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Money stolen / [Resolved] Money stolen / [Resolved]

09-03-2013 , 09:32 PM
hello guys.something terrible happened to me today.i have an account at 888.this morning,when i ended my session,i had 300$ in my account.tonight,when i logged in,i had 0$.i've looked at the game history,and someone broke my account and played some 100$ HU SNG's,untill he lost all my money(intentionatelly ofc).

the thing is that he made it look like it was the real deallayed like 15 SNG's,won some,lost some,took his time with his decisions,etc.i am desperate.i started this challenge in june with 0$,today i was supposed to start playing NL10,and now i have to find out that i've just wasted 3 months of my life

i've talked with the support guys and they locked my account,and they told me that i will get an answer on the issue in the next 72 hours.

my question is: how many chances do you think i have to get my money back?i am desperate,i need to know something,just to get used with the idea.

this is all i know:someone broke my account,played abount 15 SNG's,and now i have 0$.i have no experiece with these kind of situations,i just figured out that someone in here has to know something about these issues.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 09:51 PM

Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 09:58 PM
I highly doubt they refund you, but best of luck. If they did refund you people may make stories like this up so they can get refunded after they take a big gamble and lose.

Sorry :\
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09-03-2013 , 10:05 PM
You were wasting your life anyways if you spent 3 months making $300.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by ilovmsmorris
You were wasting your life anyways if you spent 3 months making $300.
just what i was a challenge,i started with 0$.i grinded hard,i was in a process of making a good roll for myself
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by sik3s17
just what i was a challenge,i started with 0$.i grinded hard,i was in a process of making a good roll for myself
Have you written 888? What was their response? How do you know this person 'took their time making decisions'? Have you run a virus check on your machine? There's a good chance that someone who was able to hack one of your accounts would be able to get into other accounts/sites that you regularly log into? Right now, if your story is true, the least of your problems may be that $300.
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09-03-2013 , 10:21 PM
Well I guess if you're learning along the way, it could be worth it. Sorry about your loss, and good luck.
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09-03-2013 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by czechraiser
Have you written 888? What was their response? How do you know this person 'took their time making decisions'? Have you run a virus check on your machine? There's a good chance that someone who was able to hack one of your accounts would be able to get into other accounts/sites that you regularly log into? Right now, if your story is true, the least of your problems may be that $300.
Good call

Something about this story seems fishy. Either you are exaggerating because you are upset or you are fishing for responses.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 10:47 PM
i am not exagerating at all.i've said it the wrong taking their time i meant that in a HU match,someone who wants to just chip dump ur BR,could have just played 5-10 hands and the game would have been over.well,this guy played every match in a very real manner,before they locked my account i got to see the entire game history,he didn't do any monkey play,it looks legit.

about the virus check,i did,and it only found few weak trojans,no key logging or anything like that.if he was able to break my password,i am sure that he has access to every account of mine.fortunately for me,i don't have anything valuabale that he can main concern is that if he was able to break into my 888 account,he has access to my credit card data,but i don't have any money there.

i will reset every passsword i have,and find a solution for my credit card.prolly just use my skrill from now on.

i cannot do anything right now because i feel powerless,my 3 moths work is dissapeared.i talked with the 888 guys,they locked my account and they told me that i'll have an answer in 72 hours.

i can assure you guys that is nothing fishy about my story and that i am not exagerating at all,i am just worried
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by ilovmsmorris
You were wasting your life anyways if you spent 3 months making $300.
Tapping the glass is one thing. Running over it with a tank is another.

Please to stfu with posts like this.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 10:56 PM
that's ok,it really didn't upset me what he said because it's not true.i was allways a winning poker player,now i was on this challege,that's why is so frustrating,cause i was really starting to build a real roll
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by ilovmsmorris
You were wasting your life anyways if you spent 3 months making $300.
You are wasting your life being a complete dick.

To your post OP, you really need to change all of your passwords from a clean computer and completely clean your compromised computer like you said if you are sure no one physically accessed it.

Sorry, good luck.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:15 PM
lol the $300 comment is pretty funny though
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:22 PM
so what do you guys think i should do in the case that i may have a key logger in my computer?do you think it will be ok if i format my computer and then change all my passwords?
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by javi
lol the $300 comment is pretty funny though
Not really.

You are just easily impressed it seems.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:30 PM
let him try to build a roll from scratch,see how fast can he build it up to 300$,and even if he will be able to do it,then see it all gone in a day and not being able to do anything about was pretty rude from him
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-03-2013 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by sik3s17
so what do you guys think i should do in the case that i may have a key logger in my computer?do you think it will be ok if i format my computer and then change all my passwords?
yes, that's absolutely what you should do. reformat your computer, and change all of your passwords to strong passwords as soon as possible -- that means long, not based on dictionary words (0r c0mm0n 5u8s7i7ut1i0ns), and different for every online service you use. i'm not aware of any keyloggers that would persist after a reimage, unless someone attached a hardware keylogger to your machine.

good luck dealing with the poker company, and rebuilding your roll.
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09-03-2013 , 11:35 PM
If we are being real here, the vast majority of players will lose money playing poker.

Being up even a penny in three months puts you in the minority.

Anyways, end derail.

I would think reformatting and changing all passwords would be good OP.

Im not good with computers though so if Im wrong someone can chime in with better advise.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-04-2013 , 12:00 AM
by the way,on the poker platform,i had my card details,so whoever entered my account definetely had access to that information also.what do you think i should do?i don't have any money on my card right now
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-04-2013 , 01:29 AM
dont they hide half of your cc number under *****?
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09-04-2013 , 01:53 AM
yeah,i was just talking with a friend of mine,my credit card is secured.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-04-2013 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by sik3s17
i am not exagerating at all.i've said it the wrong taking their time i meant that in a HU match,someone who wants to just chip dump ur BR,could have just played 5-10 hands and the game would have been over.well,this guy played every match in a very real manner,before they locked my account i got to see the entire game history,he didn't do any monkey play,it looks legit.
Maybe i'm missing smt here but if you are able to see the hands history in question that means that those games have been played by someone that had remote or physically access to your computer during them.

Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-04-2013 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by keegoing
Maybe i'm missing smt here but if you are able to see the hands history in question that means that those games have been played by someone that had remote or physically access to your computer during them.

no,they store it online.i can play from any location i want,the game history will be there.
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-04-2013 , 04:26 AM
from the information youve stated it sounds like one of two scenarios happened:
1. you were drunk or on substances that made u forget, which is possible but i dont think happened.
2. one of your friends that new about your challenge was intrigued or scummy guessed or new your password and started playing. random hacker wouldve chip dumped or something else.
I suggest hitting up the people that new about your "challenge" seems most logical. gl
Money stolen / [Resolved] Quote
09-04-2013 , 04:57 AM
none of the seems that's exacly how hackers work.i've been looking on the 888 forums,and there are few cases that are similar to mine.they woke up with 0$ in their account,and then looked in the game history,and found out that someone played some HU or normal SNG's.
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