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***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** ***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes***

01-02-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Blert
You must have missed the very long post by Steve in both threads warning you of consequences if the proposed action went ahead.

Ah found it on page 18 of this one.
It wasn't a very long post warning of consequences if the proposed action went ahead. It was a very long post talking about loads of other stuff with a brief comment at the end warning mainly of consequences to anyone who caused incitement in chat. Their "right to take action based on the degree of disruption to [their] business" indicates that anyone who is simply sitting out at one table maximum should have very little, if any, action taken against them.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by ROM Amnesty
It wasn't a very long post warning of consequences if the proposed action went ahead. It was a very long post talking about loads of other stuff with a brief comment at the end warning mainly of consequences to anyone who caused incitement in chat. Their "right to take action based on the degree of disruption to [their] business" indicates that anyone who is simply sitting out at one table maximum should have very little, if any, action taken against them.
not to mention, he posted this 1 hour before the strike.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:30 PM

We may take measures, not necessarily punitive, to minimize this disruption.

They minimized. This one lasted for what?? 2 hours??
The 1st one last years prolly caused them more problems.

What we will not tolerate is any incitement in chat in addition to sitting out, and in such cases may take additional steps.

This I respected. I knew for what I was protesting. Don't need to spread the word at last minute because that would be kinda dumb because if someone joined me they probably wouldn't understand the true reasons.
And I'm not an anarchist or something. I don't things in my life just for fun specially things that will annoy other people.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:31 PM
Don't get me wrong, Stars f'ked up big style with the timing and subsequent lack of communication during all this, and it must have been a kick in the nads for you to get it dumped on you like it was.

But even without his post there was no way Stars would let it happen.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:31 PM
I have read it like a thousand times now across all threads and its still baffeling me. What makes you guys think "chat with the players, get awareness" about rake issues, is in any way a wise or beneficial thing to do?
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by ROM Amnesty
It wasn't a very long post warning of consequences if the proposed action went ahead. It was a very long post talking about loads of other stuff with a brief comment at the end warning mainly of consequences to anyone who caused incitement in chat. Their "right to take action based on the degree of disruption to [their] business" indicates that anyone who is simply sitting out at one table maximum should have very little, if any, action taken against them.
What would you think would happen? Even if he didnt write a warning you should know that if you want to hurt a business it is going to take action against. Or are you really that stupid that you dont understand that? You think they are just gonna watch your childish behvaiour ruining the game for people who are trying to play some poker?

It is common sense that they are going to do something about it. Many people knew this except the people who were protesting. Thats why they are so surprised now that they are banned, they dont know better.

So dont blame stars that you all ****ed up in the first place.

And take the bann as a lesson.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:34 PM
I have read it like 1000 times now across all threads and its still baffeling me. What makes you guys think "chat with the players, get awareness" about rake issues, is in any way a wise or beneficial thing to do?
Because they thought the fish are dumb enough to believe their propaganda.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by blueodum
Because they thought the fish are dumb enough to believe their propaganda.
As opposed to anyone reading your posts believing in your pro stars propaganda?
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by slevin90
What would you think would happen? Even if he didnt write a warning you should know that if you want to hurt a business it is going to take action against. Or are you really that stupid that you dont understand that? You think they are just gonna watch your childish behvaiour ruining the game for people who are trying to play some poker?

It is common sense that they are going to do something about it. Many people knew this except the people who were protesting. Thats why they are so surprised now that they are banned, they dont know better.

So dont blame stars that you all ****ed up in the first place.

And take the bann as a lesson.
lol at this guy
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by shoemaker
mass protest v2?

This time we;

- play(no fast table), but use maximum timebank each hand
- chat with the players, get awareness
- deposit and cashout constantly small part of our roll (fees are not cheap for stars)
Originally Posted by Imrahil
I don't understand why they would ban our accounts for more than a day? It isn't like we are going to be sitting out anymore.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 04:57 PM
Email from stars:

Hello xxxxxxxxxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

Recently you were limited to playing only one ring game table at a time due to your participation in a mass sit-out at PokerStars tables. Your actions were in violation of section 1.1 of the PokerStars Terms of Service that states:

“Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein PokerStars grants the User a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable right to install and use the PokerStars poker software ("Software") in order to access the PokerStars servers and play the poker games (the "Games") available (the Software and Games together being the "Service").”

You were also in violation of ring games rules 10 and 11 that state:

10: In general players are expected to be seated with the purpose of playing
11: At tables with more than two seats:
-It is acceptable to be seated but occasionally deny action in certain circumstances, such as being seated to help start a new ring game but not wanting to play heads-up.
-It is not acceptable to remain sitting out at a table (especially an active one) waiting for one of only a few preferred opponents to arrive or sit in.
-In general, seated players are expected to accept action much more often than they refuse it.

We will be happy to reinstate your ability to play up to 24 ring game tables at a time if you provide confirmation that you have read and agree to abide by our Terms of Service and ring game rules. Any future violations of these rules may result in more severe and longer lasting consequences.

If you would like your privileges restored, please first read our Terms of Service and ring game rules:

Then reply to this email stating ‘I Agree’ to signify that you have read both the ToS and ring game rules and agree to follow them.

We look forward to being able to assist you further. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in the meantime.


PokerStars Support Team
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:00 PM
when did you received it and when did you send the email to stars?
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:02 PM
Didn't receive any email yet.

I'm happy for them, was really worried about their inability to speak/write.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:02 PM
I received it really quick after emailing them saying I was gonna cashout if they didn't remove the 1 table limit.

Hello xxxxxxxx,

Thank you for your acknowledgment.

We have passed your PokerStars userID to our Poker Room Management team. Your table cap and privileges will be restored within 24 hours.

We appreciate your patience regarding this matter.


PokerStars Support Team
Cashing out anyway, they can eat a bag of dicks.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:10 PM
The funny thing is, that many of you said that you were going to move to other sites and cashout but as soon as the banned you, you were begging them to unbann you and let you multitable again. A lot of hypocrits ITT.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Shoe
Can't most of you still play on 1 table at a time? Maybe demonstrate to Stars that you are capable of playing on 1 table in an orderly fashion before expecting to play on more again.

Also, sending Stars a letter apologizing for your childish actions, promising you won't act that way again, and kindly asking to be forgiven and to have your account reinstated would be a good start.
I could offer them my firstborn, too?!
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:26 PM
really this slevin dude must be an immigrant in Sweden or something. I always though that swedes were one of the coolest guys around but this little prick is annoying as hell.

- I always like to know why some event happens. For example, stars knows I protested because I don't agree with he changes. I would like them to tell me what's the reasons for the limitation/ban/whaever (yes, I know what I did, but it's like in court a defendant must know for what he's being punished)

- Whatever I decide to do in the future I want my situation with PS cleared. Whether I will never be able to 24 tables or at all, or will have the option to come back some day. I don't like to have undefined situations in my life.

- Switching sites isn't an easy thing. You must evaluate all the sites (software, traffic, support, rb, etc). I have played on other sites but for about 6 years +95% of my play was on PS so I'm not that familiar with other sites. For that time it would be good if I could play somewhere (ps in this case) until I make my mind.

- If PS administration chose to revert the changes there's almost 100% chance I won't leave stars.
You see this is not personal and never will. I'm not mad because they forbid me to play 24 tables. If they offer me the best conditions there's no reason to leave.
And if I receive an email from them saying that I can play 24 tables if I say "I agree" I will do it, there's no shame really.

Have a nice life.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:26 PM
received email as well. i emailed them about a day ago.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by shoemaker
mass protest v2?

This time we;

- play(no fast table), but use maximum timebank each hand
Plenty of regs have been protesting against something for years now. Any idea what?
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by bookish
Plenty of regs have been protesting against something for years now. Any idea what?
lol ! very good
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:33 PM
Sexyjezus, confirmed hypocrit. And why do you even bring in my nationality in the discussion? What has that even got to do with my posts?

I know I seem annoying beacuse I dont share your opinions mate. But thats life, people always doesnt have the same opinion as you.

Last edited by slevin90; 01-02-2012 at 05:41 PM.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:50 PM
No, you are annoying because your like the people who laughs when sees someone falling or hitting with the head on the the door or something.

I knew that there was a chance I would get banned or suspended for some time time. d I accept it and will take it like a man, but I don't need you idiot repeating every freaking page "I told you so".
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 06:01 PM
Im not laughing when you fall. I just thought it was stupid in the first place and i cant believe guys really thought it would work. But as I sad in one of my first posts in this thread i admire what you were doing but the action was wrong beacuse you were hurting other players and pokerstars. I know it was for a good sake but the action was wrong, thats all Im saying.
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by sexyjesus
No, you are annoying because your like the people who laughs when sees someone falling or hitting with the head on the the door or something.

***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
01-02-2012 , 06:29 PM
Guys, i have been checking out Nordicbet since the strike started. I had an account there for a long time, but havent played there mutch. They give 30% rakeback every monday if you rake more than 30€ during the week. Earlyer i know they offered 50% RB to high volume players if you contacted them personally, but i dont know if this is still an offer there. The software is good for masstabling IF you use the "Pocket Card Manager" in their software. That means you can set up the client to fold different hands automatic in different positions. You will only have to take action when you have an playable hand.
Could be something to test.
Please tell if you know about other good deals and softwares around.

They also have lots of rakeraces etc...
***Mass Sitout to Protest PokerStars 2012 Rake Changes*** Quote
