears at a rate of $1 for every 25 Full Tilt Points earned". If I play during happy hours will this clear twice as fast?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-16-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by FoldEqu1ty

I've got a bonus offer that "clears at a rate of $1 for every 25 Full Tilt Points earned". If I play during happy hours will this clear twice as fast?
Would have to see the email but very doubtful.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-17-2015 , 02:37 AM
Yeah it appears that it does not.

Does Happy hours increase your edge payments? (So from say 25% to 50% rb from edge payment as edge diamond on a happy hour table). Or does it only increase your points which you can use to buy bonuses etc which is only worth ~5% rb.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-17-2015 , 08:19 AM
They only increase your points, not the Edge payment.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-20-2015 , 09:45 AM

Is it possible to have Full Tilt account currency as Euro ?

If not. Can I make a deposit to Poker Stars EURO account and transfer it to Fulltilt USD account. And when I want to withdraw I move from FTP to PS and withdraw Euros ? If this is possible is it the best way to act if you have Skrill account currency Euro ?

Edit. Another question. How does the HU lobby work ? Is it one table visible per one player just like at Party Poker ?


Last edited by Russki_Standart; 05-20-2015 at 09:59 AM.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-29-2015 , 10:23 PM
hey FTP,
don`t be surprised if games are dying over the next 1-2 years when you make so much trouble for players who just want to cash out their money.
There are dozens of reviews over at pokerscout in which recreational players complain about having to send pictures with ID holding next to their face... i mean WTF is going on these days? These people will never deposit again thanks to these procedures.

Also, why are the deposit limits so ****ing low? no wonder there is no weak players buying in full at 200nl+ because it is simply impossible to get 1k+ on to the site...
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-30-2015 , 01:21 PM
casino chip store is broken. what gives?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
05-31-2015 , 02:11 PM
I am in the USA. Just wondering if there is anything I can do with my full tilt points?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
06-06-2015 , 12:20 AM
@shyam, can we get an update on the 5max situation? what are your numbers saying? any chance of a switch back soon?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 08:33 AM
does anyone have problems with custom layouts (for tables) since last updade ?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by VitoT
does anyone have problems with custom layouts (for tables) since last updade ?
Yeah tables open centered on the wrong screen.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by KingOfSwings
Yeah tables open centered on the wrong screen.
Yep, exact same thing for me.

Can you email their support as well and address the issue ?

They are asking me about my system and stuff, refusing to realize the problem is on their side with the software itself. Started after last update.

Last edited by VitoT; 06-10-2015 at 12:09 PM.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
06-10-2015 , 12:31 PM
I've been having trouble with layouts since I got switched to .uk. But now it is worse, as you all mention.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 03:41 AM
Hi all,

Our first round of big changes is out today, and I wanted to give some additional details about those changes that might not be fully covered in the just posted blog entry from Dominic.

Today's changes are all about ring games. Specifically, how players find and join ring game tables has been totally revamped. You will no longer see individual ring game tables in the lobby, but rather it will now look more like Rush where you see a table name in the lobby, but each name represents potentially lots of individual tables. When you join that game and buy in, we find a table for you.

The good news for everyone is that it should now be a much cleaner looking lobby, and it should be easier for players less experienced with the lobby to find and join games.

The bad news for some (but good news for most) is that there is no longer table and seat selection in ring games.

The main idea here was to take as much of the "work" out of starting tables and keeping them running as possible. In detail:
  • We start tables as soon as enough people that can't currently be seated (either because there are no running tables, or all running tables are full) have bought into the game and are waiting to start playing. This generally means that nobody will have to start a table heads-up. Most games will only start running when we have 3 or 4 players. It's worth noting that there isn't any kind of segregation going on. All players have a fair chance of sitting with any other player(s).
  • If you don't like your table, you can request to be moved. There's a new checkbox on the table called (suprisingly enough) "Request Move." When you check it, your interest in moving will be noted, and as soon as there's an available seat to move you to, you'll get moved. This means it may not happen immediately (or at all, when there are no other tables running).
  • As people come and go and tables start getting short handed, we will actively merge tables together when possible to keep as many players playing at full tables as we can. This should keep games going longer, and be more fun for the majority of players who don't like playing short handed.
There are some pretty obvious ways people will try to "game" this new system (read: continue to try to table select). We have a few ways we prevent this:
  • There is a table max of 6 per game (just like each Rush stake has a max of 4).
  • Every time you enter a specific ring game, a 30 minute timer gets created and starts ticking down. You can only have so many active timers per game, and when you hit that max you can't enter that ring game again until one of those timers clears. This will prevent players from joining and leaving their tables over and over again hoping to table select.
  • There is very little ratholing possible. There is now a 2 hour rathole timer, and it works across the entire game/stake level. So if you buy-in for 40BB (the new minimum at regular tables, up from 35BB) and double up, then leave the table, if you try to buy back into that game/stake level, you'll be required to buy in for 80BB, even if you wouldn't be sitting at the same table.
Other changes you'll see today -


There were three main problems with heads-up for us -
  1. The lobby was very intimidating and confusing for new players, with a whole bunch of single players sitting around now playing each other. This could have been solved with the above ring game changes.
  2. Table selection (or, really, bumhunting) is worse at HU than any other form of poker. This was at best half-solved with the above ring game changes. The new behaviour would have been: join game, get matched up with a player you don't want to play, leave, repeatx7, go do something else for 30 minutes. Every once in a while a good player would hit the jackpot and find a weak enough player they're willing to play. So not much changes here unfortunately (other than making it a bit more annoying to try to find the weaker players).
  3. Our data shows that the more a new player in their first month plays heads-up, the less likely they are to return in their second month. Dramatically so. This would not have been fixed with the ring game changes above.
So the decision was made to simply remove HU ring games from our offering. This decision wasn't made lightly. After all, we do make a decent amount of revenue off of this game type (these changes definitely can't be classified as a "money grab"). We simply believe heads-up ring games are a very negative game to offer for the overall poker economy on Full Tilt. I'm sure it can work somewhere, in some form, and maybe someday we'll come up with a way to do that. For now, though, it's gone.

Stud/Draw/Mixed Games:

This needs less of an explanation, but these have also been removed. Simply put, we didn't have enough players still interested in these games (especially after the note about nosebleeds below) to continue to offer them as ring games. We'll still spread them as occasional tournaments, and I hope to be able to bring more fun non-hold'em games back in the future, but for now it's more important that we have a clean and simple offering of the games that actually run.

Nosebleed Stakes:

Also gone. They had their own set of issues, but mostly these games simply didn't fit with what we were trying to do anymore. And with the new system not allowing you to watch individual tables, the spectator factor was gone as well.

What's next:

As Dominic mentioned in his first post linked above, the entire rewards program will be changing. There are a fair number of ideas in this rewards change that (as far as I know) haven't been tried before. Lots more info to come on this.

We'll also be giving SNGs the same treatment as ring games at some point, hopefully this year. Once that happens (or maybe even at the same time), we'll be able to revamp the lobby itself, making finding and joining a game even more user friendly.

And, of course, more!

Sorry for yet another tl;dr post, but there was a lot to get through.

Leave your feedback on any of this stuff here in this thread, and we'll be sure to read, discuss, and provide answers to questions when possible.

Last edited by Shyam Markus; 07-28-2015 at 03:54 AM.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 03:49 AM
well done ftp. now where is howard lederer and the ftp team when u need them?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 03:57 AM
Am I reading correctly there is now a 6 table limit?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:01 AM
What if you offered only rush/zoom type of HU variation?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
Am I reading correctly there is now a 6 table limit?
The overall limit is still 16, but for each individual "table" (group of tables) the limit is now 6, yes.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:14 AM
So you could play 6 games of 25nl fr, 4 tables of 50nl fr and 6 tables of 25nl 6 max?
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:14 AM
Games officially dead.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:22 AM
Originally Posted by RRM
What if you offered only rush/zoom type of HU variation?
It would be better than the old system where people just hunted rec players close to 100% of the time but it wouldn't help the recreational players enough to stop them having a bad experience on the site. The numbers are staggering with regards to the likelihood of a rec player returning to the site if they play HU in their first month compared to other game formats.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
So you could play 6 games of 25nl fr, 4 tables of 50nl fr and 6 tables of 25nl 6 max?
That is how I understand it.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:26 AM
That sounds better. Would still prefer 9 but I can see a reason for limiting it.
New Unofficial Full Tilt Feedback Thread Quote
07-28-2015 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by Husker
That sounds better. Would still prefer 9 but I can see a reason for limiting it.
Hopefully it will encourage regular players to ''share'' their liquidity across more games.

For example maybe a 25nl 6 max reg now adds in 1 or 2 25nlFR tables or is more likely to take a shot at 1 or 2 50nl 6max games.
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