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Lock Poker - Credit Card (Possible Issue) Lock Poker - Credit Card (Possible Issue)

08-24-2011 , 02:13 PM
I didn't want to title exactly my concern, because it may not have to do with Lock Poker...

However, after making several deposits from the casino side, I have been a victim of credit card fraud.

The credit card I used was recently hacked, and used to make a fake credit card, which was used at Giant Foods Inc. in Leesburg, VA (I live in California).

Another fraudulent purchase on my card was for Walmart (that luckily got declined).

I contacted Chase, my credit card provider, and they have confirmed that there was a fake credit card with my credit info that was used at least a couple of times in Virgina (while I was using my card in California).

The only thing I can think of, is that the companies that Lock uses to processes credit cards, may be taking advantage of our credit card information...(not necessarily Lock itself)

I've made several deposits from:

1. Express Visa Option - via - which makes the transaction look like a gift card. (seems to work fine, and never had a problem before)

2. Regular Credit Card Option - which makes the transaction look like a purchase for an electronic item from a foreign country (and also had fraud center called me immediately when this deposit was made, which I said was ok to authorize at the time)

My guess is that the company behind the Regular Credit Card option may be using our credit info fraudulently.

I only post to see if others are having similar issues.
Lock Poker - Credit Card (Possible Issue) Quote
08-24-2011 , 02:43 PM
It may also not have anything to do with the processor for lock either. Having your credit card miraculously start being charged in a different state is how the buying/selling of credit card information works. It happens to thousands of people everyday and they don't play online poker.

My sister got hit twice: once a customer standing in line behind her husband took a picture of his CC while he was holding it; the second time was when she paid for gas using the swipe at the pump, which was intercepted by a thief ( using bluetooth (don't ever use a pin (debit) at the pump).

However, being that any business processing American customers' gambling transactions are knowingly breaking a US federal law, it stands to reason the job requirements don't really attract the most upstanding candidates, so the risk does go up. That said, it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense for them to sell a bunch of CC info when they probably make more just playing it straight up and taking their fee from the sites.

Honestly, if out of the hundreds of ways your info could have been compromised the first people you suspect is the online site/processors, well, you probably shouldn't be playing there to begin with.

Last edited by Mitch Evans; 08-24-2011 at 02:51 PM.
Lock Poker - Credit Card (Possible Issue) Quote
08-24-2011 , 07:14 PM
Anybody online poker site accepting cards in the US at the moment is using "miscoding" of transactions... which is one of the 3 things FTP are accused of.

Anybody still in that processing business is taking some serious risks, as are Lock.
Lock Poker - Credit Card (Possible Issue) Quote
09-24-2011 , 10:48 PM
Given that you're only responsible for at most $50 according to federal law, whats the big deal? This is all built into the CC processing fees and is meaningless, just a cost of doing biz for them.
Lock Poker - Credit Card (Possible Issue) Quote
