It's been since Wednesday of last week, October 1, that I sent in the required documents to have my account unlocked for outgoing transfers. I sent front and back copies of my Driver's and a copy of a utility with my name and address in the top left corner. High res scans.
I've emailed support at least four, possibly five times; not a single response from any department I've emailed. It's looking as though I'll have to make an international call, but before I do this, has anyone been in this situation with them lately?
I've made successful deposits/withdrawals through Moneybookers before with no issues, then boom out of nowhere I get the account locked page. I had just withdrew some cash from Cake and after I got the email saying it cleared to Moneybookers I went to withdraw, it was there but of course couldn't move it anywhere. I can't even send it back to Cake.
Has anyone else had to wait this long? Have they actually got around to fixing it? Did they respond to your emails? Does anyone have a number that's not long distance to these bastards? I'm considering making the call next week but I seriously don't see the reason I should have to be spending money on this when it's quite obviously their end that is causing the problem. So pathetic.
I even emailed their VIP section about how to become VIP, hoping I could get it processed through them quicker. Not even a response from them and it was just a general inquiry about how to become a VIP! Does anyone work in their ****ing offices? I'm pretty pissed about their lack of customer service and if it reaches the two week point I'll certainly file a complaint, not that it will matter since it's obviously an internal department that will most likely never respond.
Anyone have any suggestions? It's only about $600 which is why I'm not terribly keen on making an international call to get it cleared up, but I certainly need the money (not in the sense of urgency, but it's my ****ing money). Anyone who's been through this and has some input, it would be appreciated.
Took me 9 weeks from the time I found out (13 weeks from the time account was actually locked). They did not respond to any email ever until I had given up and waited the 8 weeks I needed to before filing a complaint with the FSA. I didn't call. Apparently that moves it faster.